
Cohabitation Quotes

There are 697 quotes

"Relationships aren't real until you're living with somebody. Until then, nothing matters and nothing counts."
"Living together? I couldn't find any reason to argue with her."
"The reality is, if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and you guys live separately, until you live with somebody, you have no idea what it's like to actually be with that person."
"We've achieved having a safe home in which Cobra can live."
"In a healthy relationship, when you move into together, it's really a critical and wonderful transition. It's the melding together of two lives."
"People who cohabitate before marriage are more likely to divorce than people who don't."
"I'd rather live with a ghost than an actual human being."
"You don't know someone till you live with them."
"He confessed that she already moved in without telling him."
"When opposite sides live in the same house, you have to understand the position of the other hand to be willing to compromise."
"Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them."
"That's what happens when you put animals in the same cage sometimes they get along a little too."
"Are my boyfriend and I gonna move in together? Yes, queen of wands, two wands."
"You're already living husband and wife, okay? Sometimes people will come up and they say, 'Well Vlad should we then separate and split up? If you've been living together for 10 years and you got saved, honestly just go get married."
"I think we'll have enough room for every one of us to have our little bedroom."
"It's necessary for us to make share that bed, share our space, and at the same time, I actually think in being honest like this is also necessary."
"It's perfect... we live in the same place, we're working together."
"Equity is saying if Angela and I live together and Angela has a 100 million in the bank and I have $10 in the bank and Angela says well let's split the rent evenly that's that's equal it's not Equitable."
"We are talking about moving in with one another next year."
"Understanding and compromise are essential for cohesively living together."
"Fewer Americans are getting married, rates of cohabitation have increased."
"Why do I feel like I'm carrying the mental load of living together by myself?"
"I love this apartment so much, it's like our first little home together."
"As much as we love each other, nobody wants to spend 24 hours a day together for years on end."
"I loved it because my girlfriend moved in with me this year." - Louis
"All relationships are different. Not all dating is based on convenience. Demonization of living together is not fair. It's a serious commitment without marriage."
"Destiny, people are living together they're just not getting married."
"Lesson 21: Roommates... It helps us get along better."
"It's legally and relationally very difficult to financially play house when you're not married because you get into this argument over the mustard."
"I do feel like being Adelaine's roommate is really good for me."
"We got married, both of our parents already know that we live together."
"Living with a woman will change your life; you don't realize how much you [ __ ] up until you do."
"So important. I explain it to people like this: when you had like a roommate in college... there's like a thousand more of those."
"Cooper lived in Al’s house as if it was his own."
"For all the years she lived in this house with us, we were always happy with each other."
"You two will move in and it could happen next year."
"Learning how to coexist with another individual... learning not only how they think and their lifestyle preferences but also how to communicate effectively."
"Another really important point to mention is that if you're working from home to set expectations with those people that live with you whether it's your spouse your children or maybe your parents."
"Living with somebody is not easy at all. You must have that real love, and it must be two ways."
"Living together with Himekawasan must mean that she'll cook food for me. Why, that doesn't sound so bad after all."
"He's thinking for himself. I'm thinking about us, bro. It's our house."
"I'm living now with my fiance here and it's been wonderful."
"Welcome to City 31: Home to aliens, hybrids, and humans alike."
"It did last two years, yeah I mean they did only know each other for a month before they moved in together but you know they had a good run."
"He shows the king how demons and humans are both in the city."
"Welcome to our new home. It's not that big, but it's still a home for you and me."
"The remarkable thing, the really almost unheard of thing is that we found 12 people who like each other enough to live together."
"It's the one where we respect the animals enough to bring them into our home and have an understanding and learn from them."
"Moving in together, oh my god, we're taking the big frickin' step."
"That kind of makes me think that she can't have a baby when there's this many people in the house."
"Female victims of male violence are locked in with males."
"Things are happening in my life for once after finally 25 years of living I have moved out and with my boyfriend now we're living in this house."
"Marriage on the brain rather than living together on the brain."
"I'm waking up at my house, my sister, her husband, and their two kids are staying with us."
"Let's progress, let's move in together and live together, this is the next step in our relationship."
"Lola hated the idea of living separately, she didn't want marriage if they weren't together."
"It's not bad but you just remember I hope you like the person you're living with. Love and like is not the same thing, you have to like hang out with them and spending time with them because you're gonna do that a lot."
"I ended up living rent-free and I just had to pay my share of the utilities."
"They have to live together, so Tina decides to create a space for the two of them to just get the opportunity to know each other."
"Move in together before getting married, spend time learning how compatible you are."
"Living with a woman is something that you need to be careful about. If you want to marry a woman, live with her first."
"Please don't squash the spider if you see it. Just let it catch the other bugs that are lying in your room 'cause trust me, you're not alone in this room."
"Don't mess with my pal here, he's my best friend. Go mess with him. He's staying here for a few days. He lives under the stairs. Don't wake him."
"Living together is a very vulnerable thing, so if you practice vulnerability with each other then it becomes easier."
"People should live together before they get married."
"The single most common complaint related to me is the result of a guy having moved into a living arrangement with his long-term relationship."
"The best part about living together is everything else."
"Our strong friendship got me thinking, maybe we should live together."
"Your gift of knowing you is being able to establish this home with you, coming home to you."
"Me and Sam, we've been together for four and a half years which is a long time and I think when I move out we will probably move in together."
"I think living together is literally the best thing ever."
"It's cute that they live together. It's just cute in general."
"Living with each other is a big difference, bro, like it's way different."
"I feel like his mom now that we live together."
"One of the perks with living with my boyfriend is he's always willing to do laundry for me."
"Cory and I broke up. We are stuck in quarantine together but that's just it. We are friends and always will. Have a good day."
"I moved in with him and his kids a little while ago. I have to say that he's super protective of his kids."
"I'm just not sure we were meant to live together."
"Especially dysfunctional parents can create dysfunctional dynamics just based off of the very decision or action to move back in with each other or to continue living with them."
"I love you. I want to move into your apartment."
"Living with someone with mental health issues has its own set of challenges."
"Why don't we just get a place together?"
"He had felt lonely in the latter days of her marriage, and she felt even lonelier now that she and Freddy were divorced but still living under the same roof."
"The living together is not by finding some lowest common denominator."
"We officially started living together."
"I have to live here, I don't have to live with you, but I have to live here."
"You can live together, get a cat, but don't get married."
"The Bible doesn't give permission to no man to live under your roof and he ain't your husband. You know what the old folk call that? Shacking up."
"If you can co-parent in the same house, I would say raah, why not? Why not stay in the house and always try?"
"I love living with him I think I've learned so much about myself."
"The only way to know a person is to live with them."
"Their connection deepened to the point where they decided to take the leap and start living together."
"I love this guy. I feel like the moment where it was forever was definitely when we started living together."
"After this and for a variety of reasons, my boyfriend moved in with me."
"We've moved in together after basically three and a half years of dating, which for most people would say there's a very significant amount of time before moving in together."
"It's important to really understand someone before you decide to live with them."
"Living with each other takes temptation to a whole another level"
"I've always wanted to live with my girlfriend."
"It's not to say that it's it's not going to last but I'd say 8 out of ten relationships when you move in together don't last because the because the dynamics completely changed."
"The only reason you're moving with a girl is if you plan a marrying her and it's like the final test after years of being with her is the final test to see what's like living with her before you actually say I do other than that don't waste your time."
"...so you live separate lives but you're together all the time we live pretty much I mean we're like pretty much most I mean our houses look like just like one house now with no cohesion whatsoever with interior design..."
"Living together on the premise of marriage was truly enjoyable."
"This is why I'm a big believer of like, no, live together for a while before you get married."
"It's hard but living with anybody is hard."
"Our show is just kind of this show about two guys from New York who live together, kind of 30 year olds that are trying to figure out how to co-exist."
"Cohabiting is a disaster in life."
"It's like, done. You have to make up because we live together."
"I learned an important lesson: just because someone's a really good friend doesn't mean that this is someone you would ever want to live with."
"That's wild, isn't it? And now we live together."
"...a life skill to be able to live with someone else..."
"We have zero concerns, like at all. After 'living with you'—technically living with you—for a while."
"Living together is great. Living together, it's like Popeye and spinach. Put zest in your chest, it's like passing your test."
"Accelerated growth from living together."
"The point of moving in together was to share everything with each other and not just coexist in the same space."
"I live with my boyfriend. He's not that guy either. Like, we go to the grocery store every day or every other day. We're like, 'What are we having for dinner?'"
"Cohabitation is not marriage. Cohabitation is convenient but it is not marriage."
"Just because you're in a relationship with somebody doesn't mean you have to live together."
"I do recommend you don't marry somebody and not live with them first, really, yeah, absolutely I don't rec."
"Islamically, it's a law for everyone. It's impossible for you to know anyone until you live with them."
"We moved in together in a matter of weeks."
"It's really nice though living together, even on busy days at work, we can just go right into shooting a TikTok, watching TV, having dinner, like doing our thing."
"We found a balance, a way to share space without intruding too far into each other's worlds."
"I guess it depends if you live with them still."
"I would never recommend that a couple live together before marriage except in really, really weird circumstances."
"It's nothing fancy, but my girlfriend's moving in with me."
"Would you suggest living with your partner before taking the final stage of commitment? Short answer, yes."
"Living with someone was one of the funnest times of my life. It felt like having a slumber party every single night with your homie."
"If you live with a partner or roommate you tend to have more similar microbiomes to them than to a stranger on the street."
"After about a month, I realized that we were officially living together."
"The idea of multiple Generations residing together on the One Roof sharing their lives and responsibilities is considered not only normal but also a way to maintain strong family bonds."
"For centuries, Christians, Jews, and Muslims enjoyed this city together."
"Living with the significant other is probably top tier, that is like the best living situation. And you're in like a good, healthy relationship."
"Living together can make a big difference in a relationship."
"Living with Fia has been amazing, and in fact, we were even discussing moving in together."
"I think it becomes a lot harder if one of you owns the house and the other one's renting."
"Living with somebody with a different kind of diet than you have, because you learn from each other."
"The most compelling reason why you should not live together is because God says that is a sin."
"Are you married?" "No, together, yeah, we're together, we live in sin."
"You got to be diplomatic about this, okay? You're forming a life, at least for a year, in a living situation with these three other people."
"Relationships it's cool move in with your partner do it if you feel it but man I just found like it gets really tricky."
"We're moving in together next month, so getting stuff that's ours is fun!"
"Ask anyone who has taken the plunge and they'll tell you living together and marriage have little in common."
"We're officially cohabitating. It's a good word, isn't it?"
"There's only us, you both live here, yeah."
"You could live with anybody, you're gonna have those battles."
"It's better to not cohabitate and practice sexual morality to really get to know each other."
"Moving in with someone is like a marriage. If you break up with someone that you're living with, you are getting divorced. It is a divorce. It is financially ruinous, emotionally devastating, logistically nightmarish."
"Once I receive mail here, I'm legally your roommate."
"I live with my mother in an apartment we rent together. She usually spends most of the time in her room."
"On Valentine's Day, he proposed to me, on Valentine's Day, we moved in together."
"it takes effort yes it takes a lot of planning and effort but we're learning to coexist like she was out for a month you know was it a full month yeah where's she at Living wise Pennsylvania oh"
"Wouldn't it be beautiful to move in with a person?"
"Apparently, in this movie they all live together."
"Once you live with people, they be like, 'Yo, cuz the temperature is going to be what I say.'"
"They are impressive people. I have a tremendous amount of respect for women since living with one."
"Folks, it is hard enough to find a roommate or a partner, spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever, that you can tolerate living with. That is one of the hardest things to do, and when you find someone that you love and you want to live with them, there are hurdles to get over."
"I agreed to live together with my in-laws."
"I think there's a compromise here that he picks up his hair when he shaves his beard."
"Why does it change when you start living with a woman because she's not your mother she's your partner."
"I just wanted you to be a little bit more considerate towards me since I live with you."
"How do you even come up with that? Wow, couples who live together do start to look alike."
"I've been living with my boyfriend for about a month now and things are going really well. In fact, my boyfriend is now my fiance."
"The two have started living together as father and daughter."
"When you're in a home, I think the important thing to do is to share and try to get along."
"We should learn to live with robots because they can help us solve many industrial and domestic problems."
"We moved in together because we wanted to take the next step in our relationship, and we love each other."
"My boyfriend, kids, and I moved in together and we are happy."
"He's been my rock; we've fallen in love and now we live together."
"We're talking about moving in with one another next year."
"This isn't about us; this is about respecting them and letting them live their lives while we are visiting their territory."
"There's our first timber rattlesnake of the day sharing a crack with a water snake."
"We instantly became really good friends and decided to find a bigger place together."
"I think that moving in might be a really good idea to suggest."
"A balance of mutual respect and avoidance is being sought through education of area residents."
"I think that the advantages of living together before you get married outweigh not living together."
"Remember that this is their home."
"I'm just saying you guys all live together, so it would be advantageous to all if each of you give and take a little, find common ground."
"It is super important to have a good relationship with them because you are living under the same roof."
"Friday and I lived together happily for three years."
"I think it's all right if we should take it to the next step and move in together."
"We work well together, we live well together, it's a great relationship."
"Dopplers would like to try and cohabit with humans."
"I love that this is so much bigger than my current bathroom and that me and Max have our own sinks."
"I can't wait until we live together."
"...the only solutions you can do is either you are lucky enough to get a rent Support Program... or you have to live with your parents or share an apartment with a lot of friends."
"Let's live well together, the three of us."
"Despite the changes since my mother-in-law moved in with us, my husband and I are glad that we have returned to our peaceful days."
"The modern moral problem is not how do you stop people from being bad, it's how do you deal with a bunch of different moralities with people all trying to live together."
"After our trip to Kenya in 2020, then it was official, we came back to Rome and then we moved in together."
"I wanted to be husband and wife, live under the same roof, live together, and have a family together."
"It's very important to understand how to cope with differences when you live with someone."
"We're both type A, we both want what we want, but what I want more than anything is to find a place that we both love."
"I would never live with a man, and a man would never live in my house unless we were married."
"That's how the kitty cats realized that they have to forgive each other for making mistakes, so everyone in the little house could live happily and help each other."
"It's his house too and he's doing a lot of work."
"Marriage is becoming almost a thing of the past; it's move in with me."
"Being a good roommate, no, being a decent human being usually means that in shared spaces, you both work at keeping it clean."
"Even if we're not together for the rest of our lives, I know moving out together and just having that experience together, we're both going to have so much fun and we're both going to be so happy."
"I've always wanted to move out young, and it's crazy to think that I could potentially be moving out with someone."
"Our bears live on the back of our property, they're like family to me."