
Health Insurance Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Health insurance through a regular employer is normally far more affordable than private options."
"When I hear large corporations that make billions of dollars in profits trying to blame our interest in providing health insurance as an excuse for cutting back workers' wages, shame on them."
"17% of the premiums that you pay for private health insurance are not used for health care. They are used purely for administrative costs, executive salaries, and insurance companies."
"We are only as strong as the least insured and most vulnerable among us."
"Sleep is the very best health insurance policy that you could ever wish for."
"If you don't trust people to make decisions on even what is to be covered by their health insurance, are you going to trust them on things like carrying a weapon?"
"We've already seen two of the largest insurance companies in the country announced that they're going to providing full coverage free of charge for coronavirus treatment."
"You know the headache of health insurance is exactly why Crowd Health was created."
"It's time you opt out of restrictive health insurance plans and let Crowd Health help fit your health care needs."
"It is in the financial interest of these Medicare Advantage plans to discourage beneficiaries from accessing care."
"I personally I think it's worth taking political risk to destroy private insurance as an industry because of their political power."
"We will only do it with pre-existing, we will back pre-existing conditions."
"Medicare for the most part is actually really good. It works very well as your health insurance pretty much for the rest of your life."
"I would absolutely recommend staying with original Medicare. It just makes your life so much easier, gives you so much choice."
"The progressives are gonna win, mark my words." - Jimmy from Philly
"I'm curious if it's sustainable so you gotta figure out coping things and take advantage of your health insurance mental health make sure you're checking in."
"A Medicare for All system would not only expand coverage for you personally if you already have health insurance but also expand coverage to everybody else that doesn't already have health insurance."
"If you had a more market-responsive system where people's insurance was not provided by their employer but it was personally bought, you actually went out negotiated on behalf of you can solve group insurance."
"The basic profit model of an insurance company is take as much money as you can in premiums and payout as little as possible in health care coverage."
"I think the idea is to offer a nonprofit insurance plan as an option."
"Sleep is probably the very best and the most freely available Democratic and painless health insurance policy."
"The way health insurance companies screw you over."
"In general any prescription that you pick up at a pharmacy or by mail order after your doctor writes a script would be covered under your Medicare part D plan."
"It's important to know that all the Medicare part D prescription drug plans end on December 31st of each and every year. These are one year calendar year plans."
"A low premium plan does not offer less coverage than a high premium plan."
"Most part D plans offer cost savings via a series of network pharmacies."
"You can apply for Medicare part D as long as you are eligible for Medicare part A."
"Health insurance is incentivized for us to be sick. Even prominent health scholars with good credentials - health insurance wants prices to go down, so they raise premiums."
"I currently am a large employer health and welfare insurance broker... I have the luxury of working 100 from home."
"Does that math work for you? I mean if it saves me on health insurance premiums I will gladly pay more taxes."
"In politics, sometimes people distort things like that. I've had 30-second ads run against me years Bernie is gonna raise your taxes but they forget to say we're gonna do way with your private health insurance premiums."
"Our health insurance is more of a catastrophe insurance. It covers up to a certain point so it doesn't wipe us out."
"I think most of your listeners will agree... health insurance is a total pain in the ass."
"Exercise is the best insurance against cancer; the premium is only 30 minutes of exercise a day."
"Despite how expensive quality health insurance is, I consider every premium payment I make every month a great investment to our future."
"The greatest health insurance policy that I know of... is this thing called the night of sleep."
"...the cost of health insurance can be really high... if you don't have any income because you left your job there's a chance that you might be able to get a lower cost health insurance plan but I would do your research basically."
"I think I'd have another heart attack after having a heart attack, especially like he's a teacher so he had good benefits, but there's only so much you can really do there."
"Skaters don't have health insurance. Companies don't provide health insurance."
"Sleep is perhaps one of the most democratic, freely available, efficacious forms of health insurance that you could ever wish for."
"A large majority of you are going yes I want to retire early but I do not know where health insurance will come from."
"Health insurance is literally the worst."
"I don't miss thinking how great it would feel to have good health insurance."
"The aim of national health insurance is not so much to insure people against illness but against insecurity."
"Not every country offers therapy with basic health insurance."
"Your business gets a 100 deduction for health insurance for you but you have to let the business pay for it now."
"And I will not go back to the days when health insurance companies had unchecked power to cancel your policy, deny your coverage, or charge women differently than men."
"Employer does not cover your health insurance costs."
"The best use of money in the beginning: get health insurance, take worries off your plate."
"If you live in the United States and you don't have health insurance, you are gambling every day."
"Socialists understand the principle behind lack of freedom when your health insurance is tied to your job and you have no control over your own life."
"I still think they're quite a good insurance company if you're totally healthy and you've got no issues to start with."
"If one insurance company starts using some of this tracking stuff and realizes that it's helping make people healthier, it's gonna just be inevitable that the others are like, 'Oh gosh, we should get on board with this.'"
"Thank you for your thoughts, but I need this job, I need the insurance."
"The majority of people right now are getting a G plan; in fact, 70% of the people getting supplemental plans today get G."
"It's important that we have the right kind of coverage in all these Health Care areas."
"Try to be really careful when you pick your health insurance."
"We want insurance reforms that make sure that a cancer survivor can still get health insurance."
"We're going to set up an exchange, a pool, where people who don't have health insurance and small businesses who can't afford it right now can buy into the pool."
"Check your health insurance to see what is provided by your provider before your flight to another country."
"Health insurance might be the most important type of insurance since your health is what allows you to work and enjoy life."
"I now pay for my own health insurance, which will basically keep me from going bankrupt if, God forbid, something catastrophic happened."
"Having health insurance is so important. I think of it as freedom, like, freedom to decide what you want to do with your life."
"We have health insurance that covers 87% of our population."
"If you can select the right plan, you're going to save money by not throwing money down the drain on the wrong plan."
"If 40 years of consolidation has taught us anything about health insurance, it's that big is usually bad."
"The Simpsons, that thing has kept me in health insurance for 25 years."
"Health and dental insurance that starts day one."
"It's almost like in some countries health insurance exists so the government has an interest in the health of the people."
"I'm not going to leave my job until I can get good health insurance."
"Get today the insurance that you will want to have when you are sick or injured."
"Your health insurance is probably one of the most important decisions you make on a yearly basis."
"An out-of-pocket limit or out-of-pocket maximum is really important because it can help to save you from crippling medical debt."
"Health insurance systems depend as much, maybe more, upon political institutions as they do upon market characteristics and system design."
"The best insurance you can take out on yourself is to look after your body from a health point of view and do a little bit of exercise."
"About 88 percent of Costco employees have company-sponsored health insurance."
"If you're someone who's young, healthy, doesn't go to the doctor's office often, then a high deductible health plan with an HSA is a good choice."
"With a Plan G you have peace of mind."
"If you were self-employed and you had health insurance, you might be able to deduct the amount that you paid for health insurance."
"This position is eligible for health insurance and 401K."
"Getting health insurance with the private insurance is a scam, just get a job."
"Health insurance is one of the benefits in most of the contracts with the agencies."
"Thank God I have health insurance."
"We're going to get health insurance because we think that it's important, especially if we plan on having kids in the future."
"I mean, health insurance—you get health care. You get the paycheck. It's a beautiful thing."
"Health insurance is very important."