
Religious Guidance Quotes

There are 354 quotes

"If a woman is pregnant and the doctor says don't fast, or she feels it is harmful for her fetus, she doesn't have to fast."
"I spend a lot of time...helping people to find a doctrinally sound church near where they live."
"The Holy Quran tells us, 'Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.'"
"There are two extremes. One extreme is harsh, where everything is haram... The other extreme is where everything is halal. Take the middle path."
"God tells us how to live for Him in a dangerous world."
"Never underestimate people. The most honorable from amongst you in the eyes of Allah are those who are the most conscious of Allah."
"He said, 'My people, this is a huge trial and tribulation that you have fallen into. In fact, your Lord is the Most Merciful.'"
"The Bible exercises all controls over the life of the church. The Bible has all authority over all ministry, all preaching, all discipleship, all evangelism, all mission efforts."
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
"Our prophet said if you are in an area where the plague has struck, do not leave. Stay in that village."
"Allah wants ease for you, Allah does not want hardship for you, the month of Ramadan."
"These four things are the formula Allah gave the messenger to accomplish his mission."
"Do you wish to get to God? Take his way, so quiet, so easy."
"Surrender to Allah's will, it's better for you."
"We have the priceless promise of the Holy Ghost as a companion, and we also have true directions on how to claim that gift."
"Partners with your blessing Lord watch over and between us in these days and uh Grant that uh every opportunity that we have to speak the truth in love we may seize and we ask it commanding one another to your keeping in Christ's name."
"Allah guides if you seek His guidance, if you are sincere, if you're willing to be guided."
"Anyone who follows that fitra and is honest with themselves will be led to Islam."
"Help all my friends to find a church that uplifts all the commandments of God."
"The Bible is my guide because it governs, rules, and dominates."
"How do you hear Him? Our Father loves us and yearns for each one of us to choose to return to His holy presence. He pleads with us to strive with all your heart might mind and soul to hear Him."
"I hope insha'Allah that you take that opportunity to gain that knowledge, benefit yourselves, benefit your community and get yourselves on the Sirat al-Mustaqim on the way to paradise insha'Allah together."
"Our options are limited. Spending too much time on conspiracy theories won't change much. Instead, read the Quran, say your prayers, make dhikr, invite people to Islam, and put your trust in Allah."
"The Bible has all your answers, religion does not."
"Dreams are indications of a good state with Allah but should not be a source of pride or extremism."
"The Quran along with the example of Muhammad peace be upon him, it has comprehensive guidance to eradicate racism, poverty, and all the 'isms' which are out there that is breaking humanity apart."
"Allah finds a way for you in every way... He did not make the religion hard on you."
"What I loved about the sermon was the way that he spoke the truth about current cultural issues from a biblical point of view, giving guidance and direction about what God says."
"All of the answers to all of the questions I had been looking for regarding how to manage or handle certain specific situations that were happening in my life were already in the Quran."
"Pick up your Bible, get in the scripture, and find salvation through Christ."
"Jesus offers us a map of the future... a flawlessly accurate guide."
"We seek Him, we read the scriptures, but the Man Code is specifically written in a code sort of fashion so that men can say hey this is what a real man looks like."
"We ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to make us the people that stand for the rights of the oppressed."
"The summary of absolutely everything that I'm talking about centers around one very important fact and that is you will never have a way of being able to determine or see the truth unless you look to the word of God."
"She's your mom, she understands, and she wants to lead you to Jesus."
"Encouraging people to reconcile, encouraging the one who committed the wrongdoing to seek forgiveness, and encouraging the one who was wronged to forgive for the sake of Allah."
"Children, why do you still not understand? Protect yourselves, pray, pray much, baptize children, and pray for them." - Our Lady to Decel Cardia
"Take notes... your life depends on paying attention to what God is telling you."
"Follow the truth as revealed by Jesus Christ. If there was just one clear path that is never in conflict with anything that another Prophet proclaimer of Truth is also said."
"If the Word of God is dominant reign supreme in the church...that's a good place to be whatever might be missing."
"God is gonna ground you and establish you in his perspectives."
"The true born again follower of Jesus Christ will not be led astray into false religions."
"Lean on Christ, lean on his understanding, and stop letting the ways of this world dictate the things that you do and the way that you operate every single day."
"If you think that moms don't matter, go up to somebody who's a guy who's bigger than you and insult his mother and see what happens."
"Read your gospels, they will tell you that if you follow the spirit instead of the flesh, the world will not be as kind to you."
"If your Christian life needs a spiritual shot in the arm, God's word alone is uniquely capable of providing you with that much-needed boost."
"Be watchful and ready in 2021 and never take your eyes off of our savior. I love you all."
"Let's refocus and get back to the place where God wants us to be."
"How can God bring who he has for you if that seat is constantly filled?"
"Jesus knows where you are spiritually, psychologically, emotionally. He will pull you out of obscurity and bring you to the king's table."
"We are called to follow an example, I can't mimic God but I can follow Jesus."
"Straight and narrow is the way that leads to life."
"Follow the words of God and our lady, be not afraid for a new generation of peace and Holiness will come."
"The blueprint to a thriving life is God's word."
"It's important that we always have non-Christian friends, but if your closest and best friends are not believers, that's a huge red flag."
"The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord."
"The Quran... is there to remind you that which you already know."
"Remember blessed Consolata Bertoni: 'You worry only about loving me, and I'll take care of everything else to the smallest detail.'"
"Your identity in Christ will be challenged; know who you are and stand firm."
"If you eat the bread of life, drink from spiritual rivers of living water, and taste and see, you will know that God is in control."
"It seeks to categorize and formalize every individual or at least the characteristics about a person."
"We must walk united with our differences. There is no other way to become one. This is the way of Jesus."
"The Bible...perfect right answers your questions...just one resource...trying to help bridge the gap between the questions and the perfect answers."
"The Guru Granth Sahib contains the teachings of the gurus and acts as a spiritual guide for Sikhs around the world."
"Allah guided to a straight path which is built on a straight very clear argument."
"God has taken all the confusion out of all that by giving us his words in writing."
"He responds by saying that he's the way to the Father and that's it. He's the gate. He's exclusive."
"Do the most obvious things, the most obvious things to stop this sin. Do those things."
"Let the Lord help you speak and prophesy as seems good to Him."
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked."
"If the guidance of God is meant for all people, there cannot be confusion as to what constitutes the Word of God."
"The Church is guided by the Holy Spirit in discerning such things."
"Serve the Lord your God seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added on to you."
"God reveals to you the revelation, then it should be clear within that message how you as a believer are going to attain salvation."
"The Bible is God's manual to help us navigate life."
"Allah didn't give you rules to take away your joy or comfort."
"God is leading and guiding us into all truth."
"A true prophet will always point back to the Word of God."
"May Allah never make us look down upon other people."
"Whatever it is that God is calling you to do, there's a program for you."
"When someone's negatively affecting your relationship with God, that is the number one sign you'll see when God does not want you with someone."
"Mariam's recitation and channel and her hard work changes her and then bring her back to the right path, bring her to the truth, right? That's why it is amazing."
"Allah sustains you on earth from the acceptable, lawful, pure food."
"Learning who you are... character of the Prophet... you know where to look."
"Take the Bible literally and you will not be deceived."
"Don't give doubtful matters an attentive ear."
"How do you avoid certain kinds of people so that you can walk in the way that God has set out for you?"
"When the child wants to marry, you must follow Allah's instruction."
"If you're worried about something, the remedy is the word of God. If you are fearful about something, the antidote is the word of God."
"Everything in life, every perception in life, every attitude, every action must be understood in the light of the word of God."
"If you want order and peace, no confusion, get into a Bible-believing Church."
"When somebody follows the revelation of Allah, they will not be overwhelmed with grief nor with fear."
"The secret of success is to have God in the center of your life. The secret of failure is to remove God from your life."
"In every case, the Lord saw these individuals for who they were and accordingly ministered to each one."
"Get in your Bible, get in your word, know what you should believe."
"Your identity and your purpose are in the Lord."
"The conclusion of the whole matter: serve God and keep his Commandments."
"Follow what Allah and His Messenger say, not simply what the majority or our ancestors do."
"The church ought to be helping to follow Jesus' standard."
"God never asked us to improve, all He asked us is to follow."
"The Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might by his revelation make known some new doctrine but that by his assistance they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith."
"Your Christian journey has four simple steps."
"Foster our relationship with Jesus Christ, let the love of Christ be your guiding light."
"What's the scroll in your life that you need to sit down with Jesus?"
"May Allah help us take a really good look at our own selves and be honest with ourselves."
"Following the rules of Jesus leads to a better quality of life."
"Keep your eyes fixed on Christ. Just as Elisha had to stay close to Elijah, we need to stay close to Jesus to operate in Holy Spirit power."
"Ultimately, there is only one way to financial peace: to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus."
"Follow the Bible, and you will have peace in this world."
"Scripture fortifies our way of thinking so we're not swayed by false teachings or ideologies of men."
"Turn away from your sin and put your trust in Jesus Christ."
"We cannot allow the dreams and the visions to throw us off from the written word of God."
"The person who hurt you is not going to come back and fix you. Healing comes from Jesus and our intentionality."
"Sharia in a nutshell: it's guidance, it's a guidance of how humans can live as brothers and sisters in Justice and peace."
"Stay aware of Satan's schemes, live alert, and stay close to God."
"God's not saying I don't want you to have joy, I don't want you to go after success, he wants you to enjoy life, he's not saying I don't want you to enjoy the finer things of life."
"We follow the majority. God told us, in doubt, follow the majority."
"What a priest should be doing is thinking to himself, what can I say to these people that they might not already know or might not fully understand? What is it that they actually need to hear?"
"Bold and strong the believer should be, but never arrogant. There's a big difference."
"The sinner will find something in the Quran, and the one who's trying to do good is going to find something in the Quran."
"You must trust Christ, there is no way to be on this side and be in accordance with this Bible and with Jesus Christ."
"Islam offers an uncorrupted, unchanged set of instructions for conducting your life."
"Living the dream is not about trying to be God; it is about giving God."
"Surrender to Jesus; life gets a lot lighter."
"Even godly men can find themselves being used by the devil."
"For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, it seemed good to God and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things."
"Understanding the true way of the Salaf and following the Quran and Sunnah is your victory."
"It behooves Christians to keep close to the Word of God."
"Don't let people deceive you like that. Don't let don't this is a time of great deception that we are in all this disinformation out here you stick to the words of Jesus you stick to the words of this Bible as truth."
"God said, 'do it.' He said, 'I want you ever seeking the approval of man. If I be for you who can be against you?' So, I want you to always keep your heart posture right."
"Take a position under the protective presence of Jesus."
"My concluding counsel this morning is give heed to the words of the prophets."
"The lord is saying you true in the name of jesus be empowered as you do so."
"Make sure you read Surah Noor, particularly for those well familiar with social ills."
"Allah tells you this is the best way to live your life."
"The only trustworthy book about who we are, why we're here, what's going to happen to us when we die, what God's all about, who he is, and such like."
"Scripture being the inspired word of God remains a fundamental guide in living as a Christian."
"God does not command you to pray to be strong enough to do something He told you not to do."
"Let Jesus have his way in your life. Refused to pretend."
"Jesus said, 'Know my plan... Keep watching... Avoid distractions... Remember there's no second chance... Don't waste your life.'"
"Mary will always lead you to Christ... so if you engage her in prayer, you'll be led closer to Christ."
"Folks, in all these things, the Bible has to be our pattern, It's got to be our source for truth."
"This video is not about hurting you, it's about warning Christians and helping them follow God's word."
"God is not asking you to be anything other than what He's made you."
"First, Allah's help. Second, striving. Third, knowledge."
"I would recommend that you get baptized, find a pastor, find a church somewhere in the community where you live and get baptized."
"Focus on Jesus Christ, who is the secret of strength to make it to the end of your marathon and end well."
"The restored gospel's answers are breathtaking, and I've never seen anything like them to help people navigate a life of faith in a day of doubt."
"The good guidance from Jehovah's organization during this pandemic is just another proof that Jehovah is with the governing body."
"Jehovah's organization is spirit guided and Jehovah is blessing the kingdom work as the end approaches."
"Indeed, this Quran guides to that which is most suitable and gives glad tidings to the believers."
"Following Allah's guidance means benefiting yourself and society."
"Moses cried out to the Lord, 'teach me your ways so that I may know you.'"
"Fasting is a shield, a barrier that will protect you from the punishment of Allah." - Sheikh
"Return to Jesus in the sacraments, in the Eucharist, in confession. You need to pray, make prayer your life right now."
"The Lord prepares His people against the attacks of the adversary."
"There's no solution that is simple and easy it's simple you be Muslim you be a role model for your for your son and daughter then that's all they need."
"Follow me says the lord, believe in me says the lord, know I am a mighty god, the alpha and omega, the righteous judge."
"Jesus does not allow us to be date setters, but he said I'm going to give you a handful of signposts."
"Correct those who err in Doctrine or behavior, warn those who sin, exhort and encourage those who are growing toward spiritual maturity."
"From the perspective of giving dawah to non-Muslims, you want goodness for them, you want guidance for them."
"Allah made the path to Halal easy and the path to Haram difficult."
"If you're going to even remotely take prophecy seriously the prophet probably needs to come to you with some sort of specific prophecy."
"How do we get back to God? By accepting Christ."
"Commit thy works unto the lord and thy thoughts shall be established."
"The Lord ain't waiting for us to make up our mind about nothing."
"Cherish these moments as you dedicate a little more time to me. I am etching my teachings, intentions, and commands into your heart."
"Follow the truth with all your heart, seek Christ with every fiber of your being, repent of your sins, surrender your whole life to him."
"Allah never prohibits something without allowing you something that is pure and Halal."
"Find God, make peace with God, and lead a pious life."
"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness... and all these other things will be given to you as well."
"Jesus wants us to see whether we're being and doing what he designed us to be."
"Do not take unbelievers as your friends and protectors in preference to believers."
"Everything you need to know about being a Christian is in this prayer."
"Spiritual warnings are for us, not for those who don't believe."
"The sign that a false prophet is talking to you: there should not be confusion."
"Always think, what does Islam say about the topic? Always align yourself, always have the frame of reference, the Quran, and the authentic Sunnah."
"Everything you hope for, dream, want, or anticipate, give it to God. Surrender 2021 to Him."
"The Bible says test the spirit, beware of false prophets, expose the Deeds of Darkness."
"The biggest downfall of a child of God is one simple thing: if you have no spiritual understanding of the things you're doing."
"Keep God first in everything that you do. Keep reading your word, keep praying every day."
"Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly." - "What does the Lord require of us? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly."
"We should always obey God and normally we should obey legitimate human authorities, but only in those cases where human authorities are acting in accordance with God's law." - Video
"God gave us a script, it's called the Bible."
"We are not to endorse them we are not to give them cover we are not to call them our brothers they are to be marked and avoided."
"Let's man up and put the only head over us as Christ."
"The Quran offers a solution to your problem."
"We have to allow Christ to heal us, deliver us, and give us eyesight so we can see the blockages that Satan has put in our lives."
"Everything that we need to know about walking in Freedom is found in scripture."
"Come with taqwa, and Allah will bring the right man for you. Don't repeat the cycle of heartbreak and disappointment."
"Read your Bible and be led by His Holy Spirit."
"Your calling is found in Jesus. Seek Jesus, and your calling will attract itself to you."
"You don't need to be falling in love with the idea of a person. You want to fall in love with who they are, not who they present themselves to be."
"But if we're talking about just the Bible, and wisdom, it's much better to follow what the Bible says."
"If my people are called by my name... humble ourselves, pray in unity, seek his face, and turn from our wicked ways."
"Seek God, seek Jesus, but other than that, thanks for the donation."
"What are some boundaries you can set to keep the anointing in your life pure?"
"Seek the kingdom of God and everything else will come."
"He wanted to lead people into the arms of Jesus."
"We have the Quran, we have the Sunnah of the Prophet, we have all the tools to bring back the glory of Islam."