
Protectionism Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"We should encourage economic strength and independence, not complete protectionism, but the ability to be independent in countries around the world."
"How can we say we don't want the EU? Who will protect us?"
"It reads more like for the protection of the weers and the globalists."
"It's really an elite class protecting itself."
"At the end of the day we must protect the American people from the threat that China poses."
"We need nationalism in order to protect the people and take care of your own people first before you go out there in the world."
"Those trying to turn on all media today aren't interested in improving journalism but protecting themselves."
"Having a conversation with somebody about geopolitics... do you do some what look like kind of evil things because you are feel obligated that you have to do that in order to protect the people."
"Protectionism might sound cool on paper but when we're operating in a literal Global Village it tends to actually harm the user in this case specifically the Canadian content creator more than the average person."
"America is not just an idea; it's not just the Constitution. America is our home, and we must protect our home."
"Build the wall! Why do we not have our lands protected?"
"All the growth that they talked about happened during protectionism... without NAFTA the growth that they talked about would not have been sustainable."
"We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries."
"We're living in the bubble wrap society now."
"You secure your borders, you bring manufacturing back, you bolster the US economy, and then you win through trade means."
"An easy solution: bring back all the trade tariffs and barriers that you had before."
"This is them trying to protect white people by saying, 'Oh you white people, y'all ain't racist.'"
"We must safeguard our citizens from foreign influence."
"Trump's protectionist policies diverge from traditional Republican free market ideology."
"China's protectionist measures have led to tensions in global trade, prompting responses from the United States."
"The trade war with China highlights broader debates about protectionism versus free market capitalism."
"For heaven's sake, keep your economy as domestic as possible." - John Maynard Keynes on economic globalization.
"I don't think they have any specific ideology... they're very corrupt and they are very protective of their positions and influence."
"The problem is not protectionism, the problem is the hypocrisy of the US"
"It's always about power at the end of the day... the regime always closes ranks and always protects itself."
"Free trade is better than protectionism. We now know that as a matter of economic science."
"It's protectionism, it's simply about closing the door and leaving the trap door pulling the trap door up and leaving those that are in position to stay in position."
"Do protectionism right, not mechanism. Do protectionism right."
"Certainly, there are trade barriers that the United States could raise to protect its own markets."
"The world is going into a more protectionist, less free market attitude."
"The conservative revolution is a sensation that if the globe is gone, let us go back to protection, identity, borders, walls."
"I don't want American workers to compete against people making 56 cents an hour."
"No matter how much you raise protection right now in the U.S., it's very unlikely that you're going to be bringing many of those jobs back."
"Nintendo are usually kind of The Golden Child of the three big gaming companies. But [ __ ] me are they so protective of their copyrights."
"We will make sure our companies and jobs stay in our country, as I've already been doing for quite some time if you've noticed."
"We are living in an age of food protectionism."
"If it gets done, it'll be monumental, it will be an act of affirmation for free trade at a time of rising protectionism."
"If they ever try to remake Caddyshack, something bad's gonna happen to the world."
"Since nobody likes the idea of having to pay for the mistakes of others, they're gonna return to tariffs, and that, of course, is called protectionism."
"Countries encourage domestic production of goods, discourage foreign ownership of businesses and resources, and they limit international competition."
"It's a real interesting glimpse on how power protects power."
"Although increased protectionism makes business growth more challenging, trading internationally is still the best growth option for many businesses."
"Protectionism measures are often short-term in nature, whereas business growth is all about long-term decisions."
"The imperative became securing friendly governments that would protect American economic interests."
"The most important reasons for America expanding its role in the world came from a growing need to protect American economic interests abroad."
"The quality of Parmesano Reano does not at all suffer from the fact that it is very heavily protected."
"One reason that we pass laws against dumping is to protect the nation's industrial infrastructure."
"It's extraordinarily important for our industry to understand... what N does exceptionally well despite all the headlines that you're reading, they are a protectionist company or organization for private property rights in this country."
"Protecting domestic industries might be in the best interest of society for strategic industries such as military or defense."
"Protectionism, particularly agricultural protectionism, is monstrously wicked because of the terrible effect it has on some of the poorest people on the planet."