
Financial Forecasting Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"The IMF did downgrade the global growth outlook, but most markets adjust before all this stuff happens. Smart money is always ahead of this."
"Your financial forecast is the heart of your business plan."
"Intrinsic value is an estimate rather than a precise figure, and it is additionally an estimate that must be changed if interest rates move or forecasts for future cash flows are revised."
"Even that two million dollar two-bedroom apartment sounds crazy until ten years from now when it's worth four million dollars."
"Instead, we might be seeing this sort of trend downwards in interest rates over the long term."
"Tesla's future cash flow looking solid AF, however, the world at this point in time anything but stable."
"There's a 90% chance that we actually end up having the Nike Swoosh style recovery."
"In the next 10 to 20 years, man, are you still gonna be making that three, four, five hundred thousand dollars to a million dollars a month?"
"The stage has been set for 100k for a long time."
"No hopium in the short term, but very bullish long term."
"Five dollar price target... it's just the beginning."
"Stock-to-flow model historically suggests optimistic times ahead as Bitcoin's price deviates positively."
"We could be in the 50s by the halving event, and then six figures by the end of the year."
"Earnings definitely have come down for 2023... but I think they still have a lot more to go on the downside."
"Maybe futures will settle on a trend for Bitcoin."
"Ether prize will continue to soar, albeit in smaller daily increments to reach new several new all-time highs."
"Price predictions as a whole are a fool's errand."
"Expert says gold could hit 100,000 in a very short period of time."
"Ethereum can get to a 2 trillion dollar market cap."
"The real discussion on whether the bottom is in or not occurs upon the first lower low after the June low."
"Whatever reversal we got would not go down all that far."
"The biggest danger is that the stock market is not yet pricing in earnings expectations going down."
"I think that Ethos is going to be a three-figure coin. I said it before, I said it in two years' time, I see this being a three-figure coin."
"Analysts care about that because that affects what they're going to be modeling for the next 12 months Elon doesn't care at all because he knows fundamentally this is the right path."
"We give you guys our predictions on where we think the market is going to go for the top 5 major pairs."
"What I see here is that this thing has legs that can run well beyond 5000 on the S&P. So, I'm not even sure 5300, that's as comfortable as I can get or as far as I want to go."
"I do expect gold to go to 2500 this cycle, so before the bust. I do expect silver to go to 50 before the bust."
"We're in a firm uptrend, mimicking every other uptrend we've ever had. We're gonna have 10 to 15 and maybe even 25..."
"I thought bitcoin would have one more run to 100 grand at the end of this year. Very clear four-year cycle by the way in crypto: 2013, '17, and '21." - Harry Dent
"Tesla could be a two trillion dollar company in just one or two years."
"The trend for the stock price is likely to be up."
"Life is really [expletive] can be very challenging and confusing and overwhelming."
"Social Security trust funds are expected to be insolvent or depleted by 2035."
"One of the reasons we suggested hey look we're likely going to go lower in Q4 what happened we ended up going down to a one-year ROI of approximately 0.234 cyclically."
"We will hit all-time highs for Ethereum by January 17th if not much sooner."
"I think it's going to be a slow grower. Up to, you know, that 20, maybe pull back somewhere around that 23 mark."
"I think they have a very low chance of having some outside event drop their valuation substantially."
"Mark my words... we're going to see Wall Street consistently increasing their delivery and earnings estimates for Tesla month after month."
"Unity software just reported earnings earlier this month and according to their guidance they expect their Quarter Two Revenue to increase by around 75 percent year over year."
"I believe that we are in a broader trend downward, but the bright side is that when markets factor in the recession and it's obvious, well, equities have typically troughed six to nine months before earnings reach their lows."
"We could potentially in 2030, with a now PE ratio of only about 45, see Tesla stock sitting around $3,292, which is still remarkable."
"It's too late to warn people any longer of the coming market crash." - Michael Burry
"Greek gods and goddesses are facets of what could become over deadly passion."
"Square could have earnings of somewhere around 28 bucks a share by the end of 2028."
"Consumers expect inflation to rise 4.9% over the next year, the highest since 2008."
"To conclude, Bitcoin is doing absolutely fantastic. Fantastic indeed. We're holding very strong. Tomorrow when I stream, we're going to be at 75,000, okay? The sky is the limit and we may actually double in 18 days. Think about that."
"Long term, I'll be surprised if anyone here doesn't think that bitcoin 2025 is significantly higher in its price to where it is today." - Raoul
"By 2030, what's my base case for Tesla per share? My bear case is $8,000 a share."
"For investors that are looking out into late 2021 or in 2022 I think a lot of these scarce assets are good to own."
"We have an expectation that inflation will peak and begin to come down this year."
"The GME price peak is likely going to be in quadruple digits. 10k and 100k is not a meme."
"Tesla is going to have their revenue explode over the next year and a half."
"The cycle is likely to be shortened, likely not to see 500 days of bull run after the halving event."
"I believe Tesla's vehicle margin will go up to 31, that means the expense margin would be a convenient 69 percent."
"Bitcoin bull Kathy Wood: Arc Invest bitcoin price Target is well above a million dollars."
"I think those are really good conversations to have, not just about where the markets will be in three months, but where they could be in three to five years."
"It looks like it's to hit Fibonacci level 1.618 which would take h-bar to 3.30 plus."
"That $420 dollar price target [nice] obviously requires that a lot of things go right AND that NOT many things go wrong, which is a tall order."
"Those crazy people that said their projections of 50 to even 100 billion in the future were not that crazy."
"Probabilities of up and down moves aren't the same at all times in the market cycle."
"September could be a great pivot month for crypto."
"The market is ahead of the Fed, and rates are going lower."
"I think within 2023, by the end of 2024, we'll definitely be at a hundred thousand [for Bitcoin]."
"Liquidity was going to become the really important driver... it'll be the thing people talk about for this cycle."
"My expectation is that most companies are going to be reporting healthy to very healthy quarters from Q4 of 2021."
"Price Target probably not the best way to look at companies for truly long-term holders I would probably look at how much profit will this company generate in five or ten years what's a fair multiple."
"My price target for Neo in five years is about 133 dollars."
"I now have a current price target for ADA of $2.99 as a fair value."
"But I think you know with the inflation coming down the pike I think they're starting to gently you know uh tell tell people that you know the tapering is potentially on the horizon rate hikes are potentially on the horizon."
"I think I will not be shocked by the end of the year if 100k is achieved."
"I struggle to see a world in which Epic Games is not a trillion-dollar company if they get this right."
"It's probably good news for Ripple to be on. It's probably forecasting what's about to happen."
"The price I believe will surpass the all-time high."
"As long as it happens before the end of April, there's no way Tesla's not going to 750."
"At some point, we are going to see a $25 XRP."
"The long term is incredibly bullish for bitcoin."
"Inflation is out of control right now, if you think this is peak inflation, think again."
"I would probably expect this stock to be higher than $22 in three, four years from now."
"I do think at some point we're at three thousand four thousand dollars an ounce on gold."
"I believe that the benchmarks in 2023 to 2024 are going to get reamed the most the benchmarks are your classic Vanguard index funds the ones with a heavy allocation to Staples defensives Health cares basically the things that have boomed in 2022."
"Companies with superior revenue and superior future profit margins will have superior future returns."
"If they perform over the next five years could be worth double."
"Let's say Ethereum captures thirty percent like I did in 2017, we're gonna see a twenty-three thousand dollar coin price in 2023."
"The soft landing theory has supporting evidence right now."
"The Perfect Storm, the perfect setup here for such a huge pullback of double digits in a single day."
"Exciting times ahead! The next 18 months will be incredible, in fact, there's a chart here that says it could be the next 24 months as well, so be ready everybody!"
"Historically, a very bullish sign and it means no more downside from here at the very least you would agree with that."
"We're entering into a critical period... Financial collapse is coming... there is always a recovery period."
"The herd is coming. I kept saying the hurt is coming and I was wrong. It was so slow to come. Now the herd is actually coming, and I see it. I'm getting phone calls every day." - Mike Novogratz
"But most importantly in terms of current pricing, this is my thought process: the market again is looking at 2023 numbers right now based on the wrong metrics, and it's valuing today's stock based on those wrong metrics."
"We're gonna have a v-shaped recovery... I see the V, we're forming a V."
"You can definitely just sit on that knowing that in I think in the next year or two that we're going to see massive appreciation for Ethereum."
"The market is twice as overvalued as the average, so there's far more downside risk right now than there is upside risk."
"Depending on how we accumulate around here, I may be looking for another leg up into 31's 32's and a push up."
"In a bull market, when we see breakouts, that means higher, higher, higher action is coming."
"Folks, if you now project forward 2021 earnings, oh my gosh, this thing's gonna blow up."
"The nail in the coffin for the dip buyers would be if the CPI this week comes out hot."
"The recession is definitely taking hold in the very early parts of the cycle."
"Revenues predicted to decrease slightly for 2020, increase again for 2021, and the same with net income and earnings per share."
"I do believe that a financial crisis of unprecedented magnitude is coming I do believe there will be significant changes in the international monetary system."
"At the core of investing, it's about being able to buy a company right now... worth significantly more in the future."
"Dare I say that as we see the central banks meet, as we see more announcements around whether it's yield curve control or additional QE, I think the demand for silver's going to go up."
"A lower substantially lower mortgage rate bumping house prices is probably not going to happen anytime super soon."
"A potential early warning sign that the trend may be getting ready to end and start a new trend."
"Gold is dead money for this year. But it's going to build a platform for a great next year."
"There is going to be no crash without a catalyst."
"Now it's eating money we can actually predict how fast it will be before there's occurrence happens."
"Conditions are Dynamic right and whatever I think is going to happen next if I could be totally right on a credit event it's not going to matter if the if treasuries don't respond off of it."
"There's no doubt that yeah we could have another bottom but that one bottom is in and the question is do you want to leave those types of gains on the table so what I do believe."
"When the yield curve starts to invert, there's a recession within six to twelve months."
"There's more. You know, property taxes are going to go up in those places. All taxes will go up in those places because their tax base is fleeing."
"Every cycle has been longer than the last, longer. So it wouldn't be too crazy to see a cycle go out into, you know, May of 2022, even summer 2022."
"Things are looking like we're gonna be way above 48 000 by the end of August okay unless something really derails this Market."
"If we lose twelve thousand eight hundred, even a little higher, maybe twelve thousand nine hundred, if we cross this trend line over here, this parabolic trend line, breaking the lows of this last area, this was the test into the resistance."
"We're setting up such an important time right over here as we're about to enter the rip your face off parabolic move."
"Most analysts are projecting that inflation will hit its peak in February."
"It's futile to predict the economy, interest rates, and stock market."
"I can imagine the financial system having a really big change over these next three years."
"I firmly believe Tesla's gonna hit our price target."
"The most bullish scenario that I could imagine, that's realistic, is to go up around 50k or so and to ultimately come back down and hold the bull market support band as support."
"This would be the line in the sandal... watch if we continue to see a pullback over the next couple of weeks."
"I think it is very possible this company, best-case scenario, does 400 million dollars of net income in 2022."
"I'm not giving price predictions, but if we use a little bit of some math and logarithmic prediction..."
"The inflation we have today, this is as low as it's going to be for at least the next five years."
"Your lowest quartile is only responsible... they account for 40 percent of spending so there's a storm brewing."
"Once we get to the point where bitcoin is over that quarter of a million dollars, that's kind of all she wrote."
"This is a very, very, very realistic price target in a relatively short period of time."
"You're not gonna make it through 2022 without having to raise money."
"I think in the grand scheme of the cycle, approaching a 10 ADA is possible."
"Prediction and measurement tools: tools for predicting and measuring price movements."
"I think that in ten years our target is two thousand dollars a share and I think that could be light by maybe five hundred dollars or a thousand dollars."
"It's not long until Tesla is making many tens of billions of dollars of profits every single quarter."
"I've got no doubt that from these levels the stock market provides negative returns annually over the next decade with a high likelihood of a big drop of 50 to 70 percent."
"You will see Quantum jumps happening in the GDP by 2026."
"As soon as prices break above the trend line, expect acceleration to the upside for Bitcoin."
"Hippo raises full year growth outlook for total generated premium."
"When the market prices things in early in my opinion it's a sign that we're probably actually going to have a decline in fear."
"If you have point one three three seven bitcoin then and you hold that until the year 2030 then you'll be in the global one percent."
"Monthly bearish divergence, you just don't have it here yet, you know what I mean."
"Short term, medium term more like 14 to 15 and start to close above there and probably looking at move towards your time highs and beyond but take it one step at a time."
"At some point those things will stabilize at some point that will change and that's kind of what Dan Ives is saying here so um hopefully we do see that for 2024 but of course that remains to be seen."
"Moving into the rest of this year, we actually see increasing margins."
"Q2 and Q3 are going to be like the fourth quarter in the first quarter."
"Barring bad news, here's why I think that we can actually get to that 4500 level."
"Ultimately midterms next six to 12 months twenty thousand at minimum maybe lower."
"I expect potentially negative returns in the market while gold I think could be by the year end 2100 and then by the end of maybe 2023 even 2800 to 3,000."
"I don't see a financial crisis occurring in our lifetimes."
"Calm before the storm if you will for Bitcoin."
"It's priced in. Everyone knows that there's going to be a Bitcoin ETF."
"80% of people are saying it's going to be a 50 basis point rise."
"Higher lows indicate a breakout in the near future."
"Major changes coming to my Tesla price targets and valuation model."
"We have to be prepared for a very steep and long bear Market, not another v-shape recovery."
"Mortgage interest rates are likely to remain at very low levels."
"Anything above $85 long-term macro bullish, very likely trades $175 and $250."
"Long-term continuation very likely trades towards all-time highs."
"Listen, you know, throughout February I was repeatedly tweeting in a very ominous way March March March because the indicators that I follow were suggesting that you might have high volatility in March."
"Price predictions: first stop $63, next stop around the $77 mark, and then a certainty of $100 if we reach $77."
"Are we about to see a rounding top on Bitcoin?"
"When he says 98k at the end of November, I tend to believe him."
"If this cycle is nearing its top, just look at the Wall Street Cheat Sheet psychology of a market cycle. What could we possibly expect to the downside?"
"It's really useful to be able to create a forecast to give you some idea of how your numbers are going to look in the future."
"The bottom line is no one really knows the date of any crashes that are going to come or any booms right now."
"The longer you look out in the future, the more attractive bitcoin arguably becomes as a reserve asset."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum are going to do very well in this recessionary environment."
"I'm right now calling for high volatility tomorrow."
"The Bulls have all of their eggs in this basket now that we're getting better economic data yet inflation continues to weaken and therefore we got a soft landing."
"But if you look at the decade and you look between here and the year 2030, or look out eight years, there's a macro trend going on, and the macro trend is the demonetization of equities as some of that monetary premium flows into Bitcoin."
"I believe this company is going to generate a much higher amount of free cash flow and earnings per share over the next 10 years."
"Lucid had very convenient gross profit estimates."
"Bitcoin looks like it could easily go to 100K."
"Long term still very good though, and I'd invalidate the short-term downside call again back up about 39 bucks or so."
"The true value is where our money is going in the future."
"Somebody sees the rebound coming and I do agree but I disagree with the timing let the pop and the dollar play out and then it's gonna fade."
"If we drop 50%, you're talking about us going down to maybe around 20k plus or minus a few k."
"Cardano price to crash 50 says Benjamin Cow. I'd see him making his own equations."
"We are in a critical period in the stock market right now, a major move coming."
"Thank you guys for tuning in. I hope you enjoyed it. Leave a note in the comments telling me what you think. Do you think we're going to have a gold or a death cross, or do you think we will avoid the death cross?"
"I personally picture sixty thousand dollars to a hundred thousand dollars before the top of this market."
"If we break out to the upside, we're hitting 13K, I do think we're hitting 13K."
"I think around 43,000 is where I see Bitcoin, you know, possibly ending this year."
"Bitcoin's cash time's coming and you'll be shocked because it'll probably be on the worst red day or something that's going to happen."
"Despite the gloomy mood, Bitcoin's still on course to hit 100k."
"The stock market could in fact have another crash or correction."
"That's very bullish for the token price action."
"I do think 2024 will likely be a relatively good year for returns."
"This particular chart may suggest a bitcoin super cycle."
"All roads lead to Gold having a very shiny future."
"Timing-wise, we're right on schedule for a market bottom."
"Remember when stock markets make all-time highs generally that leads to another 12 months where we have a percent new high after that point."
"The price of gold, silver, and Bitcoin is going to be dramatically higher."
"For many of you, right when you just met somebody new, here comes 'oh for onesie come through the door play with my cancer one more time.'"
"Stock to flow model is predicting at least a hundred thousand dollars for bitcoin."
"Charts are a story. You can tell what's happening with any security, any stock simply by looking at what the charts are telling you. And the slow stair-step up, up, up, up, up, is telling you the whole freaking game plan, man."
"We could start seeing a loosening of credit standards and this is where the bubble really begins."
"If we come in around analyst expectation, they won't really have to change their forecasts; I'd probably have to lower mine for the next couple of quarters."
"We're massively bullish on bitcoin. We own a ton of bitcoins and it maybe could go to a million, that is 100x from here."
"This chart is telling you what the future holds for us in one slide."
"I do believe that we are going to be seeing a very big move for Bitcoin."