
Gaming Difficulty Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Everyone always says, 'Oh, Pokémon needs a hard mode. Pokémon needs to have a difficulty setting.' And I honestly don't think that that's true at all."
"Elden Ring is simultaneously the most difficult and the easiest game FromSoftware has made."
"Sakuro is masterful at kicking players out: anyone who calls this game easy is probably getting a little too defensive."
"Kindred may arguably be the most difficult jungler in the game to play."
"Guys, these are impossible difficulty! 99.999999 percent of people missed this one!"
"Bump up the game to hard mode for the highest tension."
"This place is long, it's got multiple bosses, all of which are the toughest and most annoying in the game."
"The game is not very hard and I actually think that Elden ring can be it can be simultaneously the hardest and the easiest game that they've made."
"The game really stands out as being quite difficult until you memorize certain patterns, and it's sort of where the definition 'Nintendo hard' starts or comes from."
"Rayman is often voted as one of the most difficult PlayStation 1 games of all time."
"This is tedious, it's a case of memorizing split second timings."
"Let's be clear: difficulty is an integral part of a video game."
"Demon's Souls initially a very hard game and it's the only game in the franchise to keep me emotionally in sync with the character I'm playing."
"There aren't difficulty options it's just standard but oh boy is the game a lot harder than the first."
"Residence Massacre: Night 2 - This game is hard. It's really cool, it's just kind of convoluted."
"Raids becoming too easy unless engaging with the one size fits all super."
"This is The Impossible climb a brutally challenging series of jumps where you have to move with pinpoint accuracy across moving slabs covered in spikes."
"Zombies on the DS is way harder than the console version of the game."
"The difficulty? This Zelda game is more difficult than any Zelda game, period."
"The blood of the dead easter egg is without a doubt the hardest easter eggs."
"It's not hard because it tests your skill to get past a certain hurdle, it's hard because it removes your resources so that you can't attempt the hurdle as often as you'd like."
"This is another one of those really, really difficult levels, very easy to death cycle when things go wrong."
"Good challenge, not forgiving, and pretty hardcore."
"Fighting games are hard and not everyone wants to put in the time to master something like this and that's totally okay."
"Getting rid of restorative items can be justified as a way to make the game more hardcore without hurting the overall experience."
"I think that Capstone dungeons being really hard and then things getting a bit easier after that it's probably going to be a little bit more relaxing and a lot cleaner so I'm glad to see that for sure."
"Celeste: requires precise skill from the player."
"Ninja Gaiden: enemies show absolutely no mercy."
"Comparing hard games to Dark Souls may be a tired meme, but this is a case where the spirit of that meme actually applies."
"This is the hardest Pokémon challenge ever created."
"100 in Payday 2 is in the top percentile of difficulty when it comes to the classic completionist challenge in gaming."
"The first thing you learn about video games is how hard they are to play."
"People act like retail WoW is really easy... but it's very difficult."
"Playing on very hard it’s more immersive because you have to scrounge for resources."
"This small but important change will keep the difficulty curve increasing and the game interesting."
"The difficulty level of this game is fair but not too easy."
"Number 3: Virgil Devil May Cry 3 Dante's Awakening - 'Virgil is a titan of boss difficulty.'"
"This game's version of easy mode is more like hard mode in any other game."
"The hardest content drops the best gear, it's that simple."
"This game might look easy, but it's really not."
"Learning burst-oriented assassins is actually the hardest out of any other champion in the game."
"GoldenEye becomes really challenging from about three or four missions in and it does never really let up."
"Many have made it this far only to come a cropper due to the difficulty that this boss poses."
"Easy mode is not cheating; it's about what you get out of it and enjoying the experience."
"The Dark Souls games are not as hard as people make them out to be."
"The game itself is incredibly difficult and unforgiving."
"One final one that I think a lot of people overlook is you should probably turn up the difficulty once you hit the mid and especially at the late game once you start speccing into a certain build with your character you just get really strong."
"Sekiro is the most difficult, ruthless, and remorseless at every corner. It never eases off the brakes at any point."
"This has got to be one of the hardest boss fights ever."
"It really does make very hard difficulty extremely easy."
"Chakra provides healing in Tifa's magic build, ensuring her survival in hard mode battles."
"Fighting games are hard but so is every other genre... if you care to get good at them."
"One of the hardest characters to play in this game."
"A legendary campaign will offer a difficulty that many reviewers and new players may very much enjoy."
"I personally think Kislev should have one of the most difficult playthroughs."
"Hard modes are utterly fascinating to me, honestly."
"Hard difficulty is the best difficulty for people who enjoy challenging combat."
"Defeating Mike Tyson in Punch-Out is probably harder than beating the actual Mike Tyson in real life."
"I prefer playing on hard mode just because it does feel roughly the same as normal mode but it also carries a little bit of, I don't know, prestige or something."
"This minigame is actually a gauntlet and winning it feels so satisfying but be ready to fall down and lose a lot of times before mastering this very difficult game."
"This might be the hardest boss I faced in any Souls-like."
"Level 20 characters can fail at things that level one characters can succeed at."
"The gameplay slows to a crawl every time the marauder shows up."
"Monster Hunter generations is a really difficult game with a lot of complex mechanics that aren't explained very well by in-game tutorials."
"It's more of an unnecessary evil having to dodge around so many things at once."
"This is probably going to be the hardest 100 days challenge I've ever done."
"These games were definitely a big difficulty jump from Sun and Moon which I appreciate."
"A lot of times the base game of Pokemon is just way too easy."
"Kazuya is mentioned among the absolute hardest characters in this game for a reason, extremely unsafe, extremely predictable, extremely demanding in terms of execution."
"It's like I'm battling a terrible AI on stage one of an FPS game. It's unfair."
"It's not very popular due to its relatively high skill gap... but it's just one of the most unfeeling guns in the game."
"The 25-man mode was always thought of as more difficult."
"The higher the difficulty, the more damage you'll take... Nightmare offers quite a challenge."
"The Kanto gyms were all so easy up until now but Blue just destroys us."
"Literally getting an S tier rank was actually so much easier than this oh my gosh."
"Did you guys ever play this Empire Strikes Back game? That Star Wars game is the hardest I have ever played in my entire life."
"I want Pokémon to be hard, and then they just make it impossible to beat the gym unless you over level like a Jesus Christ now that [ __ ] has thunder punch."
"Dota and League in all those games and Counter-Strike, one of their defining characteristics is that they're super hard to play well."