
Capital Punishment Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"The state should not be in the business of killing people or to assist in murdering people."
"I think that criminal justice should be about rehabilitation, and killing somebody is kind of not rehabilitating someone unless you could truly stand to a person's mind and know that they could never be rehabilitated."
"While most countries around the world have either abolished capital punishment outright or only use it in very specific and rare circumstances, much of the world's population still lives in countries that retain the death penalty."
"I just don't want to give the state that power."
"I don't know I don't know describe it but it's an ex it's an exertion of power beyond what I think we should be I totally agree I'm 100 opposed to capital..."
"So a person takes life and our justice is to take life as well? What kind of twisted cycle of justice is that?"
"You're putting a man's freedom for the rest of his life, his natural life or at this point that he originally was sentenced to death, so that's a big decision you're making as a jury member."
"He might not be guilty, and if there is that small little slice of might not be guilty, it's gonna be really hard to be okay with sending a man to his death."
"Donald Trump saying a stronger time these people would be dead, death penalty."
"Cloaked in stigma and Terror his deeds made him the youngest person to ever face death row."
"There are plenty of countries in the world that do not have the death penalty and have probably benefited from it."
"The death penalty for drug trafficking, death penalty for firearms trafficking, death penalty for date rape."
"I just will never understand the instinct of people to have a death penalty... I feel like you can't go through with that."
"For every nine people executed in this country since the reinstatement of capital punishment, one innocent person on death row has been exonerated."
"What's it like when one of your friends on death row is led away to be executed? Well, you spend, you know, years and years and months and months and hours of every day with a person..."
"I do deserve to be executed. Bottom line. I ain't going to candy coat it. I deserve to be executed."
"I don't believe in capital punishment, so the answer would be no for now."
"Krista Pike was sentenced to death by electrocution making her the youngest woman ever to be sentenced to death in the U.S."
"But those that kidnap a six-year-old child, collect a ransom, but kill them anyway... some might say that the gas chamber is far too humane a method of execution for people that are capable of such unspeakable evil."
"If you are somebody that commits mass murder, you do not deserve... your life."
"Realizing this, every other industrialized country in the world has banned the death penalty."
"If Trump wants to secure the border, secure the dollar, bring jobs back, put fentanyl dealers on death row, I mean, if Trump wants to do that, that's great."
"Ruth Ellis's execution was... the last woman to be executed in Britain."
"I think I really do think I support execution for serial child sex offenders. You can comment below, I agree."
"Murder is murder. So if we're killing someone who murdered someone, then we're murdering them too."
"Throughout history there have been people who have committed some of the most heinous crimes fathomable. For those crimes, they have been convicted and sentenced to death."
"All the men and women whom I have faced at that final moment convinced me that in what I have done, I have not prevented a single murder."
"There should be no credible claims of Innocence that are not fully explored before someone is executed."
"There is clearly no humane way to execute someone."
"I am 110 percent opposed to the death penalty. I believe that taking life is morally wrong."
"I believe that the death penalty that Bart Whitaker received is appropriate."
"The death penalty was a just and fitting thing for Gary. He did the ultimate crime, and he should pay the ultimate price."
"The government will no longer execute people."
"I don't believe in the federal death penalty. I don't think that we should give the government the power to be killing people."
"If there is even the tiniest little doubt that someone could be innocent, then they shouldn't be on death row. Death row should be kept for people who 100% did what they are accused of."
"The penalty for being a false prophet was death."
"Death to the witch. I don't think that life in prison is going to fix [__], kill her."
"I think these should receive the fullest extent of the law, and I believe that is for them to be put to death."
"I'm going to go ahead and take the step that I think Harvey wouldn't have taken and say that I think these two deserve death."
"I'm all for having a nuanced conversation about the death penalty."
"The death penalty doesn't deter crime. Statistics show that."
"If one innocent person gets executed, it's already not worth it."
"I think it's far more humane and dignified than lethal injection."
"He was executed by lethal injection on May 23, 2019."
"The death penalty should not be an option for the most serious crimes."
"I don't think the state should have the power to kill people."
"There is something morally corrupting about the idea that you could just kill someone within your judicial system."
"The death penalty is moronic on so many levels."
"They love executing murderers. Why are we supposed to believe that's not the inevitable end of this?"
"If you are going to administer the death penalty... you should be absolutely a hundred percent certain that that person committed that crime."
"At least if you put that person to sleep forever they will not have the opportunity to commit that crime again."
"If you've killed an innocent person... I think it should be implemented."
"There is something grotesque truly grotesque about the idea that every murderer should be allowed to live." - Dennis Prager
"Why is it just that they be allowed to keep their lives? You take my life but nobody takes your life." - Dennis Prager
"He got a much easier death than any of his victims, in my opinion."
"If all 12 vote death penalty is just, that's the death sentence."
"She was the first woman to have been executed in 70 years."
"'Our capital system is haunted by the demon of error: error in determining guilt and error in determining who among the guilty deserves to die.'"
"Chris Watts in my opinion deserved the death penalty should have been executed."
"His crimes qualify him for the harshest penalty that a just society can impose."
"The death penalty is a waste of taxpayer money and has no public safety benefit whatsoever."
"This botched execution raises serious questions about the ethics and efficacy of capital punishment."
"She pled guilty to avoid the death penalty... but the justice system is not done with her."
"I have absolutely no doubt that Mr. ring is the leader of this group. I have no doubt in my mind that he's the one who pulled the trigger. And I have no doubt in my mind that he should be executed for that crime."
"Putting a mentally ill person to death is problematic."
"Our capital punishment system is flawed; this is not a matter of vengeance, it's a matter of justice."
"The death penalty is a political creation, a creation of the state, and a creation by politicians to obtain political power and higher office that politicians use the death penalty as a stepping stone for higher political office."
"We object, rightly, to capital punishment on the grounds that in case, despite years of evidence and trials and judicious processes and appeal, there might be one wrong death. So go figure."
"The state of California may be about to execute an innocent man."
"Imagine committing a crime so heinous that it makes you the only woman in 70 years to be executed in America."
"...the state of Florida made it very clear that they would be seeking the death penalty in this high profile case."
"If an execution date is set for McMillan and that day comes and it's time for him to go to the electric chair, will you be comfortable?"
"Capital punishment is the will of God and the executioner is the servant of God."
"We're the only industrialized nation that still executes our own. It's disgusting."
"Killing someone in punishment for a crime is an injustice in itself."
"I think that the opposition to the death penalty is growing, it's just not growing fast enough."
"...the death penalty itself violates cruel and unusual punishment."
"If you are pro-capital punishment, you are okay, you have to be necessarily okay with the state murdering the wrong person, an innocent person 4% of the time."
"His attorney said he would plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence but prosecutors rejected that offer and are seeking the death penalty."
"Gary Gilmore became the first man to be executed in the United States in over 10 years. Gilmore insisted on the right to die and stood in front of a firing squad only two days after his 36th birthday."
"Samuel Morgan made no confession but the strength of the police evidence against him left no one in any doubt that when the trap doors crashed open beneath his feet on The Gallows at Liverpool's Walton jail Justice had been done for Mary Hagan."
"The jury found the way they did, and she was subject to the death penalty."
"As both the primary instigator and shooter, Mike Bargo was sentenced to death for his crime and awaits his fate on death row."
"It is possible to hold an individual who is charged with capital murder with no bond."
"She introduced the Western legal systems, she abolished death by a thousand cards."
"It just logically makes zero sense to kill somebody to show that killing somebody is wrong."
"Despite public outrage, the death penalty was never reinstated in Britain."
"I opposed to capital punishment for any reason."
"Advocates argue that nitrogen gas is a more humane alternative to lethal injection."
"I'm not against the death penalty when it's been proven."
"Death row is final, the capital punishment reserved for the worst of crimes."
"The death penalty will die of attrition."
"No one in this world can obtain the right to kill someone, even if they deserve to die."
"George recoiled at the thought of capital punishment and tended to prefer leniency for those convicted of crimes."
"Guilty or not, the truth is capital punishment is the murder of a man by the community of his fellows."
"There is no justification legally, and personally, I don't think there any justification morally to execute people."
"She was a local bootlegger during prohibition and the only woman to be hanged for murder in Alberta."
"The UK abolished capital punishment in 1965 for murder."
"We all need to search inside our own subjective morality and come to an objective conclusion by asking ourselves: Is it right to take the life of a person who has committed murder if murder is wrong?"
"The notion that the state comes here and asks jurors to put somebody to death suggests that they have completed an investigation that warrants that."
"The youngest American ever to be sentenced to death and executed."
"I don't think the death penalty in America is an issue that's shaped by whether people deserve to die for the crimes they've committed. I think you have to ask the question do we deserve to kill."
"On the charge of treason, you are all found guilty. The punishment for this crime is death."
"The public outcry over the Ruth Ellis case led to the increasing growth of the Abolitionist Movement and to the suspension of capital punishment."
"Do we all support the death penalty?"
"She has always been a strong proponent of DNA testing, and again, an opponent of the death penalty."
"Capital punishment: them without the capital get the punishment."
"The death sentence is to be carried out only if there was testimony from two or three witnesses."
"It's always wrong to murder human beings; therefore, capital punishment is wrong."
"It is not cheaper to sentence somebody to die... the median or the average cost to put someone to die from start to finish is over 1.2 million dollars for that one person."
"Whether you're for or against capital punishment, what I find weird is why is it okay to put a man on death row but not a woman? If the death penalty exists, shouldn't it be equal to all humans?"
"I feel the death penalty is not an answer to the problems at hand."
"I certainly think that capital punishment is legally and morally wrong."
"The last guillotine was taken out of service in 1946."
"He should give his own life in exchange for the life he took."
"I would condemn capital punishment for apostasy. I absolutely condemn the killing of apostates."
"There is nowhere near enough evidence to put him to death."
"I do not support capital punishment."
"We live in a society that in the past 130 years, we've not executed a single woman for killing her husband."
"I believed fundamentally that the US government should not have the right to put its citizens to death."
"The idea that you're going to punish someone mistakenly for a crime they didn't commit by taking their life from them is enough for me to believe that you shouldn't as a state do it."
"Existence at Holman centered on Alabama's electric chair, which inmates had painted yellow before attaching its leather straps and electrodes; they called it Yellow Mama."
"Let me be clear, capital punishment is immoral and deeply flawed."
"The death penalty is not justice; it is an immoral and ineffective form of punishment."
"On that day, she earned the dubious superlative of being the last person to be executed in Liechtenstein until the country abolished its death penalty all the way up in 1987."