
Nuclear Disarmament Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Nuclear weapons must not be used, and nuclear wars must not be fought."
"Russia and the United States have long agreed that nuclear use would have devastating consequences and have stated many times, including earlier this year, that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought."
"I definitely wanted to read that one because we did talk about that before. A lot of people have brought it up and I will stress we told Ukraine if you give up your nukes we got your back."
"Ronald Reagan did not shy from labeling the Soviet Union an evil empire, but he also sat down with Gorbachev and negotiated reductions in nuclear weapons."
"We will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon." - Donald Trump
"Americans from all political backgrounds and walks of life oppose this insane march to nuclear Armageddon."
"It's no joke if you go on with this nuclear arms race."
"We will pursue a world without nuclear weapons."
"Nuclear weapons do not make the world secure, they are the greatest threat to security." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"We want to reduce the number of nuclear weapons of the world because there's really no good use for them."
"The responsibility of the countries that have nuclear weapons to get rid of them now because this argument is going to gain currency."
"UFOs have actually appeared over the top of the U.S. Minutemen missile silos, where they have turned off the nuclear missiles, rendering them useless."
"The nuclear threats have to stop, like that's the ultimate bad, right?"
"Russia for its own reasons has chosen to be a participant in these negotiations... because it wants to see Iran's ability to get a nuclear weapon constrained."
"We want to be friends; just help us get rid of those [nukes]."
"If you can't get rid of all nuclear weapons, another way to stop a nuclear war would be a defense against them."
"So let's hope that it doesn't let's hope that no nuclear war happens."
"I remain an optimist that there might be terms of a bargain in which he would see that he's better off giving up his nukes."
"From some 70,000 nuclear weapons worldwide, we are now down to less than 14,000."
"Please help every human that is here to get past pulling a gun on a mistake of even thinking that there could be an unleashing of nuclear weapons. It's insane, it is insane." - Linda
"I will work to end the new Cold War leader so the abyss of a nuclear war that could destroy a world in mere minutes."
"They went from being a great team to one of the best teams of all time."
"Iran is further from a nuclear weapon today than it was when the deal was agreed to."
"The deal isn't rotten Iran has dismantled a huge portion of its nuclear program."
"The United States does not have to engage in a charm offensive with North Korea... There's legitimately no reason we have to engage in a charm offensive when we're telling a tin-pot dictatorship to give up their nukes."
"Kennedy demanded their withdrawal, Khrushchev countered by calling for the removal of NATO nuclear weapons from Turkey."
"South Africa was the only country in history to dismantle its nuclear weapons program in the name of world peace."
"Remember the goal is to get North Korea to freeze its weapons systems... China and North Korea proposed to freeze the North Korean missile and nuclear weapons systems and the US instantly rejected it."
"Chernobyl marked the beginning of disarmament for the world's greatest nuclear rivals."
"Diplomacy is the only path forward to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon."
"So decades of tension and the everlasting threat of nuclear war finally came to an end."
"We're moving forward with Russia to eliminate enough plutonium for about 17,000 nuclear weapons and turn it instead into electricity."
"Nuclear weapons are not the solutions to world security issues."
"It's inconceivable for Ukraine to get nuclear weapons."
"Wouldn't it be awesome if like 10,000 craft just came down from the heavens and landed on our lawns, landed on the White House, and just shut down every nuclear missile on the planet? Yeah."
"North Korea has already blown up all of their nuclear weapons underwater in the ocean."
"For the first time since the dawn of the nuclear age, there is not a single Russian missile pointed at America's children."
"There are far too many nuclear weapons in the world."
"The two even signed a treaty reducing their nuclear stockpiles."
"The total abolition of nuclear weapons has been endorsed by some of the most realistic Cold War realists."
"The world would be divided into two categories, states that would perpetually renounce their right to nuclear weapons and some states that would continue to maintain nuclear weapons for some time to come."
"I want to live in a world that's free of the danger of a nuclear holocaust. Any nuclear weapon used anywhere in the world is a disaster for all of us."
"I think the reason that we have avoided nuclear disaster is not solely attributable to the fact that we classified the secrets but that we did something we did a number of smart things."
"Kissinger played a role in the development of the first nuclear nonproliferation treaties."
"Reagan negotiated with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to decrease both countries' nuclear weapons."
"Having been so recently and so vividly reminded of what can happen after surrendering nuclear weapons, Kim Jong-Un doubles, triples, quadruples down."
"In a world committed to atomic armament, the shadow of fear, secrecy, constraint, and guilt would hang heavy over much of nuclear physics, much of science."
"Anything that lowers tensions between two nuclear powers is a good thing."
"The clock could turn back, however, we would need to reduce the likelihood of global cry from nuclear weapons, climate change, advances in the life sciences, disruptive technologies, and widespread corruption of the world's information ecosystem."
"There will never be a nuclear war."
"What do we need nuclear weapons for? Who wants to kill 10 million people with one bomb?"
"Geneva negotiations for an atomic test ban... are of great importance."
"Wouldn't it be far more humanitarian to say that now we can defend against a nuclear war by destroying missiles instead of slaughtering millions of people?"
"Czechia strongly condemns Russia's veto of a UN Security Council resolution aimed at keeping nuclear weapons out of outer space."
"We're all on the same page here when it comes to war: don't want it, no war, no nuclear weapons."
"We have cut off every pathway for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon."
"I think that there has been an elevation of consciousness about the idiocy of the exchange of nuclear weapons that has diminished the likelihood that we would ever do that."
"We're right now going back to our roots; we started against nuclear testing and we feel very strongly that governments must stop testing as the first step towards disarmament."
"But our preference is to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, deescalate tensions, and bring North Korea back into the community of nations."
"We wouldn't have the problem of launching nuclear weapons against each other because to do so would be as dumb as sending a nuke to your own country."
"No more Pearl Harbors. The atomic bomb must never be used again. No more Hiroshima. No more Nagasaki."
"Iran commits itself never to develop a nuclear weapon."
"Hiroshima now acts as a city of peace and does everything it can to end the use of nuclear arms."
"Ever since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan nearly 40 years ago, people have been talking about doing away with nuclear weapons."
"He worked with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher to slash nuclear arsenals around the world."
"One of the primary goals of his recent Asia trip was to pursue the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."
"To say that you have a dream of a nuclear-free weapon world, I think, would be very positive and would help to change public opinion which is so important."
"Nothing can justify the use of nuclear weapons."
"God has sovereignly kept the world at relative peace so they do not use their nuclear weapons."