
Environmental Design Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"The game's world is structured...you're moving through these different eras which in many cases have you going through similar spaces with entirely different looks, enemies, and even structures to the environment."
"Though the story and gameplay are both brilliant, it is the environment that really makes Ghost of Tsushima something special."
"This right here is the whole kitten kaboodle; my Lord, these environments look unbelievable."
"This is where landscape architecture stands at the intersection civil engineering, horticulture, conservation biology, and agriculture."
"Elden Ring's environmental design is my favorite in years, from lush forests to floating rock towns to golden cities."
"Create an environment that instills terror. Now, terror and horror are very different things."
"Your power and water output will change dramatically based on how you build your lots."
"Web of Shadows captures the iconic afternoon gleam perfectly, complementing Spider-Man's adventures."
"Wildlands' commitment to maintaining visual fidelity with the Bolivian landscape is jaw-droppingly complete."
"These small environmental features really make the game and have these really enjoyable moments."
"The level environments can be pretty gorgeous at times."
"Overall I liked the gameplay I liked the environments in the game I think they all look really good."
"Gris is full of examples of this meticulous attention to detail that the team at Nomada Studio had to put into each environment to make a game that not only looks good, but plays well too."
"None captured a feeling of mystery and discovery quite like Ocarina of Time's Forest Temple."
"The environments do a great job of showing different, crazy, fun environments."
"A modern superstructure takes shape, designed to survive one of the harshest environments in the world."
"Reducing the sprawl reduces the length of pipes needed and thus reduces the chances of leakages and the problem can be attenuated further by creating buildings with self sustaining water supplies."
"It's a great mixture of like this sort of desert terrain Forerunner aesthetic palm trees what more can you want uh it just it looks fantastic."
"Environment is used as a passing location in a lot of games but few use them as the sole location."
"The music is awesome and the general environmental design is top notch."
"A place that adapts to our abilities, slows down when we need to slow down."
"An incredibly well-designed area, perfect combat encounters."
"Every wall can look different and there's a lot more opportunities for environmental storytelling."
"What I do like about Opposing Force is that Gearbox used the environment to tell a story."
"Our goal was to make these environments not only beautiful but feel as grounded and authentic as possible."
"Good dungeons make all the difference. A good dungeon forges its own identity through unique environmental design, music, and puzzles."
"Extreme Pool featured a large set of background locations including an inner-city basketball court, a plane cruising at 30,000 feet, a Caribbean yacht, a city rooftop bar, and a Japanese garden."
"I'd like to have a free architecture. I'd like to have architecture that belonged where you see it standing there was a grace to the landscape instead of a disgrace."
"The entire world is an organic ecosystem, an environment so profound nothing like it has ever been seen in a video game."
"Gears 5 delivers just an unbelievably gorgeous game with huge beautiful environments and just tons of detail."
"Having water strategically around your garden is important."
"These are the building blocks to making environments that have their own kind of worlds to them."
"There's a lot of cool environmental details, a lot of just great artistic design."
"I think what really holds this entire biome up are these new Cherry leaves."
"The return to traditional platforming for exploration allowed environments to not only extend left and right but also vertically for more variety and opportunities in level design."
"Alright, I'm hitting start streaming and something is going to immediately go catastrophically wrong."
"I love their environmental design in Dark Souls...it's almost silly how utilitarian the UI is."
"The environments look way bigger, way more expansive."
"Environmental changes based on narrative events. Good one, designers." - Josh
"Gilneas is a great zone. It is almost an amazing zone."
"Gorgrond is an amazing zone. It's just the reality."
"Highmountain is an amazing zone. It really is."
"Howling Fjord, an amazing zone. Not even a question."
"Mechagon is an amazing zone. Not even a question."
"Zero House: a futuristic home that generates its own power, processes its own waste, and collects and stores rainwater."
"Skyrim now features serene snow-capped mountains, frozen lakes, scenic rivers, cliff sides, and forests; it's a downright gorgeous looking game at times."
"This paint only works when it's facing the sky, hence its name, radiative Sky cooling paint."
"The weather, particularly the storms, is done amazingly."
"Our power is to design our environment in a different way."
"Each biome should provide its own very unique flavor of gameplay and encounters." - Harry Krueger
"Human freedom really resides in designing our environment."
"Hirata Estate: The beautiful but depressing landscapes range from dark and gloomy to burning husks."
"He shows up on his bicycle his home has the collection of the water and the irrigation and the storage tanks and the triple glazed windows with the Argon gas and the R30 insulation blown cellulose into every bay."
"These Earth ships in the New Mexico desert are actually some of the earliest adoptions of sustainable housing that have been in the making since the 1970s."
"Our ancestors soon learned the wisdom of underground dwellings sheltered from harsh light and climates."
"The environments steal the show... every inch of the world receives careful attention to detail."
"Every environment feels like a painting come to life."
"One of the biggest selling points to Black Desert has to be with its world and environment."
"Rockstar has managed to implement a wide range of cloud types at variable speed, lending the game a greater sense of variety across its vast skies."
"The environment team always does a top-notch job...making these beautiful areas."
"Embedding the story into the design of the environment itself is a beautiful way to tell a story."
"The environments of this world are consistently some of the most beautiful and stunning that I've seen in gaming as a whole."
"Minecraft biomes are not created by the player they exist intrinsically as part of the world."
"The architecture of Masule is a balance between artificial and natural."
"Forest starting zones in MMOs are nostalgic and cozy."
"We should all as adults be trying to create environments for kids where they are safe to explore."
"The terraforming everywhere just makes it look almost like a swamp."
"We have had all of those things that he mentioned except for one thing... rivers."
"The world of Ivalice: alive with details and variety."
"Fishing such a groundbreaking like mechanic and it is small but it just added like a nice little touch to it and of course the swimming as well just like a new different type of environment."
"Our goal was to create a lot of beautiful but also functional space for wildlife to have habitat."
"Respect each other, most importantly, respect Could-Have-Been Records, respect this house."
"The high point of Breathage is its stunning world."
"Create your own pyramids, temples, and other jungle structures."
"Respect the topography while being willing to take some risks."
"I'm optimistic it will [work], I think a more relaxed and optional end game is certainly helped in this case by the Dragon Isles being an especially beautiful environment."
"We have a lot of these snow-like assets being made so it just made me think there's got to be a snowy location somewhere in the alpha 2's launch."
"The atmosphere of this game is stellar, it's top draw if you want to find a game that gets its ambience right."
"I love how Morrowind looks from the ash mountains to the east with the mushrooms. It's a very varied looking game."
"The organic mountains, cliffs, marshes, and low plains could allow players to survey from these spots."
"The framing makes superb use of the world's eye candy."
"The vistas in this game are everywhere... just a really beautiful look out into the world."
"Anything that goes into developing environments like vehicles and all that, yeah, just developing your memory is going to help you with it."
"Coming outside to such bright and colorful design, it makes me so happy."
"All eight characters in Octopath Traveler have their own unique backstories, NPCs, and special abilities."
"I actually really enjoy the look of this. I think when you outline your villages with trees like this, it creates this nice atmosphere."
"Natural ventilation, amount of natural light."
"Small details like walkways, lampposts, and railings can bring your scene to life."
"The way the animals interact with their enclosures is amazing."
"Architecture can make your life feel better."
"Every single thing that you carry and make as a weapon is a part of the world itself."
"We can create much nicer waterfalls for ponds."
"Every environment feels decorated in ways that feel thoughtful and purposeful."
"It's like planting a tree on the planet except it's giant made out of metal and has giant thrusters on the bottom, that's so cool!"
"The world itself is gorgeous, oh yeah, it's absolutely stunning."
"Flashes of brilliance from Anthem: exploring the jaw-dropping world."
"Fat shark absolutely nailed the environmental design and atmosphere here in dark tide."
"This is like The Sims and because it's The Sims, I can get away with whatever I want and I kind of want to put some trees there in the corner."
"I think that this path looks nice and it'll be nicer once we do some like, layered terrain paint with some dirt and stuff."
"That really goes with the vibes of what this area is going to be."
"People can sit there and enjoy some of the views out the back, very nice."
"Climbing and freerunning is very important to the brand; as you can see, Havana has been built with this in mind, lots of ways of getting on roofs and finding access to hidden areas."
"The mangrove swamp is the coolest thing that's ever been added. No, wait, wait for it... mud blocks!"
"I just wanted it to feel a little bit more grounded, a little bit more real."
"The environment in this game is really, really nice."
"When I enter the cave, I am just blown away by it every single time. It never gets old and it just feels so real, this is real rock."
"Fantasy environments are more varied and extreme than our current world, yet fantasy representation lacks diversity in arms and armor."
"It's usually the kind of thing that you can use to hide light organically."
"Conduits actually give off a light level of 15 much like any kind of glowstone block."
"Every city should feel like a city and not like a little village instead."
"World's smallest McDonald's was designed for bees."
"Area 22, this is a gem of an environment. This is one of the only like really good three cost environments in the game."
"What do you think about having like a little village right here with shops and with a greenhouse for exhibits?"
"Planting trees around your base can really bring a build together, especially if you design some of them custom."
"The limited size of the environment quickly creates a sense of intimacy with the space and allows you to explore its secrets rather easily."
"Passive electricity-free air conditioning by sucking heat from its surroundings and hurling it into space."
"But however our stuff is designed and made and disposed of it remains a designed world made by us and for us overseen by designers who will continue to worry about the way things are and how to make them just a little bit better."
"Everywhere we look, it's just really cool looking."
"I wanted to make it blend into the bluffs... so it looks like its own land."
"Henning Stummel had the objective of creating an environmentally conscious residence that occupies its place among the surrounding buildings with confidence."
"Let's collectively aim for beauty in our cities, recognizing its essential role in our collective well-being."
"Integrating the philosophies of shrines into the world."
"You could have the cave and make it look like snow with a little red coming out."
"Resident Evil 2 is so popular that its environments and locales have shown up in a bunch of Resident Evil side games and spin-offs."
"I thoroughly did not expect the single biome mountain worlds to be so good looking but they are and I love it."
"If there's one thing Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil nail it's the dark and creepy atmosphere."
"It's these small creative changes to the environment that I like the most."
"One of the most profound functions of architecture is to provide shelter in this increasingly chaotic and increasingly incoherent environment."
"A lot of the new biomes feature more dramatic terrain, so you'll find valleys, mountains, lakes, and more."
"Making a great environment is not only about knowing how to use the tools."
"This is just an amazing looking Sky lines and Sky I am just loving that."
"In Ghosts, we approached building a world to invite exploration through environmental design, stumble upon content, and rewarding exploration."
"You're going to be driving down the major roads and you're not going to see anything, you're just going to see trees, and that was done intentionally."
"An incredible example of environmental storytelling."
"I also went to this incredible Japanese garden that was built on top of a former landfill."
"Hopefully one day a structure that suits our environment a little bit better gets created."
"This is the stuff of Dreams. This is the stuff of like people watching Avatar going I want a glowing forest and then somebody went yeah I do want a glowing Forest I'm gonna make one and then they did."
"It's not just about making your environment look pretty, it's also about trying to tell a story."
"Public planning only works when the public plan. We believe in giving citizens the knowledge and tools to shape their environment."
"Dream the world into being; you guys are going to have the ability and the autonomy to maybe be able to create the type of environment that you want."
"We're trying to make zoning a little bit better and useful at the end of the day to making our urban environments better."
"It's really the mycelium that moves the world and shapes and in many ways designs the world around us."
"Vegetated soil riprap provides a natural, more aesthetic appearance than conventional riprap."
"The Agora Tower's balconies are meant to practically eat smog, absorbing 130 tons of carbon dioxide per year."
"This is going to be an insane ecosystem for these animals."
"This ship connects you with the ocean; you do not feel like you're in a mall any longer."
"Don't feel like you're tied to what's in front of you, you can start playing around with nature and you can start to design nature how you want it to be."
"Telling the player about the world with the design of the spaces in the world is a really important thing that I wouldn't skip over."
"Ghost is set in feudal Japan and most of what you see is natural objects, especially trees and shrubs, nearly every vertex of all of these is in constant motion influenced by the wind."
"This environment is really awesome, there's so much detail."
"I highly recommend using references when you're making environmental renders."
"Establishing or restoring green and blue spaces can all be woven into the built environment."
"It's really a dilemma within the profession; people want you to do something beautiful, but also the landscape should be about the environment."
"This building is pretty much entirely off the land."
"This software is crazy; it can do drone information, it can do entire buildings, it's not limited to just recreating objects, it can create entire environments."
"All this wildlife that's out there, we don't get to see it, and I just think if we build something that's in harmony with our surroundings, they're all going to go, 'We'll come and live here,' and then we get the pleasure because we're going to see them."
"What I was impressed with in the greenhouse is how you crossed the bridge of sort of being paralyzed by indecision to coming about a design that I really think had some environmental direction and reflection."
"So that's kind of fundamentals of how the climate battery system functions."
"The extra insulation offered by having a layer of living plants in the soil would make a huge difference."
"Sun, Wind, and Light does a really great job of diagramming some of the complex concepts."
"The Dynamic Landscape Weather Effects add snow and puddles to a landscape."
"We've come up with improved metrics like daylight glare probability."
"It's very environmentally friendly as you guys can see on the side of the building. The little fins on the side are at 37 and a half degrees and it limits how much sunlight gets into this building."
"One of my key tips for environment design in general is to always try and trick the player into thinking there is more to see."
"It's really important to note that when we're going through this process, we're going to have two different Sun path charts: one for winter and one for summer."
"The cumulative sky matrix is essential for radiation analysis."
"The green buildings usually comprise of components which can be clubbed under one of these features: site, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, and indoor environment quality."
"Low-impact development is an approach to land development that works with nature to manage stormwater as close to its source as possible."
"The fact that they used real trees all the way around is fantastic."
"Isn't this amazing? This is like a little biome that made a biome of the desert here in Nebraska."