
Inauguration Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The inauguration will showcase the American people's diversity, resilience, and heroism."
"It's the countdown to inauguration day, which is a great time to pull some of those earnings out of the stock market and solidify those savings through diversification."
"It really is an inauguration that just sort of kicks off what it is that God wants to do in your heart, what he wants to do in your mind, how he wants to revolutionize your life."
"It's not over election-wise until January 20th when Joe Biden swears an oath and he's sworn into the Oval Office."
"I'll never forget that morning during the Clinton inauguration, and when Maya Angelou stepped to the microphone to the podium and recited 'On the Pulse of Morning,' one of the most exquisite pieces of prose ever."
"President Trump will not attend Biden's inauguration this Wednesday, making him the first president to miss his successor's swearing-in in more than 150 years."
"Even on inauguration day, Washington DC was in flames."
"These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm of the inauguration are shameful and wrong."
"January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again."
"Joe Biden's going to be sworn in on January 20th."
"We'll provide some live coverage of all the events surrounding that."
"Almost all other leaders from almost all other countries called me up to congratulate me on the inauguration."
"On a crowded Air Force One, on the tarmac of Love Field, Lyndon Baines Johnson took the oath of office, became the 36th president of the United States, and changed the course of history."
"...this is the inaugural sermon on this subject."
"The phrase 'you are my son today I have begotten you' describes the inauguration of Jesus' kingship. It doesn't describe his creation, baptism, or adoption."
"We have a new pope installed on the chair of Peter. Viva Papa Francesco!"
"I speak to you for the first time as a Prime Minister."
"The SS France was launched on May 11, 1960. She was christened by Yvonne Degal, the wife of President Charles de Gaulle who was also in attendance. In a speech, he announced that France had been given a new Normandy."
"My fear was that I would get up the day after the inauguration and there would be a tiny little group singing, We Shall Overcome, you know? And that is not what happened, at all."
"Who could have imagined that such an evil enterprise could be inaugurated on such a beautiful island?"
"Martin King, Ketta King, go to Ghana for the inauguration in March 1957. Now what do we do? How do we move forward?"
"Welcome to the new capital of Tempest."
"Since Jesus had been born in 753 which is Roman time, they reestablished the Year in Christian terms to be 526 in other words 526 years after the birth of Christ, this is when the new calendar, this is going to be the date of the new calendar when it's inaugurated, if you wish."
"Cotton's Empire inaugurated the modern word in which we all live today."
"I've never been to an inauguration before. I feel lucky and very excited."
"We planned for the inauguration for months and months. We know every foot of that parade, we know where the safest parts are, we know where we need all the security, we know where to put our counter-sniper teams, where our magnetometer teams should be."
"The tramway was officially opened on the 1st of April 1920."
"The Derby got started on the right foot; the inaugural Derby was a festive occasion and a great day for racing."
"The age to come had been inaugurated through the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, and through the outpouring of the Spirit on the apostles of the first century church."
"First Lady Pat Nixon inaugurated Friendship Park near San Diego, symbolizing cross-border unity."
"We celebrate today the opening of the Draffan to Wellburn and Wellburn to Peniel sections of the M74."
"I have great pleasure in declaring this new stretch of the M74 open."
"This is America's day. This is democracy's day, a day of history and hope, of renewal and resolve."
"This is the suit that President Harding wore when he was inaugurated."
"The winner of the November 3rd election will be inaugurated on January 20th. There will be an orderly transition just as there has been every four years since 1792."
"Christ Himself is the inauguration of the kingdom of God."
"Inaugurations... are known for their pomp, their circumstance, their nerd glamour, often with memorable performances."
"Ladies and gentlemen, as the governor of the gmod Olympic Games, I finally declare these games officially open."
"The stunning new Leazes End was officially opened and named the Sir John Hall Stand."
"The Steelers' inaugural game at Heinz Field results in a victory."
"We must subject this whole complex to scrutiny in light of what happened and the fact that the inauguration is coming."
"The kingdom of God was inaugurated when Jesus burst on the scene in Galilee, but it will not be consummated until He returns."
"Joe Biden was born closer to Abraham Lincoln's inauguration than to his own 2021 inauguration as president."
"Truly the kingdom has been inaugurated, the king has come, and he is none other than Jesus Christ."
"For God's sake, I was just sworn in ten minutes ago, can it wait another 20?"
"So yes, inauguration day, I'm in a celebratory mood."
"By closing this key, may we open not only a great world's fair, may we open an era of peace and understanding among all mankind. Let the fair begin."
"He was the first Russian ruler to be crowned Czar of all Ruse."
"The new construction was inaugurated in 2021, increasing the stadium's capacity."
"I find it fitting and appropriate that as we celebrate hope and anticipate the historic inauguration."
"What we are commemorating today is the inauguration of the new US president Joe Biden, who is the 46th president."
"The Metro has been officially opened."
"This project is a continuation to recreate the beautiful, long burgundy coats that Michelle Obama wore for Joe Biden's inauguration."
"I officially open this allotment."
"The inauguration of the Pentecostal experience through a particular behest of the Holy Spirit."
"The monorail opened on the 21st of July, 1988, there was a big party with lots of balloons, and everyone was served monorail-shaped cake."
"We're going to be inaugurating our building."
"Congratulations to Amanda Gorman, who was the poet at the presidential inauguration."
"It was a proud event for the time when the new look pier was officially opened on the 13th of July 1933 by the Prince of Wales, soon to become King Edward VIII."
"This is an inauguration of the place that God is going to dwell, and He has priests, mankind, working it."
"Jackson's inauguration is very symbolic as this victory for the common man."
"Our democracy is strong and there will be a transfer of power come January 20th."