
Sharing Knowledge Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"I'm pretty excited to bring this one to you because I think this is an interesting little task."
"If you know something that can help another man change the trajectory of his family and their future, and you don't share that information, you're selfish."
"These readings are as much for me as they are for you. I learn so much through sharing all of these readings with you."
"I got inspired on this trip and I'm really excited to go back home and share everything I learned."
"I want to be able to actually kind of take and bottle up some of what I've learned from that journey and help other people experience that in the same way."
"The greatest experience you will have to help continue your personal development is by sharing what you've learned with others because it makes you sharper, it makes you better."
"Thank you, Tim, for coming in, a pleasure for recommending you share this with us."
"Teaching is full of preconceived ideas about pretentiousness. So, I just remove the word 'teaching' and put the word 'share'."
"Share your gifts spread your knowledge share your healing powers to people but to the right people to the right circle group to the right friend group."
"It's a true honor and gift to be able to share what I'm sharing."
"These are the ten things that I'm sharing on what needs to happen."
"What I did them how I tweaked them to make them fun to run and that way you can run them and learn from my mistakes."
"I'm taking all the knowledge and experience... and just sharing it."
"Don't withhold knowledge or talent. It will bring more into your life."
"It is always worth your effort to learn, create, and share with others."
"Stop self-doubting and start sharing what you do know."
"My wisdom, my knowledge, my understanding for those who want to know."
"I'm trying to teach you everything that I do."
"Thank you so much for sharing your brilliance so generously with us."
"I have the responsibility to share with them everything that I come across."
"Creators on Nebula love exploring exactly what interests them and sharing it with you."
"Just because you're okay doesn't mean that you can't pass on that knowledge that you have gained."
"Share what you're learning, find others who are learning."
"It's just about knowing that everything that people want and obtain... if you're in a position to share it and show people and teach people, why not?"
"Stand strong in your beliefs and share that knowledge."
"You can put it straight into here or you can take this give it to somebody else and they'll be able to recreate that exact same color."
"I love sharing what I know with people that want to learn it."
"I'm really so happy that you know I have this opportunity to share my knowledge with you."
"The thing that shifted things is when you start solving your own problems and then freely sharing freely sharing the solutions."
"I do think it's just better for me to use my audience to reach out to people with the things that could benefit them rather than withholding it and keeping that information to myself."
"We're grateful for you spreading this knowledge."
"I hope you picked up a couple little tips and tricks."
"That's why I want to show you this demonstration."
"Thank you very much for coming and for sharing and for teaching and forgiving."
"All I do is just share what worked for me and it works for thousands of people."
"Stepping into power as a teacher, sharing wisdom."
"We all just fell back out of respect because he was dropping that information, man."
"Tim has a long history of sharing his inspiring training journey and knowledge with others."
"This channel is all about learning so if you can share any knowledge that would be really great."
"Collaborate and share your detailing tips to increase everyone's knowledge."
"We are on the brink of sharing our knowledge, our aesthetic, and our way of seeing the universe. This is an important moment."
"Your path to success involves sharing your gift of healing."
"I'm at a stage in my life, you know I'm 72 years old, and the most important thing I could do is pass along whatever I have that's of value."
"Strength lies in sharing ideas and routines."
"To share some of the insights which I've gained from doing that has been really, really cool."
"As I grow older, I find that sharing what I've learned has become more and more important to me."
"Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches."
"Share my story at howtohunt.com is where you can get the knowledge out to the people where we are all one."
"I'm giving you million dollar maker moves because I can, and I'm sharing them publicly."
"Educating yourself and sharing that information with other people, that is helpful."
"Let me share with you my understanding of it."
"When you're enlightened in moments, you want to scream it out to everybody and tell everybody what you discovered."
"If you have enjoyed what I think has been a feast of discussion... please share it with others."
"It's a shame not to share it all. I think everybody has something to offer and can shed some light."
"Speak from strength, share your experiences to add to the body of knowledge."
"It just really didn't want to kind of share an experience, shine a light, and really just kind of say, 'If you find this stuff informative...'"
"I'm not looking for any accomplishment, I only want to share what I know."
"Everyone has something to share, something smart to say."
"I love to show people things they may not have known before."
"You've got to embody it to share it with others and when you share it to others, you change the world."
"Sharing is important... It really helps other people learn and remember that they are smart enough to do this too."
"If you know something share it and you just don't know what's gonna come of it... one person can make a difference."
"The more you share free of a topic the more you're going to connect with more people."
"Now that’s a cool trivia fact you can share with your friends."
"This is how we grow as a team by sharing our insights."
"Giving information when you can, especially when you're down, because you really don't have much to do."
"I hope it helps you share with a friend... I will see you in the next video."
"You know what? I've always celebrated people. Everybody that came before me, I tried to give you all the game."
"Learn something new, teach what you know."
"It is my hope that those who read these words can share in the excitement I've had in making the discoveries that were involved."
"I've done something really, really right that I want everybody to understand."
"When you're an expert in something, that usually means you have unique and interesting insights to share."
"Hopefully, somebody can learn something from it."
"It's time for us to tap in. It's time for us to wake up and share what we know with other people."
"I really want to bring some education and some shop knowledge to my channel. I know I share a lot of projects, but there's a ton of stuff that I've learned over the years and learned from other makers that I want to share here."
"I think that that same structure ACP could be helpful for other people."
"Passing the torch... sharing it with others."
"I hope you share this video around because of course, it helps me, but it helps everyone else see canning is not scary."
"It's not so much about my shooting anymore. It's about teaching other people what I know so that it doesn't pass away with me someday because we're all going that route."
"Not just the joy of making new discoveries, of adding to scientific knowledge, and all that, but sharing these discoveries with and training the younger generation."
"All right if I'm gonna do the video I'm gonna give y'all all my gems."
"Hope you found this interesting and I hope some of you at least found it useful."
"I want to show you guys some of the things that I've learned so maybe I can help some of you guys that are interested in getting into this field."
"The quickest way to add value to somebody else is to teach them something they didn't know."
"Teach people how to do what you do and emphasize your expertise."
"The real invitation is not to let your enlightenment become an obstacle to the enlightenment of others."
"I've taught the same technique to several thousand guitar players over the years and today I want to share this wonderful technique with you."
"I just love to teach. I love something I find really joyful in my life to be able to bring that to other people."
"Thank you for having me. I hope you learned something from me today."
"I've helped people to learn since the beginning. I've always enjoyed showing what I knew."
"I decided I've got to share this with the world because in the case of a future pandemic like what happened in '07, people would be knowledgeable and prepared and not have to go through the same sufferings that folks went through."
"We want to provide people an opportunity to teach the amazing things that they know."
"We're sharing some rare footage from my last Dr. Tim live conference."
"Hopefully you learn something and you can pass it on or use it for yourself because if you did then my goal was accomplished."
"...I just want to say thanks very much I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge as always with all of us absolutely..."
"But this is just how to achieve the flowers that I personally do and I hope you liked it and I hope you learned something."
"If you got some good information to share, it will eventually do well."
"Let them benefit from your experience and your knowledge."
"I'd like to share the experiences so that people can benefit from my experience."
"I'm still learning, and I'll continue to learn, and as I continue to learn, I'll share with you."
"I'm gonna be creating more content and I'm gonna take a different series different approaches to some of the information that I've come across and try to share in ways that will help all of us kind of work towards our better selves."
"And also if you have good advice or experiences that you have you can share them with others that need your help."
"I absolutely loved making them and loved just sharing the knowledge that I have."
"Stick around, stay tuned, I'll tell you what I've learned."
"I grow them for my own collection and my own pleasure and also I grow them so that I can share with all of you what I've learned since I started growing them in 2019."
"I just want to share as much information about these amazing animals as I can with the world."
"I love ideas, I love learning, and I want to share it with everybody else."
"I can't wait to tell you all about this, I've done a ton of research."
"This is a channel of learning; I learned, I wasn't born doing this, I learnt, and I want you guys to learn."
"Even if it just helps one person, I think it's worth sharing the information."
"It's always worth the effort to learn new skills, this time it's machinery tool setup stuff, and always share with others."
"I enjoy showing the things I learned."
"I'm going to share some of my secrets to my brush pile fishing for crappie, I hope you all enjoy."
"This journey has led me to a place where I have had the privilege of teaching these things that I love to others."
"This is the best knife I ever made, and I am going to be giving away all my trade secrets in this video."
"We do extensive amount of cardiac imaging in our practice and as part of that I'm gonna be sharing some of my expertise."
"We all love learning from each other."
"It's really such a privilege to have the chance to share what I've learned."
"All this stuff that I shared with you is something that I want to be a value and a benefit to you and to help you in any way possible."
"I learned a lot and I hope you found it interesting too."
"The purpose of this video is to teach you what I've learned."
"I did learn a lot about these pencils, and I'm happy to share my findings with you."
"I'm hoping that some of the ideas that I share with you today will be helpful."
"The more I learn, the more you guys learn."
"The more we share, the more we can protect ourselves and each other."
"What I do like to do is to share; I like to share that back. People help me, I like to help as well."
"Nobody gives you a handbook to this life stuff, and if I figure it out, figure it out like, boom, throw it to the world."
"If I have the formula for how to succeed in something and I don't share it, then I'm doing you a disservice."
"I am beyond excited to offer this tutorial to you all."
"I am so excited to share all my tips and tricks with you."
"I decided to start this channel to share my knowledge, and hopefully, you will learn something in the process."
"I love doing this kind of stuff, and I love sharing it with you."
"I was so happy to be educated because not only do I feel more informed, but I can help inform all of you."
"Through education and also through use some technology information, we can teach, we can share."
"I just love teaching and I know you do as well."
"I want to take all the stuff that I've learned and give it to them, so I definitely want to help more people."
"I'm going to share a lot of tips that have helped me."
"And I am jazzed to get to share with you some of the things I’ve been learning over the last few years."
"I hope that you guys learned something from this."
"This YouTube channel is obviously designed so I can help educate people."
"It is always worth the effort to learn new stuff, so you can create stuff and share it with others."
"It's important to share those things, I think it's just as important, if not more important, on what you leave behind and how you can share what you've learned throughout the journey."
"I want you to go out there and try to teach somebody new."
"I try to give as much information as I can about what I experienced and what I saw and what I learned."
"Write what you love writing about and share that with the world."
"I enjoyed it greatly and I hope it proves useful to some people."
"I hope you guys enjoy that one, I hope you guys learn something."
"My teaching, if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce it, distribute it, interpret it, misinterpret it, distort it, garble it, do with it whatever you like."
"I genuinely think this information will help people."
"All I can do is share with you my experiences and the rationale behind the answers that I've come up with."
"I've really loved sharing these ten tricks with you today."
"I really want to start showing you guys kind of tutorials and stuff like that."
"One of the best things that I love about this channel is that it allows me to not only share my unboxing and stuff with you but it also allows me to show you guys how I'm able to buy these sneakers and actually get into sneaker reselling."
"If I can show you how I'm learning, maybe my method of learning will help you with yours."
"Share to help your friends get better grades."
"I love seeing people learning from the stuff that I put out."
"Let's all do our best to share information that changes the world, information that builds communities and people up."
"If you don't live an interesting life, go and live an interesting one or go and learn about a topic and just tweet everything you're learning."
"I really love sharing my knowledge and experience with you guys."
"I've grown as a teacher in a way, I feel like I have a better ability to share my understandings now."
"I love that I'm doing a tour. I'm like letting out my own school."
"I'm doing my best to give all the information and all that expertise that I learned, most of it I learned the hard way."
"I'm gonna offer you the things that I've learned in life for free."
"I've been doing Bonsai for 50 years I'd love to share with you what I know."
"It is my joy and pleasure to share data analytics and geostatistics machine learning with anyone who wants to learn about it."
"I'm not professional, but I do love to sew, I love to quilt, I love to make heirloom garments, and I love to share what I know."
"I want people to be attracted to the videos because I think I have something to share."
"Learn the truth, meditate on the truth, and share the truth."
"My goal is then to take that information through my own filter and offer it to people who would aspire to learn how to do the same types of things that I know how to do."
"I'm happy to share what I've learned with you all today, and I hope it's valuable."
"I hope you guys enjoyed watching this and learned something from this because I sure did enjoy filming it for y'all."
"I believe that this is one of the most important topics that we can all teach one another."
"I like writing a lot. It helps me learn and it also helps other people."
"I just feel like it's important every once in a while for me to actually impart some wisdom or knowledge that I've learned."
"Sharing is caring, so if you know somebody especially that loves to paint furniture, share this video with them and say you might learn something from this."
"I'm excited to show y'all everything that I know."
"I'm pretty jazzed because I'm going to be showing you something that has been in my wheelhouse for many, many years."
"Share what you're learning and put that in your own words. Don't just put a black square; put what you're actually learning."
"I'm no expert on this, but I do like to share what I've learned."
"Hi, I'm Mike. Welcome to my Waffle Square, where I obsess about things, and you get to benefit from it."
"I truly hope by sharing what I know, I could help you be more efficient to get the job you truly love."
"I believe in teaching everything that you know."
"I love teaching others how to as well."
"I've never claimed to be perfect; I teach everything I know, I show people what I do."
"I finally did the tutorial for y'all."
"Learning, constant learning, having fun, sharing what you learn, it's also important."
"If you could give your notes to somebody else and that person can learn math from your notes, your notes should be of that quality."
"I'm very happy with how these came out, and hopefully you guys can use this technique in one of your plushies in the future."
"Never feel that you need to push this information on anybody because those that are ready to hear what you have to say will come to you."
"I love teaching my friends about how to cook different kinds of foods."
"I want everybody to learn as much as I can."
"You don't teach, you share more than anything else."
"We all can learn from each other, I think."
"I'm really excited to be sharing these with you today."
"I have a book, a bible of dichroic recipes, and I'm going to share some of them with you."
"I'm just so grateful that I get the chance to share these insights and these teaching ideas with you."
"I decided, hey, why not share with people what I've done in real estate, stock market, additional streams of income, those types of things."
"And in learning to fix it, hopefully you can learn to fix it too."
"I'd love to teach you these wonders; they're all using the same technique."
"There are tons of people out there who either want what you have or want to learn from you."