
Long-term Effort Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"It takes decades to build wealth and value as a man."
"You gotta devote some time and effort and energy over a long run for that to work out."
"If you want to actually get good at the game, it's going to take a long time to get good."
"If you want to make your life better, do it. And it's not gonna happen overnight."
"Perseverance: YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint."
"This whole thing is a marathon not a sprint."
"Success is often about doing the right thing but also doing that thing for a long period of time."
"If you just keep going, just do the same things for an uncommonly long period of time, you will get results in that thing you're seeking."
"We've been building on this for almost a decade now."
"It's been so long... Finally, positive progress."
"Winning a gold medal is really cool but it's a tiny moment. The 16 years that it took to get there is so much more valuable than the medal."
"The maintenance that the organization has done over the years was really incredible."
"Every overnight success takes about 10 years."
"Building an actual profitable league is a grind that takes numerous years of dedication and hard work."
"Almost 20 years in the making and it does all the things... how cool is that?"
"I'm an overnight success because I've done it now for this is my 42nd year in business."
"After 11 long years, Kofi Kingston has done it."
"Unification of functionality took years of efforts by AMD."
"This is so big because you guys have been at it for such a long time in terms of working towards your success for many of you November and just like that might be the cusp of it but you're going to be seeing outrageous success and victory."
"They been here puttin' in work for ten years."
"Endurance is key, it's not a sprint but a marathon race."
"You can completely change your entire universe with your trading success, but it's probably gonna take longer than you think."
"That's the fruit off of the hard work every day and it's just the beginning of the long journey."
"There's a reality here... we've been at this for 20 years."
"There's 10 years of work behind every overnight success story."
"I've been working on this for probably four and a half years, full-time putting in the time."
"Just don't give up. I've been doing YouTube for nine years."
"People can't change overnight. It took years of work."
"Richard has been on the forefront of biosafety and pushing back against this vast behemoth for decades."
"This is something I've been working for for a long time."
"You just need more years of doing what you're doing."
"This is not a sprint, my friends. This is a marathon."
"That's a signal that there is no cap to how high this company can grow."
"It's not a Sprint, it's a marathon. We're not doing it the quick way, we're doing it the right way."
"I'm still here because I'm still trying, six years later."
"I think that was four years of work, it just happened last night, right, we built that from the ground up."
"I've been doing this for like eight years straight, never stopped."
"It's not like it just happened overnight, a whole year I had to work so hard."
"It's just a testament to that kind of work decade's worth of work deserved."
"A good relationship is just consistently doing the small things over a long period of time."
"President Johnson knew battling poverty would not be easy."
"It's harvest season, we're not harvesting for a day, we've been planting for years."
"It doesn't happen overnight... stay consistent, stay motivated, never give up."
"It's not easy and it's not a quick overnight thing but it will work if you stick with it and you work for it."
"If I had to pick three things of why this whole entire project, which has been two years now in the making, has happened, it's because of her."
"Every overnight success story has 10 years of hard work behind it."
"18 years in the making, you know how many people said it was impossible?"
"We have to Sprint like this in a marathon for at least next 10 years."
"I always felt like someone saw me and I am Miles Morales, you give me. I always felt that way."
"We've just won the Champions League with Salford City. Six seasons in the making. Unbelievable! Let's go boys, we've done it!"
"It's a marathon, not 100 absolutely absolutely."
"Becoming an overnight success takes many many years."
"Alright, it feels like we worked towards this for 13 years now."
"It takes 10 years to be an overnight success."
"You've got to slowly and gradually build it up... it could take decades of a lifetime to build."
"It's nice to take a breath, this is the first breath of fresh air that we've had in months."
"This is something that I've been working for for a long time."
"It's not a sprint, it's an endurance race."
"Look for evidence of grit where there are trends that say this person did something for not one year but a number of years."
"It's been really a long time - very intense."
"You can achieve sustainable success only when you have the discipline to consistently make efforts over a long period of time."
"This has been a long time in the making, so it's like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders."
"We're not going to fix it overnight, but what we do need to commit to is that sustained approach that we are going to make a change."
"I've been doing it for a long time... it's the 10-year overnight success."
"Building this culture and this relationship with the people on my channel has taken a long time, so don't think that this is a one-day thing but rather a long stretch."
"Evangelization takes patience, a lot of hard work, and sometimes we don't see the fruits of it right away."
"It's a marathon, this is definitely a marathon, it is not a sprint."
"The IB is a marathon, not a sprint."
"You're finally being recognized for something that you've been doing for quite some time."
"He cultivated relationships and he did it for 30 or 40 years."
"If you want to see an actual change in something, it doesn't happen overnight; you have to spend months and sometimes years doing it."