
Ineffectiveness Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"The Spirit gives life; the flesh is of no help at all."
"This cartoon, if you can't read it, says 'The death ray is useless against his sunscreen.'"
"Salt that loses its flavor is really good for nothing but to be thrown out."
"The TSA has prevented precisely zero terror attacks... not one terrorist in 20 years."
"Yes, we shut down. But the shutdown did not stop the spread of the virus."
"This one's just cruel, it's like basically the worst thing that you could roll."
"Pumpkin Trail just ends up doing nothing most of the time."
"Counting calories simply does not work at all."
"Conversion therapy has been tried... never been shown to work at all."
"A flintlock in a world with pirates with magical fruits and hockey? It's really gonna do you know screw all against somebody like that."
"Those things that the Democrats have now in their plan and the Republicans have ain't going to do a darn thing for black folk."
"We've been telling people to pull up their bootstraps forever, and that hasn't resulted in anything."
"Their solution is to just ninja patching something... just completely worthless."
"Every time we arrest drug dealers or people who possess or use drugs it doesn't stop anything."
"That is not change, that is like a garage door that's broken and instead of taking it out and putting a new garage door in, you just give it a lick of paint, that is a disgrace."
"Being mean to them as a way to like show your strength it doesn't work man."
"Don't hunt no more, that dog don't hunt no more."
"I think the failure to use this key that I'm going to be speaking about it's one main source of ineffectiveness in the body of Christ."
"Worrying actually doesn't do any of these things people may think it does."
"Worrying is a thought process that happens in your head it has no effect on the world around you."
"Good communication alone would never defeat the Nazis."
"Marijuana prohibition isn't working. It's not preventing access for kids. It's not providing for public or consumer safety."
"You cannot establish both at the same time. It does Deception; it doesn't work."
"Clinging to the past rather than moving forward just doesn’t work no matter what approach you try."
"Government shutdowns don't work as political bargaining chips."
"We have to recognize we have to come to terms that just doing these traditional ways of trying to address it haven't worked."
"Literally not zero. There's literally nothing done."
"Ploop's one of those guys that manages to make things dirtier by cleaning them."
"The blind leading the blind is not a helpful thing."
"At the end of the day, look, okay, I get it, Joe Biden and the Democrats, they're politically inept, you know, great."
"All this pandering is pointless, if not actively doing the opposite of what it is intended to do."
"Magneto's powers are coming back, proving the Cure pointless."
"Bipartisan negotiating for the sake of negotiating... doesn't mean anything."
"The market is interpreting this as very good news apparently."
"Telling half the story is as useful as having a bucket with a hole in it."
"Nothing they gave him actually works at all."
"None of it's working... none of it is working."
"China's Draconian strategies will no longer be effective against Omicron. They just can't be effective against Omicron."
"This order will not do anything to curve gun violence."
"You can still get it, you can still transmit it, therefore it's not preventing anything."
"We're doing now is not working. We've been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and it's not working. Something needs to be done now."
"If something is wrong, doing more of it won't make it better."
"Boycotting advertisers on shows with scientologists in it is never going to be effective."
"Gun control efforts have proved ineffective. That's a fact."
"There's a lot of talk and very little doing."
"No amount of brute force was going to help me."
"When you know that it's not going to make a difference."
"This is the dullest knife in history."
"Trump lawsuits from Donald Trump are like Christmas cards from your real estate agent they immediately get thrown out and you never hear about them again."
"He tries to keep talking, but he's just spitting biscuits at everybody."
"His healing as a saint did not help the group at all."
"...it doesn't really work so it's a little bit limiting..."
"Arguing with someone just doesn't really work most of the time."
"It's like the goal was to hurt you and it just doesn't work."
"When did putting a gag on people that we don't like ever work"
"It never has worked, it never will work."
"Inactive faith is not producing any results."
"Reinstalling the operating system doesn't solve the problem."
"A whole lot of threatening, but ain't nobody shooting."
"Cancel culture doesn't work. Cancel culture doesn't work."
"What kind of points are that? You can't even snap the dang things."
"I'm just standing there because nothing I'm saying, I'm just flaming the fire."
"Thoughts and prayers... actually aren't helping."
"...um, those latches on both the doors are useless."
"One thing we know is that the War on Drugs hasn't worked. The billions of dollars that the United States has spent on the War on Drugs has actually had the reverse effect."
"Magic won't do you any good at this rate."
"Our healthcare, American healthcare, is simultaneously the most expensive, the least efficient, and the least effective healthcare system in the developed world."
"We were totally useless for the most part."
"Petty doesn't get you far in this world."
"What did he do aside from the tweets? Nothing."
"The pain of what you're doing isn't working anymore."
"It's very useless it doesn't do anything."
"Willpower is about as effective with addiction as it would be with the measles."
"They're realizing that nothing is working."
"He was just a gag that didn't work."
"Increased hostility leads to ineffective revenge."
"It's not over sir, the tranquilizer's not effective. This is crazy!"
"Chris Jericho shows time after time after time and with the results to prove it that his ideas are terrible and they never help anybody."
"You're not gonna get what you're looking for because the only thing that happened was, at the end of the day, man, your one ain't no good. Your one ain't no good."
"It doesn't do what it says it does."
"He threw his axe at the cyclopse which did absolutely no damage to the monster."
"...there's nothing more useless than a space weapon relative to Earth's surface."
"The most popular weapon deployed by the West aggressively against other countries should also be the most ineffective."
"And although it did help out a little bit, it really didn't do a whole lot of anything."
"It's just not gonna get the job done."
"Political correctness doesn't work as a means to the end."
"This isn't healthy. This isn't right. This isn't working for people. This isn't helpful."
"It's so sheer that it literally does nothing for me."
"The boot camp idea, the one or two-week boot camp, is in almost every scenario an enormous waste of your time."
"That's why I have a problem with boot camps. They are worthless to the vast majority of people. They don't give you what you need. They don't help you."
"So, this is not really a solution in any sense. It's completely useless."
"The Republic was so ineffective by this point that they couldn't even intervene in what clearly was a hostile action taken against a member world by a corporation."
"I feel like it's just not really doing anything."
"If you really were in a tyranny, the 20 things that Tim Snyder recommends you do would be useless."
"Coming at the situation with vengeful energy isn't working either."
"It was clear to me that normal diplomatic decor is just not working. The medicine is having no effect."
"Eye creams... they're not going to change the volume loss piece of things."
"It's unfair, it's stupid, and it's ineffective."
"It doesn't, you know, getting pissed off and isn't going to help you."
"On the other side, trying to, like, destroy and come up from within, it's not gonna [ __ ] work because it never does."
"Honking will not help. Don’t even try it."
"The system doesn't respond anymore."
"It just doesn't really work, does it?"
"Fat shaming has been around for man long, so it doesn't really work."
"I've never seen Panic make anything better."
"You can't use petitions, you can't use protests. All those don't work."
"The first two years of the war, British bombers caused little damage to the enemy, often missing their targets entirely."
"She hates making waves, wants everyone to be happy, and is trying to please everyone, but that strategy just doesn't work."
"Violence feels great but it doesn't fix the problem."
"Rebound relationships don't work."
"Paying minimum payments doesn't help you."
"Our gun control lobbyists and politicians claim that their policies will save lives and reduce violence. Well, those policies did not save my son."
"We've tried security by obscurity, where you try to make your system so complicated that the attackers can't understand them. That doesn't work."
"Law enforcement and punishment are no solutions to the long-term problem of drug use."
"The police officer's gun is ineffective as it does not have special bullets made out of uranium like Rentaro does."
"It's natural to beat ourselves up when we feel threatened, unfortunately, it's not very effective."
"Crypto has for years proven to be an ineffective tool for terrorism financing at scale."
"The calorie is the single worst measure of anything ever."
"My family tried to save me, but it turns out they're totally useless in an emergency."
"The prohibition of drugs just does not work."
"...conversion therapy doesn't work... if someone is trans, even if you try and torture them it doesn't make it go away."
"Abstinence-only education does not prevent pregnancy or STIs."
"Hitting children is ineffective. All it does is teach them fear of misbehaving or doing anything wrong."
"A curse without cause has no effect."
"During deep recessions, monetary policy becomes very ineffective because even when the central bank decreases nominal interest rates all the way down to zero percent, there is very little incentive for firms to invest."
"The report provides strong evidence that forfeiture just doesn't work."