
Market Adaptation Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The IMF did downgrade the global growth outlook, but most markets adjust before all this stuff happens. Smart money is always ahead of this."
"Let's learn from this and build the market around it, not let's criminalize these people."
"Your pricing journey: start bold, iterate quickly, and believe in the value of your product."
"Every kind of company that has product market fit should be able to finance themselves non-dilutively."
"Businesses are scrambling to catch up with consumption."
"I do see mandelic acid a lot in Eastern skincare but not as much in the USA which I don't know why, we need to catch the (beep) up."
"This is exactly what the crypto industry needs right now."
"It's just business... They are selling these drones very likely."
"If they just go, well, why are we not just making this because Diablo is still going to be a long time away, why are we not just making this for this audience as well, yeah, it makes complete sense to put it on PC."
"A lot of people like the cobra buckle it's been successful in the past and i changed a good thing right yeah we like to also offer two price points yeah i got you."
"It's worth it. They're gonna address these things. There's just too much money on the line, and now they know it. They learned that lesson as well."
"We launched a new line of business called Panera grocery in ten days."
"It's a new world out there, NFTs are still taking over."
"Piracy is a service issue, it's a train you can't stop so you may as well build it a proper railway."
"So we are very proud of the ability to launch quickly, learn quickly, and iterate..."
"The market is like the environment... we have to adapt and adjust to the conditions that the market presents us."
"Rather than Tesla going 'let's build lots of cars and not sell them this quarter,' they cut prices because there were new incentives phasing in."
"Outwork, out improve, out strategize, outlast. The market's going to be changing and I think it's your job to improve, get better, learn new skill sets and utilize technology to help you improve."
"Omega Omega is facing a structural shift in market demand."
"Even if these predictions are wrong and they’re not the next technological leap in the solar sphere, their efficiency ratings are so impressive, they’ll probably find their niche no matter what."
"What I like most about VV's NFTs is they're not reinventing the wheel, they're just buying invites to parties that billions of people around the world already know exist."
"There's no guarantee that what your business does well with today, that you will continue to do well with that for eternity."
"To really succeed with this you have to be quite adaptable not only to try to be one of the first to sell a certain book but also to try to write trends as they begin to form."
"I'd probably be more optimistic now than I was before we'd seen Arc GPUs at all."
"So yeah, it's all about pricing for Intel and they're still working on that."
"They're looking to get into ambient products in 2022... This gets Tattoo Chef out of just a frozen food company."
"When better crypto applications emerge, that's when it takes off."
"So it'll be interesting to see whether or not other folks choose to adapt axle disconnects in their all-wheel drive or four-wheel drive EVs."
"You got to change as the market changes, change your strategy on how you're actually getting your properties."
"Selling to restaurants has allowed me to grow a lot of crops that I wouldn't necessarily be able to grow and sell at the farmers market."
"Their response to contouring and bronzing becoming trendy was the Cocoa Contour."
"Sony realized that there are people out there that... will never go out and buy a PlayStation console."
"Micronauts man, a brand that currently exists as the byproduct of a series of cascading compounding reboots and reconceptualizations."
"We're launching a new mutual fund they can navigate these seasons when you know up and down winter to spring."
"Tesla will actually continue to cut prices on a regular basis."
"The 24/7 nature of the markets that we're in now in cryptocurrency will dictate to the stock market that it must adapt or die."
"Apple is now made the micro USB to lightning adapter available in the US."
"Geographical pricing: Variation in demand and operational costs."
"Coca-Cola has been a public business ever since the early 80s and for the past four decades it's proven its ability to not only survive but also continue to grow in a changing market."
"Companies that have been come lax in the whole this is how it is and suck it I think they're about to have a rude awakening in the market."
"A longer-legged version at a lower price point."
"Bitcoin is going to have to revert to its social contract to decide a direction in the future."
"Disney has realized that they can separate this into a broadway theater."
"Safe Moon is getting the word from the community and they're growing accordingly right."
"Diversify your product offerings and their price points."
"We did it, we turned the Umbra into a marketable PL."
"Acura's finally stepping up their game with including luxury touches that luxury buyers just very much expect."
"Change your business practice to align with the market."
"The market favors people who keep recreating themselves."
"We began allowing limited buys of these securities the following day and we have since lifted the restrictions entirely."
"I think shorts won't be any different, there'll be some people who are like I'm not really sure about this model and they'll wait, and it'll be other people like I see a tremendous opportunity here and I'm diving full in."
"It's even this long slide, ton of accessories since it's been so extraordinarily successful both in the law enforcement market and in the civilian market."
"Valentine books saw an opportunity in that sudden unmet demand for fantasy stories and quickly pivoted to provide more choices for readers."
"I'm trying to get out ahead of that with Foundry for gaming solution."
"So many nice little changes... almost every problem I had with the ID Buzz is now fixed for our market."
"Now, with this new generation, Honda actually made this car want and they wanted to make the van look sleeker. So it's a little bit lower, it's a little bit wider."
"Rarely depends on market conditions but I've set about that's realistic for a new trader you know like of course I've experienced"
"Unless there's really a significant shift, a significant benefit in using one over the other, I think people are going to mainly focus on staying in their Lane."
"Doing something fresh different even if the price is not for you."
"A game so controversial Rockstar had to change its name just to sell it in PAL regions."
"Good companies figure out ways to continue to grow, to be profitable, to invest in themselves and transform as the market transforms."
"Prepare multiple investments together so you're never losing in any particular market."
"And that's essentially what trading requires: adapting and adjusting your risk tolerance and how aggressive you're being to the current market that you're in."
"This is amiibo moving out of collector's item territory and into full-on toy territory where it always should have been."
"Arizona ist is keeping their price the same and just cutting the profit margin."
"Samsung found a way to please just about everybody."
"I don't think that Intel should dismiss arm-based PCS just because they didn't take off a decade ago in fact the MacBook nearly doubled its laptop market share since Apple switched from Intel's x86 chips to their own custom arm processors."
"Being in the market and being water in the market allows you to take advantage of what the market gives you."
"Anything that people will buy in real life that you guys sell, you should be selling it in there too."
"Offering a $25,000 EV is an altruistic goal, balancing cost and consumer expectations."
"I think that's the direction that Lexus needed to go with the ES."
"Some companies are going to adjust for the market and say okay the market's slowing and there's inflation and therefore we're going to cut costs, and that's where they're going to make their money."
"The luxury clothing industry is desperately trying to find new ways to make money or to try and be young cool and hip."
"We're listening to what people want... we're offering customers what they want and how they want it."
"I think overall basically I think the high inflation theme that is a lot stickier than a lot of people thought... represents a new market regime that we have to respond to."
"We're increasingly heading into a position where it looks like they're not going to be continuous."
"Why have one product that fits well in one market and fits badly in another market when you can have two products that maybe have some overlap in the middle but each one is better suited?"
"Bitcoin is a supreme gold 2.0 asset. Bitcoin has found protocol market fit."
"The system is gonna morph and change just like it has according to the market throughout these years so that's yeah I'm very optimistic about it."
"Tesla's financial success not only means that they're gonna do their thing in the transportation sector but it means that everyone's gonna have to copy them even faster."
"Bitcoin continues to be successful... eventually it reaches some steady state."
"You can't trade the market that you want, only the one that you have. Make it work for you."
"When you have now conditioned the target audience to pay twelve dollars, they're not going to shell out the 42 bucks."
"Let the market catch up to what's in your head."
"The Defender needed to be was a totally different product line than what Land Rover currently makes because that's what the old one was."
"Innovation solves problems and has historically gained share during turbulent times."
"Where the money resides is really where the early adopters and the early majority of pragmatists are."
"If Disney wasn't constantly virtue signaling and constantly calling fans racist and sexist and misogynistic for not liking movies would people really care that they use this marketing tool to try to maximize their profits in a place like China?"
"We still have some additional pricing power if we needed to take pricing in the future."
"I constantly changed with the market as well you know the market looks like this I'm trading much more with stops when it looks like this I'm only trading with limit orders and at the market."
"By spreading it out and having a lot of different ways that you bring in Revenue you're kind of insulating yourself from any Market changes that you can't anticipate."
"Divisional structure divides the organization based on geography or major product categories. It allows for specialization and caters to different markets and competitors."
"The Sims is always up to the interpretation of people watching. It's quite a good look. It means they don't have to translate it for other markets."
"Your passions can change, hopefully your strengths, your assets are increasing, and the market realities are for sure changing."
"Sometimes products reach their end of life... it's part of market control to think about what are those bridges where you can take the customers and give them alternatives that are going to continue serving their needs."
"You can completely modify and configure any part of this website to adjust and fit any criteria of the real estate market."
"Be actively changing your prices, don't be too proud to drop your price."
"This is very typical for a technology curve, you see the initial products that are embodying new technology coming in at the high end and then over time iterating to introduce lower cost variants."
"I've never labeled myself as an intraday Trader or a swing Trader; I've only ever just traded the markets how I see fit."
"Businesses have to adapt their marketing mix for any new market they go into."
"Do you think Mini has lost its way or is BMW smart in offering a wider range of products to appeal to a changing marketplace?"
"My progression as a trader over these last four or five years... even though the market wasn't as strong, I was still able to do not only well, in fact, I did even better."
"I don't really like to trade the close anymore; the market has shifted, and I guess I've adapted to just hit it in the morning."
"We really like to kind of wind our way there, launch and have the market and users say, 'Oh actually it'd be better if it did this'."
"Do not have a plan that's so in concrete that if the market presents new information, you're sitting there with your old plan and not adjusting to it."