
Doubts Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"If you even have to question if you're in a secure relationship, that means you most likely aren't."
"The heart is afflicted by two illnesses: the subtle desires and the doubtful matters."
"Doubts are beautiful, they usually mean you're about to learn something."
"Let go of festering fears and doubts during Jupiter in Pisces, as they can be made manifest externally."
"Doubts and insecurities triggered by continuous imagining can suffocate manifestation."
"I'm just not sure we were meant to live together."
"I thought originally that couple's therapy would help."
"Michael has always been pretty positive about us, but now, I have doubts."
"They have room for you in their life, but they're questioning whether you have enough room for them in yours."
"Yeah, I have doubts. Everybody does when you're doing something good in life."
"You make this person feel like they're with the wrong person."
"Your person is questioning if they made the right decision by walking away."
"For those who are looking at these types of videos, perhaps for the first time or just starting to have doubts... what would you say to those people who have not yet decided?"
"You're not alone with these doubts."
"I think JP actually gives Taylor the ick like I don't think they're going to make it."
"Have you ever been in a relationship when you knew it was wrong?"
"The only limit to the realization of our hopes for tomorrow will be our doubts of today."
"There's not much commitment in this committed relationship."
"In the quiet contemplation that followed, Moran found himself reflecting on the perceived foolishness of his initial doubts."
"Is it fate for him to buckle under the pressure of his own doubts?"
"What changed in him this time was his doubts."
"I would say if you're having doubts there is no harm in just putting it on hold, just put the brakes on it doesn't mean you have to end the relationship, call the wedding off, just put the brakes on, maybe postpone the wedding and just speak to your partner."
"Don't try to squelch those doubts."
"...if you've got doubts, if you've got some serious doubts, I've got really good news: you could make a great disciple."
"I'm not going to end my damn life with these microscopic doubts."
"It's been quite a journey and I'm really happy in the end that I decided to make the music for this game myself even though I had my doubts."
"It's massive oh yeah literally there was like probably three times I was like well there it is so we're not gonna be able to so we had so many doubts but we pulled through we got help from people."
"Listen, Fran, girl, I just had a thought: maybe I'm not ready to settle down."
"You know what, we could have doubts!"
"I don't really know what happened. She was just like, 'Yeah, I'm having some doubts.'"
"For the first time, Ren began to openly share his doubts with Ma about whether they could fix the situation."
"A conviction, a conviction that Maxwell's way of working is too arbitrary, and that this one is slipping through his fingers."
"If doubts or fears or negative thoughts come up, just recognize them for what they are: old limiting beliefs that want to stay around. They have no power over you."
"Any doubts you have about continuous deployment are helpful little voices telling you what needs better testing."
"The doubts about soy are not based on sound science."
"A lot of times we discuss these critical issues concerning the Bible and somebody starts wondering, 'Do I want to worry about this Christian thing anymore?' And I don't want that to be the outcome."
"All doubts in the implementation and interpretation of the provisions of the labor code shall be resolved in favor of labor."
"I had doubts about us being together until she told me something that really hit me in the heart."
"Sit on doubts or questions for the rest of your life."
"Doubts about the Big Bang largely dissipated in the 1960s."
"You're gonna have regrets on special occasions. You're gonna have doubts when somebody reaches out to you and it reminds you, it kind of takes your mind back to when things were good."
"Their natural chemistry evident from the start dispelled initial doubts about their ability to work together."
"Do I want to be with someone who was unsure of me?"
"After sending over 65,000 to Kevin Sue hasn't seen any of her investment earnings and has doubts about Kevin being real."
"If you can't get over the fact... I don't think it would work."
"Doubts may actually affirm salvation, leading us to go to the Lord, who is greater than our doubts."
"Once we adequately understand ourselves, those doubts will not be answered but become irrelevant."
"You're not real. You're just my fears and my own doubts. I'm done fighting who I really am."
"You have all these hopes and dreams, you have all of these doubts and fears that creep in."
"If you just learn to live in the One Eternal Moment, that just puts to rest all these doubts and fears."
"Reassure typically means removing doubts or fears for someone."
"The cure for doubts is knowledge."
"When you have any doubts about what you're doing, it's just really important to talk to the people around you."
"Doubts are what make you examine all your options. They're what make you a good leader."
"The universe's only ability to stop you is to instill doubts and fears in your mind."