
Magnitude Quotes

There are 320 quotes

"It is a galaxy-spanning empire, a realm of a million worlds and quadrillions of citizens, toiling within its gargantuan magnitude."
"Congress provided by far the fastest and largest response to any post-war economic downturn."
"Their transformations can be as something as insignificant or small as a worm or as large as the universe."
"The magnitude of what we have to be capable of responding to if you want to be able to deal with it is the biggest thing humanity has ever faced by a large margin."
"This whole situation is a lot bigger... than I think anybody who's kind of followed the situation is well aware of."
"These numbers are staggering. It's large. And I don't think we're done. I think we're just getting started."
"This whole thing is way bigger than I thought."
"The tallest pyramid: If we take a look at the Magnificent Pyramids of Giza in their entirety it seems that the central pyramid of Khufu is by far the largest structure."
"It's the biggest heavyweight fight, you know what I mean? You don't get any bigger."
"One of the largest false flag attacks in American history." - Narrator
"It is only the biggest political scandal of our time."
"It's a scandal of epic proportions because it was election interference."
"That's enough to cover the whole of Texas with a layer of lava 10 feet thick."
"Reality is like a magnitude bigger than we ever thought possible."
"The vast Amazon. Covering almost half of South America."
"The magnitude of the quantum amplitude is determined by the number of ways to get to that point in the multi-way graph."
"What is the magnitude of change that we are willing to take as an organization?"
"The size of the trilithons is 20 meters long, about five meters wide, and four meters high; the weight of each trilithon is about 800 tonnes."
"It's bigger than any of us, than anything I could have imagined."
"Success isn't really all just about the frequency of how often you can win, it's really about the magnitude with which you can win."
"I think that this is the biggest clone base of all time."
"God's love is massive in size and strength, and His desire to forgive people is just as big."
"I don't think anyone understood the full magnitude of what was going to take place. But to have it on that scale, it was just a very, very magical and powerful experience."
"God isn't who you think He is. He's bigger."
"The magnitude of Central Park Tower is not just in its height and its size but also in the effort that it took to build this project."
"The Roman Catholic church is over a billion followers."
"...this thing's absolutely massive."
"When you visualize the branching of worlds as, you know, one branch branches into two, and you draw them going upward, let's say, on a diagram, and time is flowing upward, it is the same time. It's not multiple times. It's multiple space-times."
"This is 38,000 square feet of computer goodness."
"It's going to be staggering, the amount of names, it's going to be contagion numbers."
"...our protagonist realized that they didn't just build a house Garden but the proper Farm which was crazy big."
"No matter what angle you look at it, this is by far the biggest thing to ever come out."
"A big one can easily be a mile high and a hundred miles wide, a vast moving wall of death."
"For millennia almost 18% of the world's fresh water has thundered over the 180 ft drop."
"Teleporting an entire moon is a big deal."
"Stone half a million tons of it more than the weight of the Empire State Building."
"By far the largest mall in the world."
"The crater could eat our Grand Canyon for breakfast."
"Well, if you really want to look, they really have created a big-ass universe, I think they beat Star Wars at this point."
"Shoemaker-Levy 9, named after its discoverers, delivered the energy of 6 million megatons of TNT."
"16,000 fet is incredible oh my god."
"this might take a while because it is probably one of the biggest suites we have ever seen."
"Dinosaurs are not the only ancient reptiles. They're not the oldest but they are the biggest. Not only reptiles, but creatures that have ever walked the planet."
"The end of the world was about to come and people are like oh okay the end of the world this is this is huge."
"What we had here was just a tragedy of epic proportions."
"This is bigger than that. This is something really big."
"...these are some of the biggest ones I've seen."
"They had no idea it was going to become such a huge,"
"...the worst outbreak of plague since the black death and the Great Fire of London..."
"It's hard to get your head around just how big this was."
"It's a trillion dollars. That's trillion with a t and an r and an i and an l."
"What God did... it's bigger than what we think."
"Imagine that, like times four thousand."
"He has literally destroyed universes with trillions of life forms in them."
"...those numbers are staggering but difficult to comprehend."
"The absolute scale of a windmill blade compared to a person."
"Everything comes out big, oversized, and strong, and that's okay."
"God's power is immense. One lightning strike can carry enough electricity to power 10 million homes for one month. That's the size and immensity of God."
"No one is prepared for a disaster of this magnitude."
"The sheer magnitude of this purchase left many in awe."
"It's already giving, and I haven't even, like, it's huge, by the way."
"Supermassive is somewhat of an understatement."
"It's gonna be way bigger than normal."
"It's quite ornate. Everything is massive."
"This is probably the biggest project now I think about it."
"It's honestly absurd how big this game is compared to like what runs here all year."
"It should be noted that there were not just 14 of them all over Colombia, but many times more."
"So when we think of that number, it's like, 'Wow, that's an astounding number.'"
"More than 1 million Earths can fit in our sun."
"It just feels like the scale is very large."
"The difference between one and zero is so extraordinarily great."
"It's difficult to describe how big this is."
"Maybe take that and multiply it by like a hundred."
"It was the eighth largest in the world."
"From their core populations around Moscow, they've gotta cross two Texans to get to where they need to go. That's big."
"How big was this tonight? It was huge, it's about as big as it gets."
"Holy [ __ ] massive, I mean massive."
"The amplitude of the wave is 10 to the minus 21, incredibly small but significant."
"It's almost laughable, meters changing by 10 to the minus 21."
"If you had an atom, the change is a million times smaller than the nucleus of an atom."
"It was just truly truly impressive to see the size and scale of some of these factories."
"The magnitude of the game, I do think that probably was the best goal of the tournament."
"It's really hard to articulate just how big it feels."
"The scale of this destruction is something most of us can hardly even imagine."
"Staggering numbers, just staggering numbers."
"...one of my favorite science writers is a man named Chet Remo... he once calculated the odds... he calculated at 1 in 10 to the 15th power which he goes on to say is a larger number than all the stars in the universe or all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world."
"The magnitude of Roman's feat was staggering."
"The energy released exceeded 470 kilotons of TNT, 30 to 40 times bigger than the bomb that hit Hiroshima."
"So that's a couple of orders of magnitude, which is pretty impressive."
"A fortune so vast it's hard to wrap your head around it: $71.2 billion in today's dollars."
"Imagine all the love you've ever felt on Earth... and put it into one pinpoint of experience and then multiply it by thousands... that's like God's love."
"As you can see, this is quite an enterprise."
"Holy [ __ ], I see it! It's [ __ ] enormous!"
"Absolutely huge and amazing to think this spacecraft has been to space 33 times."
"If you have any idea how big 5000 watts of solar is."
"She was an ocean liner in all regards, with her tonnages sitting at 18,720 gross registered tons and 11,130 net registered tons."
"It's more epic than people realize."
"This is so much bigger than you think."
"This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier."
"I was absolutely blown away by the sheer size of the museum and how vast it was."
"That's a big chunk, isn't it? Yeah."
"It's amazing to think about this giant structure, 35 miles across."
"A disaster of enormous magnitude."
"A factor of 10 means fundamentally new effects."
"It's much bigger than you think it is."
"Goku and Beerus nearly destroyed the universe, considering we've measured Dragon Ball's Universe 7 to be up to 13 times bigger than our own."
"This thing was big, I'm telling you, it was big."
"I think we have something really big on our hands."
"Hulk was generating all of that with each step, and that's not all, he was generating all that and more, significantly more because he wasn't just shaking the East Coast, he was threatening to literally destroy the East Coast, sink it straight into the ocean, just from walking."
"This is the big one because, well, it has the big figure."
"So in the concept of a biggest blast, it's as big as it gets. It was the whole universe blasting into existence."
"Lots of the big stuff, which is so good."
"It's far bigger than we ever imagined."
"We've never seen anything of that scale in human history."
"It takes your breath away as to how big this giant thing is."
"This was a whole hell of a lot more than a platoon or even a company."
"This is a really big move for Sean and Emma and I think the magnitude of that move is starting to sink in."
"The magnitude of his ministry was measured by his intimacy with God."
"Their kindness was the size of a mountain."
"That's the biggest D I've ever seen off here!"
"It's the sheer scale of the collection."
"Half a million. That's so massive. It's incredible."
"The bigger the better, so I'm excited to do this today."
"Absolutely incredibly, it's huge."
"A sacrifice of unimaginable magnitude."
"You may not think it because it's Daytona two and a half, but it's big."
"That's a big deal, it's a huge deal."
"That was bigger than the last one."
"These are caves they're not digging when you say treasure digging it's not a one-day couple hours thing...this just keep this picture in mind as you hear this because you want to downplay this into being a very small thing it was a very big operation..."
"The magnitude of what we're about to hear is just surpassing anything that we've probably covered before."
"No matter the racetrack when you look up and see 160,000 seats it's a pretty massive pretty massive Stadium."
"... the magnitude of a B is equal to the magnitude of a times the magnitude of B, but our notion of magnitude is a little bit different."
"The horrifying magnitude of all this is to be reminded."
"That right there is bigger than anything."
"That is a ridiculous amount of power."
"Its minimal Luminosity is 90,000 times higher than that of the Sun."
"Its maximal Luminosity is a staggering 150,000 Times Higher."
"What a tremendous destructive force."
"That's a boulder you're looking at 40 tons."
"If that doesn't show you how big this stuff is, then I don't know what will."
"The rewards were on a whole different dimension."
"If everyone was there, it would be massive."
"This tree is so massive you could fit multiple people here."
"There is no limit to how massive a black hole can be."
"There are numbers out there that are even larger so large in fact that it's impossible to write them down."
"It was no small operation that arrived that night at the Garden of Gethsemane to arrest Jesus."
"The energy output of the Sun is more than has been put out in the entire history of all recorded industry since the Industrial Revolution."
"What you will see in your lifetime will make the book of Acts look like child's play."
"this is definitely the biggest outlet that I have come across in a very very very long time"
"They're massive, honestly they are big."
"The problem we're solving requires an enormous amount of innovation."
"Times Square, you crazy... it's the biggest New Year celebration on Earth."
"I mean billions wow really you reckon only billions well I didn't want to say trillion because I know everyone will be like trillions I don't think you understand the idea we're dealing with here."
"It's quite a lot. It's a big place."
"I couldn't believe my eyes as the shark glided past. It was so, so big. Its mass literally displaced the water around me, pushing my body aside by the power of its wake."
"The sheer scale of this place blows your mind."
"The 1910 Great Northern Rockies fires ... burning about three million acres in about 48 hours."
"It's still a massive amount of raw computing power."
"The size and scope of this place is massive."
"I feel like I'm in the presence of something massive."
"Never before has so much been done for so many in an instant."
"Especially with something of this magnitude."
"400,000 is like a mind-blowing number."
"It's almost as big as some houses."
"That is a big one we're talking several hundred on this one."
"Black holes, mysterious and gigantic."
"...this is a pretty massive space you can see the boarding ladder right here."
"There's this very, very large separation of scale."
"Your gift is larger than what you imagined."
"Life with God in heaven will be of a greater magnitude than anything we have experienced on earth."
"They are gargantuan, absolutely gargantuan."
"You just don't get bigger fights than this, so it's absolutely huge."
"It feels bigger than it is because you never see it all at once."
"If you're gonna write about anything, make it the most. Make it the biggest ever."
"The gravity of the losses... cannot even be stated."
"As high as the heavens are above the earth, that's how much I love."
"It's an order of magnitude change."
"There's enough water in Lake Superior to cover all of North and South America in a foot of water."
"I've never been in an atmosphere of this magnitude, it's unbelievable."
"Your restoration will be so supernatural, it will be so deep, it will be so massive, it will be so gigantic."
"The amount of power from the sun that strikes the earth in one hour is more than the entire world consumes in a year."
"Your God is so big, He loves you so much."
"This debris signature is just massive."
"The Quake That Shook Alaska in 1964 had a magnitude of 9.2, making it the most powerful earthquake ever to hit North America."
"The magnitude of the disaster was overwhelming."
"The shaking registered a magnitude 6.9, the biggest quake the Bay Area had seen since the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906."
"The Pacific Ocean, the planet's largest and deepest."
"This is the largest natural disaster we've ever experienced."
"It's so large that they can actually see it from space."
"The implications of what just happened are pretty massive."
"If there's one thing that I can assume about God, it's big."
"We know a million, a billion, and a trillion are different sizes, but we often do not appreciate the staggering increases between them."
"I'm stepping into this magnitude."
"The Great Lakes are enormous; they're the largest group of freshwater lakes by area and the second largest by volume."
"A trillion is an impossible number to even fathom."
"It's the biggest Love Letter ever written."
"The apology has to be bigger than the offense."
"This seismic event triggered a massive tsunami with waves towering as high as 35 m."
"The size and scope of each Spire is truly massive when you consider the space it occupies below ground."