
Estrangement Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God; your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear."
"Estrangement can be characterized by a variety of patterns: a termination of contact from family members, distancing, loss of affection, and loss of warmth."
"Narcissistic parents or parents with high conflict, antagonistic, difficult, abusive, or toxic personalities do lots of things that are really going to increase the likelihood of estrangement in adulthood."
"Estrangement... it's not always a bad thing. If a relationship, and a family relationship, is abusive, manipulative, or deliberately cruel, or characterized by so much eggshell walking it's unbearable, maybe estrangement is not necessarily a bad thing."
"I think the worst thing you could do for somebody like my father is completely remove him from your life."
"Even if we aren't currently in contact, he's still my dad."
"Losing all your friends is one thing, but driving away members of your own family is quite another."
"Tolstoy does many extraordinary things with realism and estrangement, and he is deeply and endlessly profound."
"It's not that kids are deciding to cut their parents off willy-nilly. The majority of kids that cut their parents off do so because they cite experiencing abuse."
"This was likely not an easy decision for them to make. It's not just like, 'Oh, someone suggested your parent sucks and they decided to distance themselves."
"He's not dead physically, just dead to me."
"They are dead to me for the rest of my life."
"She ignores me for a very long time after this, I get cut off."
"We stopped knowing each other we stopped feeling each other's feelings."
"You're nothing to me now. You're not a brother. You're not a friend. I don't want to know you or what you do. I don't want you near my house. When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there. You understand?"
"When somebody kicks you out of the house, you never come back."
"What the heck the intervention didn't accomplish anything so now I've decided to cut contact with my parents"
"They feel very shut out, they feel that you've almost kind of like let go of the degree of generosity you once had with them."
"When people say like, you know, 'Why you don't speak to your dad? That's your dad.' Because my dad don't speak to me."
"He just feels the estrangement. Science and Magic are entirely different concepts, each with their own rules."
"I'm hearing strange things in the house, things have gone a bit sour with my family and friends as well."
"My brother and I have spent basically a lifetime having nothing to do with each other because of my mom."
"Absolutely. It's actually quite painful when one family member initiates an estrangement and the other family member didn't want that. It's very difficult. It's heart-breaking especially if it's a parent and they gave everything to sacrifice a lot."
"You and I haven't been cool for years, Jojo."
"For the adult child, it's important to know that there are all kinds of upsides to being estranged."
"It really feels like estrangement is a silent epidemic."
"You are not on the road to reconciliation."
"It's like now we're strangers or something."
"There was times that we we didn't speak I think maybe for three years you know I only got one kid man and it was terrible man when your kid doesn't talk to you you know and and you know they're out there."
"There could have never been two hearts so open, no taste so similar, no feeling so in unison, no countenance so beloved. Now, they were as strangers; nay, worse than strangers for they could never become acquainted. It was a perpetual estrangement."
"I was down, how after that we just never really spoke."
"The two brothers would scarcely speak again."
"I lost them permanently. I haven't spoken to my mom in 12 years."
"I feel like I'm not even a part of this family anymore."
"15 years is a long time to fall out."
"I wouldn't want anything to do with them anymore either."
"But I'm dead to them, you know what I'm saying? Like, if I could just come back for the night, come back, I just get those days where I miss every single one."
"If you live in fear not knowing how your family will behave from one day to the next, that's a very good reason to go no contact."
"This is so awkward maybe we are the strangers because we ain't in love anymore."
"I wrote my last book, 'When Parents Hurt: Compassionate Strategies When You and Your Grown Child Don't Get Along,' for parents who are going through an estrangement."
"Family estrangement is not a topic that we talk much about and sadly because of that we often end up feeling quite confused and not very in tune with what it actually means to be estranged."
"Living in the same house and anything? No, it's like strangers poking around like a bunch of sleepwalkers, afraid of waking up, fumbling around in the dark, scared they're gonna knock something over, bump into somebody, you know what I mean?"
"Hey baby girl, slow down. I just want to talk. Don't you want to see your daddy? You ain't seen me in years, girl."
"I cut my relatives out of my life when I was 19... they had spent my whole life tormenting me and treating me like dirt."
"I feel like I have no relationship with them. I'm sorry I had a lot to do with it."
"You know what? Don't talk to me ever again. How about that?"
"The reason why all that kind of stuff happens is ultimately because we have become estranged from the reality of being."
"I didn't talk to my dad much the last few years... he didn't break the rules for me. It still hurts when I say it, still makes me angry."
"He refused to attend her wedding and he felt that she had betrayed him."
"When you go no contact with a parent, you still crave having that parent. It's basically grieving a person that's dead but they're not dead."
"I've broken away from my family but in a way long before that my family broke away from me."
"I hope one day he will die and be left with no one."
"I was just telling Dan I mean I don't I very rarely say someone's dead to me, like but if I say it if you're dead to me you never come back. Like those are people like like personal graveyard like you're dead it doesn't matter you're just dead."
"Marcus lashes out at auman he tells auman that he never wants to see his face again."
"Rockstar hates my guts, wants nothing to do with me, blocked me on all social media."
"Like, can you imagine having a relationship with your family again at this point? No. They pretty much disowned me. Last time I talked to my mom, she called me a [__] and a [__]."
"She couldn't even remember the last time they had spoken to each other. That made her heart hurt, thinking that she could have pushed her brother away without even knowing it."
"My joy, my griefs, my passions and my powers made me a stranger."
"I tried to reach out to Cheylsea on three separate occasions and she told me she didn't want anything to do with me."
"Clara had cut my face out of all the family pictures."
"I've cut my brother and my mother out of my life. Out of our lives."
"It all ended with my mom putting me on speaker and both my mom and dad saying that they don't want anything to do with me and never to contact them again."
"The reason why he prefers to be with a stranger rather than his own family."
"...it looks like they haven't exactly mended their friendship."
"Do you still have a relationship with your parents? Absolutely not, and honestly even if I could get back in touch with them I would choose not to because what they believe in, what they believe in is so horrific and stands against my very values and principles."
"You treat me like a stranger or something."
"People may actually burn bridges with them."
"At some point, then, the adult children come to the conclusion: We can't have healthy, we can no longer tolerate unhealthy. You've given us no choice but no relationship."
"Nine years at this point. Nine years had passed and so she was like, I had never gone that long in my life not hearing from them so I just thought things were getting better. Yeah, you would hope it was the end."
"I haven't referred to her as my mother since I was 14 or 15 years old Millie said she hasn't really been a big part of my life and I prefer to call someone lovingly by the name of mother when they've earned that title."
"Dad hasn't contacted me in 5 years, Reed."
"I can't really say for anyone else, but for myself, I had to separate and be in no communication with my father for a full year."
"The only family I had that would talk to me at all was my dad's brother and his family."
"He had not only stopped speaking to her but had also stopped talking to his granddaughter."
"I think the hardest part or one of the hardest parts because there's a lot of having no contact with like a parent is every year when your birthday comes around when the holidays come around wondering if you're going to hear from that parent."
"Also, loving the fact that you changed your last name. Also, I get why you went no contact in the first place. You and your lovely family are way better off without them."
"...the only real love I ever got was from my grandparents and he was no father of mine anymore."
"This broke my heart. My eldest daughter is estranged from my family and claims that my refusal to be confidential is one of the reasons why we have a poor relationship."
"She has fractured the whole family very effectively. They are going to have a miserable Thanksgiving this year."
"I'm not interested in talking to anyone who calls themselves my mother."
"I have no intention of reconciling with you or with my family."
"I cannot believe that the girl I thought was so cute and kind could turn out the way you are now so believe me when I say that you are a complete stranger to me now"
"You are not my mother. Not anymore and not since I was 14 years old."
"It made us really like we were distant today."
"So, um, you know, eventually it just got too crazy with me and my pops, we were clashing too much."
"You're dead to me, Andrew. From now on, you don't have to think of Aurora as family."
"If you feel estrangement, work on removing the barrier between you and Allah,"
"An alienated child expresses persistent unreasonably negative feelings and beliefs even fear and hatred towards a parent that they previously had a healthy relationship with."
"As far as I'm concerned, you and all of these other people are no longer my family."
"Tim, we haven't spoken to you in months."
"This is a funeral, she's dead to me."
"I think it's safe to say we're not friends anymore."
"I was like I was like yeah yeah we cool like you know what I mean like just just said I don't want you my enemy and then yeah that was it and then I was like all right he was like love brother I hav't heard from him since."
"I am done. That's it. You're dead to me. Do you hear me? I don't think he cares. Karen, I'm already dead."
"I'm probably not gonna be your friend anymore, honestly."
"I didn't speak to my family for a year. They didn't wish me happy birthday."
"I don't know all of what she did behind my back but it made me realize it might be safer to just let her think she was a part of my life while ignoring her."
"He told my brother he didn't know why we'd stopped talking to him. He posted a bunch of weird posts describing me in detail before going on to call me a lot of horrible names."
"I never knew you. You never really showed me who you were inside."
"I felt like you completely gave up on me. You completely gave up on the family. I no longer wanted you. I no longer wanted the family."
"I'm fascinated with how you got into the work of counseling and supporting parents who are estranged from adult children."
"'Lucy,' he said. 'What is it?' 'It's my father,' she whispered. 'I...I haven't talked to him in 15 years.'"
"I love my sister, but you know she has problems. She needs to work her problems out. Everybody else in the family gets along with each other. How come she's the only one that's out?"
"There was no trace of love between us any longer. I could see that she hated me and feared me and when the thought of it drove me to drink then she despised me as well."
"I want to see you. I needed to talk to you. To tell you how sorry I am. I don't think you needed to. Which answer are you looking for? Yeah, by all means, let it go. You don't get to know. You're not a part of our lives anymore. We don't owe you any closure."
"She had thought that she would never have any connection with this man again in her life."
"Now we're four adults who have become strangers."
"It's been heartbreaking to not have my sister there for my activities, and it hurts to know that her pride got in the way of spending time with me."
"Despite his eventual estrangement from the pantheon and regular Mesopotamian worship, Anu's benevolence was bestowed upon the other gods as he himself retreated into the heavens."
"No matter how hard you try, I'll never forgive you; you'll never be my dad."
"I'm sorry being here upsets you, it's kind of sad that you didn't want to get to know me."
"...the sense of estrangement, the sense of wanting to be closer to the sources of our being, it's precisely that sense that sort of unrequited desire that spiritual practices are supposed to help us come to terms with."
"Estrangement grief suggests that one is grieving the loss of certain relationships or loss of family relationships."
"The hardest thing about being in a relationship is how you start out as strangers and then suddenly you are strangers again."
"I saw your face; you made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place."
"But God does not take away life; instead, He devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from Him."
"Estrangement is unfortunately quite common, and it's important for people to talk about that."
"A stranger to the one who raised us, nameless to the one who named us."
"You keep on talking to me like a stranger, but we've been together since you were a kid."
"Cause you don't know me and I don't know you, it breaks my heart looking so blue."
"No matter what, you're my dad. He's a stranger to me."
"There is this vast reservoir of happiness and energy and intelligence within us and we must also realize that we're estranged from it."
"Like strangers again, again, strangers."
"I've always hated my family. Now that I'm married, I finally cut ties."
"The watchtower killed my mother's relationship with me way before cancer took her life."
"Estrangement isn't normal, but it is a reaction to a normal phase of development if that phase gets thwarted somehow."
"God remembers us when we feel estranged from others and when we feel like strangers to ourselves."
"Love changes, best friends become strangers."
"What is spiritual death? That's when you have gotten away from your God."
"We had a lot of fallouts and didn't talk for years, and all them birthdays and holidays got awfully weird."
"We have been estranged from the essential, which is the nomadic life, traveling on foot."
"I live two hours away from the family I'm estranged from, and even if moving back would end the estrangement and strengthen my relationship with them, I wouldn't move back because I didn't like my hometown."
"I'd never go back to her childhood Amish community... but Dad was very much alive."
"We haven't been in love for months."
"Keep on acting now like strangers, scream out loud, I will go if nothing changes, so change your heart."
"He is not very forgiving; he broke with his family, and now for many years he's led an unsettled kind of life."
"I loved him more than anything, but after a few years of marriage, he was starting to feel like a stranger."
"I'm sorry, I truly am. Believe me when I say I had good reasons for staying out of your life."
"It's gonna be a hard drama about estranged siblings getting to know each other."
"We were each other's world, then in a moment, we were strangers."
"We grew up together, copping the world, but things change as the love changes and best friends become strangers."
"A stranger in this century and among those who are still men."
"You may be Trevor's mother, but you are nothing more than a stranger to me."
"With no love lost between herself, her father, or her uncle, and not for lack of trying on her part, she doubted that they would even display much concern over her sudden disappearance."
"Just because we're related, it doesn't mean we're still a family."
"My family has split; different people falling in and out not speaking."
"We just took each other for granted, gradually drifted apart."
"I don't even know who I got married to anymore."
"You may have given me life, but you were never my father."
"Something would happen one summer that would leave my family in shock, which we would never recover from, and we'd never speak again."
"I cut contact with them and I barely spoke to my mom in five years."
"It's a beautiful time to reach out if you've been estranged from anyone or you haven't talked for a while."
"Can we be strangers again? What's so bad about that?"
"I just know things will never be the same, we're like strangers again."