
Literary Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Hope is dead, hell is empty, and all the devils are here."
"He compares her to a gentle quail egg in the chaos of a bowl of stir fry."
"Sebastian, my callous Michaelis. There you go."
"I am that which you see before you, nothing more." - Red 13
"Honestly, Elric does not get enough recognition as it is."
"Cannon to the right of them, Cannon to the left of them, cannon in front of them volleyed and thundered."
"Boldly they rode and well into the jaws of death, into the mouth of Hell rode the 600."
"Let's take a moment and remember before Aragorn was a would-be King, he was a ranger, ladies and gentlemen."
"Good moments that were just really well adapted from the books."
"If you're going to read one love story this year, make it this one."
"It very much feels like an old novel brought to life."
"She's so into the arts, her story would seem like a book brought to life."
"Sherlock Holmes is a fantastic character, just so unique, I love that he's so hyper focused on his work."
"If they get this through, they would have truly outdone George Orwell."
"The only thing that's worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself." - George R. R. Martin
"The book community is a great place with some rough patches."
"For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing."
"I'm Dante with a pen I'm just describing your journey through hell come this way I come away Gibson this point you're just a fun race"
"What was the book and the cave maze in the cave soggy yet something I had to cut out."
"I think we've lost far too much literature to say x is the antecedent of Y."
"Dublin is the home of many acclaimed literary pioneers including George Bernard Shaw, James Joyce, and Seamus Heaney."
"Firstly Arcane is stacked with three pillars of Greek tragedy: hamartia, anagnorisis, and peripeteia."
"There is something kind of Shakespearean about him."
"I was very active in the literary Society."
"That's probably why I like some of Lovecraft's um and Clark Ashton Smith's and people like this, they're just over the topness of it."
"Convenience Store Woman is a wonderful literary novel about what it means to be happy and content with your life."
"Chain Gang All-Stars is a masterpiece of literary dystopian fiction about the corruption at the heart of the American capitalistic prison system."
"Poetic or even novelistic justice would, I think, support the notion."
"Plain words, yet incomparable majesty."
"Dolores Claiborne...just stunning prose in this book."
"It's Thomas Bernhard plus Woody Allen, add in, of course, a cold Russian winter, an extremely high IQ, voilà, there you are."
"One of the great pleasures of my literary life was the fact that Peter dedicated his last novel 'Secret Protocols' to me."
"I'm going to go safe. The title character for Gonoral Reagan and Cordelia is King Lear."
"He's like a modern-day Shakespeare, Jesus Christ, the King of these Latter-Day Saints."
"It was immediately recognized that the Divine Comedy was a huge poetic achievement. It challenged the way in which people had written before him."
"I've always seen Sycorax as sort of the female dark parallel or inversion to Prospero."
"The passion and the unique rhyming in this poem are quite a rare find in Hebrew literary works."
"It signals to me that we're dealing with more literary than literal."
"It's just a collection of books that mean a lot to me and authors who I find myself in simpatico with, the kindred spirits of the literary world."
"I've never read a book like it before so... I think it's really unique for that reason."
"Fossa writes about quiet contemplation and silence better than any other writer I've read."
"Fossa isn't just Beckett reincarnated. Foss's voice is utterly unique."
"I want to pick out the major classic authors and read at least one book of theirs."
"Another goal of mine is to read more Shakespeare in 2022."
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here." - William Shakespeare
"The screaming comes across the sky. It is too late."
"I love literary sci-fi; it's just fantastic."
"The Bear and the Nightingale is a tale based off of Russian fairy tales."
"I don't know how to feel about this book. It was really good, really, really, really good, an incredibly emotionally taxing challenge."
"A weird, unforgettable pageantry that Dante himself could not have dreamed up."
"It's honestly scary, honestly beautifully written."
"It is such a welcome thing for me that my favorite author of all time is still just throwing such high velocity right now."
"Her writing has gotten better and better, and everything about it is amazing."
"It seemed to Oliver that he was in heaven itself."
"She was the Beatrice to his Dante, the unapproachable English girl from the big house on the hill."
"I could see Edgar Allan Poe vibe."
"He was back with his loneliness as it had been before."
"This is truly beautiful, it looks like Oliver Twist."
"His output wasn't enormous, but when you think of the great poems that you know by heart, quite a number are by him."
"Every moment I spent with Arthur Craven and her saddest moments were the rest of the time."
"The tears of rage and sorrow which a child sheds welled into the eyes of Dan Barry."
"The literal poet of our generation."
"Whether Catherine had spent her tears, or whether the grief were too weighty to let them flow, she sat there dry-eyed till the sun rose."
"Might as well have been written by Sophocles himself."
"Brandon Taylor writes with the force of a thousand suns."
"For a little country, Scotland's had a huge literary impact."
"As Shakespeare said, 'Like flies to wanton boys, we are to the gods; they kill us for their sport.'"
"It's Greek mythology story of Achilles and Patroclus and their friendship to relationship and it is just so beautifully written."
"It's fantastically written, it's very much in the vein of the world of Ice and Fire."
"Becoming a literary editor has been my dream since then, and I'm proud to be working in editing now."
"Harry Potter is probably one of the best book to movie adaptations of all time."
"The strong connection between psychoanalysis and literary theory has continued well beyond Freud."
"Alice Walker is a literary force to be reckoned with."
"You know my methods, Watson. Use them."
"John Green has this way with words where you read it, and you're like, oh my god, like he understands how I feel."
"It's almost like it could be written by Jane Austen."
"One of the most beautiful, engaging books I've ever read in a really long time."
"I assure you that you need not worry in that regard; I want you to be with me, and what's more, Mr. Darcy wants it too."
"To be honest, Miss Elizabeth, I had looked forward to returning to Derbyshire for December."
"Pardon me, your leadership," said Elizabeth, finding her voice in the wake of such a jarring revelation.
"And his only study was how to gain the affections of the peerless daughter Van Tassel."
"I thought that the writing was very beautiful, tons of stunning quotes."
"It's just something that sucks you in, it is such a gorgeous writing style."
"Sonet means 'little song' and it's this 14 line poem used to declare your love for somebody."
"The writing in this book is just so lyrical and beautiful."
"Literary treasures like these should not stay hidden away in the hooves of an old mirror like me."
"It's not just flavor text; it's literal poetry."
"Psychoanalytic literary theory has been one of the most dominant schools of literary theories throughout the 20th and 21st century."
"The power and poetic richness of her prose has been evident ever since she published 'The Bluest Eye'."
"He is truly a wolf, is he not? He's fooled us both," Pippa realized with a heavy heart.
"I like to think of Hannah Arendt as a writer, democratic, form-making her thinker."
"Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn? Because he's always had a great fall."
"If you liked 'The Secret History' and 'Bunny' and 'Luster', this mix of things, Catherine House could work for you."
"I'm going to say if you liked 'The Mist' and 'The Rest of Us Just Live Here' by Patrick Ness, this is going to be my strangest mashup."
"Mandalay is a really beautiful sounding and interesting literary name."
"The imagery in this novel is unlike anything I've ever read."
"Their laughter gone forever, as Beowulf's has gone, his pleasure and his joy."
"Bubblegum angels swooped from top margins or scraped their wings between teeming paragraphs."
"Call Dr. Reynolds, Atticus' voice came sharply from Jim's room."
"Bob Ewell was lying on the ground under that tree down yonder with a kitchen knife stuck up under his ribs. He's dead, Mr. Finch."
"Sophia Moreno Garcia's writing just really sings to me."
"Don't give agents a reason to say no because if they are reading that many, sometimes they ring quick and you want to give them a reason to stay in your pages and really get excited about the story."
"Everything just has some of the most beautiful writing I've ever read."
"When you're writing to describe, you need to use the senses plus literary devices."
"The sound of the turning page carved them in half."
"Dearest gentle reader, your absence has been noted."
"This author dares to speculate that indeed the moment of notice draws near."
"This book felt like a breath of fresh air."
"It's one of the most compulsively readable books I've ever read."
"Her sentences would just pin me to the wall with their perfection."
"Chaucer had emerged as the single most important literary figure."
"It was beautifully written, loved the story, the setting, and the summer vibes."
"The Grapes of Wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage."
"I loved this, like for what it's trying to do, I feel like Stephanie Garber was incredibly successful."
"It's Shakespearean; it's absolution."
"It's bookish, it's basically everything a bookworm could want from a holiday romance."
"It's just going to be a wonderful literary destination and I can't wait."
"It was the most interesting of times, it was the most metal of times."
"We believe it's completely within the spirit of Tolkien."