
Fiat Currency Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Bitcoin isn't volatile; it's actually just reflecting the chaos in the fiat currency market."
"The U.S. dollar in the fiat money world is in a hyperinflationary collapse right now against Bitcoin."
"There's no truthful barometer for the debasement of fiat currency; Bitcoin is like an irrepressible barometer."
"Bitcoin solves the problem of preserving value in a world where fiat currencies lose purchasing power over time."
"If you just look at the operating mechanics of fiat currency, it's a really bad deal for everyone unless you have access to that new liquidity first."
"The real day of reckoning from this experiment with fiat money is not in our past yet; it's in our future."
"Bitcoin is non-government, it is just digital gold, and the US are pretty privileged that we have a pretty good fiat currency, but Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Argentina, it is so sad."
"The banking system is not something to be in in a fiat currency crisis."
"We've never gone through one of these cycles with fiat currency before."
"Fiat provides us with an alternative where the money supply increases around 14% per year."
"We go from a 1.5% per year increase in the money supply to a 14% per year increase because of fiat."
"No currency, fiat currency, has ever survived."
"Every fiat currency throughout history has failed."
"As the civil war showed, the advantage of a fiat currency is that a country can react immediately to a crisis."
"Fiat currency derives its value from the confidence of the people who are using it."
"The existing fiat currency system was unstable and nearing its end."
"When you run on this Fiat money, this dollar system which is not backed by any hard asset, well, the government and the FED have free reins to print more money."
"Once people lose confidence in a fiat currency you can't get it back."
"I think the intelligent people in the world and ultimately most people get the joke and realize that fiat currency is losing value consistently."
"Debasement of fiat currency is a thing that most people don't understand... but that is what is driving almost all asset prices."
"All fiat-based currency systems collapse... there is no example in all of history that has been tried thousands of times it doesn't work."
"Eventually, all fiat currencies return to their true intrinsic value, which is zero."
"The urge for very serious money to get out of fiat and into physical metal has been unprecedented."
"The biggest scam we've ever had has been the dollar."
"Anything that can be printed to infinity has no value it's just that for the past generations we've been told that the dollar and these fiat currencies have value."
"Bitcoin...cannot be duplicated like fiat currency."
"The death of a fiat currency is imminent, it is the people that pay with the labor that it took them to earn that currency."
"Our entire economic system is built on this fiat currency, this money that's sort of a fiction."
"Bitcoin is growing in value because it is swallowing all the fiat money that is out there."
"A rising gold price indicates a failing fiat currency."
"It's a 100% fatality rate... for fiat currencies."
"Eventually the fiat will fail, it's just mathematics."
"The financial system... it's not the stock market, it's the dollar. It's the U.S. dollar and all fiat-based money which is attached to nothing."
"The confidence in the fiat system is getting destroyed by the day."
"The freewheeling autonomous nature of cryptocurrencies poses a serious threat to the preeminence of fiat systems."
"This does over time increase the price of cryptocurrencies also because it does reduce the purchasing power of fiat currency which then uh and then uh takes more fiat currency to buy the same amount of cryptocurrency."
"We are watching the collapse of the fiat system right in front of our eyes."
"Money will lose its meaning when the majority of the population realizes that calling fiat currency money was a lie."
"The fiat money world is set up purely for corporations."
"There's not one example of a Fiat Currency which survived for over 100 years."
"This is the end of the fiat money experiment."
"As we print more money and as we have quantitative easing, it would seem that the price of gold continues to go up in value because our fiat currencies are going down in value over time."
"If cryptocurrency completely tanks, who gives? But if like fiat currency completely tanks, then we already have complete Global collapse, so like it's done."
"It's basically the end game for the fiat currency experiment. We've taken on more debt year after year, and now that debt is blowing up on us."
"The problem is that the people who own the financial assets are the top 1% of the population right and so they proportionally benefit but the money is coming from everyone so everyone's poor in a Fiat sense."
"If Bitcoin was one of those fiat currencies right, it would be like the fifth largest or sixth largest."
"The fiat system causes huge problems."
"Fiat currencies are inherently unstable, inflationary."
"The USA will be the last fiat currency to fail, but ultimately all fiats fail."
"All the people in the fiat world who are paid by fiat money and are constantly going on about inequality failed to mention how this exacerbates equal inequality all over the world."
"The current situation in the global economy has never been more obvious that it's probably not a good idea to keep a lot of money in fiat."
"All major economies have switched to fiat currency, which gives people in control of the economy more levers over how the monetary system plays out."
"It might just lead to the end of fiat currency and end to the dollar as the global reserve currency."
"The craziness of national fiat currencies is really starting to show."
"We haven't seen any fiat money systems that have given us the zero inflation rate on average that the classical gold standard gave us."
"This fiat currency is the only thing that defies gravity."
"It's an appreciating store of value versus fiat currency which is a depreciating store value."
"The fiat currency system cannot have deflation, which is why these cycles take place."
"The current fiat financial system cannot be saved; there's a monetary reset underway."