
Warning Signs Quotes

There are 607 quotes

"Yelling angrily at their own poop in a public bathroom is a pretty great warning sign to stay away."
"Nobody actually shows up at the front door making the case for fascism wearing the shiny boots. The shiny boots come later."
"The most prevalent sign is religious deception."
"As one collapses, the other falls as well; a global depression now will forever change your world, and the warning signs are there."
"What it means to really be safe is to be focused on those little warning signs and catching them early."
"When someone's words don't match their actions, that's a red flag."
"Sometimes there are warning signs in relationships and people's behaviors that if we just understand a little bit more, then we can almost prevent ourselves from ending up in horrible situations."
"The moment where any critique or questioning of an ecosystem or a mechanism is met with 'that's FUD... you're just a bunch of shills' rather than reasoned responses, that's when you should get worried. Those are some warning signs."
"Do not date potential. When you see the red flags, pay attention."
"Women are treated like a joke, and everyone is standing by watching this escalating behavior and not spotting them as red flags."
"There's red flag after red flag after red flag here."
"This feeling was the first warning that would escalate to something worse."
"It's like a check engine light. It's this feeling like I can't really tell you exactly what this is but something don't feel right."
"The warning signs are there, the alarm bells are there."
"If there's smoke, there's fire. How much can one woman take?"
"Listen to your intuition and pay attention to the red flags."
"The writing's on the wall, the red flags there's something here that's trying to get your attention it's trying to get you to wake up."
"Behavioral signs: running away from home, cruelty to animals."
"It is a subtle sign of cultural dysfunction and by subtle I mean that it's a flashing blaring siren with a bright neon sign that says danger in huge capital letters."
"Wow, he sent me the biggest bouquet of flowers I'm like what was the Red Flag about that nobody knew about you until you said anything."
"Support this guy who says he's not coming for me he's not coming for me I remind you of a famous quote first they came for the Socialist and I did not."
"One sure sign of World War III is an explosion of hot zones and their escalation of conflict."
"It isn't necessarily the Nazi years that should be the warning to us, it's the years of discontent leading up to the Third Reich."
"He definitely finds the mom attractive, so that's a red flag."
"A breakup is a symptom of something being wrong or a relationship that was never meant to be."
"Just please take care of yourself. Don't ignore the red flags. This is your health."
"When you look at the world through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just start to look like flags."
"Big yellow warning signs... tell... we might need to slow down a little bit."
"When you hear a person negotiate time with you, that's a red flag."
"The signs are cautioning you, pay attention to the red flags."
"If this ever happens to you, this is a very good sign to not eat what that person is making."
"The cruelty can show a precursor to larger crimes."
"When inequality gets one of the precursors to societal collapse is inequality."
"One of the first warning signs of a manipulative partner in a relationship is when the party in question begins their attempts at isolating you from the rest of your loved ones."
"Lack of interest in your life and feelings is a red flag."
"I think these are huge, huge economic indicators and quite frankly warning signs."
"Red flags look like six flags when you're having fun."
"You cried wolf so many times over a dog whistle, and it turns out that when there are actual dog whistles, no one pays attention to you anymore."
"This is not healthy, this is not a good dynamic at all."
"Abuse isn't something you should love about a partner. It should be a red flag to get away."
"You need to break up with her because I've read at least five warning like red flying warning signs in here"
"Never ignore the red flags they're there for a reason your gut is telling you that for a reason."
"You wonder if this is the canary in the coal mine." - Shannon
"Whenever a sign's flashing, it means desperation."
"If a girl doesn't even want to like try, oh yeah, then that's a red flag to me."
"This would probably be a very good early warning signal, kind of like a red flag or yellow flag, whatever the colors."
"This never would have happened if roblox mods noticed the red flags he showed on twitter."
"One of the markers of an abusive relationship is obsession and specifically obsession with control."
"When we start seeing more BitConnects, that means we're really close to the market top when it comes to crypto."
"You cannot get more of a blatant indicator that something real shitty is going on."
"The signs are clearly on the wall and the need to get ready has never been more important than now."
"Pay attention to the red flags, the signs are costing you."
"Interest rate cuts are not good, it's always a warning sign that the economy is slipping into a recession."
"If your relationship is with a person in the fold of Christ and the person begins to express disbelief in the ways of Christ, this could also serve as a sign from God."
"This is not healthy behavior. This is not good. It's not cool. You're behaving like a psychopath."
"A fishy smell means overheating electrical components in your home."
"Why is this a possible warning sign a nation may be on the brink of collapse? It's in the results stemming from the destruction of natural habitats and resource depletion."
"If they ever show you crazy eyes you're out."
"It was intoxicating not to worry about bills."
"There's more red flags here than a parade a Russian parade you know where I'm going."
"The Stone Age tsunami had been short and sharp but it was a harbinger of a more permanent devastation that lay ahead."
"If the man you're dating is making you look like his ex, something's wrong."
"Looking back when I found myself not telling everybody the full truth and the full lay of the land, that should have been the first red flag."
"All of this stuff should be setting off red flags, it screams cult from the hilltops."
"When the company's revenue is increasing but their operating income is decreasing, it's a red flag."
"If you ignore the red flags in the beginning, those will be the same red flags in the end."
"The signs of potential turmoil in our armed forces are there."
"Put yourself care first. Don't ignore the red flags. Ignoring them will not help you, it only gets worse."
"Watch for the red flags, they're there. When people show you who they are the first time, believe them."
"If you don't listen to your body when it whispers, you'll hear it scream."
"If you ignore red flags it's very, very possible to end up in a situation like I was in."
"This is pre-genocide talk. It is, it's the kind of thing you say before you start rounding people up."
"It is really important for people to look for these warning signs."
"It's not hard to see a storm coming down the horizon."
"Don't ignore the warning signs because they're there."
"She dodged a bullet, I think anyone who continually tells you 'I'm scared I'm going to cheat on you,' that's a red flag."
"Possessiveness, stalking, and manipulation - three traits that surely should end any relationship."
"It's a bit of a red flag right, and I think we immediately see that red flag being played out in Galadriel."
"But volcanoes do give warning signs called precursors."
"If we start to get the retrace... and we start to see deposits, we start to see green inflows to exchanges... that could be a warning sign."
"History has so many lessons for us on the warning signs of fascism." - Jessica Denson
"It's widely known that one of the most common characteristics among serial killers is to have a strong interest in torturing and killing animals at an early age."
"How many red flags do we need? This is ridiculous."
"Recognize crazy early, especially when it involves physical violence."
"But geologists expect that there will be warning signs before Yellowstone explodes again."
"If you find the transparency levels that you used to have are regressing, this could be a sign of an issue."
"It would be insane for anybody to see those changes and not see red flags going up."
"Sometimes when you wear rose-colored glasses, those red flags just look like flags."
"I genuinely think that Jim Ratcliffe is going to become the majority owner of Manchester United."
"Major red flags... she was giving me major red flags."
"You will know something's wrong with me if I start drinking every day."
"If anyone ever laughs in a negative way about something you say, that's the red flag."
"If you're not working on if you're working on something that everyone thinks is a good idea that's actually probably a bad sign it means you're about to have a correction back."
"A potential early warning sign that the trend may be getting ready to end and start a new trend."
"It was unexpected. There weren't any warning signs."
"If you smell a rat, there's probably a rat there."
"When you see it coming once, even once, to see an expression of rage should be a major red flag to you that something's not quite right."
"It means they're in some serious serious trouble that's what it means."
"People tell you exactly the type of partner that they are, and that they're going to be, so listen to them."
"If it starts to smell plasticky or sour, that's a good indicator that you should not be putting it on your face."
"Abuse in any form is a clear, unequivocal signal that it's time to leave the relationship."
"Watch for red flags, know what they're doing to you, and do not get emotionally involved right away."
"Red flags are not pretty decorations for you to admire; they are warning you for a reason."
"You never really know... but there are red flags."
"Requests such as those should be a giant red flag."
"You won't tell them they're gonna have toxic leadership."
"Alan essentially arrives into town immediately has a supernatural experience with a force of Pure Evil in the first store that he walks into right after having a dream that warns him not to go to town."
"When everything goes red, it's time to run for cover."
"He would disguise it as, 'I'm just looking out for you.' It doesn't look good, it's not a good look."
"There were more red flags than in China yet I ignored them."
"If she starts having a guy best friend she complains to about you, that's a sign you better run."
"If you don't feel peace, safety, and value, run."
"The signs were there, the red flags were there."
"Op, what I can't believe is you stayed even after the Facebook printouts. This dude is acting like he's the type of guy who has human heads in his freezer."
"Please for the love of God, limit your red flags."
"You can see how totalitarian regimes get momentum because it's all about not questioning authority. Once you get to that position, you're in trouble."
"We see the signs, all the red flags, little by little coming together."
"Don't ignore them red flags, don't ignore them signs."
"From the beginning there were red flags in Elvis and Priscilla's relationship."
"Pain is a warning light that something is wrong."
"Your person is concerned about a past situation here and they feel like they want to make the effort here and they are concerned about they're feeling like there's some kind of concerns with red flags."
"Complacency or over-indulgence can be one of the warning signs."
"We have to sit here and really consider that there was a lot of crazy red flags that I felt like could have been fixed and could have been dealt with in a much better way."
"It's a red flag if you do not validate her every day."
"Red flags are early detection systems, confusing because we don't always know the line between normal foibles and real red flags."
"Someone's sick or something's real off here in the environment."
"Time has come to clear your energy clear your energy and pay attention to the red flags pay attention to the red flags the signs are cautioning you."
"If you're with someone and you never fight, it's a red flag because it shows that you're not communicating."
"If there's no way to compromise, that's an indicator of a bigger problem with your relationship."
"The worst don't start with explosions, they start with silence."
"You've got to know when to exit. Recognizing and responding to red flags in a relationship is crucial for your emotional well-being."
"When you run into someone who is a con... look for those things where they're starting to push you towards decisions."
"The bigger the red flag, the more danger you're in."
"The red flags were all there she was hiding in plain sight that's that's actual torture you can't do that."
"If you smell smoke, know that there's probably a fire behind it."
"There's no legal entitlement to touch anybody...everyone gets to control their own person..."
"These massacres don't come from out of nowhere. Instead, there is a long history usually exhibiting abnormalities."
"It's important that you pay attention to the red flags."
"Making comments to imply that she wants a worshiper/Gift Giver instead of a partner. If you don't see an SO as an equal, it's a bad sign."
"Volcanoes usually give you a warning sign before they erupt - so pay attention to the warning signs."
"Cheating starts with an emotional attachment."
"Don't ignore your gut feeling; it's your red flag, your warning sign."
"Those kinds of adjectives should be red flags."
"She loves her dog more than anything else, was like, yeah, well, there's not a yellow flag in my situation, it's definitely a huge red flag."
"Never ever ignore warning signs and do not dismiss your instincts."
"Do not ignore the red flags, and especially multiple red flags. Also, follow your gut."
"We have to stop anti-Semitism because anti-Semitism is the canary in the coal mine; it always precedes larger conflagrations that engulf the entire world."
"The first clue that you're overloading a wire nut is it's going to be very hard to get all of the wires to actually seat up inside of the wire nut."
"When there's smoke, there's fire."
"There's a reason why we have that gut feeling that something isn't right."
"I'm sharing this whole ordeal to help others understand warning signs and to pressure those who see them to take action to protect themselves."
"I truly believe that if my dog hadn't been there to give me red flags, I would have been mauled that night."
"If you have to eat all day and you struggle to go eight hours without food, that is your body saying warning, warning, we are in a mitochondrial mess and we need to clean things up."
"When you have fire, you will always have smoke."
"Red flags to look for in your next date."
"That's an example of a toxic relationship; learn from it and don't be in one."
"Don't, if your significant other is texting their ex, don't. Bye, leave, leave. That's a red flag."
"The importance of paying attention to red flags, not letting them slide."
"There are gals out there, just like guys too, that become obsessed with people."
"I heard alarms in my head telling me not even think about doing something so stupid."
"When it goes dead silent like that, when not even the bugs are heard, that means something dangerous is on the prowl."
"Tweaking, usually when a person is on the verge of going off or whatever their pupils get real, real, real big."
"If they're respectful to you but they're unkind to others, there's a very high chance that they will become unkind to you as well."
"The longer I worked at it, the more something in the back of my head screamed at me to stop"
"Don't ignore the signs of cheating. You can't make this crap up."
"Super Tuesday's five EF4 twisters reveal an alarming trend."
"Too many red flags to mention. Like, way too many red flags."
"Sometimes an airplane with a rapid rate of descent might be indicative of an out of control motion caused by a buildup of ice."
"This is bad guys, you do not want to see your bearings look like this."
"If you don't love her, she's definitely thrown up lots of red flags of undesirable behavior."
"When oppression is everywhere, it's a sign of a dangerous time."
"You need to be free to walk away if you see the red flags."
"I don't know sometimes, you can see a red flag early on and absolve yourself of all that drama and toxicity."
"Pay attention to the warning signs; there is no benefit to marrying someone if you don't feel like this relationship is healthy."
"Once your partner begins to isolate you financially, maybe physically..."
"If someone tells you, don’t listen to anyone but me, well, that is one humungous red flag."
"I was giving myself the signals for months that it was not safe there that I was not happy that it was not good for me but because the church told me otherwise I ignored everything that my instincts were telling me."
"So be careful of control panel relationship. Any relationship that controls you is not good for you."
"When I see certain red flags, I know I'm probably better off moving on."
"The first sign of an incoming invasion will be the so-called shadow in the warp, a vast psychic emanation of the hive mind which smothers entire star systems."
"Talking a lot is a huge red flag."
"Engaging in retail therapy alone in your room can enter into unhealthy territory."
"Your oil pressure light doesn't come on when these shells spin."
"The north side of St. Helens was bulging, growing, expanding outward at a rate of four or five feet a day."
"Natalia trusted him enough to invite him to her home multiple times in spite of several red flags."
"Climate disruption shocks are looming, predicted clearly, just like climate change and its consequences were predicted clearly, predicted."
"This story was definitely something that I should have seen as a red flag."
"I feel like this story was definitely something that I should have seen as a red flag."
"If you hear 'I want to go home, I don't want any trouble, I just want to get out of here,' that should be like a winning lottery ticket."
"Always pay attention to red flags, can I stress that enough, even the little ones?"
"Your pain is like a fire alarm, your pain is actually alerting you that there's a fire somewhere in your life so fix it."
"Identifying these toxic traits early into your tenure is crucially important because it can save you a lot of grief in the long run and it may just save your career from being derailed."
"Turnover rates are definitely something to pay attention to, it's a warning sign that something's amiss in the organization."
"Consistent, pervasive work-life issue when you're consistently finding that you have to work 60, 70, 80-hour work weeks just to get the job done."
"Just get out of it, yeah, just leave because you know what, like when you see those red flags, yeah, they're not gonna change."
"Here scientists rely on the empirical knowledge of local populations who for generations have been living at the foot of these giants of fire and have learned to interpret the warning signs of an eruption."
"We're the only ones... when your pastor starts saying we are the only ones, that's when you start getting into the shallow waters of cultism."
"...I see an awful lot of people who look like they are headed for a French Revolution moment..."
"Galactus has been seen on telescopes, the whole world is starting to come to terms that Reed Richards was probably right. The world's destruction may be coming."