
Employment Trends Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Contract workers have outnumbered direct employees at Google and other large tech companies since 2018."
"The number of workers quitting their jobs held steady, indicating confidence in finding new employment opportunities."
"There's people out there that are actually hiring; they're not looking for college degrees."
"In just the last 24 months, we have experienced quiet quitting, quiet hiring, work shortages, and labor shortages."
"Getting away from pensions basically drew a line in the sand and said we're no longer loyal to you in the same way."
"When unemployment goes down, everybody wanted to engage with China."
"Every 30 to 50 years jobs are going to be replaced."
"The United States will stand by them for as long as it takes."
"Companies are desperate for labor right now."
"Low wage growth is faster now, and unemployment is down. It's all really interesting."
"Less people actually want to work for them now, which... well, yeah, absolutely makes sense. Why would you?"
"For the first time, most new hires of prime working age 25 to 54 are people of color."
"The black unemployment rate fell by a net of 7.9 percent across 26 years of Democratic policies."
"This is different, white-collar workers and blue-collar workers, both jobs are being replaced by AI."
"Half of all employees would consider quitting their jobs if they were not allowed to work from home at least some of the time in the future."
"There are more college graduates working in food service than there are engineers, physicists, chemists, and mathematicians."
"The problem is retention, as you can see. U.S. trucker employment lost the trend line after the pandemic but it could climb easily with higher wages."
"And because those were both male-dominated fields, it led to another change, by mid-2009 more women than men held paying jobs for the first time in American history."
"The quit rate, the number of people quitting in the workforce, has been skyrocketing."
"Conditions in the labor market have continued to improve, with demand for labor very strong."
"The boost we've seen... could be the result of more than a year's worth of pent-up resignations."
"Workers are not simply deciding for no reason that they are not going back to work or that they're going on strike or that the quit rate which by the way it has risen to record levels people quitting their jobs they're not doing this for no reason."
"The whole idea behind this great resignation was really coined back in 2021."
"What should worry everyone is how few workers are coming back into the workforce."
"What we're seeing is that there's lots of job vacancies and not enough job seekers, and so it is very competitive out there."
"People are no longer struggling to find places to work; workplaces are struggling to find people."
"Lower jobless claims indicate that jobs are starting to come back."
"The labor market looks absolutely terrific, but yet look at the other side, ours worked in average weekly hours have plummeted down to nearly the pandemic lows."
"95% of Americans are considering leaving their jobs."
"More teens have jobs right now than we've seen in over a decade."
"Americans are quitting jobs at record rates according to the labor department. This is going to have a lot of different implications for it."
"There is a surprisingly solid case for a working week of just THREE days for most jobs."
"The demand for programmers outweighs the supply – throwing a remote work cherry on top has become almost essential for attracting and maintaining talent."
"Chefs can feel pretty good about their job choice now. Let's look at the largest job decline, the predicted largest industries that will have the most decline in jobs."
"The US is currently experiencing its lowest unemployment rate in 20 years."
"Employers cannot find employees because the ones who want to work have found work, and the ones who don't want to work have no incentive to go back."
"In the past 12 months, the job market has been defined by trends and buzzwords like the great resignation."
"Hiring has exploded, unemployment at ridiculously low numbers."
"Every single time we're at the beginning of a recession the unemployment rate is very low just like it is today in 2023."
"Remote jobs have always been somewhat popular but they haven't really been offered all that much until global health emergency 2020 happened."
"We're starting to see that employment growth slow."
"Of all the new jobs created in 2019, 70 percent were secured by women, which is truly extraordinary."
"Times are tough for a lot of people... workers are quitting their job and moving to higher paying jobs when possible."
"The employment trajectory was moving in the right direction under President Barack Obama."
"Over 30 million people have quit their jobs so far this year."
"The great resignation has shifted to a great reckoning."
"Unless your head is completely stuck in the sand, I think it's time to start considering that AI may be coming for your job."
"Those jobs are gone and those jobs are not coming back."
"Unemployment numbers are tanking for everyone: African-Americans, Latino Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women, everyone is benefiting off of this pledge to American workers."
"All these wonderful jobs reports have been driven by a loss in full-time jobs... it's not going to be there much longer."
"According to a study, 47% of the jobs in the U.S. could be lost to computers, robots, and other forms of technology. Have they never seen Terminator? It doesn't end well, and oh god, it's happening to me already... Oh wait, I live in the UK."
"We're in a historic economic hole this pandemic has hit the economy and put us in a place where that same CBO report said that if we do nothing it will take until the end of 2024 or 2025 to get back to pre-pandemic employment levels." - Brian Deese
"Amazon is hiring like crazy, explosive demand."
"I think they're opening up our eyes to the fact that people are going to have different jobs."
"Almost half of all jobs lost during the pandemic may be gone permanently."
"The future of employment will be self-employment."
"We are at the dawn of the golden age of organized labor in this country."
"Companies are looking for skills, not necessarily a college degree."
"The great resignation was probably going to metastasize into the great please may I have my job back sir movement."
"The fastest-growing job in the US has been solar installer."
"Remote work is becoming a huge portion of the job market, indicating a new economy based on internet and home-based work."
"For every 100 that are saying we might have to lay off soon, there's probably a thousand that are saying, 'Hey, we're just hiring freeze right now.'"
"It's not that people don't want to work, it's that people do not want to work in an old paradigm that does not fit their life today."
"When the stock market's soaring, people are quitting their jobs right and left because they feel confident they can get another job or they don't need to work at all."
"Their heart wants a relationship but their ego wants their independence."
"There will not be a shortage of jobs in the future but rather a shortage of skills to perform them."
"Mobility is one of the biggest issues of our time right now, especially as it pertains to work."
"...40% of them are now what we call freelancers and they're 1099 employees where they are not working a typical salary..."
"Employees are quitting their jobs in record numbers."
"First we had the great resignation, then we had quiet quitting, then we had quiet firing, and now the latest employment trend is career cushioning."
"How many jobs are created, how many people are getting back to work, how many companies are committing to hiring more people is a much more accurate assessment of where we're headed as our country."
"The labor market as they call it is polarizing."
"Softening the labor market means number one less people have jobs and number two it means people see less raises at their jobs."
"Gig jobs are going to rival traditional jobs within the next 10 years."
"I think it's gonna become a lot more prevalent over in the next few decades."
"The future of work... people are less full-time employed, they're more like freelancers."
"Over the past decade, some men have begun working full-time in the gig economy."
"The average worker currently holds 10 different jobs before the age of 40."
"By necessity, we are seeing strength in the job market and jobs that nobody wanted to take get taken."