
Help-seeking Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Asking for help is a sign of strength and it's just smart."
"Pretty miraculously, he not only survived but ended up walking back down to camp in order to get help."
"Let your friends help you, ask for it, accept support from others."
"Get help. There are so many different types of professionals out there: psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists. Find one that works for you."
"The discourse and the phrasings that people use... it feels like it's more like collecting labels rather than... actually searching for help."
"Instead of trying to convince them to get help, ask them why they don't want help."
"Don't be too proud to seek out help. When you're out in the cold, so to speak, look for warmth and seek out safe places where you can heal or process or find commonality or community."
"Some animals come to ask for help from people without knowing them at all."
"I was afraid to ask for help, but the biggest accomplishment was overcoming that fear."
"If you're struggling then please do consider going and getting help."
"You need to get off and go seek actual help for these things."
"Don't be afraid to ask or to receive help that's worth it."
"If you're miserable, get help; you don't have to live like that."
"Seek help if you need it, don’t be afraid to share your struggles."
"What will happen next will make you reconsider not asking for help when you need it."
"It's better to be proactive and seek help when needed."
"Never hesitate to seek out for help, do your GP first if needed."
"Asking for help is a sign of strength as is accepting it as is offered to you."
"If you are struggling, go get help. Do not keep your struggles a secret."
"Suicide is not glamour, nor is it ever over for those around you. If you need help, please get help. Don't let your loved ones find you that way."
"Be willing to ask for help from others in order to lighten your load."
"If there's something that you're struggling with it is okay to ask for help."
"Speak to anybody, seek help before it gets too far."
"It’s okay to talk to others and it’s okay to seek help."
"I finally realized that I can ask for help, and it's okay to not be okay."
"Depression is really an opportunity for you to ask for help, to open the door for yourself."
"Larry's transmissions using the CB radio sporadically switched between cries for help and a continuous transmission tone."
"Stigmatization: driving underground those who need help."
"The worse it gets, the more difficult it gets to ask for help."
"It's okay to ask for help, communicate to these people the experience that you have."
"With Policy Genius, you can find life insurance policies that start at just 17 per month for about 500,000 of coverage."
"There's no shame in reaching out for help, so please visit betterhelp.com."
"I'm not the type of dude that know how to ask for help, I don't know, okay so if y'all feel like y'all can help let me know I'm not."
"The only reason I'm alive is because I asked you for help."
"I don't know what to do. I don't know what's going on and somebody please help."
"The ability to ask for help is not a weakness."
"Sometimes I think it's okay to ask for help and to know when to ask for help."
"It's okay to ask for help and be human and be vulnerable."
"Don't ever be scared to ask for help. Someone will help you."
"If you are experiencing some mental health issues, go get some help."
"It's very hard to ask for help when you're down, but it's important to think of ways to get help."
"Life is a gift, and any wrong can be turned into a right, but go and seek that help."
"The time to ask for help is sooner rather than later. Don't put it off."
"Hey, the classic PSA of don't let your shame get in the way. If you need help, you need help. Simple as that."
"Realizing the seriousness of the situation, he eventually sought help."
"...we never know how it's gonna feel to say something out loud until we do it. If I know, uh, for instance, that, like, I'm having some suicidal thoughts and I've had these thoughts for a while and they really get to me, but I want to get help for it and I want to speak up..."
"Don't be afraid to seek out the help that you can get or to seek out loved ones or to just even take the first step of being honest with yourself."
"If you're feeling like you're in significant emotional pain, that is the time for us to get over as men whatever it is that's holding us back from getting help."
"I wasn't mentally okay either, you know, and it was hard for me to understand that it's okay struggling mentally but finding the proper help was gonna make me feel better."
"Seek help and don't allow shame to get in the way of seeking that help."
"I genuinely think it can help if you are wanting the help."
"They're going to come in and say let me help you you're gonna say oh no everything's fine everything's fine and then they're just gonna walk in and start helping you because they know everything is not fine."
"My life has been a miracle. Sitting here now, it's surreal. I had a problem, and it took me 16 years to ask for help."
"I'm not trying to scare any of you away from reaching out for help, but I am pleading with you to try to develop within yourself a certain degree of independence."
"Calls like these were cries for help, teenagers who didn't know where to turn."
"The most important thing you can do is be open to accepting help."
"One of the biggest barriers to people seeking help... is social stigma."
"I want to learn about why I am the way that I am, and what I can do to help myself."
"If you're struggling, it is up to you to ask for that help and take that first step."
"Depression is not a joke, please go find help if you need it."
"I wish that they would ask for help, or that they would have found an anchor to live for."
"Seeking help and acknowledging your struggles is a sign of strength and mindfulness, not weakness."
"Eighty to ninety percent of people who seek help get better."
"If you are experiencing eating problems or if you have an ED, please seek some kind of help and support."
"I just want to know what's wrong... if it is psychological then what can I do to fix it?"
"I only knew to reach out and get help because somebody before me had shared their story."
"When you look in the mirror and say, 'Who are you? Who have you become?' because there's a rage person in your life, that is signal number one, call somebody and get some help right away."
"I have no shame in asking for help when I need it."
"I'm so grateful for my psychology background because it pushed me to seek professional help."
"I think people are seeking help more than ever."
"Men are more likely to die of physical and mental health ailments because they are less likely to seek help."
"It's never too early and it's never too late to seek help."
"I'm always the first one to say, listen, if you've got problems, reach out."
"Don't be afraid to seek help, to get help."
"Sometimes it's medication, sometimes it's getting the right help, sometimes it's being a little bit selfish and taking care of yourself."
"I'm going to seek help and I'm not stopping."
"It takes a powerful person sometimes to ask for help or sometimes to admit defeat."
"It's crucial to normalize seeking help."
"Don't be afraid or too prideful to ask for help."
"All the barriers that stood in the way of me seeking help just dissolved."
"When I woke up from the lucid dream, all the barriers that stood in the way of me seeking help just dissolved."
"There are a lot of people who are suffering and aren't quite sure what to call it so don't seek out help for themselves."
"Seeking out help is always really, really good."
"The moment I decided that I needed external help and I couldn't deal with it by myself, I felt so ashamed and so weak."
"It was time to seek help when I finally was like no, I can't go to do the most simple things with my friends because I'm gonna be anxious."
"There's freedom in saying, 'Hey, you know what? I need help.'"
"It takes a very brave, confident person to just be like, 'Here, I have a problem, and I need help.'"
"Choosing to seek the right type of help is a huge step on this journey to healing and self-love, so I commend you."
"Having the courage to ask for help saved my life."
"If you're feeling suicidal, you could ask her yourself."
"It's a warning sign, it's telling people who are contemplating suicide that it's not the answer and that they should seek help before they act."
"Seeking help... that's a sign of bravery, that's a sign of courage."
"Asking for help is not a weakness."
"I think that not enough people just ask for help straight up."
"Asking for help does not make us any weaker."