
Opportunity Creation Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"Black privilege: Opportunity comes to those who create it."
"Don't wait for opportunities to come; get up and make them."
"Creating the opportunity rather than waiting for it."
"Starting at the base root of it, when you mold children at a young age to believe they can get whatever the hell it is they want regardless of their circumstances, you're going to have a lot more opportunity."
"It's about creating those opportunities for anybody that wants to pursue them."
"The more opportunity individuals inside of communities where poverty is high, the less crime actually happens."
"Chaos is a ladder and the inefficiencies created by businesses changing hands will create huge opportunities."
"It's great to monetize it, it's great to be able to harness it and change it into opportunities to earn from."
"They're trying to create equality. They're trying to create representation. They're trying to create opportunities."
"Opportunities don't happen, you create them with your mind."
"Who are you? State that intent when you're creating that new opportunity."
"You are manifesting powerful opportunities for support and abundance."
"Especially you want to create some opportunities for financialization right you know that's that's the real goal of all the capitalism."
"Willingness to fail equals opportunity to innovate."
"Failure, I always find, creates change. In change, there is always an opportunity." - Chamath Palihapitiya
"Luck is because you kept putting yourself in these situations."
"The federal government has the capacity to help open up opportunity and create ladders of opportunity and create frameworks where the American people can succeed because if all Americans are getting opportunity we're all gonna be better off."
"Opportunity exists in the areas most people complain. If you can solve the complaint, you have the chance."
"Staying alive is already a full-time job, but if we play our cards right, we can turn this problem into an opportunity."
"If the other side of the aisle is willing to come together around those issues then there will be opportunity."
"Being able to change this crisis into your great opportunity."
"Our audience is what has given us all of these opportunities."
"I'm now gonna start creating content to provide more opportunity for people."
"You're ready to create your own opportunities out of stuck situations."
"We're not going to stop investing in creating opportunities for professionals online."
"Tomorrow is not promised, create the opportunity."
"Sometimes you can create the position you want. It may not even be there right now, but it could be there if you have a big enough vision for it."
"Those of us who have created the opportunities on the right to counterbalance provide some voice for people."
"It's one of my favorite franchises and it became that in a short period of time."
"Chaos can breed opportunity if you know how to play it."
"The common denominator of all of it is human capital... the ability to spot the opportunities, create opportunities, market, make is something that lots of people talk about but they don't really understand the full mechanics of it."
"Don't just wait for something. You can actually make it happen, meet the person, work on it a little bit more."
"Our desire is to ensure that people wherever they live in our fantastic country have enormous pride in the place they call home and every opportunity to succeed."
"Life is what you make it, you create opportunities."
"Opportunity comes to those who create it... thank you to everybody that's bought that book."
"The sooner the house burns down the sooner can be rebuilt."
"This conference is not about setting new rules or constraints that dictate how or what you should build, it's about enabling your innovation and creating new opportunities for you."
"We're the only nation on Earth that has always turned every crisis we've faced into an opportunity."
"You guys will be connected with the right people and circumstances to fulfill this dream or goal of yours."
"Our first time was honestly really special and I do really love it."
"Success snowball - overcoming obstacles creates more opportunities with more problems that need to be solved."
"What TikTok is doing is brilliant because they are giving the everyday Joe a real shot at their dream."
"Your determined effort has manifested new opportunities, so those things will be coming in towards you very soon."
"Creating economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce."
"Life after basketball, life after football, life after uh whatever sport or profession uh I don't feel like after one door closes another one just you gotta knock and [ __ ] no just open the door bro."
"The pandemic has of course also created some opportunities and changes."
"We really believe that it gives more people the opportunity to showcase and get rewarded for how talented they are."
"America used to be about finding unremarkable kids and giving them unbelievable opportunities."
"We've got amazing leaders in our societies, but we need many more opportunities, much more encouragement, and much more conversation about leadership qualities."
"Some opportunities tease, we have to create them for ourselves. If you don't have an open door, there are some doors that you need to build."
"When one door closes, it's not the end of the world, that's just creating other opportunities."
"The Mandalorian made this big giant opportunity gap where they're like, 'You know what, people will come, people will watch.'"
"God will never close the door without opening up a bigger door."
"Far more excited about how they build up other people and create opportunities."
"All you need is the right mindset, the tools, and a framework to bring in more opportunities."
"If you're poor and want to get rich, you have to learn how to create your own luck."
"What are crises to Ordinary People are opportunities to them."
"Most of the best opportunities come through people that know us or people that we know."
"You must keep producing stuff. Lucky stuff will not happen to you if you don't work."
"Great leaders create opportunities to live their values."
"I'm just so proud of him, it opens doors for all of us."
"He's turned down money. He's turned down roles and stuff just to get other actors opportunities. He's not chasing the paycheck."
"Expect them to be creating a new opportunity with you."
"When we have ownership, we have freedom. When we have freedom, it creates different opportunities."
"Everything that the school system didn't teach us has created opportunities for us to teach."
"I think that sometimes you got to let things fail before you can have the opportunity to fix them."
"Poland probably had the better chances but France is a team that any of the forwards can just create danger out of nowhere."
"Time to shine and create golden opportunities."
"Giving everybody the opportunity to take the destiny their life in their own hands."
"Your job as a man is to create an opportunity for sex to happen."
"Your pain will become strength and your difficulties will become opportunities."
"Gratitude is the key for opening up so many doors."
"Position yourself to have major opportunities come your way."
"Never wait for another door to open, open and create your own."
"I think I'll never retire, I just think I'll pull back and allow others to shine."
"I've always had to write my own [ __ ], I've always had to create my own opportunities."
"You created this whole opportunity for these non-traditional black folks."
"It's almost like momentum; you do one thing, and it leads to another opportunity."
"This isn't somebody who got lucky. This is somebody who created this situation for luck to find her, and that it did."
"The power of the community that we've built that opens the doors for these opportunities and I'll be eternally grateful for that."
"Change your thinking from obstacle to opportunity."
"Once you decide that's the route you want to go down, you can quickly identify what's around and create opportunities."
"Milton genuinely cared about creating opportunities for others."
"People who create opportunities are able to see opportunities everywhere, not see problems or criticism."
"Chaos breeds opportunity for greater potentiality."
"Airbnb started around the time of the 2008 financial crisis this was a time when people were really hard hit by the recession and they were looking for a way to make an extra buck."
"You have to create the opportunity for people, that you don't give it to them. It's no strings attached."
"That's where I look to improve because if you look at it on the balance Cavani had two, three chances today. If we had a proper midfield, he might get four, five, six chances. He might score a hat-trick."
"But because Nash and Vina Reuter kept pushing up, there was space to exploit."
"Bill was creating opportunities for many many people."
"Money is an instrument, it's a tool. I mean, you use money to do things that would generate more opportunity."
"We're not trying to make it happen, we're simply connecting the dots."
"I want to introduce you to something dope, something provocative. See, this is Church's Money Entertainment, and we specialize in creating opportunity and controlling narrative."
"For every problem, the problem itself presents an opportunity that dwarfs the problem."
"Success breeds success, quite an obvious thing to say but the more successful you are the more opportunities come your way."
"Your gifts and your talents will make room for you at the appropriate and appointed time."
"Thank you for your time I know it's at a premium these days."
"You can create more opportunity, especially because of social media and the internet."
"You make your opportunity. The Cavalry isn't coming. No one is going to help you. You make your opportunity."
"It's extraordinary how some people have taken this pandemic and used it as an opportunity."
"Don't close off any potential opportunities for communication."
"Show your true face, and from that growth and opportunity could come too."
"We need to help working families and poor people across the country feel like they have an opportunity again."
"Overall, though, this is fantastic; so many new level opportunities were created because of this thing, and that's definitely worth praising."
"Challenging self-limiting beliefs will open doors for you."
"Gratitude will grow more beauty and more opportunities in your life."
"For as long as you are the only one holding that fire, a door will never open."
"Consistency is key, I mean the more videos you do the more you put yourself in a position where luck can take a factor."
"Money and opportunities are the byproduct of relationships."
"If you have some awesome ideas and if you've achieved some results, but often ideas and vision are enough, they'll believe in you. That's it. That's all it takes. They'll give you a chance."
"If you continue to speak your truth there is going to be a lot of opportunities coming."
"Follow the joy, the opportunities will come after you follow this joy."
"In much of my life I've had to pick up the broken fragments of chance and turn them into opportunity."
"Opportunities come to those who create them."
"If you did a fuckin' Instagram story right now and said, 'I'm taking an intern to be my videographer,' you know how many people would rip their arm off?"
"Take responsibility where others have failed, and you may find opportunities waiting."
"I am good at seeing trends, finding opportunities, connecting dots that create money in exchange for value." - Bedros Keuilian
"Create possibilities. We can take actions that create possibilities for the future."
"It's all about turning a tough situation into an opportunity."
"It's going to create a market for private health care."
"You control your opportunity. When you're around the right people and in the right places, opportunities present themselves."
"Even if Wolfsburg don't look to be playing particularly well, they are capable of creating chances."
"The first step toward a happy, successful life is to get control of the supply that is ready to flow in answer to our demand."
"You're a self-starter with very innovative ways of creating opportunity."
"Expect something good to happen, stay open and aware."
"Letting go is hard, but necessary for moving forward."
"Acting like you can at least gives you a much better chance of getting somewhere than nowhere."
"Chaotic fast-paced games create more roam opportunities."
"You're creating opportunities and making your dreams become a reality."
"Every problem can be turned into an opportunity."
"It's important to be able to make money but the reality is if there's a will there's a way."
"Parlay means to turn something into something of greater value. The recent f*** up by Robin Hood and Citadel could be parlayed into a positive progressive change."
"It was great, um, so for me, it was, it was kind of a blessing because things, you know, the whole YouTube channel came, was born out of that and this coaching that I'm now doing was born out of the pandemic."
"Instead of looking at how do I force that thing into my existence ask yourself how can I increase my luck surface area here?"
"Sometimes it's more about unlocking the opportunity to show someone just how effing amazing you are."
"Turn every situation into an opportunity to improve."
"I promise you will have every opportunity to achieve your dreams, create legacy, and change your life."
"He did more than anybody else, man. This dude, he's them passed some laws and did some things that opened doors and opportunities."
"Once that's worked out and that air is cleared, it's allowing that to open up for a new opportunity."
"You've created this bridge to endless opportunities in your life."
"Trying to create opportunities for others who wouldn't have, who would have no opportunities like that."
"Time to go: closing one door opens another, it's as simple as that."
"Opportunities start to come your way when you stay patient."
"He wanted to make sure that other people... had a chance to live their dreams."
"It's all about presenting kids with their first opportunity to get into the outdoors."
"You realize Chelsea have got to come out. It's your tactics, it's how you're playing. If Rashford takes that chance, Chelsea have to try a bit to score the goal. The game becomes more open."
"Action phase: new everything, new job, new home, new relationship, creating opportunities effortlessly, restored energy, higher vibration."
"You're always able to create new opportunities for yourself."
"Mustafa Ali's injury paved the way for Kofi Mania."
"The Lord said he wants to deliver you because the moment these things fall from you, the doors will open."
"I don't think personally it's killing games... If anything, it's made some games possible because they've accepted Game Pass deals."
"If we can get to society to a point where we can even out the playing field a little bit I think good government's should be in the business of creating or helping to flat now opportunity."
"Create more room for new opportunities and possibilities in your life."
"When we figure out the problems we have to think about one thing: how we can change these problems into opportunities."
"Just one word or one experience alone opens up so many doors."
"I understand people protesting for acceptance, but why not create our own opportunities?"
"Don't wait for the opportunity, create the opportunity. Go get it. Life is too short to have that 'what if' mentality."
"Sometimes you just gotta make space for great things to appear."
"We should be creating opportunities for ourselves."
"There's a lot more we can do as we extend Aggregate into other opportunities like this."
"Anything's possible if you have the right checkbook."
"You are the creator of your own opportunities."
"You shouldn't really spend your life trying to just seek opportunities, you should obsess yourself with learning how to create opportunities."
"I really like our tactics, we're getting lots of chances."
"Throughout your life and your career, you want to open doors, not close them."
"This is the time to ask for the raise or at least plant that seed."
"You're creating that path, there's a lot of paths that are showing up in all of these cards."
"This is you, Aquas, putting effort into starting a whole new cycle that's gonna open a lot of doors."
"By transforming this difficult conversation into an opportunity, it becomes celebratory and meaningful."
"In poker and entrepreneurship, luck is when preparation meets opportunity."
"Building relationships can lead to opportunities."
"Taking the first step will make the way appear."
"This person came into your world to trigger you to go through this process, to open up these doors to abundance."
"When life gives you lemons I say we sell them"
"Luck isn't something that comes to you but an opportunity you have to create."
"Good deals are found, but great deals are created."
"It's all about distraction, you know? It's all about opening up opportunities for each other."
"Can we get the people with the most innate talent to have opportunities?"
"A crisis is a terrible thing to waste. Let's hope we don't waste this one."
"The great resignation is a very real thing. People are quitting their jobs, actively disengaged with their employers, but not quitting. They're in search of getting to know themselves better so they can create the next opportunity."
"The seeds of your fortune are very often sown in times of crisis and uncertainty."
"John is fantastic and he's opened a lot of doors for us."
"Are we fulfilling our heart's desire regarding the opportunities we've been given in life? And if not, what can we do to resolve to change in order to bring the opportunities we crave into our life?"
"So surgery is really, it's, I mean, it's changed my life, it's opened doors and it's brought me lots of opportunities."
"Duelists are... always going to be these really high agency solo characters... they create opportunities for themselves but they're really sharp specific opportunities."
"Create opportunities through wave manipulation."
"They're constantly operating in the realm of potential, offering choices, pointing out possibilities, and creating opportunities for others."
"They're creating opportunities and then converting them."
"I'm just in a more of a seat now in my life where I don't wait for opportunity to to present itself I create the opportunity."
"Distribution in the church means creating opportunities for people to benefit."
"Put yourself in the place for that luck."
"Making a million dollar decisions are ones that bring you more, that open you up, that create abundance, that create opportunity, that make you feel amazing."
"It's no secret that Jackass acted as a springboard to bigger career opportunities."
"I just want to create opportunities for like-minded people."
"Are y'all creating something or have you which they haven't because it's been 14 years, but have y'all thought to do that? Create a Hollywood 101 course that up-and-coming actors and actresses of color can take?"
"We have to cultivate our young people and make sure that they have a lane to thrive and grow in that direction."
"Growth is everything. Growth creates opportunity."
"Problems are opportunities. You want to make a million dollars? Solve a million problems or one big one."
"We need to train a workforce that harnesses the diversity of our country and gives opportunities to all."
"No one's going to take you. Nobody wants you. You will go out and you will create breaks for yourself."