
Emergency Preparedness Quotes

There are 622 quotes

"The most important things that you should do for emergency preparedness are obtaining food and water first. Don't even start making a pandemic preparedness kit unless you have a good supply of food and water at home."
"Emergency preparedness is kind of a lonely hobby sometimes."
"Emergency prep is now; it is now to get going because you don't want to be caught in a situation and you're not prepared."
"Every house should have a fire extinguisher and one of those choking devices."
"Having a fully funded emergency fund is like a basic level of responsibility when you have kids to take care of."
"The lights had gone out, there were no adequate emergency exit signs, no sprinklers, no smoke control equipment."
"Preparations by companies, emergency responders, government authorities and the public are critical for reducing injuries and saving lives."
"Forbid the blockage of emergency exits or apartment entrances. Escape routes must stay open in the event of medical emergencies or hazards."
"There's a misconception that prepping for emergencies has to be expensive and that the average person just can't afford that."
"Prepping for emergencies does not have to be expensive. Most of the most important items like food and water and candles and fire are all relatively inexpensive."
"We've given out thousands and thousands of ventilators, but what we don't want is to distribute them all and then not have enough for a sudden rush in a particular area."
"The boat had been equipped with an emergency position indicating radio beacon."
"Prepare for emergency situations while things are calm."
"Lifeboats are heavy. They're not like the inflatable. Like, can you imagine your ship is sinking and they're like, 'All right, everybody blow on a corner'? Like, they're heavy-duty lifeboats."
"The system detected the storm warning and automatically charged my battery up to 100%."
"It doesn't matter if there's 50 tornadoes tomorrow or one... if it hits your house, you're gonna wish you acted."
"With so much chaos and danger in the world these days I highly recommend you stock up on emergency food right away."
"Disasters don't always strike with a long preceding warning period."
"In case of a massive attack, we got you covered."
"Pilots trained to handle real emergencies. Every possible scenario can be staged."
"You gotta start checking those blocks. You know, food, water, fire, energy, then address your medical needs and your security needs."
"For tur horst, an outage is more than just an expensive inconvenience. 'This isn't like I'm going to lose a casserole in my fridge. You know, this is I may not be alive tomorrow.'"
"You should just be able to take care of yourself, just thinking, could we cover that deep freezer with blankets if the power were to go out to hold the cold inside?"
"Bury their bodies with our tractors and wearing our chem bio suits in case there's a virus set will bury their bodies in a shallow grave where our chickens can benefit from the worms they produce."
"You don't want to plan to improvise when it comes to life-threatening bleeds."
"Being debt-free is a big deal and having an emergency fund in the business with retained earnings and one at home is a big deal."
"Encourage all of you to set this up just in case, just to be safe. It's emergency SOS right here for your Apple Watch."
"There's a value in salt. Salt used will be more valuable than gold in a true grid down situation."
"You gotta get emergency food... actually take it seriously."
"Prepare now before you find yourself in a desperate situation."
"Bugging out does have its application if I lived in the city of Chicago and things went sideways you gotta get out of there absolutely right."
"It's all you man nobody's really coming it's all up to you nobody's coming to help you no one's coming to save you."
"The BBC has prepared secret scripts to be broadcast If energy shortages cause blackouts for the loss of gas supplies this winter."
"This chest seal is good to have on hand in the rare case that you have to help someone in need."
"The goal of this video is to help you better prepare for a winter power outage."
"World War three so I mean my Morken spirits between spirit oriole minded friends are freaking out I don't blame them saying get out time to go to the country I got a bunch of emails being like you don't understand it's time to go."
"This isn't gonna end the way you expect it to end."
"An emergency fund turns a crisis into an inconvenience."
"Prepare to make sure that you're ready and your family is safe."
"Slowly build your prepper pantry, stay within budget."
"Comforting especially during difficult times."
"Important to have something like this on hand."
"Imagine being able to flee your country in war times with life-saving money by simply memorizing 12 words. That's it."
"The most important element of preparedness is communications."
"The importance of being prepared for such an event is getting increasingly clear."
"Set aside the food and water reserves that you need to survive 90 days or more on your own."
"How do I protect the items? The first thing is if you've already been involved in kind of thinking there may be an EMP, you've maybe you've got it on Amazon and you've gotten a Faraday bag."
"When catastrophe hits, only then you activate your plans."
"Supply chains break down, you can't get the medicines that you need... If you or someone you love takes any daily medication, you need to check out jacemedical.com daily."
"Practice driving in Reverse. It could save your life in unexpected situations."
"The number one thing you should keep for currency or survival are antibiotics and painkillers."
"Prepare accordingly. Make sure you can live with minimal power if the situation demands it."
"There comes a moment when you have to arm your ejection seat if you have to make an emergency exit, there is an explosive charge that literally blows your entire seat out of the plane with you in it. I was keenly aware."
"Propane has to be the ultimate prepper fuel. If there was one fuel that could rule them all, it would likely be propane..."
"There's really no reason to panic, just make sure you have multiple ways to receive alerts and have a tornado action plan in place."
"Don't leave your pets behind when you're evacuating."
"Keep gas and Battery tanks at least half full throughout the entire season."
"If you live in an evacuation Zone and you decide to shelter in place, make sure you have enough supplies to weather the storm."
"There might only be one hospital bed open for those two people you love so much."
"The number one thing you need to think about with an electromagnetic pulse is what do I do to be able to insulate myself from that attack as much as possible."
"It's all about your personal protection plan is what is the fastest way to stop the threat that is presented to me and it doesn't you know time to prepare it just hits you suddenly you want the highest hit probability first."
"Car headrests are detachable and come with solid metal bars that can be used to break car windows in emergencies."
"Make sure you have cash to cover emergencies."
"Mini tweezers for unexpected splinters or hairs."
"Time is running out... to really minimally secure your food, your water, and your energy sources."
"Every time you go to the market simply pick up an extra bag of white rice dry beans pasta or rolled oats and package it in the jar then store it in a cool dry dark location and protect it from earthquakes..."
"These are the sort of emergencies that you constantly train for and got to be prepared for when flying for the major airlines."
"Prepare a bug out grab-and-go emergency bag and keep it handy for any incidents that may arise."
"Purification tablets may be needed in the future."
"If ever hits the fan and apocalypse happens, make your way to Costco first."
"Make copies of your passport and email them to a friend or family member."
"Preparedness starts at home, then friends, family, church, community."
"Having food reserves and basic respirators all help."
"Having an AED on hand and knowing how to use it drastically ups the odds of you or a loved one surviving a cardiac arrest."
"Being able to charge all my electronic devices practically weighs nothing."
"It's good to be prepared, stock up on some extra bins of food and maybe some extra batteries because you never know what's going to happen."
"Emergency kit is a must-have for every car, keeping you safe and confident on every trip."
"This is a life hack that everyone should know because it can save your life one day."
"Your first tier of your emergency survival preparedness is the stuff that you automatically put on your body every single day."
"Flashlights... have multiple flashlights because they are that important."
"Simple first aid kit... just something simple to take care of those minor cuts and injuries."
"Print offs of your family and friends contact information... having that printed off could literally be a life saver."
"My children have an active shooter drill at their school."
"Until you need it, until you need it, it's worth its weight in gold."
"The faster you get out of debt, the faster you're going to have a legitimate emergency fund."
"People should have more than three days of food and water in their house, and that's just sad."
"What you should do is get to the lowest and most secure point of your house preferably a room without windows and take shelter there."
"If the power goes down, you are on your own."
"This PLB will save your life if you get into trouble."
"Everybody needs to prepare. You guys need to drill, you have to get together, you have to think about it."
"Your house could be the place where everyone can come to in the neighborhood for heat and power."
"You never know when it's going to be you, your friend, or someone you stumble upon."
"If you're wanting to get more prepared and you want to get stocked up on Rice I did just check the Walmart site here in Pittsburgh and they do have rice available for pickup."
"Just start doing it get some rice get some beans start getting some five-gallon buckets together get some mylar bags and get stocked up."
"Mount Weather, Virginia, is an Emergency Operations Center with an underground bunker."
"Even FEMA suggests having a portable 72-hour kit for emergencies."
"Base all kits on the rule of three: 3 minutes without air, 3 hours in harsh conditions, 3 days without water, or 3 weeks without food."
"Water is essential - aim for at least half a gallon per day per person."
"Medical supplies are a must - be prepared for emergencies."
"Food is essential for energy - prioritize long-lasting options like MREs."
"Having an emergency fund is crucial for financial stress."
"You absolutely must consider the reality that you will be on your own, and help will not be coming."
"Carry a real cheap plastic whistle, doesn't have to be expensive," - Safety Tip
"Training helps maintain calm and do the right thing."
"If you want to keep something running after an EMP hits or multiple EMPs or a CME, you will want to get an EMP shield on it."
"Don't let anyone shame you into not buying some emergency supplies."
"Bugging out is not something that you want to find yourself doing."
"It's serious. Fire is number one survival thing to master."
"One day, maybe these tricks will save someone's life."
"What shocks me is so many equestrians don't have emergency procedures for when goes south and it shocks me because it will go south you know every equestrian has experienced stuff like this."
"Having emergency connectivity is like having a hospital nearby."
"Play defense, always have the emergency fund."
"When things start to hit the fan, nobody is going to come to help you, especially someone from the federal government."
"Sales of emergency foods and equipment have soared to record levels."
"As long as you can plug that Starlink receiver and modem into a battery pack, you can get word out."
"Having some way to brace a sprain or a break is just a really good idea."
"The F-150 Lightning will be able to power your home during an outage. Nice big battery in there, hook it up, you gotta like that."
"Plan for different scenarios; the diverse crises of recent history underscore the importance of being prepared for different types of emergencies, from natural disasters to financial collapse."
"It could definitely save somebody's life in your house."
"Things will get worse before they get better so the other thing I am doing is um amping up the the building of my emergency fund so if I had an emergency room for a year now I want to make sure I have an emergency fund for 24 months in case."
"Are trapped in your house for a while and nothing's open you'll be glad you went to mypatriotsupply.com right now stock up"
"It's rather simple, really. The White House staff needs a place of refuge and evacuation should the traditional exits be compromised..."
"Everyone is seeing the importance of why having an emergency fund in place is not only financially but emotionally crucial."
"Stocking up can be such an amazing tool for your family, for your household, for your finances, and in times of need for your family and friends around you."
"Teaching your kid how to dial 9-1-1 in case of an emergency is something that is not only prudent but might well save your life one day."
"I hope it never gets to that point, but you gotta reconnect with your family. When all of this technology and all of this stuff, you're gonna have to get in the bunkers with people you love and trust."
"Better safe than sorry guys, right now so dry goods, extra food, extra water, water purification, Sterno stoves to cook."
"Take it from someone who's been through hurricanes: Preparation matters."
"Let's talk about the top 10 things that every bug out bag needs."
"One of the most essential preparedness items... would have to be a system that function[s] independently as a grid... to keep warm for short-term emergency."
"Relying on the government for support... is the farthest thing from a foolproof emergency preparedness strategy."
"Out of all the scenarios that we would probably face forcing us out of our home, fire would be the most likely."
"So if you combine like this with the cash hat holy freaking crap without even putting anything in your pocket you've given yourself a boatload of backup tools."
"Do you have enough food, water, and supplies to last you in the event of an emergency?"
"Always follow the instruction of local officials."
"Take proactive steps to create a kit that you can take with you in times of emergency."
"Seal off areas with plastic sheeting and duct tape to create a controlled environment."
"Solar panels can be a cost-effective way to produce power during emergencies."
"Reminder that in almost any emergency situation but especially in natural disasters one redneck friend or neighbor is worth 1,000 PhDs."
"So if you're even a crawl inside a septic tank with enough dirt on top of you which I was doing a video on earlier, that's better than nothing because you got dirt between you and the surface."
"Did you hear any alarms? Did you get any kind of warning? No alarms, no warning, nothing."
"A lot of low-tech options for preparedness can also be low-cost."
"Be aware of your surroundings, know your exits, and if in doubt, get out."
"Every household should have an emergency food supply, even without a nuclear war."
"The system is about to collapse, brace yourselves. Get your flashlights, get your solar packs, all right, get your tools and instruments."
"But biggest thing is one charged phone you know on your person water food all that."
"This will allow you to boil and sanitize water in a bad situation and also allow you to cook a lot of other foods."
"The Rhino ready companion is built to withstand anything that comes your way, big or small, giving you unparalleled access, versatility, and organization when it matters most."
"Have an adequate emergency fund as a buffer."
"Include essentials like water, heat mat, and medical supplies."
"Send your medical ID to emergency services... vital information that could quite literally save your life."
"Have a basic plan with your friends and family just in case."
"Be as prepared as possible for whatever may come."
"It could save a life, you know what we joke about that but it really could."
"Remember, I've been warning and spirit has been telling us to stock up on food. Rice, beans, and everything and anything you can and to have as much as you possibly can. Six months worth of food minimum."
"Thank you for hanging out with me all afternoon while we froze all of these emergency pantry staples."
"A bottle of water will be worth so much more than literally anything else."
"I'm seeing that this car is quite a bit more affordable than some of its other German rivals."
"Being able to rely on your phone is crucial, even in emergencies."
"Don't bug out unless you have to. Make a bug-out kit for everyone. It's super important, it could save your life."
"Don't bug out. There's a lot of romance about it, a lot of nonsense about bugging out. People act like it's all that, it's horrible. Stay put at your place of residence if at all possible."
"A bug-out kit is for short-term individual survival. It's not to solve massive without rule of law again to handle that if and when it comes. Sooner or later you'll be a lot better off being at your place of residence where you have all your stuff."
"You want to build capability to treat massive trauma."
"If the grid could be brought down, the first line of defense is your clothing."
"When power goes out, sewers are going to back up into your house."
"Your first responsibility is to yourself; secure your own air mask first."
"The Aegis combat system uses computers and radar to track and guide weapons to destroy enemy targets."
"Stock up on essentials like frozen foods, canned goods, toothpaste, etc."
"Brightness is good but it's not as important as resolution."
"I would rather lose a little bit of light than sharpness."
"Contrast enables you to tell subtle differences."
"So in some ways those who have access to a high-rise building in case of a nuclear event are better off than those just hunkering down in their homes."
"The top priority is to have a crank radio as part of your EDC."
"Water is a major priority guys you can only live three days without water."
"Shelter first, then fire. Materials first, shelter first."
"It's exponential too, and because it's a survival situation, you gotta conserve your calories."
"Wild edibles can literally save your life sometimes."
"A bucket of water is your best friend in situations like this."
"Get some supplies, get some emergency food, hang out, play some video games, you'll be alright."
"You never know when somebody's gonna collapse...everybody and their mother should be trained in basic life support."
"This is the smallest kit to handle severe bleeding wounds."
"This could save your life... or save the life of someone else's."
"What if we get an emp around this [] and all my money is stuck on my goddamn crypto [] and [] we ain't got no electricity [] I want my [__] bread."
"Tragedies are somber reminders that preparedness is a shared responsibility."
"With its 123 Kil hour battery pack, the Cyber Tru can power your entire home in the event of a blackout."
"Firefighters up, dressed, and out on the road in under two minutes."
"That's just great, securing from emergency lockdown."
"Always keep safety as your top priority. Always make sure someone knows where you're going to be in case of emergency so they can come and help you."
"Life is like an airplane safety ad, you've got to help yourself before you help others."
"Being able to instantly and effectively communicate with your friends and loved ones can mean the difference between life and death."
"In a future where things no longer work like we're used to, you're going to be your own paramedic."
"Emergency is not fun to go through, but proper training, you always take your training very seriously. And when you expect the unexpected, you'll be prepared and ready to deal with it."
"I came up to the surface wearing only my pants."
"Proper training is crucial to deal with unlikely situations."
"Let's talk rationing. These were the things that were rationed first in World War I, World War II... don't think it's going to be different this time."
"One day it will be a real virus, not like this, like a zombie virus or you're going to have an electromagnetic pulse problem when you won't have electricity for a year."
"I really want you guys to be safe. I want everyone to be safe. I don't want to hear stories of people running out of food, and I don't want to hear stories about people running into stores."
"How many videos have to come out of people lining food banks before you think it's smart to have some supplies? Just a little bucket, the one little bucket you put in your closet."
"I would rather you folks use your money for prepping right now."
"There's no shame in prepping... stack it to the rafters."