
Religious Interpretation Quotes

There are 665 quotes

"We're going to do a prophetic message on the great red dragon and look at the symbolism from a different perspective."
"The fact that it gets preserved in this particular format and takes on a religious connotation is not in the least bit surprising."
"Part of the reason is because the lamb in prophecy must be unblemished, and to have a broken bone would mean he was not unblemished. So, Jesus fulfilled this prophecy."
"Private interpretation is never a license to distort the Bible."
"Islam is fully capable of peace. It's not despite the Quran and the Sunnah, but because of them."
"There was nothing doctrinally or specific about abortion in sacred texts... nor was there anything that prohibited women from having control of their lives and their bodies."
"The Bible has no mistakes, just poor translations."
"Muhammad did not say the Bible is corrupt, that's your misreading of the Quran."
"Saying Christ is King is not innately anti-Semitic. It's all about how a thing is used."
"Before we explore these strange phenomena happening around the world, let's examine the Bible's stance on the signs of end times."
"Jesus didn't say I am the way, the feelings, and the life; he said I'm the way, the truth, and the life."
"The destruction of the temple was a type, sign, and prophecy of what's going to happen to the whole creation prior to the Lord's return."
"I want you to understand that the Book of Revelation is not the revelation of the Antichrist. It is not the revelation of the end times. It is not the revelation of the mark of the beast. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ."
"What I see is people have forgotten who their authority is... I mean Christians, I'm talking about the way that God set this Bible up for us."
"Fairly major player backlash and victory against just the sort of BS monetization that we very much dislike."
"Which one should I follow, Jesus or your interpretation?"
"Nowhere in the Bible does it say to be a soft Christian."
"Hurricanes, storms, tempests... tell of the near approach of the Son of God."
"Not every Christian is a fundamentalist who thinks that every word has to be inspired by God."
"He's just God and he's man. How does it work? He's like, is he 50 of each? Is he 100 of each? It came the view that came out by the way is that he's 100."
"The Gospel of Judas shows Judas as being Jesus's favorite disciple and he would actually give secret messages to Judas that he didn't tell the other disciples."
"The Torah is from heaven, but it's not from Sinai."
"Be in awe of the Creator. That's what the true interpretation of fear is."
"That's definitely what happens in the Moses story, and it's the Eternal story."
"Islam is about direction, not just rigid adherence to the past."
"This represents God as the bad guy in the situation and Michael Todd as the distinctly good guy."
"The Old Testament doesn't make sense without Jesus."
"Sabbath was made for [ARAMAIC], not [ARAMAIC] for the Sabbath. Therefore, [ARAMAIC] is the Lord of the Sabbath."
"I mean, it's not like it's like I don't I don't view it as much in duck maybe like Orthodox or even conservative..."
"That's how you control people you tell them I have the line to God and I can tell you what he means in this Bible."
"If you're saying, well, it didn't come down from Sinai so it must be something that we need to discard, you're throwing out most of what Jesus said."
"Israel and the whole end of the world is all of these prophecies being revealed."
"Some of these people are out there talking about...there's nothing in the Bible."
"Fundamentalist claim is far worse. It's that not only is there an absolute reality truth embedded in the book, but that their particular take on that absolute reality is the absolute take on that book."
"We depend on interpretations from the companions of the Prophet. We don't rely on our own subjective understanding."
"There is no difference there's absolutely no difference between Jehovah and jehovah same word."
"It's no man's gonna get the glory to an event, an event is going to take place, oh yeah, and it says very clear in the Bible."
"At least seven times in scripture we're told... 'God stretches out the heavens like a curtain.'"
"We believe that the Bible is true and specifically that our interpretation of the Bible is true."
"Jesus and his brothers in faith have the same God, implying that Jesus has a God."
"Jesus said there had come an escalation of geopolitical tension."
"Well, what do they mean? Well, just take that quote: 'you are not a body that happens to have a soul; you are a soul that happens to have a body.' Well, is that the teachings of Genesis 1, 2, 3?"
"Revelation is a book of consummation, it's a book of comfort, it's meant over two millennia to inject courage into the people of god, not to rob them of courage."
"Unfortunately, mistranslating traumatic ancestral memories as if there were encounters with God is a choice with far-reaching consequences."
"The restoration is not about Joseph just like the Book of Mormon is not about the Book of Mormon; both Joseph and the Book of Mormon are means to the greater end, and the end is Jesus Christ."
"Everything else we have to go on tells us that Jesus died, but what could Allah possibly mean when he says they didn't kill him nor did they crucify him?"
"Archangels are the managers of the great Costco that is heaven."
"We simply do not have the option to call something good that God clearly calls sin."
"The Scriptures are a stem, and man hates the scriptures."
"Understanding the Scriptures: should we take the Bible literally, figuratively, allegorically, or as poetry?"
"Satan mimics everything God has put in place, he's tried to pervert everything as we see happening today."
"It's what did Allah say? Did Allah say that Muhammad was shocked or did Allah say, 'I was shocked'? Both. It would only make sense to say both if Allah said it in two different occasions."
"This is the preparation literally for the Beast system."
"The fascination is readily apparent: this gospel presents a vision of Christianity that is notably, even radically, distinct from the conventional perception associated with the term 'Christianity.'"
"The Gospel of Thomas challenges conventional interpretations of these ideas. Saying 3 declares, 'The Kingdom of God is within you and all around you.'"
"The demon Satan masquerades as an angel of light."
"Is abortion murder? The Bible is clear... You shall not murder."
"What I believe is that Jesus came to show us Christ consciousness."
"God's word described surrounding a group of nations seeking to attack Israel and liberate Jerusalem, written 2600 years ago, has gone from murkiness and fuzziness to clarity."
"I find the book of the revelation a book of majesty, a book of mystery, and the book of misery."
"There are patterns of God's purposes concealed in events."
"Whether you agree with it or not, it is a prophetic signpost that can't be denied."
"If somewhere within the bible I would find a passage that said 2 plus 2 equals 5, I wouldn't question what I'm reading in the bible. I would believe it."
"What kind of being is that? Maybe there is a clue in the Tetragrammaton."
"Islamic law is not statutory law, it's God's law interpreted by the jurists in a million different ways."
"You could not get a more blatant endorsement of secularism from Jesus Christ."
"The real jesus of the bible said render unto caesar the things that are caesar's."
"Believing in some parts of the book, rejecting, denying, ignoring other parts of the book."
"Not only does the Bible not teach Peter was the Pope, he wasn't even a leader in Rome."
"The whole book of Revelation is about gaining a new perspective of Jesus." - Rod Parsley
"You will understand that the book of Revelation is not about doom and gloom."
"You've taken the name of the Lord your God in vain when you create a God of your own making."
"Show me in the Bible where we do that. Show me in the Bible where it clearly teaches that."
"You can't reverse engineer the 27-book canon of the New Testament without the judgment of the Catholic Church."
"The serpent deceived Eve by taking her away from obedience to the word of God." - Ron Matsen
"The Bible is not understood by Christians as the Quran is understood by Muslims."
"The claim that this is representative of mainstream... is a problem because this is the mainstream position of every single Islamic scholar in history."
"It's more likely about the prophetic role of Jesus's followers who are to take up the mantle of Moses and Elijah."
"This effort by some people to limit a woman's role and capacity beyond what scripture actually teaches is unbiblical."
"Jihad is a positive term; if anyone is misusing it, we have to condemn them but not the beautiful faith of Islam."
"A good example would be how some UFO believers interpret the Chariot Vision in the Book of Ezekiel as a spacecraft."
"Is like you claim to have a direct line to what Jesus would have wanted, that's the prophet status that you're claiming."
"The changes that we have seen in recent years are more significant signs of the times than the eyeballs and the wars and rumors of wars."
"Jesus was a genius, he didn't bring the man, where's the man he could have done that, an ordinary person of average intelligence would have done that."
"The Bible is not just true but a precondition for the manifestation of Truth, making it even more true."
"Antichrist isn't going to appear on the scene until after the system's in place and the Ten Kings are here."
"Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus tell us that our religion was Christianity."
"We simply can't expect someone not to reinterpret scripture if the current interpretation says that the earth is at the center of the solar system."
"There is something in Islam that if you read it a particular way you're only going to get a violent response and a violent output."
"I do believe in a Big Bang Theory - God said it, bang and it happened."
"It's not a demon, it's the Holy Spirit working."
"There are very few tools within Islam by which to say Osama bin Laden has completely misconstrued the faith."
"This is not the Jesus that maybe you've been told about."
"Could it be that there was a movement made up of Jews who saw Jesus as their Messiah, not their God?"
"Paul himself supported women and women's roles."
"Hindutva is not real Hinduism. What we believe in is acceptance and coexistence."
"Essentially, God did take a selfie, and his name was Jesus."
"Everything in the Bible that has a beginning, begins in Genesis, and has its climax in Revelation - they're the bookends to the whole thing."
"The full message of John 3:16 has been hidden from most eyes, but you have the opportunity to understand the full meaning of this verse."
"The Bible is a tool of control only if it is read and studied personally by the individual."
"He was not God's proof that you're doing it wrong, he was God's gift."
"I want prophecies that would be hard to intentionally fulfill, that Jesus can be said to fulfill."
"That Bible is black and white, it says what it says."
"His timing, location, mission, physical description, and even name... only one person has fulfilled."
"He came from Sinai, God didn't come down to Earth and start walking around from Sinai."
"Embracing a more comprehensive and compassionate understanding of the Bible's teachings."
"He's not saying that their tradition destroys the law altogether. He's telling them that their tradition is leading them to interpret and practice the law incorrectly."
"Jesus is actually referred to as the chief cornerstone and that's important because they're totally different understanding of the word chief cornerstone chief cornerstone means a triangle placed on top of a pyramid."
"Holy Spirit is the most normal person you will ever meet."
"My worldview was locked on just a few cherry-picked verses from the Christian Bible."
"The Quran's unique attributes challenge traditional interpretations of monotheism."
"Our religion came to free people's intellect, not to blind them."
"You know what you've done? You've done today, help so many people who are going to watch this video visualize John 3 when they're reading this."
"I absolutely trust [Genesis] as the word of God, don't doubt that one second, but I do find it to be a challenging thing to interpret in every aspect."
"You basically have two options: one is that Joseph Smith is just a religious genius or two, they are being revealed from on high, from God through his chosen servant in these last days."
"Moreover, this verse foreshadows the name of Prophet Muhammad and shows how he fulfills the description of his name."
"Christianity has always been a faith interpreted in many different ways by many different peoples, even from its earliest days."
"Christ within the context of Islam is recontextualized."
"The Harbinger is speaking about the beginning of this progression of judgment, not the end."
"The One Year Bible verse for 9/11 is Isaiah 9:10, about the beginning of judgment."
"Terrorists do not worship God, they worship death."
"He makes a heck of a lot more sense to me than most people who are ordained right now."
"This is Allah because this is the only god that's referred to in the Bible."
"God chose the least, God chose the powerless as the stage upon which salvation shall be worked out." - Smith-Christopher
"Jesus sees himself and what he's doing as somehow recovering or restoring the people of God."
"He's labeling the serpents and the scorpions as the 'devil.'"
"The only explanation the biblical writers see behind anything is unless the Lord ultimately brought it to pass."
"The doctrine of the virgin birth works better with the Greek."
"I thought this film was well-shot, well-acted, fantastic music, very sort of atmospheric."
"Mockers are a sign that we are in the last days."
"By taking Jesus's place, did Constantine see himself as someone who could promote Jesus's message or subvert it?"
"The events of Matthew chapter 24 have not happened yet."
"I think it's more about a definition of power, it's about what God's Kingdom looks like."
"The Bible is trying to inform us there is something different and strange going on in the promised land."
"The Quran takes its name from the word 'to comprehend.'"
"You literally have so many people from your past who don't ever quite get over you."
"There is nowhere in the Quran where Jesus said I am God or son of God or worship me."
"The occult is the deception from the garden about becoming like God, same thing different wrapping paper."
"The Quran is confidently parting ways with biblical tradition, canonical, non-canonical."
"She's the goddess of sexuality, of sexual immorality. She's the goddess. She's actually called a prostitute."
"The idea of turning the other cheek doesn't mean being taken advantage of; it's not what Jesus taught."
"The prefix anti not only means against. So you need to understand when Antichrist emerges on the scene he will appear to some to be the Christ."
"I don't believe that when God written his history, it was for him to die with the sad history of him taking trains and buses and that's it."
"The New Testament authors come out of the gate swinging to set Jesus as the Son of God as a category entirely of its own."
"They're putting Jesus in a category completely of his own as a son."
"It's personal. Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. It's a relationship. It's personal."
"The first thing you need to ask yourself when you read the Bible is, 'What is this saying about God?'"
"When Jesus empties himself, he's like voluntarily taking the form of a servant."
"He's calling Jesus God in a secondary sense... it's perfectly appropriate to say you're my God to an intermediary God who's above you in the hierarchy."
"The Quran is voicing a vindication of Jesus as the true Messiah and prophet of the children of Israel."
"The Bible cannot contradict itself, so if there's a contradiction, it has to be with that individual's interpretation."
"Jesus intercepted all of our bad promises and made them good."
"Whatever the truth about Jesus and Mary's physical relationship, the Gospel of Philip clearly suggests they shared a strong spiritual connection."
"There's something completely different about Adam that both the Quran and Muhammad in the Hadith say."
"Muslims will make it lawful even though it is forbidden."
"Here are some amazing statements to show you indeed that Mohammed is the one foretold in the Bible."
"Does this mean it's a prescription for all of us believers?"
"If you follow only Jesus in the Bible, you'd end up being a Muslim."
"Let the Bible be what it is and not what you want it to be."
"If the Son of God really came here, would you recognize it?"
"God provides multiple characteristics of the beast because He wants us to have no doubt about its identity."
"If you really want to kill religion, translate the holy books into modern speech."
"When you've got an invisible immaterial undetectable thing out there that's doing something that scripture actually says occurs, that kind of blows my mind." - Caller
"What the pope says about homosexual people having a right to be in a family is not against church teaching nor is it new."
"Christianity has become something deformed from what the founder intended."
"Jesus role was a man of love. What color has nothing to do with it."
"I provided primary source references from the same website that you guys did I gave secondary sources from Catholics from Protestants and from Orthodox all reading these passages the same way."
"Instead of asking the Arminian and the Calvinist, let's ask Jesus what he thought about once saved always saved."
"Last night what we saw was the hands of God protecting Israel."
"The Antichrist is alive now, or is going to be."
"When Jesus saw her, what did He see? A woman who had temporarily succumbed to the weakness of the flesh but could be reclaimed through repentance and His Atonement."
"Would you say then that chapter 9 verse 5, the sword verse, 'Slay the mushrikun wherever you find them,' is directed towards Christians?"
"The Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might by his revelation make known some new doctrine but that by his assistance they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith."
"Most Muslims hardly ever read the Quran with try understanding."
"El Shaddai is P's word for God in Genesis. That doesn't mean no one else knew the name or could ever use it, right?"
"The Bible is a living word, it reveals truths beyond surface interpretations."
"The 144,000 are singing the same song as described in Revelation 5."
"The number one takeaway I want all of you to get from this video is that Sola scriptura has created Jacqueline Glen's interpretation of the Bible."
"When somebody comes along and says, 'I know what the ayah means,' that's where the problem lies."
"Literalists are confused by the genres of God."
"The core issue of the mark of the beast revolves around worship."
"Lucifer convinced many angels to lie, wake up."
"So when he talks about where this is coming from and where this hatred is understand the Bible makes it very clear."
"It's the foundation of the understanding how the majority of us have been taught to read the scriptures is wrong and because this Foundation is off everything that grows from this Foundation is off."
"The concept of Jesus being the sun of righteousness is a very profound and a very good one." - David
"I wouldn't try to fit Jesus into just one category."
"As difficult to expect something even with the same result of this year and been amazing we won almost everything and to repeat would be very difficult but we will try."
"The Bible is smart and very specific... when you fiddle with that, you fiddle with truth and you fiddle with God."
"When you read the Old Testament, realize these stories aren't just there because God thinks it's a good story. The entire purpose is to foreshadow and prophesy Jesus, his return, his people, the kingdom—everything in Christ is in the Old Testament."
"This is not a Jesus who wants you to sit back and slack-jawed awe at how majestic and powerful he is. He wants you to get up off your ass and be better."
"The vision of the Third Secret includes a bishop dressed in white, believed to be the Pope, being killed by soldiers."
"Salvation is not just asking God to forgive; it's accepting the plea bargain Jesus made on our behalf."
"It's just sad because like Kevin was saying a thousand percent agree with you Kevin it just speaks to the character and the nature of God."
"You don't have to kill the son, doesn't have to shed any blood, he can forgive you."
"Kamala says, 'The act of getting vaccinated is the very essence of what the Bible tells us.'"
"God seems to tell us what to do and so much to do, but humans like to do things their own way."
"Every part of the Bible is true, properly understood."
"Jesus calls Judas 'friend' even amidst betrayal, showing not hatred but sadness and perhaps a deep understanding of human weakness."
"The Bible describes Leviathan...it's clearly describing a crocodile."
"Everything about the behemoth describes an elephant."