
Diplomatic Relations Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure cannot solve the issue; they only create new problems."
"I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world, one based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
"I would like to have a relationship based on mutual trust... a friendship not as it has been before."
"I constantly return to President Kennedy's wise words on our friendship: 'What unites us is far greater than what divides us.'"
"The US-China relationship is now into 40 plus years. It's never been smooth sailing." - Trey Grayson
"I don't think the reset ever could have worked...because there's literally nothing that we do which is that important inside Russia."
"Once you max out relations with these guys or one of them, you should start improving with the Pope as well."
"This move could be the CCP trying to repair ties with Iran amid growing international pressure."
"The US-China relations are at their worst since before 1979."
"He wants to grow closer with Israel to make sure that it gets the full respect that it deserves."
"Norway expelled 15 Russian diplomats over allegations of espionage."
"We must learn how to wage peace and we must learn how to have a far more humble and respectful relationship with other nations."
"The end result could easily be the death of our human representatives."
"World leaders who may absolutely hate each other's guts still had to suck it up, sit face to face, shake hands, and talk through issues to try and resolve something."
"Iran and Saudi Arabia's diplomatic relations: strange bedfellows with deep-seated animosity."
"Australia-China ties are at their lowest point in history."
"I think the market is saying better that they are talking than not talking."
"It's hard to have a serious relationship with the United States if you don't also have a serious economic relationship."
"It's a different set of rules when he attacks a major leader of an allied country."
"I think it was bad to escalate the tensions with Iran."
"The message that President Putin can take from today's extraordinary meeting of NATO and the G7 is this: Ukraine is not alone. We stand with the people of Kiev, of Mariupol, of Lviv, and Donetsk."
"Why aren't they actually mentioning China by name, right?"
"France is now unwanted hated despised, and replaced with Nations like Russia and China."
"Churchill issued a note to Stalin expressing genuine admiration for the tenacity of the Soviet Union."
"While its relations with South Africa are normalized today, during the Apartheid era they supported the Black activists."
"We affirmed the special relationship as it's not said lightly, the special relationship between our people and renewed our commitment to defending the enduring democratic values that both our nations share."
"Churchill's wider vision... draw in [Germany]... to weaken [it] to the point at which [it] will start to bring down the whole edifice."
"I think we, right now, probably have the best relationship with Japan that we’ve ever had."
"I find it hard to believe that anybody today will come out and defend what Donald Trump did, attacking Canada."
"Just last week the State Department already said we have given more in terms of money and equipment to Ukraine than any other country ever."
"If that were to happen then Putin would have someone he could talk to in Berlin."
"All they've done is damage their relationship with the monarchy."
"It is long past time for Ambassador Philatov to be expelled from Ireland."
"India and Israel: two old civilizations seeking peace."
"If Putin were to get on the phone call and say, 'Hey Tony, I believe this, I think this,' nothing that Putin has ever articulated comes close to mirroring what Blinken is saying."
"Political tensions with China... that could go away with the stroke of the pen."
"He's making a right connection, but I think they really think they can dump the whole critical response on the Americans." - Tim
"The Holy Father offers only silence on China."
"Biden did leave the summit saying that the tone was 'good, positive'... the two leaders agreed to begin negotiations on nuclear talks."
"President Trump has behaved with us with kindness and respect."
"The release of Andrew Brunson rests solely on diplomatic efforts by the United States government."
"The question arises whether Biden's aim is genuinely to repair relations or if there is an underlying motive."
"No new negotiations. There'll be one with the UK, they'll do some stuff on the edges, I think with the Chinese and that's it."
"Practice mutual respect and win-win cooperation in international relations."
"It seems like we are getting somewhere with China finally."
"Australia's prime minister called China's claims 'rubbish,' saying Australians will never trade their values in response to coercion."
"A stable India is a must in this unstable geographical region, especially with China rattling every day."
"We will have to rely only on ourselves and on our allies who would stay with us."
"Relations between China and Brazil worsened under Bolsonaro, a Bolsonaro himself campaigned demonizing China."
"When two sides were giving each other ultimatums and the expectation was who would blink first."
"America's coming back like we used to be - ethical strength, telling the truth, supporting our allies."
"Estonia has announced the expulsion of a Russian Diplomat." - Estonian foreign Ministry
"In time these diplomatic and economic ties would expand into direct military alliances."
"Which Taliban do you want to believe? The Taliban that says that they want good relations with India or the Taliban that says that they want to raise the voices of Kashmiri Muslims?"
"Biden vows consequences for Saudi Arabia after oil production cut..."
"China realizing belatedly its behavior hasn't left it with a lot of true friends."
"Both Ukrainian President Zelinski and Russian President Putin indicated a willingness to have negotiations."
"I think the best thing that happened in this country is the fact that at least for three years the fact that I have a very good relationship with Kim Jong-ho and I think that's a positive."
"This is a historic day. The Israeli delegation heads to Bahrain to establish formal diplomatic relations."
"Hey, we get more action. They weren't a very good trading partner anyway."
"I love the United States. But I love getting along with Russia and China, and other countries."
"They want to have good relations with both sides."
"The relationship between China and Russia has reached a decade high."
"Napoleon sent a letter to Emperor Alexander in Saint Petersburg, inviting him to make peace and end the war."
"I believe that there has never been such close bonds intimately connecting the leaders of both nations as we do now in the history of Japan-U.S. alliance of more than half a century."