
Malware Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"What we had tracked down, they also saw a bat file in their case, or a specific extension to be able to then run and execute the spooky actual cover payload."
"Very slick, very cool, very spooky. Good malware tricks."
"Normal malware doesn't go after control systems, and this was specifically focused on control systems."
"We effectively doubled the amount of all of the malware in one single year."
"Anyone can get their own custom malware for as little as a hundred dollars." - Marfoogle News
"You do not want to hit some of these sites, malware data collection."
"A malware attack takes place every 39 seconds."
"A significant rise has been witnessed in malware attacks targeting Macs, according to Malwarebytes recent state of malware report."
"It's a hack that infects your charger and causes whatever device you connect to it to break, to fry, to melt, to overheat, or even combust into flames."
"Email attachments can contain malware, especially if downloaded from untrustworthy sources."
"The Malwarebytes scan ran and it found 134 infections."
"Ransomware is a type of malicious attack where attackers encrypt an organization's data and demand payment to restore access."
"Cryptojacking is a form of malware that installs software to illegally mine cryptocurrencies."
"Malware: malicious software embedded within legitimate-looking programs."
"A significant percentage of malware that people are running into today is not detected by antivirus."
"Recovering from malware? Check the core operating system files with sfc."
"These viruses and malware, they are really smart. They are very good at circumventing security. They're very good at hiding themselves. It's not something you want to play around with."
"Now kasperski rescue uh disc is another great piece of software from kasperski which you can boot up to and and remove a lot of malware and nasty stuff on your PC."
"Have you booted up your computer and started to see some weird stuff popping up on the screen like this then you've probably been infected by some sort of malware or back door or something like that."
"Remediate is a pretty good answer, especially if you're someone dealing with removing malware from a system."
"Malicious software like this is all over the public internet and it gets shared and spread around by threat actors, adversaries, and cyber criminals."
"Using malware nefariously can get you an uber perma infosec club ban. Remember that we have a code of ethics."
"Malware is just basically any program that you don't want, that does things that you don't want it to do."
"Communicate that change to others or talk to the end user about how to avoid getting that malware in the future."
"He found a way to upload files to the site and he uploaded a couple malicious PHP files."
"In the digital age, wars are not just fought with soldiers and weaponry but with lines of code and malware, silently infiltrating, extracting, and retreating like phantoms in the night."
"If you click only once on the Run button, the malware will start immediately."
"It isn't a virus, it's a worm. The worm eats a few cents from each transaction and when the worm's ready it zips out with the money and erases its drive."
"Exploitation is really key to malware development."
"Our malware wants to stay undetected."
"Yara in a nutshell: It's a tool aimed but not limited to helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples."
"Most of these people don't even write their own malware."
"What if our malware detects that it's being debugged? Are we doomed? Are we condemned? Are we destined to leave it in the hands of the analysts?"
"Now it's finally time for us to figure out how we can make this malware that will end up deleting itself."
"Change management provides security for a system by keeping malware and other garbage off of the system that is already configured according to Baseline."
"In short, if you have outdated software on your computer and visit a website running the Angler Exploit Kit set to destroy your computer, your computer will then be infected in seconds and begin deleting files."
"Zain decided to weaponize Angler with Reveton."
"Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks victims from accessing personal files and demands ransom to regain access."
"The different sources of malware include pop-up ads, removable media, and email attachments."
"Scheduling scans happens after we've removed the malware and educating the end user."
"Trojans are very vast form of malware...it's going to work different for different files different methods different attacks procedures whatever."
"Ransomware locks you out of your computer until you pay a ransom."
"After another few weeks, then we also got to know that more of their customers had been compromised with the same malware."
"In just 5 hours, the 'I love you' worm or Love Bug had ravaged computers in Asia, Europe, then North America."
"Viruses aren't the only kind of malware that can infect your computer."
"Worms are malware that do not need a host file; they exploit network resources and services to propagate."
"Trojans or malware that hides its purpose by disguising itself as something that the end-user desired."
"I perform malware reverse engineering to support incident response and product improvement."
"Don't fall victim to malware attacks."
"There are many great options to get malware samples."
"Polymorphism is essentially an application or a file that changes the hash every single time it appears."
"We have the ability to prevent malware or stalker wear or phishing attacks from reaching you or rather more appropriately from you reaching them."
"Malware consists of two words combined: malicious and software."
"This will teach you a small backstory on how malicious software, malware, has evolved into the complicated viruses you may be exposed to today."
"Now, there's a good side of reverse engineering, whereby if you and I are in the business of figuring out how malware was implemented so that you and I can contribute solutions to antivirus software and the like."
"Phishing is actually spam, that's when you get an email with a link and that link will bring let's say a Trojan horse or a backdoor in your machine."
"This malware is only to be used for legal and ethical purposes only."
"Creating an immutable snapshot to restore our environment after we've detonated our malware."
"We do need to make sure that we have no internet access when we are detonating malware."
"For the next few weeks, we're going to cover malware analysis."
"There are several tools in REMnux that perform some static analysis of malware."
"Well, I think it's much more enjoyable to talk about tools in the context of actual real world malware."
"Volatility is a memory analysis framework... a very good way to extract artifacts from memory while the malware is running."
"I would be able to basically coerce the malware into revealing its capabilities to me just by asking it the right questions."
"And hey, you know most malware still relies on network transport of some kind."
"Malicious spam is the most common method for mass distribution of Windows malware."