
Matter Quotes

There are 399 quotes

"The stuff that makes up you, me, and everybody else may be a tiny sliver of the mass-energy budget of the entire universe."
"Matter warps not only the fabric of space but time as well."
"Matter is going to melt away...until eventually, they just sort of disintegrate into the background of the universe."
"For every one billion anti-particles, there must have been a billion and one particles...when they annihilated, the annihilation wasn't complete."
"Space-time tells matter how to move, but it's matter which tells space-time how to curve."
"The only reason this universe exists is because of the spin and the vibration of all matter in it."
"Life is when information takes control of matter."
"What does it mean to exist? It is to become a configuration of matter that deserves a new name."
"Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest."
"The standard model... describes all the matter that we know about in the universe... in a relatively sort of economical way."
"Matter curves space and time, and curved space-time informs how matter moves."
"The manipulation of matter is so simple; it's just like that."
"Everything we see in the universe — the stars, the planets, the galaxies, the plants, the rocks, the power of us — is what you call the product of a remarkable asymmetry of matter over antimatter."
"Matter is made out of little small particles that behave according to the laws of so-called quantum mechanics."
"Quantum mechanics describes the composition and behavior of matter in terms of its elementary constituents."
"It's not the structure of the matter that's doing the information processing that matters, but the structure of the information processing."
"The information is primary, and the matter is secondary."
"Reality then is a projection. When you study matter, it's not matter that's emitting a field, it's actually those complex patterns that are creating matter."
"A gram of antimatter coming into contact with a gram of matter would destroy both."
"So, what happens now that we, in fact, know that matter is a wave?"
"Everything that surrounds us ourselves included can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations vibrations and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields Mata is confined energy bound within fields Frozen in a Quantum time."
"Our understanding of cosmic history hangs on the question: how did matter as we know it survive?"
"If you change the field, will you change matter?"
"Matter is not a thing there's actually no thing in what we call things matter there is actually just energy vibration frequency oscillations."
"There's no nothing in the universe. Lawrence Krauss has shown that if you take away every piece of matter from a finite space, it still weighs something."
"You can't create antimatter without creating alongside an equal amount of matter, and you can't destroy antimatter without destroying an equal amount of matter."
"The universe consists of only 4% atomic matter or what we consider normal matter."
"If matter is energy and energy is matter, then energy is the highest, cleanest, purest, most useful form."
"The energy that binds matter here is that of unconditional love."
"The idea with matter is that a feature called multi-admin allows you to move between the hubs very seamlessly."
"I think we're gonna see the ability to manipulate matter like we used to manipulate information."
"For every particle of matter, there exists an antimatter analogue."
"C squared is a big number, which means a small amount of matter can yield a large amount of energy."
"The whole quest of particle physics is to explain the matter contents of the universe."
"The free energy principle... has the potential to reshape how we view the connection between inanimate matter and the living things."
"Matter is not a separate thing from us but matter is actually the channel through which we express the field."
"The universe, matter, and resonance."
"It's only when you become pure consciousness, that's the moment you have an effect on matter."
"Alchemy is the understanding of the relationship between consciousness and matter."
"Space-time tells matter how to move; matter tells space-time how to curve."
"The vacuum seethes with huge numbers of matter and antimatter particles continually being created and annihilated."
"The first matter cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed."
"Attraction and repulsion exist right at the very heart of matter."
"Matter is much much more mysterious than we normally think."
"We are living in the age of energy more than in the age of matter."
"Energy shapes matter, not matter making energy."
"One of the most influential doctrines of 20th-century physics is that energy is the ultimate constituent of the universe and that all matter is ultimately constituted by energy."
"Chemistry is the study of matter, but I prefer to see it as the study of change."
"Positive energy also spreads, but it's all the same, it's just matter, it's just energy."
"Maybe the early Universe was asymmetric, thus explaining how matter was able to survive so long and why there's more matter than antimatter."
"Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed. They are just there. They are pieces of matter that are permanent in existence."
"Dark Energy comprises roughly 68% of all there is, dark matter makes up another 27%, only 5% of the cosmos is matter we can touch or light we can see."
"The remaining matter from the disc had its own job to do. It probably started off as grains of dust, even smaller than the width of your hair."
"Matter is just an appearance of consciousness."
"As you slow down the particle, right, the wave associated with it gets longer. There's a point where all their waves match up and the material becomes a coherent functioning new state of matter. It's called Bose-Einstein condensate."
"It's just going to get cold and then you realize that matter behaves completely differently under those conditions. And different matter behaves differently from other matter. And so, it is an extraordinary new place to visit in the world of physics."
"Energy is matter. That's what EMC squared is about."
"Matter is much much more mysterious than we normally think and there's much more to it than we we normally think."
"There's a sense in which matter through gravitation is acting as a fin, a purpose, a goal for other matter by attracting it."
"Matter is I see I think a kind of unconscious Cult of the Great Goddess, the mother principle."
"I believe there's more to matter than meets the eye."
"The stone's concreteness, solidity, are mental qualities. What is non-mental is just a number, x kilos."
"Matter is rich, matter is profound, it's nuanced, subtle. Matter is a symbol towards transcendence."
"For all things with substance, you're going to have matter and form together."
"It's a serious matter happening all over the world right here."
"Everything we touch turns to matter."
"This right here is known as back both Einstein condensates sometimes also referred to as the fifth state of matter because unlike solids liquids gas or plasma backs can also exist for a very long time in certain conditions."
"Continuous matter can never be subdivided."
"Don't let anybody tell you you can't do it. You are in the driver's seat of your life. If you really want it, go grab it and take that first step forward."
"Matter is indestructible, it simply changes form."
"However you feel is the right way to feel, because those are your feelings and they matter."
"Matter and energy are interchangeable."
"Matter is fluid and flows like a stream constantly changing from one thing to another."
"Any piece of very organized matter will have conscious experience with it."
"You were just doing your best, and that's all that matters."
"Over 99% of atoms is empty space."
"If something matters to you, it matters."
"At critical points of intensity, matter spontaneously changes architecture or form."
"Chemistry investigates the composition, properties, and behavior of matter."
"Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass."
"Well, it's not really matter out of nothing. It's matter being created out of the space-time quantum fluctuations."
"As the temperature in these experiments approaches absolute zero, weird things start happening to matter."
"What is it that matters in survival?"
"It's clearly not the visible matter of the universe."
"Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
"As Carl Sagan used to say, we are made of star stuff."
"Matter can do everything, matter, energy, time, space, can do everything, but can't experience anything."
"A lot of physicalists underestimate matter. Matter is amazing and it does some amazing things."
"Your brain doesn't change your brain, the program doesn't change the program... it's only when you become pure consciousness that's the moment you have an effect on matter."
"Plasma is the fourth state of matter, where atoms have been stripped of their electrons."
"I hope to encourage you who are interested in these things that really matter. They really matter."
"The brain is matter made aware of itself. Human consciousness is matter; it can't be made of anything else that has become self-aware."
"Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space."
"That matter is a vibration in the spiritual realm."
"Matter tells space how to bend and space tells matter how to move."
"Plasma is an atom that's been detached."
"It's a chemical change because it's changing the type of matter."
"Life is information structuring matter."
"Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass."
"Mass is a measure of the amount of matter an object contains."
"So, you need almost 10 times more matter than you actually see in stars."
"You can't destroy or create matter, Nick."
"...the great attractor's impact extends beyond just altering the trajectories of local galaxies—it provides key insights into the distribution of matter, both visible and dark, in the universe."
"Life is a combination of both the matter and the energy."
"Matter is really dynamic at the atomic level."
"The placebo effect is the incontrovertible demonstration of mind over matter."
"Matter is not created or destroyed but you can destroy guilt."
"Matter is space, space is not an empty."
"When you talk about the energy in the matter not hitting a wall but moving forward, I feel that so strongly with the actual matter of my dead body."
"Alchemy is essentially the manipulation of matter, the flow through which one material becomes another."
"Space may look empty, but it's not. It's full of stuff blown out of the Sun."
"Matter doesn't create form, it fills the spaces outlined by invisible forces."
"99% of all matter is not gas, liquid, or solid, it's plasma. Plasma is not just a gas, it's an ionized gas. It behaves as an organ on its own."
"What links every piece of matter in the universe is that everything moves."
"The aim of particle physics is quite simple: to find out what are the smallest constituents of matter."
"Inside all matter there is power, there is life."
"the girls are like can I have the pink one I really want this one I really want the green ones like girls it really doesn't matter"
"The alchemist was searching for the one thing which must ultimately come, convinced that what we call matter is in reality spirit in disguise."
"The universe looks like it's very, very grossly matter and not anti-matter."
"Gravity binds together all matter."
"So you can take different types of atoms combine them together in different ways to make basically every substance that you've ever seen in your life including everything that you are made of."
"So you are made of these same things that is in a block of wood, the same fundamental building blocks called atoms."
"Science teaches that all matter and energy are but forms of vibratory motion."
"I think he wanted to matter, and he thought that mattering meant fighting for something."
"Matter is a sort of different phase of consciousness."
"There's some knowledge known by necessity, one of them being that it's impossible for blind matter to create."
"I think as long as you're having fun that is literally the only thing that matters."
"...every recipe is the same: electrons, up quarks, and down quarks."
"The Paradigm of modern science presupposes that what lies beyond our Consciousness is something we call matter, which is supposed to be entirely objective in character." - Unknown
"Solid, liquid, and gas are the three main states of matter."
"Matter can manifest in different ways, like water can manifest as liquid, ice, or vapor."
"Matter provides the necessary resistance for creation."
"Matter is the stuff out of which you're made like the physical tangible stuff you the table the planet stuff like that right so atoms electrons protons and neutrons."
"Science has proven that all that we call matter and energy are but modes of vibratory motion."
"You can separate these two ideas from each other in thought but not according to being. You will never find form without matter, you will never find matter without form; they always come together like the heads and tails side of a coin."
"Yes, primary is consciousness and then secondary is matter."
"The universe started... nearly uniform expanding filled with a tiny bit of normal matter baryons protons and neutrons and electrons and some contribution of dark matter and some contribution very small of dark energy."
"If neutrinos behave differently from antineutrinos, the physics of the neutrinos might lead to an explanation of the preponderance of matter over antimatter."
"The overarching themes of both these processes and the ones mentioned previously is that when matter receives or is in possession of too much energy, it will eventually release it in the form of light."
"Antimatter is actually a real thing. It's part of the natural world. It's just incredibly rare, vastly outnumbered by normal matter, which, physically speaking, is really weird."
"It's a good thing for the universe to have a little bit more matter than antimatter."
"I think it should matter. I think it should matter."
"At low temperatures, matter is usually solid, although close inspection shows they're always moving."
"At higher temperatures, solids melt and become liquids."
"Matter through matter, physical matter goes through physical matter."
"Does Easter matter? Yes, it matters."
"Our Earth is almost totally made up by matter brought to it by comets."
"Next time you're out, look around. Look at all matter. What is it? A mixture, a solution, or both?"
"The whole combination is neither matter nor antimatter. It's some of each."
"There can be no greater energy than that of matter annihilation."
"That's matter exists in three states, solid and liquid are two, what is the third?"
"Consciousness reveals matter to us. The question is, what is matter?"
"The universe is made up of energy and fields from which matter is derived."
"Changes in Consciousness cause changes in matter."
"Everything we see is made up of quarks."
"So big that it makes up over 90% of all the matter in our solar system."
"It's kind of crazy that everything is consisting of these charged things but we don't notice it because there's always equal and opposite amounts of protons and electrons right."
"Matter has no consciousness, which is observable discovery. It's inconceivable that matter knows itself."
"Matter intrinsic to itself is the potential for creative synthesis."
"Consciousness as fundamental is that it's not emerging from matter, it's simply there."
"One of the greatest scientists of all time who contributed to our understanding of the nature of matter was John Dalton."
"Physics, of course, is the science of matter and energy."
"Matter is made of particles and there are three types of particles that scientists talk about: atoms, molecules, and ions."
"Dark Matter... has to have mass, or at least exert gravity, generally considered the same thing, and we know it has to be transparent to light."
"Matter is energy, and this energy is organized by an intelligence."
"To be a Cartesian dualist is to believe that mind and matter are distinct substances."
"Everything that's made up of the stuff that we are made of, regular matter, makes up about 4% of the universe."
"This invisible scaffolding of our universe makes up almost all the matter in the universe."
"Chemistry is the study of the composition and the properties of matter, basically the stuff that everything is made of."
"The universe is made up really of two things: matter and energy."
"How can mere matter originate consciousness? How did evolution convert the water of biological tissue into the wine of consciousness?"
"Bosons give rise to forces, fermions give rise to matter."
"Matter in quantum mechanics is not an inert substance but an active agent constantly making choices between alternative possibilities."
"Even at the most fundamental level, matter is a process, not a thing."
"Mass tells us how much matter or how many atoms an object is made from."
"Atoms are the smallest stable particle of matter."
"The more dense the material is, the more these interactions are going to happen."
"Interstellar space is the region between stars in a Galaxy; it's not empty but filled with various forms of matter and energy."
"The human mind is an incredible thing; it can conceive of the magnificence of the heavens and the intricacies of the basic components of matter."
"The atom is the smallest unit of matter that cannot be combined with other matter."
"E = mc^2 tells you that energy can be turned into particles."
"Atoms are scientifically known as the smallest unit of matter."
"Matter is anything with mass and occupies space."
"Biology is a tool for programming matter; everything physical should be affected by biology."
"Matter originates in accordance with laws of nature, quantum laws which must have existed before there was any matter."
"In reality, all matter is in a constant state of Genesis, our dynamic evolving universe is a mass in transformation."
"Same matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time."
"We have no clue what gives matter its gravitational properties or exactly how it interacts with space-time."
"The law of conservation of mass states that matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction."
"This presentation set an official seal upon the emergence as a scientific theory of an idea of matter which had existed for over 2,000 years as a belief, unsupported by experimental proof."
"According to Dalton, matter is composed of small particles which cannot be split up any smaller. These particles he called atoms."
"We are part of the universe, we are made up of the same matter that has always existed, and yet we're also cognizant."
"You can create anything you want as long as you create a kind of partner antimatter."
"Traditional Christianity sees both matter and spirit as necessary and connected."
"The standard model of particle physics tells us that together with the six quarks, their force carriers, and all the leptons, they make up all the matter of the universe."
"Matter cannot be created nor destroyed."
"These are places where we can see some states of matter that are completely unique to our ability for laboratory science."
"In order to understand electricity, we must first understand matter."
"Psyche and matter exist in one and the same world, and each partakes of the other."