
Personal Sovereignty Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"What happens within me should happen my way. If it doesn't, it's the worst form of slavery."
"If you can produce your own needs you don't need to depend on anyone else for it, so you have sovereignty."
"You are a sovereign being and your energy responds to you."
"Personal sovereignty is about maintaining your narrative space... defending that space from outside invading narratives."
"Being able to have property is a mechanism of personal sovereignty."
"Become your own sovereign, own your divine powers, step into your power."
"Humans should be sovereign over their own lives."
"I have the right to challenge the jurisdiction of this court."
"You have some type of divine sovereignty over your life. Say so."
"We are dignified people who own our minds and we will not allow them to be hacked and invaded in this way and we won't allow our kids to be [ __ ] hacked and invaded in this way."
"It's time to stand up and embody sovereignty... ruled by life, which is Source Creator."
"Energetic accountability is a major theme shifting into 2023 because we are learning... how to become sovereign within ourselves."
"Finding healing and Independence through awareness and true individual sovereignty."
"When you're suffering, you don't fight things, because you're the one that decides what laws you're governed by."
"You were born a sovereign being; nobody's gonna have power over you."
"I've refused to let this time in my life be touched, tainted, or bastardized by anyone else."
"Our definition of wealthy is achieving true personal sovereignty."
"You have a personal sovereignty that allows you to make choices, and those choices will be reflected in the results."
"I refuse to see the law or the court as justified and so I am removing my consent from this interaction."
"It's nice to know that we own everything within our gates."
"Independence autonomy, no need to mommy, I can run my own country."
"Lean into your sovereignty, lean into your self-worth, your self-empowerment, self-esteem."
"Determine never to let someone else's behavior dictate your reality."
"Justice was served when we do a declaration of sovereignty and declare ourselves sovereign beings away from this system."
"You have the right to the sovereignty of your being... without someone else in there gripping your soul."
"Gold is not simply an investment asset. It's a representation of our personal sovereignty and personal economic freedom. It's protection against tyranny."
"The most important thing is to claim sovereignty and not be vulnerable to any kind of energetic courting."
"Imagine getting tens of millions of people to understand that it's important to have sovereignty over your device."
"If you don't recognize this feeling of ambivalence is superimposed upon you and reclaim sovereignty of your own sense of right and wrong, then industry farms you as cynically as it does the pig, the cow, the sheep."
"Stand in your own authority as a sovereign being."
"You've been through so much... but you're on your throne now."
"A woman's body is a woman's body. This is my body. You don't know what goes on inside of it. You can't tell me what to do with it. Take your hands off of my body, please."
"We are not your slaves, we do not belong to you, we are not your property, we're free humanity."
"We're allowing you to decide as an adult with sovereignty over your own mind and body that you can take information and do something crazy which is form your own decision."
"You have the right to be free. Like a free man walk like a free man even if you have to walk in yourself you walk like a free man a free woman one who's been declared to be free by God."
"With spiritual science comes sovereignty and individuality."
"We are sovereign, and we can be the source of our own evolution and we don't have to depend on any other entity or being."
"Are you truly in control of your own creativity or have you surrendered your personal sovereignty to attention optimization algorithms?"
"Free will loves you so much, it gives you 100% sovereignty."
"Bitcoin gives people individual sovereignty."
"People were claiming their sovereignty and deciding to live their lives in ways that make them interdependent and eventually independent mostly of their governments."
"She helps you to feel like a queen in your own world to stand up for yourself and to know how to play the game of life."
"It's a time of great sovereignty, remembering our sovereignty."
"People are sovereign over their own bodies and minds."
"We should all be king and queen of our own world."
"Understand that every person has gifts has sovereignty has power has choices that are traveling with them wherever they are at."
"This energy is about claiming who you are, claiming the sovereignty of your energy in a way that allows it to feel healthy and strong."
"People have sovereignty. They should own their lives. They can do anything they want, they can abuse themselves as long as they follow one rule and that is don't ever hurt anybody else."
"When it comes to your life and the life of your family, there is absolutely no such thing in this universe as authority."
"You can be in your complete sovereignty while the world crumbles around you."
"Part of being sovereign is standing up to the Matrix. It can be done, and it is being done."
"We got to take soul control of our destiny, where you in full control of everything that's essential to your life."
"Sovereigns don't run over to the phone real quick and book and grab the phone to call an attorney."
"Without privacy, you are owned by Society rather than by yourself."
"Lesson number two is, don't let anyone with your chi. Don't let anyone's opinion affect how you feel."
"I'm working to build as much sovereignty as I can."
"When you live in a sovereign state, when you live in your truth, when you stop taking on other people's baggage, there are no more time lags, there are no more time intervals. The truth shows itself right away."
"I don't want you guys stepping backwards in your financial sovereignty. It's because I care about our mission."
"Sovereignty is understanding that you are safe, that you are free, that you are empowered."
"You cannot allow anyone to be your god, no one can be the god over you. You must be the god over your own self."
"Preparing is a way of preserving your sovereignty, of preserving the control that you would have to give to someone else over your life because they have something that you need."
"You can't make a goddess behave like you bow to no one."
"Your keys your coins and being in Cold Storage is one of the easiest ways to have that sovereignty."
"It's best to just be the spiritual sovereignty that is already living through the golden age."
"Until we understand just how important our free will is, we're going to continue to by default submit our own consents to these agendas."
"If we want to become sovereign... we have to start being accountable for our own lives."
"In your personal reality, you have complete dominion."
"All of us today are kings protecting the tiny realm of our own lives, weighed down by all kinds of responsibilities."
"Voting is you exercising your sovereignty over yourself to determine your own good and bad."
"It's about not consenting, not giving jurisdiction, just keeping yourself to yourself, doing what you want to do."
"No one has power over your kingdom within."
"The actual true most important thing is the rights of the individual and sovereignty of the individual."
"They can take my kingdom, they can destroy my family, but they can't take my identity because it was never in their hands in the first place."
"The idea that we are all sovereign in our own bodies, that no one can tell us what to do with our own bodies, that everything that we do is okay provided we think we aren't harming anybody else."
"But the inner place, that invisible corner of freedom that is ever present in each of us, cannot be legislated."