
Market Optimism Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"October is behind us and it looks like we are entering what is going to be a parabolic November and December."
"We are always prepping for the worst, but right now, I'm in the market and I'm happy."
"Bitcoin is still looking incredibly bullish... There's nothing to worry about."
"I don't see how this bull run is going to stop."
"I am more optimistic than I'm bearish but I'm also cautiously optimistic."
"This bull run... I can see ten to twenty thousand dollars easy."
"I honestly believe that 2020 is going to be one of the best years for e-commerce ever."
"The market seems optimistic at least about this idea that inflation might be peaking here."
"Market seems to be increasingly anticipating an upside scenario." - Goldman Sachs
"I still do think we will see higher prices later on this cycle without having to wait for the next having."
"I do think 2022 there will be very likely there will be new all-time highs."
"When everybody thinks they can get rich in a market."
"The market is pricing in the best case scenario right now."
"We're about to see Bitcoin explode, there's no question about it. When in doubt, zoom out."
"I've never been more bullish on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in my entire life."
"I do think long term over this bull run this one is going to crush it."
"Majority are believing that we're going to break out."
"If we return to the bull run right now, the macro for crypto has never been better."
"There's more upside right now in being bullish."
"I'm still bullish and I'm long. I'm looking at these types of opportunities as what they are: chances to get back in at lower price points."
"I can't think of anything more bullish. It'd be very hard to think of something more bullish than making it five times more expensive to short than to long."
"The problem with Bitcoin may actually be that it's actually too bullish."
"The only way it makes sense in my opinion is because the market's actually thinking like, 'Well, it's there's still hope it's temporary.'"
"This is truly the beginning, not a bubble that's gonna pop."
"The sentiment is that there's going to be a bull market in q4."
"Market's been way more bullish than the headlines."
"There's no real evidence of a risk bias at this point to the downside... you should be invested here now."
"So, what if it doesn't? Then great, we're heading higher."
"The trend for the stock price is likely to be up."
"The only thing better than the 10x return is a 100x return."
"I'm pretty bullish on Disney's streaming service; I think it's gonna do really well."
"This is just the beginning, we're gonna see a lot more gains."
"We're about to see a bull market that no one's ever seen before."
"The best part of the bull market, I believe, is here."
"Bitcoin breaks past $65,000, I think we can run pretty high."
"We're putting in higher lows, we're putting in higher highs, it feels like we're coming up to a crescendo."
"The bottom is in, not the top." - Peter Brandt
"Wouldn't shock me to end this week higher than before."
"This is the day that you want to be trading in, happy about it."
"The US economy right now is still really strong and that's why we're only 2% off a new 52-week high on the S&P 500."
"What makes you think that the bull run is still going?"
"During one of the most fundamentally bullish times for bitcoin and for cryptocurrency as a whole, I don't think now is the time to be bearish."
"I think the market is saying better that they are talking than not talking."
"In the meantime, this will excite charts like this to explode higher."
"Don't sell your Bitcoins. Do not sell your Bitcoin. Do not sell your ethereum. It will rise again."
"I feel amazing. You're not concerned about deleveraging? Oh no, buy the blood, banter fam, right?"
"Long-term bullishness is the sentiment here."
"Bitcoin likely to reach 40K... strong momentum."
"I thought there'd never be another crypto bull market like the one we had in 2017, now I'm saying this bull market is just getting started."
"To conclude, Bitcoin is doing absolutely fantastic. Fantastic indeed. We're holding very strong. Tomorrow when I stream, we're going to be at 75,000, okay? The sky is the limit and we may actually double in 18 days. Think about that."
"It's very foolish to be bearish on the market right now."
"This is a fantastic dream buying opportunity."
"The Bull Run is still on, bitcoin is still coming back, it's still going over 100k."
"In my opinion, very bullish for the crypto market."
"October, November, December are typically quite bullish months."
"Homebuilder sentiment reached the highest level on record."
"You may want to start positioning your portfolio for a rebound."
"The worst is over, bottom is in for Bitcoin. I think they're going to salvage this."
"It's entirely possible this could be the beginning of the longest bull market run we have ever seen."
"Consumer spending is strong, so we're in what is arguably the best economy in a while."
"I'm super bullish on that space and I think SHIB should be too."
"I do believe that we will see Ripple XRP XLM XDC and you know the drill and the list of coins in this space that have the opportunity to rise like a phoenix."
"I think I will not be shocked by the end of the year if 100k is achieved."
"Assets are going to continue to rise for sure, it's extremely bullish for Bitcoin."
"I firmly believe that we're going to be at 100,000 within the next six months."
"As long as we bounce up and we get bought up quite quickly, it's actually quite bullish in my opinion."
"So now we hold we sit on our hands, and we hold and we let this bullish momentum, squeeze out the whales."
"I don't think you're late on the altcoin market by any means."
"It's going to be a hug your altcoins and kiss them and love them and sing them L moment."
"The market is basically saying this too shall pass and we'll be back to a normal that is not radically different from the old normal."
"Literally everything does look extremely positive for now and it looks like it's shaping up to be a good April."
"Are we going to see a rally like we saw mid-March? I hope so because that was great."
"Bitcoin's going to hit 300,000 this year. Very confident. Some people will say it's got to take longer than that. No, it's this year bust."
"Crypto is still doing very well; there's so much optimism in this space right now."
"I believe that we're in an amazing time to be accumulating."
"I do think bitcoin will go above 100k... I'm just sort of being realistic."
"I think bitcoin will make it easily to 300k next market cycle."
"Everything's going up, stocks only go up. This is the easiest game I've ever been a part of."
"Markets only go up. You gotta continue to buy the dips, yadda yadda."
"We are at the early stages of what feels like a great bull market for precious metals."
"Regardless of what things feel like today with price, I'm excited about the market too."
"I am very positive on this market. I am looking at quite a few things to see where we're going to go in terms of the overall market."
"The markets don't care about the recession, which means they believe it was fully priced in."
"Chamath is saying the global market outlook is looking good for the near term. The bottom is in."
"It's not catastrophic. This is not the end of the bull market."
"Bitcoin is going to go up, you know, forever up and to the right."
"I'm still so bullish on the altcoin market now."
"I think there's a big opportunity in this area right I think that we've been talking about this week I think there's a lot of bullish signs."
"Still sticking to a million dollar Bitcoin by 2030."
"Wall Street analysts are starting to upgrade Funko stock."
"I think we have an amazing, amazing future ahead of us if this market holds."
"I think the next 500 or a thousand is up, not down."
"Despite growing global concerns, the auction houses remain optimistic for the art market."
"This is a massive green flag for NFTs because it's going to allow for more adoption, I think it strengthens every other NFT marketplace on the ecosystem especially decentralized ones, it makes me very, very, very bullish."
"I am quite bullish and have been optimistic that this dip would have been some of the best opportunities that this market has given us in years."
"In a bull market you just learn to buy the dip."
"We definitely have some huge news in the past 24 hours huge steps towards mass adoption and definitely uh bullish for the crypto space as a whole."
"Not financial advice just financial opinion and that is what is going on with bitcoin and why I'm feeling pretty bullish right now."
"Things are looking like we're gonna be way above 48 000 by the end of August okay unless something really derails this Market."
"All season hasn't even begun yet. As it begins here, it's gonna be face melting rip raw to the upside in my opinion."
"If you don't see bitcoin as bullish, then you haven't been paying attention."
"Bitcoin is the honey badger, it's only going to come out of it much stronger."
"If Bitcoin holds the 20-week estimate, our most bullish scenario puts in a new all-time high next month."
"The conditions are so bullish, there's actually literally no supply."
"All coins are looking really, really nice recently."
"The most bullish scenario that I could imagine, that's realistic, is to go up around 50k or so and to ultimately come back down and hold the bull market support band as support."
"The rallies in big Tech are unlikely to be anywhere near over; they have real fundamental reasons to run."
"Getting above that dollar 35 mark and range for XRP price is really going to set us up for a very very bullish position."
"I think Bitcoin's going around 80-90,000. The market's going to do very well."
"I still think we're gonna hit 130,000 this year, that's my conservative number."
"Things are about to explode for V chain. Very excited for Bitcoin and shout out to Sunny over there."
"It's a good time to buy through the spot market... Eventually, the price is likely to go up in the long term."
"I'm actually still very bullish on Ethereum, I think it's a strong recovery."
"The future is very bright especially when you have all these rich people just sloshing around money into the market."
"We're up 14 percent in the last like 10 days because we frickin bottom let's go."
"Everything's green, you just buy and let it rip."
"As investors all we're simply doing is saying I think that this company or this market or this whole planet's future is going to be better down the road than it is today."
"Morgan Stanley suggesting 60% upside in Tesla share price."
"You can bet your bottom dollar that we're getting the next impulse going higher."
"When the FED pivots, prices are just going to shoot the moon."
"I think they're gonna sell boatloads of them."
"We will make new all-time highs easy." - Sprinkle layoffs on top of that, mass layoffs that have to be masked, not just the regular ones, have to be a thousand plus. We'll make new all-time highs easy.
"Bitcoin should be able to go to 100 to 200k by 2023 end of 2022 at the earliest."
"Bitcoin has entered the optimism phase amongst traders."
"The market has migrated from hope to optimism."
"As soon as prices break above the trend line, expect acceleration to the upside for Bitcoin."
"There's been this belief that these are terrific buying opportunities."
"Markets may well be going up significantly in 2023."
"We're just waiting for it to take off and that is when the market will resume back to hopefully where we were or even better than where we were just in the last full run."
"I think the market will end the year higher than it is today, even though there may be a correction in between as a result of higher interest rates."
"Why fear? Long-term bullishness lies in higher lows."
"The current bull market we're seeing right now is going to be nothing compared to the bull markets in the future."
"Everybody is a financial genius in a bull market because everything you touch goes up."
"This is bullish, my friends. It is bullish. You will see it or you will not."
"I think the Cyber truck is going to be a breakout success."
"It's looking so incredibly bullish and today's a fantastic day."
"No signs of a bear market, absolutely zero signs of a bear market."
"Cardano still looking good. I don't really have any major issues with this thing."
"I believe that Bitcoin will rise higher than that, it's actually a pretty good entry."
"You gotta love it, so much opportunity in the market right now."
"Bitcoin's number goes up and therefore buy bitcoin."
"When yields go down for the right reasons... you want to go with the risk on yield sensitive."
"The shorts haven't covered, the apes aren't leaving, I'll see you on the moon."
"Hopefully tomorrow we'll have another green day it'll be the seventh green day for me if I can finish green which hopefully I'll be able to do right on Owen."
"Bitcoin set to rally, Bobby Lee expects the crypto surge in the coming months."
"The mentality for now is the pivot is back on."
"There's always going to be a bull market, it just takes a little bit more work."
"Altcoin dominance is charting back up, a sign of a bull market."
"You want to be a buyer when they open up positive the next day."
"It's very likely we're just getting started."
"I think it's going to be great for the consumer."
"From a technical standpoint on a daily chart, things are looking fantastic, fantastic."
"Crypto doom or crypto boom? Well, I'll tell you what I think. I'm going to show you evidence today that we're about to see a crypto boom."
"It will continue to go up, I will tell you that."
"A major rally is coming to Ethereum, we're probably going to be back up at and above 3,000."
"Tokens are popping 50% in a day... that's bull market type stuff."
"This is a really big one for Cardano, and I think because of the fundamentals that underlie the Cardano blockchain itself, I think Cardano is going to overcome it organically and naturally."
"Long-term continuation very likely trades towards all-time highs."
"The bull run is here. All of the Bears are wrong at this point."
"The bear market is over, I repeat it's over."
"AMC betting back around running for the Moon."
"Ethereum is still absolutely in a very bullish narrative."
"Coming out of one of the coldest crypto Winters yet, I'm incredibly bullish about Ripple's trajectory. Me too!"
"I'm pretty bullish on the whole market at the moment."
"The market is not all doom and gloom... there are a lot of very bullish things."
"We got massive amounts of Hope in this market right now."
"Folks what are people doing well in the first half retail investors said you know what we're seeing this as the opportunity of a lifetime to buy stocks."
"To me that's a good sign for the overall market for sure."
"Signals turning back to bullish for the Dow."
"This market will continue higher no matter what's thrown at it."
"Things are about to get really bullish, ladies and gentlemen."
"The market that never goes down, man. I know that this looks absolutely ridiculous, looks absolutely crazy but I would still be looking for newer time highs."
"At the end of the day, my friends, higher lows, higher highs."
"That red candlestick is awesome because that just means I get to buy in more."
"Bull markets run higher than anyone ever thinks possible."
"I still think we've got more bullishness to come."
"I'm bullish. I'm a bull. Very, very much right now."
"Bitcoin is moving in the right direction. Slow and steady rise, that's what we want to see."
"According to Willy Woo, there is no top to this bull cycle."
"Crypto.com just seems like they are on an unstoppable path forward."
"April traditionally has been very, very, very positive month for Bitcoin."
"This short term collapse in markets will be just that, short term, quick and painful."
"Time is on our side, the market cycle is not over. This is not a dead cat bounce."
"You can buy pretty much anything in the market right now and wait 12 months and as long as the team stayed active, you'll make a decent profit."
"Commodities have done well recently but it does not seem like it has gotten bubbly at all... we're in a long term bull market for commodities."
"The question is, are we in that short burst of hope right now?"
"Keep hope within this market because not all is lost."
"There's absolutely nothing holding the market back."
"Why are we excited that Cardano's down 82%? Because the fundamentals are stronger than they were."
"Walmart boosted its sales forecast for the upcoming quarter and the whole year."
"We're out of this bear market, but I do think the rally to finish off the year could be a possibility."
"I think it has a lot longer to go as obviously you do for silver and you know congrats on the validation you've been a huge proponent of silver and I think it's going to be an incredible incredible place to be for the next few years."
"I do think that we're gonna see a very bullish move."
"Bitcoin is looking pretty darn good. Still, nothing has changed."
"Most things in this market are looking really, really good."
"I'm bullish long term, looking for sideways and up."
"Trillions coming into the space guaranteed, absolutely guaranteed."
"It's a promising sign that we might start to see small caps heat up again."
"This could turn out to be one heck of a buying opportunity for the long term."
"I believe all coin season is 100 percent confirmed, the bulls have it."