
Net Worth Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Invest your life in what you can never lose. Your true net worth is what can never be taken away from you."
"My self-worth and net worth are building every day."
"You can't confuse your net worth with your self-worth."
"I'm really fortunate to have been able to hit 100k net worth pretty quickly in life, and I wanted to share with you a very practical step-by-step guide to hitting 100k net worth starting from zero."
"Being a millionaire means that you are worth a million dollars. The way that you calculate this is you take your assets and you subtract your liabilities."
"Millennials and Gen Z's are expected to see their net worths skyrocket."
"By 2016, with a net worth of 50 billion dollars."
"Your net worth is determined by your network."
"Our goal in owning anything that has a loan attached to it... is an equity position that becomes a positive part of our net worth calculation."
"Assets minus liabilities equals a million. It's the only definition."
"What you own minus what you owe equals your net worth when that's over a million you're a millionaire."
"Kenneth Copeland has a net worth of 300 million dollars."
"Two million dollars isn't even one percent of what his net worth is."
"Your net worth is what you own minus what you owe. If you owe a whole lot, it doesn't matter if you own a whole lot because at the end of the day, if all the people that you owe come a call in, you're broke."
"Wilmer Valderrama's net worth is supposedly $18 million, although some insider sources claim it could be even as high as $20 million."
"They've almost doubled their net cash flow position in just over two years."
"Everybody ain't do all them rich, man. Somebody confided in these rich people. Everybody ain't do all these rich, man. Somebody been over and seen, yes, period, man."
"Your net worth is equal to all of the things that you own minus all of the money that you owe."
"Your net worth is something that is impossible to calculate even if you're a public figure."
"Work out your net worth... this is your current starting point from which you're going to look to build wealth."
"With her estimated net worth reaching an impressive $16 million as of early 2024, Regina King has demonstrated astute Financial Acumen."
"So now adding together every asset Bruce owns and turning it into the cold hard cash it's worth we find that Bruce Wayne's net worth is 306 billion 700 million and four hundred thousand dollars."
"This is Los Angeles; you cannot judge someone's net worth or net income by their car."
"...some sources estimate that his net worth is currently over $600 million."
"If you want to raise your net worth, you have to raise your self-worth."
"Stop depending on the internet to tell y'all what people's net worth is."
"Leonardo DiCaprio's personal net worth is estimated at $300 million."
"Geoffrey Bezos has gained about fifty billion dollars in net worth since the start of the year"
"I took the business valuation, my net worth valuation, from 40 million to 120 million."
"When net worth is more than just a number, it's a journey for a life on the grandest scale imaginable."
"It is widely believed that at the time of his death, his net worth was alleged to be just north of $9 billion."
"Men equate their self-worth to their net worth."
"On the day of the dividend payment, my personal net worth went up by five hundred dollars; however, the value of the business went down by five hundred dollars, hence the total change in my net worth on this day is zero dollars."
"The network that you have will directly contribute to the net worth that you have. So you want to make sure that you focus on that network and understand that it's about building relationships."
"You want to raise your net worth, you got to start with your self-worth. Correct?"
"Your net worth does not determine your self-worth."
"Welcome to the official kickoff video starting my journey to $100,000 net worth. That feels so crazy to say. I'm only going to say it once."
"Your net worth is not just the stuff you have cuz get this you could have a million dollars in cash and Investments but if you also have a million dollar tied up in debt you're not a millionaire you're broke."
"Net worth is not what makes you valuable."
"We have about $640,000 in net worth right now."
"A millionaire is not someone that makes a million dollars a year. A millionaire is someone with a one million dollar or greater net worth."
"Your net worth is not defined by your self-worth."
"I think it's important that no individual should ever pin their self-worth on things like wealth or net worth."
"You never should determine your self-worth by your net worth."
"You don't need to make a million dollars to become a millionaire. It's all about your net worth which is just a financial calculation. It's not a feeling, it's not your opinion, it's just accounting."
"So your assets minus your liabilities equals net worth, what you own minus what you owe. And so when you don't have debt, you don't have liabilities, that's right, it gives you a big up on the asset side."
"I always find it's not necessarily maximizing your net worth, it's really maximizing your passive income."
"If your self-worth is determined by your net worth, you are a miserable creature."
"If your net worth isn't above $10 million as a man, there's no point dating in America."
"Being a millionaire is based off your net worth, not how much money you have."
"The legendary rapper boasts an estimated net worth of around $2 million as of early 2024."
"Your net worth just went up one million dollars your cash accounts got 300 Grand in it now not five thousand or fifty thousand."
"The majority of these financial institutions will never know someone's true net worth."
"Wayne Brady has amassed an impressive net worth of around $12 million."
"Your net worth is nothing more than your assets minus your liabilities."
"With a jaw-dropping net worth of around 260 billion dollars."
"Your net worth is what you own minus what you owe."
"My net worth doesn't determine my actual worth."
"As your network grows via social media and in person, your net worth can continue to grow and your business can grow."
"If you want to increase your net worth, you have to increase your self-worth."
"Barry, the accomplished American actress, boasts a considerable net worth of $90 million as of early 2024."
"Deduct liabilities from assets and you've derived your net worth."
"Zuckerberg's net worth dropped by 31 billion dollars in one day."
"If you have a net worth of around a million US dollars, then you're basically in the one percent."
"Your net worth is your assets minus your liabilities."
"You're worth three plus million dollars, congratulations approaching $4 million net worth."
"Your net worth is simply what you own, AKA your assets, minus your liabilities."
"If you have a net worth of above zero at the age of 20, you're doing excellent."
"There's a lot of people who have millions of dollars in net worth, very few people who actually make millions of dollars in income."
"The top 1% of US wealth has increased its net worth by 650 percent since 1989."
"You took a big action and you found a distressed asset, you added value, and you added a bunch of net worth to your life and more cash flow and everything else."
"Chuck Norris's net worth stands at an impressive $70 million, a testament to his enduring influence and diverse business ventures."
"Net worth is the ratio of equity to assets."
"I broke the one million dollar net worth Milestone."
"Our self-worth isn't our net worth."
"He would go on to become the 38th governor of California, a movie star with a net worth of over 400 million dollars."
"A net worth of approximately 170 million dollars."
"Assets, assets, assets, assets. That's the thing that substantiates your net worth."
"Would you rather have a net worth of 2.3 million or 1.4 million?"
"Once he was the highest-paid actor in Hollywood, but I was also surprised by his net worth."
"...we went from negative 22,000 to over 800,000 in net worth."
"Tracking my net worth every single year starting back in 2013."
"Being a millionaire does not mean that you make a million dollars a year; it actually means that your net worth is a million dollars."
"Household net worth jumped by $4.8 trillion in Q4."
"If your net worth is negative, it's not necessarily bad; it just means that you owe more than you have."
"Elon Musk only has a current net worth close to thirty-five point four billion dollars."
"When you run these numbers over a 10, 20, 30 year span, the way it's going to change your net worth is dramatic."
"We're about to have the net worth of this party be like a billion."
"It gives you an overall picture of your net worth at the very top of the screen."
"Kanye's current net worth is at least $6.6 billion!"
"You could just have an easier life, make $50,000 a year, and have the same net savings and net worth as someone who makes 75 or a hundred, just by making conscious smart consumptions and living frugally."
"Riches is not based off of how much money you got in your pocket; it's based off of your net worth."
"Stocks are assets; they become part of your net worth just like the money you have in the bank or if you own a house and have some equity in it."
"Wealth starts to be measured in net worth rather than income."
"Yes, I have a positive net worth at 25, so that's pretty good."
"Homeowners at the age of 65 have a net worth a little over $300,000."
"Your net worth should not equal your self worth."
"Net worth means after you liquidate your assets and pay off your liabilities, you are left with what's left."
"You can't outrun your self-image; if you want to increase your net worth, you have to increase your self-worth."
"Net worth is much more important than how much you make."
"I got out net worth up to zero at age 35."
"Your Financial Freedom is about you; you just need to figure out three things: your target date, your target amount, and your target net worth."
"Being considered the two highest paid fighters in the world, there's no doubt that they have already amassed a huge net worth throughout their careers."
"Anything that improves your net worth is what I mean when I use the word 'save'."
"On average, we found $1.5 million to add to customers' lifetime net worth."