
Economic Concern Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"There is fear that the bill is coming due, all that money that was being printed."
"We're walking into what I believe is going to be the greatest rug pull in American history."
"The fact that in about a year from now, a house is going to cost a half a million dollars for the middle American to afford is astronomically scary, but there are solutions."
"My biggest concern... is the hyperinflation that I really fear is coming."
"The most important issue for me is affordability, particularly for Canadian families."
"If you put $1200 or $1700 into our hands in April, that money's not going to last that long and we're gonna be in the same boat in May."
"The real question is, are regulators going to actually care to try to do something because oh yeah the level of grip that's happened in this market is extreme."
"Inflation is higher than it's been in 40 years."
"I fear for the future of our country if we don't get people back to work soon."
"We don't want Airlines going out of business."
"I'm not worried about the quarter. I mean, for myself, I'm not worried about anything. But for the length and breadth of American wage earners and savers and for the strength of the US economy, I'm plenty worried."
"We're seeing delinquencies really start to spike now."
"These woke fools are just destroying this country they're sharing the economy the political system culture the judicial system."
"Isn't this just gonna make the home affordability problem worse?"
"Is there something much worse underneath the hood in the plumbing of the financial system that is about to break?"
"What should worry everyone is how few workers are coming back into the workforce."
"Things are scary out there if you've got an IRA or a 401k or a savings account you know that it is kind of nuts."
"If wealth inequality becomes too severe, if wealth becomes concentrated..."
"Understand that inflation, in my opinion, is a very real threat."
"The idea is not having to worry about whether you have enough money to pay for the visit."
"Inflation is out of control right now, if you think this is peak inflation, think again."
"Joe says no matter what happens Andrew you and I need to sit down and talk about the fourth Industrial Revolution because I am terrified that we're going to gut the middle class."
"Are we gonna collapse in a deflationary vortex?"
"If you're worried about how indebted the country is, you won't be happy to hear the government broke a new deficit record for the month of December: $144 billion dollars."
"The national debt hit a record 30 trillion dollars."
"Do credit markets break like they broke in 2018?"
"Folks, if you now project forward 2021 earnings, oh my gosh, this thing's gonna blow up."
"Inflation is something that everyone is starting to think about given that 30 or so of every US dollar ever created in existence was created in the last 12 months."
"It's time to take action. Losing the standard of the US dollar could be our greatest defeat."
"The looming threat of an inflated market bubble raises serious concerns about the stability and sustainability of the real estate landscape."
"An invasion of Ukraine by Russia will be devastating to the global economy."
"Preppers are concerned about the state of our economy and the state of our world."
"Turns out she's got a dirty little secret about the weight loss stuff we're going to talk about but first right now it is no secret if you're tuned in we are seeing what could be a recession piling up at the beginning of the year."
"Our crippling national debt is an attack on future generations."
"That's like the worst CPI reading I think we've had in Forever, a very long time."
"I just don't want this to kill the retail market."
"Inflation may be higher than people realize, affecting prices."
"The American dollar is in severe crisis... at risk of no longer being the reserve currency of choice."
"China slides to the brink of deflation, adding stimulus urgency."
"The Panic on the Chinese stock markets tells us there are some serious fundamental issues going on."
"Prices in October increased at their fastest pace since 1990, up 6.2% compared to last year."
"Not one more penny for the war in Ukraine, negotiate peace, stop War inflation."
"Everybody's worried about inflation, that's why you're seeing a lot of people not wanting to move their cash to other assets."
"Gas was almost six dollars when I filled up yesterday."
"I'll tell you that if we have a Biden re-elected or a resumption of the Democratic Party, I would say that the dollar is dead."
"Roughly one in four Americans don't have anything in their savings account."
"Inflation will certainly be bad. No, I'm kind of thinking that it's going to get real bad."
"We have an affordable housing crisis in this country and it's about to get worse."
"Do you get to a point where people do lose confidence in the dollar? If you lose confidence in the dollar, you're out of everything, you're into gold." - Jim Rickards
"When the money runs out... what's going to happen?"
"The thing that bugs me the most about where we are right now is that our cars are not affordable enough we need to fix that."
"Shoppers are stepping back when it comes to splurging on non-essentials because they're feeling the heat from rising prices and higher borrowing costs."
"We need to get back to work, or we'll completely destroy our economy. Lord help us all."
"Inflation fears are already gripping more than half of the American population."
"Will inflation lead to a massive disaster of a de-leveraging collapse in the United States?"
"It's a global economy disaster waiting to hit."
"Ultimately, this is a huge issue because every dollar every day is becoming less valuable."
"I really hope we are approaching critical mass of this industry and we're heading for another crash."
"The national debts were about 22 23 25 percent of income and now they're approaching a hundred."
"The government's borrowing cost is now going to start skyrocketing."
"The biggest fear we should have is the fear of recession."
"There is palpable concern out there right now surrounding that last mile to the Fed's 2% inflation target."
"Oil prices are surging again, raising fears of more inflation."
"I worry about the fiscal deficit."
"What do we do about jobs though? That's my big fear with automation."
"The biggest reason why is inflation, that is the number one issue."
"You're going to see more and more people that will not be able to get a job."