
Government Surveillance Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"This is the latest chapter in a disturbing trend where we see government agencies increasingly transforming search warrants into digital dragnets."
"This data was purchased with the pretext of COVID, but as the agency clearly stated, the entire agency and all of its many departments can use the data for their own purposes."
"If you know that your information is going to end up in a government database, you may be less likely to go to that gay bookstore or to go to that AA meeting."
"Senator Wyden is saying this is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. We absolutely cannot trust them to use this for benevolent purposes."
"We have granted the federal government...extraordinary powers to surveil people all over the world...with the understanding that this will be carefully controlled, constrained by lawful limits, overseen by courts, and not abused."
"Snowden's entire story... hinges on the question of whether or not it was legal or illegal for government intelligence agencies to collect information on people... and it was ultimately discovered to be illegal. So that's a good thing."
"Facial recognition technologies will let governments see your face and they can instantly see what your political preferences are, or what you like, or what you do."
"The IRS is requiring massive disclosure of every single crypto transaction... the biggest expansion of mass surveillance in the history of the U.S. government."
"Manipulated everyone into saying... we have to ban Tick Tock... they bring in this Patriot Act 2.0 type situation."
"The Biden Administration is admittedly engaging in a few things one that they're going to be engaging phone companies to censor private text messages."
"I'm worried about the weaponization of the judiciary and the spying and the censorship."
"Did Edward Snowden not happen? Did we not listen to the plain fact that the agencies that you fund through your taxes are spying on you all of the time?"
"Hey, thanks Elon. One of the stories we've been covering on our show... was the back end government portal to both Facebook and Twitter."
"The postal service is running a covert operations program that monitors Americans' social media posts."
"Once the government says, 'Oh, we just want to understand people,' you better run for the hills."
"The government is turning every business and church into a branch of their digital surveillance."
"Do you folks really wanna live in a state where the government knows every detail of your life including finances? If you do, I hear China's beautiful this time of year."
"If all software was open we wouldn't need Edward Snowden running away from unjust punishment for disclosing government surveillance."
"DoJ issues a subpoena... then they got the surveillance."
"I think it's crazy how the government was spying on the whole world without permission. I think Edward Snowden did the right thing in reporting what the government was doing."
"If you could read minds the government would have huge tools of potential control."
"This private key that the FBI has access to..."
"The office needs to be destroyed, there is a legitimate surveillance and law enforcement aspect to our government and we've got to put protections on that to make sure they don't overstep."
"State order can only govern people down to the level they can monitor."
"The greatest threat to American citizens isn't China or TikTok; it's the American government that spies on us daily."
"Edward Snowden revealed several US telephone and Internet companies have been providing the NSA with virtually all of its customers' records."
"The Gulf of Tonkin, COINTELPRO, all proven historical facts."
"The idea that the government literally in the last day from us recording this right now has put together this ministry of truth, in essence, I mean, we are in 1984."
"The idea of tracking behavior using financial transactions is not new. In fact, the government uses financial tracking as a way to identify terrorists and support for terrorist groups."
"Barr has said look spying occurred here and he said that spying is not a bad word or a good word, people spy all the time."
"The FBI had a special tool for communicating with Twitter and providing secret instructions."
"Everything wrong with the government spying on a candidate of the opposition party that's a Watergate a spy gate."
"What she's saying is essentially that her argument is that we need the Central Bank digital currency to ensure that no other government or no other private company is going to interfere with their ability to control their own currency."
"Government would have access to all the data that you normally can't get on people's consumption or general behavior at all times."
"So basically, it doesn’t matter if you’re left-leaning or right-leaning, the FBI is willing to ignore the Constitution to spy on you because they consider everyone to be a criminal."
"In addition to the U.S., 14 countries have already launched investigations, including European countries such as Austria, Germany, Ireland, and Italy, as well as Canada, Chile, and Nigeria."
"The number one thing we got to do this Congress is not reauthorize FISA in its current form."
"This is blatantly unconstitutional. They can't just monitor every bank account in America."
"The government will know everything about me and where I am."
"The technology is nothing new, but what has people up in arms is the fact that all this information is going to be recorded in one governmental database."
"The government had spied on Americans throughout the Cold War and tried to disrupt the Civil Rights movement."
"If you don't want to have your government watching all of your data flows we're going to talk about some of the things that you could do."
"The government will always be a potential threat to free speech."
"The government has taken a tool designed to collect foreign intelligence and prevent terrorist attacks and has used it as a domestic spy apparatus."
"The U.S. government goes after journalists." - Host
"The government carefully monitors any development having a bearing on India's security and economic interests and takes all necessary measures to safeguard them."
"Those agencies should not be able to investigate people unnecessarily."
"The russians have managed to establish a neo-orwellian information state."
"Cash actually gives you freedom, but with a CBDC, the government is going to be able to look at every single transaction that you make."
"The government don't even need these, they're tapping directly into our minds."
"FBI apologizes at the court for the mishandling of surveillance of Trump campaign."
"The involvement of the U.S. Security Services in the information flow that American citizens are and aren't getting is a huge story."
"If you are worried about protecting yourself from the government, I think you need to get online and start learning about your digital rights, your privacy rights, and everything that's going on in the world."
"Critics who warn about total government control of citizens personal finances through programmable money have long been saying that E IDs will be the first step toward an economy run on CBDCs."
"The Chinese government has been paying quite close attention to her, but Vicky is not someone who's gonna be silenced."
"Agents of the United States were targeting journalists using surveillance techniques unique to the government."
"Most of the stuff I talk about today wouldn't be believed if not for Snowden."
"Israel halts disputed Omega Omicron tracing through phone surveillance."
"If you're one of those people that are really concerned that the government is monitoring all of your cell phone calls then you would definitely not be on board with full dive VR."
"Elon Musk fought government surveillance while profiting off of Government surveillance."
"Edward Snowden is telling you guys to be wary of the government and what the government is doing. If there's anyone that knows about this, it is Edward Snowden, come on people!"
"The government wants to track absolutely everything... but don't you dare think about trying to track whether this or that contains GMO ingredients."
"You probably don't want the government to know that you're calling an abortion clinic, a church, or a gun store."
"We've totally flipped, and we talk about this idea of a social credit score and digital currency and the government having control over everything that you do."
"We all seem to have accepted that the U.S. government is constantly collecting data on us."
"But I think the times we're in make everybody very wary of government intrusion into computers and electronic devices."
"I don't feel that the government has carte blanche to investigate anything they want in everyone's personal lives. First of all, I think it's wrong constitutionally. Second of all, it would destroy the intelligence community. We would be buried in data."
"...the government isn't going to give you privacy but you can take it."
"If we as ordinary people can't sneak onto somebody's land and steal their camera, then the government agents shouldn't be able to do that either, not without a warrant."
"Vault seven is a series of documents that WikiLeaks began to release on March 7th that details activities and capabilities of the United States Central Intelligence Agency to perform electronic surveillance and cyber warfare."
"Privacy is really important and increasingly so as governments around the world are just sliding towards totalitarian and heavy-handed tactics."
"The progress of science in furnishing the government with means of espionage is not likely to stop with wiretapping."
"Remember when they were saying like 10 years ago that they think the government's listening to all of our conversations? They were right."
"This is when the government became a spider, spinning the biggest web it had ever spun in the history of US law enforcement."