
Thematic Exploration Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"The way they tackled the theme of fate in Golden Wind has truly been a golden experience."
"Every cinematic element - from lighting to coloring to production design to cinematography to music cues - was carefully chosen in order to serve the higher themes at work."
"This movie doesn't deliver a message... it pulls out these themes and doesn't tell us what to think about them, it just shows us 'hey, this was here the whole time.'"
"It takes its time and tells a beautiful story about not so beautiful things."
"This brings us to the big question that drives all these themes: What is a hero?"
"It'll take some twisted characters and simplistic themes but expound them in a way to both cause its fanbase to well up with emotion and rub their hands together with glee."
"A deep exploration of a theme can be just as powerful as a message, especially if it's one you relate to."
"BoJack Horseman's finale theme centered around death."
"At the end of the day, it's a decent movie, but it loses out on the message by the end to detour on whatever is going on with the kids and the storytelling DXM."
"At its heart, a place further than the universe is a show about friendship."
"The theme of loss at the chance of immortality is clear in each of these stories."
"Trying to bring that kind of focus to all different kinds of stories."
"The entire show's main theme and conflict is the dichotomy between Love and Nihilism."
"The theme of this book is the spirituality of art."
"It brought that internal battle, that loss of control, to the forefront."
"Maybe this shouldn't be a movie... I think there's themes here that would be great for a different format."
"I really love the idea of a world stuck in a cycle being forced to stay the scene for longer than ever intended."
"Every movie is a different genre. What was the thinking behind going high school with this one?"
"I haven't been doing this out of necessity to fight that but the story I've had in mind just naturally does do that."
"No character is safe and it clues us into the fact that The Wire is going to go to some dark places in the process of exploring its themes."
"The last Jedi serves as a meta commentary about the franchise coming to terms with how it's evolved as it's expanded."
"The series strikes a very delicate balance between darkness and comedy."
"Disconnected cultures talking about the same strange and specific things that really make a compelling case."
"Scorsese's films often aren't about what they seem to be about."
"The overarching theme of Days Gone mirrors the unpredictable nature of life."
"The Silent Hill franchise: A journey through darkness and ambiguity."
"The Jaya arc takes the themes of dreams and wonder to combine them and explore faith versus skepticism as well as idealism versus cynicism."
"I do gravitate towards the idea of a fish out of water."
"Now, I want to dig a little bit deeper because there's one key theme that's coming in for the solar eclipse."
"Narrative undertones make animated violence serve a strong purpose."
"Full Metal Jacket is often bundled together with other war movies that came out round about that time which were in particular exploring the horrors and traumas of the Vietnam War."
"Despite their plot differences, in the end, both the novel and its film adaptation provide different yet equally chilling and empowering experiences that stand out through the trees."
"Nolan and his fascination with time has always been leagues ahead."
"The juxtaposition between these two Disney character-led animations feels both intentional and tragic."
"Spiral's focus on police corruption was a perfect opportunity to deconstruct Saw's entire concept and make an actual point."
"Love and hate is the reference to the 1955 movie Knight of the Hunter."
"It's such a deep game, it explores the role of family and friends in our lives."
"At its core, the show explores the idea of grief and the many forms that it can take."
"1984 was a huge influence on Hideo Kojima and the Metal Gear Solid series. The themes of 1984 invoked in almost all the games."
"The ending was the perfect mix of ambiguity and embodying the show's main themes."
"Encanto is obviously the point where this trend passes over from 'explicitly part of the experience' to 'literally what the movie is about.'"
"His Timeless message of hope and love is the main topic for the album of the same name which further explores the themes stated in this tour de force."
"Black Mirror is a flavor... it’s like a box of chocolates in terms of variety, but they’re all dark chocolates."
"Jennifer's body cemented its place in feminist horror by reclaiming the revenge story formula for women."
"Strangeness can be an effective and compelling way to explore certain themes."
"Ultron naming his team the Masters is both a way to explore some themes and ground the film in comic history."
"Blackbeard's way of living is a bastardization of the concept of freedom that Oda has built the series around."
"It's like poetry, a wrong. Duel of the Fates harvests way more of this sort of massive situational thematic energy that Rise of Skywalker only slightly touches."
"Persepolis engages with politics, religion, gender, and war without ever feeling preachy."
"This final three minutes also changes the whole theme of the game... Mass Effect 3 and possibly the trilogy has always been about Organics vs synthetics."
"I really dug how the game tackled its own setup in that."
"He invented a cat style, a cat society, a whole cat world."
"I think they may start playing with the idea of this repetition that keeps happening."
"Dread is a game that walks the line between horror and hope."
"Your Name takes the often used trope of body-switching not as a comedic tool for goofs and gags but as a way for the two characters to develop a relationship and experience each other's lives in a way that only body-switching can do."
"Lumity is the aspect of the show that gets the most attention, but there's lots of other great stuff to talk about as well."
"At the core of Bloodborne isn't really the werewolves... it's the fear of the unknown."
"Moon Knight and Daredevil team up would look awesome... It would be a way to explore the concept of faith in a superhero world a bit more."
"Metal Gear Solid 3 is what happens when the entire suit is made of inspirations."
"It’s impossible to talk about Death Note without diving into justice because at it’s core, justice is the underlying theme of the entire series."
"There's obviously an underlying message here which can be linked to other themes we see later on." - Reviewer
"All D&D care about is spectacle, big concept controversial ideas like war is bad, the exquisite bravery of a butterfly flying against the wind."
"The core of the show is to explore the infinite possibilities."
"Metal Gear Solid 2's narrative has many themes based around the importance of passing on information and the power that comes with this."
"Rain felt like the perfect first entry to this series."
"Endings are hard to do... Squid Game stays on the rails until the very end."
"You might also feel a slight absence of plot due to the main theme of the story being what if a guy could be invisible."
"Themes of genocide, immigration, abuse of power."
"The theme of Death Stranding is connections... deeply ingrained throughout its narrative and gameplay."
"Pink Floyd's otherworldly albums explored the dark side of the moon and the dark side of mankind."
"What is it about monsters that fascinates us?"
"It’s a deconstruction of fanservice in anime!"
"Yakuza 2 has one of the best demonstrations on the theme of honor that runs throughout this series."
"Characters like Obito never fully lost hope."
"Reread stories to better grasp themes and ideas."
"It's science fiction. This is what we're all looking for."
"The core themes of the original concept revolved around food, greed, and consumption."
"Katara's arc centered around themes of loss of innocence, but also forgiveness and reconciliation."
"BioShock Infinite is a critique of social Darwinism, theocracy, and unfettered capitalism."
"Falling prey to sweetness was a running theme throughout the arc. Hoecake Island was largely about people being lured into a trap."
"The movies that I try to make are dealing with something I'm struggling with or something I'm scared about."
"There's some deep psychological themes about letting go of guilt that I actually really like."
"The very point of that movie was to not be huddled onto the old days of nostalgia and be present for the present."
"The darker and more mysterious aspects of life are fascinating and worthy of exploration."
"Attractions like Spaceship Earth, the Universe of Energy, and World of Motion focus on exploring the history and ramifications of a certain subject."
"If Aquaman has to confront the darker elements of the undersea world, I'm all for it."
"The Grineer: a billion-strong force, marching to a single drum."
"When it comes to the violent animated films that use animals to do this, I guess I'm two out of three now."
"So it's very interesting because once you begin here, we talked about Halloween..."
"Everything is connected, and I try to touch on many different topics."
"The themes that run throughout these today are ones that have spoken to me, have opened my eyes in various ways."
"Kaylee's line is the most important of the show because I think it sums up the show's central conflict: nature vs nurture."
"Every expansion brings new themes, new adventures, new systems."
"The Last of Us understands this because it'll bring in new characters to offer New Perspectives on its central theme and then it will discard them when they're no longer needed."
"Hakumei and Mikochi is largely about enjoying the little things in life."
"Planet With dives deep into the philosophy of pacifism."
"If you think about it, if you re-watch that show recently, they tackled death, depression, bullying..."
"Everyone's ghost books in the ghost realm were everything."
"They've been doing such a good job of diversifying thematically."
"It represents the endgame of militarization."
"I do like those sort of histories that kind of take you through different time periods and I like that theme that's sort of like weaves together all those little details."
"We cannot die, do you know what that means," King Thanos laughed.
"Their videos are extensive dives into the media they talk about breaking down their narratives and themes within and usually finding their own reading to interpret."
"Their videos have a particular focus on mythology."
"Sci-fi is less about science and more about Humanity's reaction to science."
"Breaking Bad iceberg chart: from Mandela effects to real-life stories."
"In a film that holds Bueller's freewheeling truancy and tension with Cameron's hypochondriac repression."
"Licorice Pizza is such a weird movie because there is something to connect with as far as how it depicts adolescence and 'floating in time' not knowing where to go but running at the speed of light towards that nothingness."
"Anderson's films are inseparable from his characters... they are figures out of which the film's themes and plot organically arise."
"Theme creates a sense of all-encompassing connection."
"I just feel like there's a lot of stories to tell within this little black and gray World here so I'm just happy to keep telling them."
"Monster High: exploring mature themes with style."
"Pixar's 'Soul' would go on to do something incredible, kinda taking the theme of death so head-on is heavy and trying to do that while ribboning it up for a kid's movie is an incredible feat to tackle."
"Wonder Egg Priority deals with themes of depression, social anxiety, bullying, and suicide in ways that made me feel not just seen but exposed."
"I love hearing from death I love hearing about death I love the idea of this girl making death feel alive for the first time."
"It's like Groundhog Day but it's about suicide."
"The Multiverse allows us to feel all that weight in a visual way. It's a tool to explore something deeper."
"These sentient body parts would also explain why later the soul King himself is shown to exhibit a bland bots-like detached personality."
"Sinbad, Legend of the Seven Seas, is not conventionally a great movie, but it is the best pirate movie because it correctly contends that the real foundation of our love of pirates has always been the desire to encounter something new."
"Alan Wake 2 is a perfect inversion... it just Embraces the weirdness with a big old bear hug."
"It's nothing to do with fairness, it's about wanting your best players on the field."
"He has tased Rama ties so many of the things I write about in this book."
"The way the play progresses throughout the game, you start off in the demonic realm, then you venture off into a demonic one."
"His imagery is about something else; it's about capturing a human condition."
"Join me won't you on this delta room deep dive darkness dive."
"I would like an entire like little like and maybe like four or five chapters dedicated to that."
"He indirectly helps the story criticize the big negatives of Aravin's influence and methods."
"Yes, or what they call the war between the ancients and the moderns. That's what the book 'Ancients and Moderns' was about."
"Superman is the light Batman is definitely the dark and no story shows how dark and twisted the Batman universe can be more than The Killing Joke."
"It's beautifully done, it's absolutely gripping and I don't know it's all about rebirth."
"It's interesting that the game has something to say."
"Kiriyama's inner conflict lies at one of the hearts of this show."
"The stories of this series explore issues and topics that are usually left undiscussed."
"We've discovered a new entity. It's the big guy himself, Cthulhu. Insanity, madness, psionics, the psychic cat girls in the cave watch. Pink Cthulhu. It all comes full circle."
"The House of Hades is a phenomenal novel because it does so many things super well."
"This entire show seems more like a vehicle, a vessel in order to try and get their themes, their virtues, their morality across to everyone else despite the fact that to everyone else from the outside it just comes across Pure Evil."
"From small town romance to mafia tales, a diverse array of stories awaits."
"This isn't just a show about the apocalypse, this is truly a show about the last of us."
"I like the game I think it's very stylized if you're looking for a dungeon crawling RPG it approaches it from a different thematic angle."
"The dragons work to highlight what George R. R. Martin thinks all stories come down to: the human heart in conflict with itself."
"I have plenty more theory and actual lore videos coming very soon."
"You've got to think about how they play into the themes or how well they work as a foil for your protagonist."
"It holds up a mirror to the audience revealing the evil and horror oozing out of the screen."
"Undertale has unbelievably unique connections to one famous transcription of death: Dante's Inferno."
"It seemed that Blaine had lived out a real-life horror fantasy."
"Luffy's dream could be related to freedom, wanting to free all people so everyone would be free in the world."
"Love and the force are one in the same. Love as the good side, hate is the bad side."
"You just can't pull out gay where there is only some gay."
"It's a love letter to the mystery genre. Amazing."
"I did love the fact that Nursery Rhymes were brought into this so much and the plot with Peter Peter was so interesting."
"The seasons have been put out of whack thematically. I think that shows that not all is right with nature, with the world because things are out of whack."
"Remain solves what I've always seemed to be the primary dilemma in sports anime."
"It's just, it's a tight story and it's like it's not focused on just the time travel."
"This new beginning God of War 2018, whether you realize it or not, effectively addresses the hyper-masculine traits that we as a society expect from a man or a father but have learned over time to recognize as somewhat problematic."
"The sequel to the 2016 blockbuster will, as the name suggests, take a closer look at the concept of multiverses."
"Realistic villains like Frollo contrast the message of who's the monster and who is the man."
"That's one of the great things about the show: there's always this chance for Renewal."
"Zero Dark Thirty avoids questioning the war itself"
"It's fascinating to see Nintendo embracing a wide spectrum of humor and even delving into darker themes."
"The movie has a thematic arc about Arthur searching for a father."
"Quirks and Cursed Energy: Navigating the blurred lines between power systems."
"Loneliness is a key factor in the TXT universe, just in general but especially in regards to Yonjun."
"Let's talk about the... and the actual arenas."
"The real enemy of Walking Dead is the other humans that are surviving right."
"In Egghead, the Straw Hats represent freedom. They are now the ones who possess true freedom to do what they want, how they want."
"Egghead marks the Straw Hats' freedom to do as they please, a stark contrast to their previous circumstances."
"The way the themes... are being used in this show... are deep and profound."
"Woah, full-length feature film called the Dip Run."
"Incredible insight into the story and themes."
"The singer's ninth studio album, Trustfall, was released. Its main motifs were themes of self-acceptance, spirituality, loss, and love."
"Love, Death & Robots is literally Black Mirror animated. How could you not love that?"
"Tiger & Bunny tackles themes of Japanese work culture."
"Final Fantasy 7 is a game that constructs its world in order to bring its themes and ideas into a tangible reality."
"Thematically, I think this would be a pretty cool concept to play with from a storytelling perspective."
"The way Bluey tackles emotionally complex themes is amazing."
"Movies are supposed to make you discuss their subject matter when they're done and this one will."
"Certain point of view, Order 66, new knowledge."
"Dune fails as a standard adventure story but excels in conveying deeper philosophical and thematic struggles."
"One of the things I loved about Bioshock was the political ambiguity. I was never sure if they were mocking Ayn Rand or praising her or both."
"Perspective, that's the theme of the island."
"He's making comic book video essays that are celebratory, elevatory, and revelatory."
"I would love to see it treated really in-depth and really get into the grey area of all the themes in that series."
"There are already striking parallels between Dragonstone residents Rhaenyra and Daenerys, from their shared Valyrian features to their fiery determination and resilience."
"The story plays with some big ideas, wobbles them around a bit, settles for a classic golden thread, and follows it to the end."
"Campbell was very good at subversive expectations and gods - who you're suspicious of."
"The novel has been referred to as the first true work of science fiction but it is also in many ways a book about loneliness, loss, and guilt."
"Its historical pulp fiction." - Hayden Blackmon
"If any story is trying to get any viewer to emit emotion, it has to be an epic moment that resides within the themes of the greater story."
"Secondly, I like that 2003 is already playing with body horror."
"The themes of fatherhood and Brotherhood... exploring the goodness that comes out of family bonds."
"When you really get into an album it should take you somewhere it should take you on a journey and I think the Libra album does that."
"Not okay follows in the footsteps of other films like 2017s Ingrid Goes West."
"The Book of Boba Fett acts as a thrilling, lore-heavy continuation."
"It's heartfelt in what it wants the player to take from it—not in theme or story, but in the love of all things horror that fans of the genre share."
"Grendel is a meditation on the viral-like nature of aggression and how it infects those that it touches."
"One of the main themes of this season is this idea that parents and/or family have a huge role to play in shaping troubled lives... an interesting idea to explore."
"The sins we saw in Inferno were based on physical actions; in purgatory, the focus is on self-improvement."
"Motherhood is one of the most dominant themes of the book... it is just so emotional."
"Pentiment explores universal themes and connections in a game about 16th-century monks."
"Would there be an entire ghost red light district?"