
Theodicy Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"How can an all-powerful and an all-good God allow so much of pain and suffering in this world?"
"If there is a God, why does he allow evil to happen?"
"How can you possibly say that this world was created by the one true God? This is a world that has hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes and famine and drought and war and oppression and injustice."
"Theodicy is the problem of how can God, the omnipotent and good, and yet bad things happen in the world."
"God has morally sufficient reasons for permitting the evil and suffering in the world."
"The age-old problem of suffering led me to question the existence of an active God who intervenes in the world to help those in need."
"How could an all-good God allow evil and suffering? It's a metaphysical argument that has nothing to do with why would God permit evil and suffering."
"Pain has no value and we wouldn't expect that unnecessary suffering with no purpose on theism; it's more likely on atheism."
"So it's not impossible to have a world with free will without evil."
"Christianity does offer intellectual answers to the problem of evil. It also offers emotional help to the problem of evil."
"Arguments appear and disappear about God's existence, but almost all philosophers believe that the most serious argument against God's existence is the problem of evil."
"Innocent babies are getting killed left and right, raped and everything else. So you mean to tell me God is allowing all that to happen?"
"Evil was not a direct creation of God. It was the result of humans exercising their freedom."
"The problem persists: why would a benevolent God... allow so much suffering and evil in the world?"
"If pleasure is the highest good and pain is the worst evil, you've got a pretty knock-down argument against the existence of God"
"How can there possibly be a God when such things happen in our world?"
"We detest people blaming God for heinous Evil by saying that God brought it about by Sovereign decree."
"Universalism is indispensable to theodicy. Without universalism, many of theodicies simply don't work."
"God does nothing without a purpose or reason, providing a foundation for understanding evil."
"God will bring greater good because of the evil."
"Why doesn't God fix all the problems?"
"If God was all powerful, he should not allow innocent people to suffer from what other people have done."
"If God is all powerful, all loving, and good, then why is there suffering and evil?"
"God's creation of evil: evil is an absence, like a shadow cast by us, but God takes ownership and journeys with us through it."
"If God is good, we must be free; it was an inference from God's goodness and all the evil in the world."
"Why does God allow this evil in our world?"
"God has no good reason to allow evil and suffering or to allow the amount of evil and suffering that is actually in the world."
"God permits evil and suffering because God can bring good out of suffering, good out of evil."
"Why do bad things happen to good people? Why would Allah, who is our Rabb and has been taking care of us for our whole lives, why would that same Allah allow us to suffer?"
"If we could see right now what God has done with those children that suffered innocently, we'd have no more questions."
"Whether the world is evil or not evil does not necessitate whether God exists or doesn't exist."
"The fact that free creatures sometimes go wrong, however, counts neither against God's omnipotence nor against His goodness."
"This general understanding can help us explain why bad things happen to good people."
"The intellectual problem of suffering is how to reconcile the existence of an all-loving, all-powerful god with the horrible evil and suffering in the world."
"The book of Job addresses the question of why bad things happen to good people."
"God and the evil and suffering in the world are a huge stumbling block for faith."
"Why does God permit evil? Well, my friend, He permits it because He's long-suffering, He's not willing that any should perish."
"The existence of evil and God are not logically contradictory because God could have good reasons for tolerating evil."
"God could have good reasons to tolerate that kind of evil."
"Where's the justice of God? Why do the wicked prosper?"
"Pain and suffering in the world is not an argument against God's existence; it's a reminder that we actually need God."
"Injustice in the world calls into question the Justice of God, not the existence of God."
"How can a loving and just God allow such evil and tragedy to befall us?"
"If the trilemma did originate with Epicurus, then it was not an argument against the existence of any gods; it was an argument against the existence of an interventionist god."
"God allows evil in order that He might bring a greater good out of it."
"We've been talking about theodicy and trying to understand where and how bad things happen to good people."
"The entire story of Christianity is an answer to the problem of evil or suffering."
"He's an intellectual dealing with the problem of theodicy, the problem of suffering."
"Evil doesn't disprove God because evil only shows that good must exist and good shows that God must exist."
"God loves you and so he does not imprison you, and that is why God allows suffering in the world because he must allow you to reject his love."
"If Jesus is good, if God is good, then why does he allow human suffering? And the truth is because in our pride and our selfishness, we puff ourselves up against the living God."
"God created beings with free will, knowing full well that some of us would misuse our freedom to commit evil, but he figured it was worth the risk because without free will, then true love and true happiness would not be possible."
"If God is so good, why is the world so bad? Why does a loving God allow so much suffering in our world?"