
Rudeness Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"People who say, 'I'm not rude, I'm just honest,' often fail to recognize their own bluntness as rudeness."
"Rudeness is merely the expression of fear. People fear they won't get what they want. The most dreadful and unattractive person only needs to be loved, and they will open up like a flower."
"When was the last time being rude was against the law? Because if rudeness is an arrestable offense, arrest us all."
"80% of Americans believe that rudeness is a serious national problem."
"Hello, what are you doing? Anyone here? You are so incredibly rude, and I really like your style."
"That's a rude thing to say, I should beat you up just for saying that word."
"I've never been uninvited to something in my personal life. I've never been uninvited, period. Beyond rude."
"That was rude as well, but you're just... I apologize."
"People who may not even have been they might side with you at the end of the day in terms of the belief. I don't want people to walk away necessarily looking at you and just going, 'This guy's just a rude, uh, just he is just obnoxiously rude.'"
"I just don't like the fact that I don't understand why people, especially like people who do jobs that require their hands, are so rude to their customers."
"You're allowed to do things that are considered rude when it's for the good of you."
"Telling another grown adult to shut up unprovoked isn't just politically incorrect, it's just straight up rude."
"The only thing you accomplish when telling someone they're short is just making them mad."
"Me at my young age, I was ready to scrub. He was like rude but it was like I saw your hands so annoying, he had an attitude, did he not?"
"You can't walk up to some random stranger on the street and be like what's up fat ass."
"She was rude and judgmental, but you were cruel."
"It's rude when you cancel it with no reason. That's rude, that's in poor taste, it is bad business."
"Don't freaking cut in line without asking. I think it is so rude when people just proclaim they are going to do it."
"Absolutely not the a-hole, I love that you know he was just being absolutely bloody rude in that situation."
"Shut your [ __ ] ass down, shut your ass now."
"You are rude and condescending. Trying to educate people and expose MLMs as a scam is one thing, but you asked this woman to have a conversation."
"Petulant individuals easily complain and act rudely, often like a child."
"Obnoxious individuals are unpleasant and rude."
"There's nothing worse than someone that is rude to like bartenders oh I hate people like that it's just have some respect they're better than them"
"And so it was my nephew on the aisle, me, then a freaking rude old guy."
"It's not clever, it's not even close, so shut the heck up."
"People are just mean now, freaking meanie heads."
"Life does not stop and start at your convenience, you miserable piece of [expletive]."
"Always trust your instincts and don't worry about coming off as rude to someone who makes you feel uncomfortable."
"Everyone there's really rude and everyone's like oh man, this guy's got some kind of skin grafting."
"Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
"Don't tell people they should smile; it's annoying as heck and personally, I think it's rude."
"When I decide not to be nice, I say awful things and I don't feel bad about it."
"My date was on his phone all night, it was so rude!"
"The amount of rudeness, it's just... no hello, no thank you, you know? You're welcome. You say something to them and they look at you like this."
"What a nasty vile thing to ever come out of your goddamn mouth."
"Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, sir. Hey, drop dead, kid."
"Rude people often say those things because they aren't sure of themselves and don't think they're good enough. They try to hide how weak they really are by putting other people down to make it look like they are stronger."
"Some people are just so freaking rude."
"People that say something rude but preface it with 'not in a rude way', it's still rude."
"...being rude is not a part of my plan."
"Rude people literally cost nothing for people to be kind, or just saying."
"I appreciate the fact that fast food employees are rude. I like it. At least it's from the heart."
"How obnoxious is that lady? The entitled Karen of this story was super super rude."
"That's one of those horribly unnecessary things to say that only an absolute douche would do."
"No, you asking a total stranger invasive questions about their personal medical situation, that's rude. Me declining to answer is not."
"...how unbelievably embarrassing for this older woman. I was shocked how loud and rude that was. I could not believe it. You can tell the way she talked to the server was so degrading, disrespectful, and above all demanding..."
"That child was a bit brazen, a bit rude."
"Your friend was rude as hell it would be one thing if she spoke to you in private still rude but much less so but in front of everyone like that not cool."
"I need to see that that's rude Lon town man proper Club."
"Damn, smack the 'too Fu' wrong with these people, rude you rude too."
"Love is not rude, love is not envious, love is not this."
"You don't get to be uninvited from a wedding that is literally in your backyard. You are being incredibly kind and they are being incredibly rude."
"Now, at first I was like, oh, that's kind of rude."
"It's actually a rude thing to do to anybody, especially somebody innocent, you know what I mean?"
"You're a jerk and your hair is stupid!"
"I just don't get how you can talk about how I'm being so nice to you and then be rude to someone."
"Chances are, if 10 people say you're rude and only one says you're not, you're probably rude."
"'You know it's rude to hang up on people, don't you?' he started off."
"It literally costs nothing to be nice it takes zero energy to be nice zero but it takes a [ __ ] ton of energy to be rude."
"Christine was rude but she was blunt. Okay, and she would say it for a reason."
"People who are just like, 'I just be too much to deal with,' when people say I'm blunt, they're completely disregarding the assholeness that they bring to that stuff."
"When someone's being very rude to me, one of my favorite things to do is to just be obnoxiously sweet."
"If I wasn't rude to you like I am all the time, then you would have no opportunity to practice patience and virtue and forgiveness towards me."
"I don't think being rich can give you a pass to being rude."
"His rudeness cannot be written off."
"Excuse me, sorry you pulled on the chick's back fat yes in front of everybody why would you do that."
"He's not deaf, he's just ignoring me because he's a lazy little [ __ ]."
"Wow, that's not nice at all, man."
"He's just being rude, he wakes up tied to his bedpost."
"This guy is being very rude. Like, why would this guy invite you to be a part of some kind of celebration or some kind of party, or even just to meet up with friends at a bar, and then suddenly just take it back and be like, psych, you gotta go back to the car?"
"That entitled Karen is a massive jerk."
"I honestly thought this guy was quite rude."
"You know, if you're rude to people and like, tried, like if you're rude trying to get your way, they're not going to help you. But if you're nice and like, understanding, yeah, which is how you should be, right? They're gonna understand and help you out, you know what I mean?"
"Sneezing on somebody's birthday cake, it's just rude use a cup you nasty."
"Why do people have to be so damn rude? He looked right through me, you'd think I wasn't even there."
"Just being rude to strangers is not funny."
"I hope you come back. I will never come back. I will never come back here like sorry I hope you have a miserable day."
"You are fat forever, you fat bastard."
"Are you dumb? Are you just a dumb little girl? You don't know anything!"
"Your face is so ugly that we hit it from the rear."
"Are you Traer? How dare you! That's rude!"
"I thought you were being very rude to me you didn't seem like that guy you're not that guy pal."
"People condemning her to hell, being rude, nasty, mean, and judgmental."
"He also started pointing at the sign like an [ __ ]."
"Some rude person on the train told me how tired I looked and I was like, 'Oh, thanks. Why would you bother opening your mouth?'"
"I'm just done. I'm so over people being rude for the sake of being rude."
"Being standoffish and rude...you will end up without a load."
"He's very rude and disrespectful to the people that he's playing online with."
"It's so rude that Abigail hasn't asked."
"Maybe keep it down then, you hick."
"Whatever happened to please and thank you? Well tonight you're going to meet the rudest, most obnoxious talk host in America."
"Some people are just rude. Yeah, have you noticed? I was telling Nina, you can't explain exchange pleasantries, you have to exchange unpleasant truths. They don't know how to exchange pleasantries anymore."
"She very rudely told me that if I didn't like it, I could get out."
"Don't be a jerk. Why are you trying to knock me over?"
"Shut up, you see me on the phone?"
"It's terribly rude to say somebody's underscore always a fat person."
"...the algebra of infinite justice was never so rude."
"Interrupting. This is one of the rude."
"Americans can be very rude when it comes to customer service or business-related things."
"Your face is boring. Shut up! I hate you!"
"The woman is mean for no reason. Extremely talented? Yes. Superhuman? Possibly. Unnecessarily rude? Absolutely."
"Um, hello, are you (beep) stupid?!"
"...that is incredibly rude and in my opinion that's like the straw that breaks the camel's back in this scenario..."
"Shaming is everywhere, even on social media. People can be rude just to be rude."
"You can just drink water and think about the way you've acted towards me today. Besides, you could stand to lose a bit of weight."
"It's so rude, it's so rude, it's like oh why are you giving this to me I don't want this yes yes like just talk about adding salt to the wound."
"It makes it super disrespectful to someone's time."
"No one likes people who do that so if you're someone who does that you should stop because it's very rude and disheartening and it's just unnecessary."
"The most disrespectful thing you can ever do is leave a [__] hanging."
"You've never been to Lee's house, you don't have to be so mean about it."
"He was just becoming more and more rude, more and more dismissive."
"He's nasty to me man, I was trying to tell him like, you know, and he was nasty to me for no reason."
"Why are you wet? He just took $100 from me and he's wet. This guy's gross. That's rude."
"If you're gonna be rude, I'm gonna be rude right back to you."
"It feels really rude because other people are eating."
"We find it incredibly rude if somebody talks on their phone loudly on public transport."
"I don't accept your apology at all. I think it was rude. I think it was inappropriate. Even the way you guys talk about me after the fact, your apology then means nothing to me."
"You have to go so out of your way and so not care about your followers and fans and supporters to be able to be a [ __ ] to them in real life."
"His comments were rude and hurt my feelings."
"Jamey's just been incredibly rude to Norma for the past two days."
"There's nothing cute about being rude. Get that straight. There's nothing cute about having a funky attitude. Ew, y'all stink."
"What's the point of being rude to people who are just minding their business?"
"I can't believe Karen would be so rude, people like her need to learn some compassion."
"Some people don't realize that others' behaviors are rude."
"Rudeness is a lazy man's imitation of strength."
"I'm so sorry for what I did, I didn't mean to be rude and inconsiderate."
"Being rude is just a no in my book."
"The rudest thing anybody ever said to me was 'I'll pray for you'."
"Talking during a movie is just incredibly bad manners."
"I'm sorry about what I wrote. It was rude, and I wish I could take it back."
"How can you forgive someone who is unforgivably rude?"
"I'm very sorry for the terrible rudeness."
"One of my biggest pet peeves is when people are rude to wait staff."
"Sometimes rude is very necessary."
"He takes his smelly fingers and sticks them in my salad."
"I will take a little rudeness if your food compensates for it."
"People lose all sense of politeness and being a decent human being."
"Rudeness... is treating the world disrespectfully."
"I'm sorry for yelling at you. That was rude of me."
"You're very rude," I said. "But I'm cute," was his reply.
"I'm sorry. It was really rude of me to ignore you when all you wanted to do was spend time with me."
"I would rather be rude than feel unsafe."
"I was so taken aback by this kid; he was just super rude about it."
"Our society shouldn't be so rude."
"Who gave you the right to judge my outfit? It was so rude."
"All of this could have been avoided, but when you think you know it all, when you're shallow, when you're rude to people, you realize that you really don't know it all."
"It's very rude to just park your car in someone's front yard."
"Isn't it rude to assume something about someone when you don't even know them?"
"People who are rude to service staff, people who abuse animals, people who abuse children."
"Just hey, how you doing? And then, alright [__] weirdo, you don't have to be rude to the people."
"I'll never understand why some people believe they can get their way by being progressively more rude."
"Rudeness is a weak person's imitation of strength."