
Debt Avoidance Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Credit card debt should be like unicorns and dragons; it's something you should definitely read about, hear about, but it's something you never actually see for yourself."
"Never go into debt to someone that can dock your pay directly like that; never go into debt to somebody, period."
"You want to own your time, not be owned by debt."
"How do we upgrade a vehicle without going back into debt?"
"Prioritize and live within your means to avoid loans."
"Avoiding student loans can save a significant amount of money and help you establish good financial habits early on."
"Use assets to buy luxuries, but never buy them on credit." - Robert Kiyosaki
"You'll take a little dip now maybe, but it's better than getting into more and more debt in the future."
"You'll never win with money as long as you've got that, the highest data point we found between people who are wealthy and people that aren't is they avoid debt."
"I appreciate the love and support, man. And look, if I owe you something, I'm not going to be able to give it to you, but if you want it, you can get it from God, my [ __ ]!"
"Are you out of your mind, Simon? I'm not gonna get into student debt to learn how to do my laundry."
"You should never spend a single penny in interest on a credit card."
"Debt is not my friend, the system is designed to keep you broke."
"We have to become the lenders not the borrowers."
"I don't play with debt. If I can't pay cash, I can't afford it."
"You got to take debt off the table, Hayden. You got to say I'm going to do it without debt no matter what."
"You should never spend money you don't have. That concept is foreign to most humans."
"You've gotta say I'm swearing off of debt for startup and I'm swearing off of debt for survival."
"We're not going to save money, invest money, we're not going to leave a legacy if we are drowning in consumer debt, period."
"Credit card debt is a no go... Credit card debt is an absolute no-go."
"Avoid debt. It is a slavish position to get in."
"Avoid credit card debt; compound interest works against you."
"Stop borrowing money, start doing the things that set you up for a rich, satisfying life."
"73% of millionaires do not have credit card debt."
"You'll never get your head above water if you have debt always pulling you down."
"Whatever you get, be satisfied and don't spend your money until you get it. So many people get in debt."
"We don't want to end up burning our fingers, determined that we don't end up with any kind of debt or unpleasant situation."
"We're not going back into debt ever again for anything, for any reason. Agreed?"
"Avoid debt. You're 18 years old, you're gonna be getting credit card offers. Try to avoid debt as much as possible because that will free you up to have some time to figure it out."
"Saving up and paying cash for what I want is always better than paying credit cards. Interest sucks."
"The more you stay away from debt, the more peace of mind you have."
"We avoided debt wherever possible."
"We are only spending cash or debit; we're not going into credit card debt with this economy."
"I am very much pro scholarship because I don't think if you can avoid debt and your kid gets a chance to play, I think that that's the way to go."
"I've always tried to stay out of debt, outside of cars and stuff."
"He never had a mortgage, never borrowed to buy a car, and always had enough savings to make it through a rough patch."
"Always be smart, never buy stuff just to earn points, always pay your balance in full because paying interest is the enemy."
"It's more important to stay out of credit card debt than it is to go hunting."
"Spending smart can get you the most out of your money, keep you from getting taken advantage of, and stay out of excessive amounts of debt."
"Credit card debt is not the road to Financial Freedom."
"Don't be playing kissy face with the bank anymore; you're not going to borrow your way out of this, you're going to pay your way out of it."
"If you can avoid debt, do whatever you can to avoid it."
"Never pay any interest. This is by far the most important rule."
"Just make sure you always pay on time; you don't want to pay even a penny in interest to the banks."
"You've come so far, don't go into debt at this point."
"I don't want to be with someone who's loaded down with debt."
"If you want to know the best program to get into without going into student loan debt, that's going to fully prepare you, and it's going to be at your own pace, you do it whenever your schedule permits."
"I'm not a fan of debt in any way, especially consumer debt like credit card debt, automobile loans—stuff like that. If you can avoid that like the plague, do it."
"We want to avoid deployment debt."
"99.9% of the people who have a car payment could get by without a car payment."
"...we could may have may have a little bit extra in the coffers to be able to pay for this or pay for that or maybe not take on as much credit card debt."
"Don't go in debt just to get a life insurance policy."
"Going into debt for a wedding is not worth it at all; you're gonna start your marriage behind the starting line."
"Never pay them a dime of interest, that's how you win."
"No more debts, no more being a financial slave."
"It's about making sure you manage your money in a way where you don't rely or go into debt in the future."
"Don't hamstring yourself by getting four or five hundred thousand dollars of land and being in servitude to the bank the rest of your life."
"I learned how to manage money well, not wasting money or buying a lot of things with debt."
"Absolutely do not go into debt over beauty products; it's just not worth it."
"Being frugal really does save you money in the long run; it keeps us out of debt."
"I get nervous if I owe money. I don't have a credit card, I have a debit card, and so everything we do has to be able to be paid for."