
Personal Treatment Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you."
"Imagine someone that you treat well, that you love, and try to treat yourself that way."
"Be nice to yourself, be kind to yourself. Why treat yourself any differently than someone close to you?"
"It's important for you to travel and then when you travel you see how you're treated."
"Being a good friend to yourself, treating yourself like you would treat your friends."
"I have more Integrity than to get all the way to Miami and realize that I'm being treated like a second tier person."
"This person definitely does not like the way they treated you, they really, really know that."
"We still have to have equal treatment. I mean, I hate being called sweetie or honey."
"We'll go out of our way to treat other people well, but how often do we give ourselves the same treatment?"
"A good sign of how you treat others is the response you receive when you're in crisis."
"He hated sentimentality and he didn't want anybody to treat him anything differently."
"The only thing that matters is how someone treats you."
"Nobody should be treating you less than you deserve."
"You deserve to be taken care of with love and compassion and care."
"For him, this was what was deemed appropriate for his situation."
"If people treated you with love, you could get the best out of you."
"I like how people make me feel, 'cause a person could be giving you everything in the world, but if they're not treating you right..."
"They treated me nicely, you know. They didn't treat me like somebody's mommy. They treated me like a person."
"Everybody wants to be treated like a person."
"Your value and your worth as a human is far deeper than physical appearance and physical aesthetic. I personally value how people treat me and how people treat others far more than how they look."
"You don't have to love me, you don't have to like me, you can think I'm the devil incarnate, but you better treat me like a decent human being because that's how I treat you even though you don't believe that I have the right to exist."
"If respect had been given to her as a person, what happened wouldn't have happened."
"He is the first person who has ever treated her as a woman and not a weapon."
"Always go where people treat you like a million dollars, not where they treat you like five bucks."
"Nobody wants to [ __ ] be in a relationship with someone who treats them like an object and who devalues their very humanhood."
"Take the high road, treat people like you want to be treated."
"Just treat yourself how you want to be treated by a friend."
"Remember, there's a new dawn for you. Not everybody's going to treat you the same way."
"Individuals should be treated as individuals."
"Nobody should behave like that and you shouldn't be treated like that."
"Treat yourself the way that you'd want to be treated."
"I was treated like a princess. I was given everything."
"Treat yourself like you're with your best friend."
"It's your life. It's how they treat you, how they act."
"People treat you how you allow them to treat you, and if you allow them to walk on you, to take advantage of you, they're going to do just that."
"Truly to treat yourself how you want to be treated."
"Listen and pay attention to how you're being treated."
"Treat yourself how you would want a significant other to treat you."
"...it's all about how he treats you as a person, and you guys deserve the best."
"How do I treat the little girl or the little boy that lives inside of me?"
"You teach others how to treat you."
"Treat yourself the way you want to be treated."
"It's very dangerous to vest our own self-esteem in the way that other people treat us."
"What you believe and feel about yourself creates how people show up and treat you, and how circumstances unfold."
"You treat everybody as an individual."
"You're ultimately in control of how you are treated."
"It's about how I treat you in person, how I am as a human being."
"The way you see and treat yourself shows others how they can treat you."
"He showed me something how I could be treated and what I'm looking for."
"I'm all about taking care of myself, treating myself nicely, and bringing a little bit of luxury into my life."
"Treat yourself how you'd like other people to treat you."
"They treat you like a person and not just a number or a customer."
"People only treat you how you allow them to treat you."
"Treat people the way they ask you to be treated, not the way that you would want to be treated."
"Treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others; love yourself, and you will be loved."
"King Harley Race knew how to treat himself like a damn King."
"You have to love yourself and respect yourself more to be treated the way you treat it."
"The way people treat you is never personal, it's always a reflection of who they are."
"Treat yourself with the respect you would accord others and not beat the hell out of yourself."
"They treat you like a person, not a number."
"Make sure that you are treating yourself, that you're treating yourself the way you want to be treated."