
Heart Opening Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"If you're truly in the present moment and you know exactly what you want, and you begin to teach your body emotion, start practicing opening that heart; it's amazing what happens."
"Most important is that your hips are pushing forward, your heart is lifting up."
"This relationship is going to be the key to opening your heart again."
"You can't force your heart to take some [ __ ] in. Your heart's gonna open when it's gonna open."
"This connection is the key to opening both of your hearts."
"It's a journey of opening each other's hearts, coming back into balance."
"You've healed yourself, you've opened up your heart, you're stepping into a more peaceful, loving energy."
"We've already won because we've opened their hearts and once their hearts are open they can't be closed."
"Right now, I can feel my heart just opening."
"Back bends are very energizing, opening up the heart and chest."
"Anything you do that opens your heart, that puts you in the field, the effects last for 6 hours."
"Of course, opening your heart with the wachuma, I'm sure. Yes, and then from there, like the hearts open and all the cells are just bathed in that hard energy."
"...and your entire chest and heart open to the front of your mat..."
"Feeling a gentle opening through your heart to your front body."
"The more you open your heart and the more you love others, what I'm seeing is the more protected you are from attack."
"Loving-kindness meditations are really designed to open up the heart in some way."
"What is happiness? Happiness is this expansion, really, is being able to open your heart."
"On Christmas, there's suddenly this like generosity that our hearts will open up a little bit more than they were open before."
"It is by learning to open the heart particularly when it is most difficult, if not impossible, that you come into relationship with that which made you."
"Exhale, round through the spine, and then inhale, lift the gaze, open the heart."
"Creating space at the back of the heart."
"Try to melt your heart down towards the ground."
"Feel the power of the legs in this pose as you bend your knees even more, reaching your heart forward."
"This will be like spine strengthening but it's heart opening all at the same time."
"Spend some time doing something that opens up your heart."
"My teacher taught me a lot about how opening the heart is possible in your individual practice."
"Big twist here, inhale, open your heart."
"Teaching us how to open our hearts but also how to change and shift perspective."
"You open up your heart when you love someone."
"Feeling the stress begin to melt away as we open up our hearts, open up our chest space."
"Every single one of them a new possible door into your own heart, your own wisdom, your own embodied presence."
"You're at a very defining part of the awakening process when the heart starts opening."
"You got this, inhale, spread the fingertips. Open your heart."
"Pull the heart through the arms, stay connected to your core, take an inhale here, expand."
"On your exhale, cactus out the arms, opening up the heart."
"Make your way into Anahata, our heart-opening pose, a nice prep for downward facing dog."
"Keep the heart open, so avoid rounding the upper back too much."
"On your next exhale, see if you can open your heart up towards the sky."
"Just how my heart has opened up being with Clara all the time."
"Lift the hips, lift the chest as you reach, finding that opening and that space through the heart."
"Keep the lift in your heart, try and roll the shoulders back."
"May our hearts open to know love, and may that love guide us into the depths of our deepest joy."
"Melt your heart down toward the mat."
"Press the forearms into the mat and draw them towards you, helping you to lift through the heart."
"Keep your shoulders relaxing down actively and your heart lifting out actively."
"It felt like my heart was just opening like a flower."
"Keep pressing those fists down, the more you press, the more you're going to get that upper body work, opening the heart."
"Inhale to Puff the heart forward, exhale continue to lean back opening through the heart and the shoulders."
"Feeling that start to open up through the heart, can you squeeze your shoulder blades here together?"
"Inhale to open and expand through the heart."
"Interlace your fingers and press the palms up to the sky, lift the heart, look up."
"Press the air away, clasp the hands behind the low back, send that fist down and back, open the chest, lift the heart."
"Roll your heart up away from the floor and forward as you engage your glutes, reach your hips back towards your feet."
"Exhale, cross it over to the left, just passing the leg, and really lifting the heart up towards the sky."
"Take a big inhale, really lift through the heart."
"The key component to opening the heart is good character and having discipline against badness and bad character."
"This amazing full moon in Cancer is going to be a heart opening."
"Releasing yourself and coming back to a sense of opening your heart."
"Invite the heart to gently lift, lengthen the back of the neck, chin dips down, eyes closed, exhale fully."
"Shine the heart between the biceps for your cow pose."
"Inhale as you open up that chest towards the ceiling or the sky, lifting up that heart center."
"Bend your elbows, lift your heart up to the sky, and then squeeze your shoulder blades together."
"They're happy that you're in this time of deep happiness, where you're opening your hearts to each other again."