
Spiritual Movement Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"The believers are happier when they see their new friend, the new movement coming from this world, than when one of you receives a long-awaited visitor coming back from a journey."
"We don't just want revival for us; we want this same revival we feel we have, we want it around the world for everybody."
"The power of God is moving from person to person."
"There's a place for you to be a part of how God is moving."
"There's never been a full-blown Global Revival of Deliverance until now."
"Fear immobilizes, faith moves even when you are fearful."
"No matter what you see, feel, hear, or experience, revival is on the way to the United States of America."
"God is exposing corruption in America and we should ask him to continue that process."
"It's more spiritual than you can even ever imagine and many many people are moving there they're moving into it right now consciously or unconsciously they don't know it consciously."
"This move of God is going to come in volumes and waves of glory."
"Words have effectual power to bring something into your reality... that's the idea behind the Word of Faith Movement."
"God is on the move. He is doing something special, He is fulfilling prophecy."
"This is more than just a political movement, it's a spiritual movement."
"There's a move of God coming to Kentucky that will change the course of the land."
"We're about to experience one of the greatest moves of God's spirit in the history of the world."
"The Spirit of the Lord right now is moving on your behalf."
"The spirit of God and of revival and of awakening is moving across America."
"Everything in you would cry out for a move of God. Everything in you say, 'Lord, do it in our day.'"
"When those moves of the Holy Spirit begin to stir on the Earth, that's the time Heaven touches Earth."
"Lightworkers are creating a whole new paradigm."
"God's about to launch a billion Souls Harvest."
"God is doing something, a revival happening right now."
"The Lord is with you and he's behind this movement."
"Being a Christian is not a monument it is a movement."
"There's coming the greatest Revival across the globe that we've ever seen."
"A storm of Revival is coming, storms can look and feel scary but it's me working."
"Spiritual revolution is underway, embrace the awakening."
"The Holy Spirit is the power of God. So for God to do anything, the Spirit moves first."
"God's up to something. You're not part of just the church, you're part of a move of God."
"Spirit of the living God, begin to move through this room. Spirit of the living God, begin to flow and touch and heal as only you can."
"I believe we're going to see a global move of God."
"Everything God has seasoned you for up until this time has prepared you for the greatest move of God that's going to happen since Azusa Street."
"There is a movement of the Spirit coming that will actually be greater than the day of Pentecost."
"What I love what you're seeing, you're seeing God move, you're seeing signs and wonders, you've seen the Holy Spirit touch people powerfully and you're seeing people drawn into these crusades, drawn to these meetings."
"The Esters are rising, the Moris are rising, and I want to know who's with me."
"It's not just in one place, it's happening everywhere."
"This is mass deliverance. God is moving, delivering people."
"The Lord keeps moving, get ready for the shift."
"The imminent arrival of the Magisterial Son is being advanced in a quite different quarter by a group of readers of the Urantia Book who've gathered over the last decade into what they've called the Teaching Mission."
"This is the rise of a holy Rebellion. We bout to rise up all over this world till the whole world hears about the kingdom."
"But it's not just going to be a Brownsville or a Toronto -- there will be thousands of places where the fire falls."
"We cannot walk away from the greatest move of God."
"Revival isn't just a moment, it's a movement. It started in my living room and spread for years."
"Revival isn't just about changing lives, it's about reclaiming a generation for God's glory."
"This generation is crying out for a move of the Holy Spirit, and we need to respond."
"If you have heard of Isaiah Salivar, it's very likely it's because of his connection to the Demon Slayers Deliverance Ministry and his very fiery brand of charismatic preaching."
"What is at stake is the greatest move of God in history... for America and actually going to be for the rest of the world."
"Revival is a powerful movement of God's spirit that brings a renewed sense of Faith passion and Zeal to Believers and non-believers alike."
"The next phase for the Deliverance movement is tackling generational curses."
"This is a spiritual revolution that's occurring on the planet right now."
"The Jesus Revolution is about to begin, and we want to be part of it."
"God is coming with his Holy Spirit fire to raise up a company of burning ones to go and to release the fire of purification of holiness and of his power with demonstration all over the earth."
"There's a new breed rising up, and this remnant God is raising up."
"Revival is a move of the Holy Spirit, not a planned event."
"You can't build a Godly civil order without a movement of the spirit of God."
"The biggest move of God's spirit ever in the history of the world."
"I got some good news for you. I have been given insight based on the word of God and the spirit of God of the next, the last, and the greatest move of God's spirit in history."
"I do see a movement of repentance... unless the church repents, how is God going to move into the others fears and bring righteous judgment?"
"Establish that garden and understanding that you are the resting place of God and just watch because there's this move that's happening."
"God is moving in our lives mightily this season."
"God is doing something in Ukraine... and God wants to do exactly the same thing even here in the States."
"Jesus is moving, man, He's moving powerfully out here."
"God is inviting you to be a part of His 'Prayer Storm' and 'Revival in the Church', 'The Greatest Youth Awakening', 'Prayer for Israel', and 'Crisis Intervention'."
"There's an Awakening happening... and you are a part of it."
"I believe that we are about to experience the greatest move of the power of God being revealed to the world."
"A new Jesus revolution has begun, and it's a love train moving across every land, every culture, every color, everywhere."
"We're going to ride that wave of Revival, the wave of His Spirit."
"There's a Great Awakening about to come on the earth."
"Revival is the moving of God's Spirit through the power of His word to the hearts of His children."
"God's word is going to speak for itself, and you need to hear this in your life; God's spirit is going to move if you let it."
"Be moved and be carried by the spirit of God."
"The most powerful move of God we see in the Bible was where everyone was together under the authority of God in that type of relationship."
"I am so thrilled that Jesus is moving by his power and that people are being set free today."
"Always keep God first; let Him order your steps because that's how I move."
"If you want to see a move of God that you've never seen before, you have to have a 'whatever it takes' spirit."
"Allah is not asking you to deliver the perfect solution; Allah is asking you to move."
"Oh Jesus, we say, Have Your Way, say what you want to say, do what you want to do, move how you want to move, God."
"God is moving in the earth whether we call it an awakening, a renewal, or revival."
"I'm ready to see God move that way in this generation."
"The Holy Ghost is real, amen, and that the Holy Ghost is still yet moving."
"We need a move of the Holy Spirit's gifts in our midst."
"The faith movement is not over; it is not a movement, it has never been a movement, it is a lifestyle."
"Welcome to Prayer Storm; we are a movement of prayer and fasting, contending for revival and the move of heaven on earth."
"I believe we will see a move of the spirit of God that exceeds anything we've known in our lives."
"The charismatic move of God is for everybody everywhere living right now."
"The wind blows. You don't know where it's going or where it's coming. But God's Spirit is moving in the hearts of people all over this city."