
Ethos Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Just chill, that's our ethic on the show. Chill."
"The Marines say you know what, it's not about how much money you spend on your weapons...it's all about the mindset and the warrior ethos."
"It's really nice to have the old sort of the design ethos back."
"It’s an ethos of resilient, autonomous, anti-authoritarian, and collaborative action."
"Hip-Hop culture is America it is a genre it is music and Melody and rhyme yes and Hip-Hop is also an ethos of strength and self-determination of ambition and aspiration yes of Pride power and purpose."
"Secularism was not promoted by a law or by a constitutional belief; it was promoted by the ethos of the society."
"At the end of the day, the hit-and-run lifestyle ran contrary to their warrior ethos."
"Experiences over things, man. That is the ethos, man, the life ethos."
"Turner was largely responsible for encouraging the ethos of fake it till you make it."
"Etsy stands for something really different. Etsy is about keeping commerce human."
"I mean say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism dude, at least it's an ethos."
"Earn it every day, no shortcuts, just hard work and determination."
"Leave the woman better than you found her. That's it. Simple. Comes from a place of love."
"Every step of the way, they have followed an ethos, and that is the system is about their users and their community."
"It's got the looks, it's got the sound, it's got the ethos behind it."
"Leaving somebody behind would be something that we wouldn't do."
"Not leaving a fallen comrade, that was part of the warrior ethos. And never quitting."
"First rule of Fight Club: be cool, man, be cool."
"...for that was the human way. The code by which they lived and died."
"The ethos of self-improvement is so important."
"The perfect encapsulation of the ethos of rock and roll."
"To give and receive is the school's motto."
"Collaborating is really about putting the ego to the side and letting the project's ethos take over."
"It’s an ethos -- one embodying wholesome isolation, creative crafting, love of nature, and nostalgia for an idealized version of the past."
"Named after the enchanting mountains in far west Texas, Chisos is a company that aspires to embody the principles of the Texas spirit: friendship to others, pride of craftsmanship, and stewardship of the land."
"The motto of this Special Olympics says it all."
"Raider rule number one: cheating is encouraged. Raider rule number two: see rule number one."
"When I got here, there was this whole idea and you remember and we were just reminiscing backstage. There was an ethos here. There was a feeling of newness, of pioneering."
"This kind of thing, this is what AEW was built on, man."
"The Beretta ethos is rooted in being proud of one's work and one's workplace."
"Hardcore is not about music... it's about the ethos and the DIY mentality."
"It would be rather sad to sell it out of the house when it has been our ethos to try to keep as much in the highest as possible."
"We've learned that it's all about seasonality and local produce. So, I hope you get on board. That's our mission statement."
"It's that ethos and spirit of the RAF that lasted throughout its 100-year history, and everybody's got a chunk of that in them that's served."
"I pride myself in being very respectful to everyone, people above me, the superiors, people below me, subordinates, everyone's got a job to do and everyone needs to be treated nicely."
"Ethos is different is it's a social platform but it's all based around causes communities conversations and kind of bringing like-minded of people together to discuss things that really matter to them."
"And that being true to the ethos, that was one of the hardest parts of it."
"The whole ethos of this motorcycle is kind of a naked adventure bike."
"The only work according to TJ cloon to be done is kindness."
"We like pride ourselves on being kind and like thoughtful to others."
"We're all about our ethos is you know very very comfortable clean environment where people are just comfortable you know."
"Join the thousands of satisfied families protected with help from ethos."
"Sharing is caring" is the tagline of the 21st century.
"The process of becoming a competent person of high value doing something you love for a living is the ethos of a winner."
"Innovation and happiness, what a company stands for."
"My whole ethos as a bass player is to do more with less."
"That's very much the ethos of the boat: go out and stay out."
"That's the team model for Duke basketball: 'Earn Everything.'"
"Sustainability is baked into their design DNA."
"But every business every church every home every family every marriage all of it has a culture."
"Science has an incredible ethos that's important; it involves open questioning, no authorities, honesty, transparency, reliance on evidence, understanding uncertainty, peer review, and testability."
"I like the message behind your brand a lot."
"Jiu jitsu should be fun, friendly, and engaging."
"Live by, I think it's a great ethos. Just dress the part, have fun."
"We need some punk ethic back in music we need bands with more than great songs we need bands with Edge."
"None of them have that ethos anymore of wanting to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the collective's existence."
"Punk isn't the sound man. Punk is up here, it's a way of life, it's a set of Ethics I guess."
"My channel is all about giving you guys the most correct and accurate information that I possibly can when discussing Mayer's gear and the other artists that I do discuss on the channel. That is the whole ethos of my channel."
"They died how they lived they killed until they were killed uh you know live by the sword Die By The Sword and they I guess they went out in their own version of you know Blades of Glory."
"We've still got that ethos, you know, that the focus from day one to today is, okay, the first thing I want to see... is I want to see a demo. I want to see how the product works."
"The true sustainability is embedded into the DNA of this property."
"True sustainability is embedded into the DNA of this property."
"Get to know the manufacturer, what's their ethos, what's their approach?"
"We don't do negativity here. We don't hate, we don't re-hate controls."
"The ethos that if you make a beautiful car with high quality, your business results naturally follow."
"We are a team, succeed, fail, live, and die as a team. That is Konoha's way."
"I'll never give up and I never ever go back on my word. That's my nindo, my ninja way."
"Make sure that you don't constrain your idea of branding only to having a logo. The branding belongs to the entire system and ethos of the business."
"Crypto culture has strangled crypto ethos sounds, as Andre said."
"What kind of ethos do we want in this house? Who do we want in our home?"
"Fantastic job living by the credo and the culture of love and learn."
"I think samurai every time because that whole ethos is of loyalty."
"Safety is Paramount, that's Paramount ethos here at motorcyclist magazine."
"The American ethos was reconstructed through the moon shot."
"Hard work was viewed as the pathway to success."
"He embodies the ethos of public service."
"...the Ethos appeals to the writer's character... how credible his or her argument is."
"There are three available means of persuasion: the appeal to logos, the appeal to ethos, and the appeal to pathos."
"It isn't just a tagline for you, it is really a way of life."
"Ethos is a combination of credibility and compassion."
"Ethos, which is a combination of credibility and compassion, is all established down here in the content of the message."
"It's a lifestyle, it's ethos, and a way of living."
"I travel the world and I try to take you with me and share my ethos for overcoming challenge."
"I remembered what I was taught as a 16-year-old recruit, like an ethos, a culture to live by, and I just was like, 'Right, I'm gonna live by that again as me.'"
"I like the whole ethos of the company; the military aspects are important, it shows you have a commitment, you can finish your job when you start it."
"Our whole ethos was built on loyalty; we all fight for each other, we all work for each other."
"Adaptability and innovation is central to our ethos."
"It had kind of the lovin spoonful ethos all packed inside it."
"The West Ham way that I know is aggressive, in man's faces, honest and hardworking."
"I will always have your back; those Warrior Ethos that are ingrained in all of us are things that I take to heart."
"The ethos is already in action here, this idea of getting the best possible sound quality to every member of the audience."
"...it's a whole ethos of service that's really integral to how much of this community works."
"The ethos of the UK Special Forces is the unrelenting pursuit of excellence."
"I am really excited for this next one because I think this topic is sort of core to our whole ethos at full stack deep learning."
"Culture is the way we get things done."
"It's kind of what we're all about; we don't give up."
"Cardano is very much built with the ethos that Bitcoin was originally born out of but with more capabilities."
"That really does speak to our ethos at My Home Farm in sustainability and just being able to buy a brand that you know that you're not going to have to keep replacing."
"By and large, the people who have this ethos win in life, and they don't win just money, just honors and emoluments; they win the respect, the deserved trust of the people they deal with."
"This involves an ethos of kindness, justice, and security against harm."
"People who know what they're doing, who share an ethos, who have a commitment to exposing and humiliating the man, who have a very low tolerance for lies and what they perceive as evil on the part of overweening power structures."
"It's much better to live by a good ethos, especially in the mountain biking culture."
"We're not supposed to kill; that's what separates us from them."
"They've really kept to their ethos of an affordable vehicle to everyone."
"Everyone should be nice to everyone."
"Reliability is clearly part of the Google ethos."
"It's not trying to be something that it isn't; it's basically sticking to its ethos of exactly what it was intended to be."
"No one was respecting the ethos of what was left behind with their Ahlulbayt."
"In a certain way, it is a physical embodiment of MIT's core ethos, which is of collaboration, and innovation, and not having walls separating us."
"We never give in, that's not what we do."
"Safety and fun are paramount features of our ethos for us."
"Silicon Valley or technology in general is built on that ethos."
"Maybe that kind of an ethos can really take hold and become effective in people's lives."
"All you have to be is respectful, and that's it."
"Ethos means the guiding beliefs, standards, or ideals that characterize a group or community."
"The ethos is you show up because you want to be there, you care, you live it."
"The ethos is you show up because you want to be there."
"The ethos of DC was to play hard and play fast, but most of all it was to prove that a city seemingly so un-punk could stand on their own."
"...he joins an organization which has an extremely high sense of values, which has an extremely high sense of ethos."
"It's all part of the martial arts ethos which I think really elevates us as humans."
"Authenticity is the core ethos to me."
"I think if you buy less, have less, wear more, that's a better ethos to have."
"We think it's a very organic blockchain and we think it's truly upheld the kind of ethos that crypto brought to the table."
"...it is a team game and the ethos of the team must be respected."
"For me, Bitcoin changes absolutely everything. What I'm drawn to the most about it is the ethos, what it represents, the conditions that created it which are so rare and so special and so precious."
"I want to cultivate a spirit or an ethos of communication in our house."
"The word ethos in the original language is your lifestyle, your decision-making, how you live, who you are."
"As long as you never give up, keep trying, that's really the ethos of Survivor in the modern era."
"One of the main ethos behind the Snow Peak tents is to really try and get closer to nature."
"The core of Christianity and the Christian ethos resides in Jesus' teachings."
"That's my whole ethos with film photography and this channel."
"It's more about us celebrating our culture, recognizing staying on top of the ethos of what's important to us."
"We push positivity, that's what we do."
"Personal responsibility is absolutely fundamental to what we do here at Michaela."
"The ethos behind it is to create somewhere that I could turn up to and be the last man on a lake and still be happy with the water in front of me."
"Leave people better; that's what we're about."
"Be a professional, not just a professional athlete, but be a pro in how you go about your business."
"We have an ethos that revolves around the values of honor, selfless service, and sacrifice."
"We have to demand from our politicians an ethos of service, something larger than themselves."
"A lot of Microsoft's ethos is about letting people create, letting people do."
"Sustainable, zero waste, and plastic free are what's in our DNA."
"We're about sustainability and resiliency."
"I love the whole ethos behind the brand."