
Enforcement Quotes

There are 448 quotes

"The courts are going to be like, 'I'll just do what they tell me,' because the courts ultimately, in the end, are just enforcing popular opinion."
"It seems to me that the police are trying to enforce silence, if not obedience."
"There are demonstrable successful methods of dealing with the issue that stem from a lack of enforcement but instead because people are literally suffering."
"We stand between ignorance and annihilation. To prevent the latter, we enforce the former."
"The question is, what good are rights on paper when there's no one around to enforce those rights?"
"It's social enforcement... from the bottom up... that's where it gets really creepy."
"Akhenaten gave orders to his troops instructing them to close all the temples, confiscate its estates, and sacked the priests, leaving only Aten's temples throughout the country."
"The only thing they care about is what you can enforce, it's real heavy stuff."
"When you encounter the law and its enforcement, does it feel like something that's been shaped with your mutual consent?"
"We've got to say these are the values and the laws of this country."
"We can do what government cannot: force compliance."
"If the government makes a law they can't enforce, they become a total mockery of themselves."
"When you have a state say it's legal to do these things and the Fed say we're going to come in and bust them up anyway, I think that's wonderful."
"Props to you and your management for enforcing it and not letting people slide."
"The Department of Justice is going to have to do the job that the Republican party will not do in self-policing."
"It's really interesting how they caught him and running this against the computer."
"However, gamers wishing to cheat on this beloved developer would soon find themselves cowering beneath the crushing torment of From Software’s vengeful wrath."
"If you give at least two of these race soldiers life sentences for killing black people unjustly, that [__] will stop overnight."
"He believes in in snapshots of with some numbers across their chest yeah we need to lock them up yeah no doubt about it quick last thought from you really high level conversation happening there in Vero Beach Florida."
"A company attempting to enforce their IP protection doesn't necessarily have to be right."
"America has immigration laws that need to be enforced."
"There clearly is a disconnect in communication between whoever is writing the guidelines and rules and the enforcement team who are enforcing them."
"The West, if they want to be the World Police, need to make sure this stuff doesn't happen."
"The solution was to pressure platforms to enforce their rules both by removing content or accounts that spread disinformation and by more aggressively policing in the first place."
"The solution she concluded was to pressure platforms to enforce their rules, both by removing content or accounts that spread disinformation and by more aggressively policing it in the first place."
"We can't have a DA be like this arbitrary gun law we're going to enforce."
"You can't enforce law without knowing the law."
"Gender roles by themselves are not always bad, but the enforcement of them almost always is."
"50 maskless anti-lockdown protesters force their way into LA supermarket after California extends regional stay-at-home order indefinitely."
"The great reset, it's here. It's the largest transfer of wealth and they are enforcing it with brute force."
"This could set precedent that Twitter and other platforms are negligent in refusing to enforce their rules."
"This is unconstitutional and I won't enforce it."
"If you have to enforce it, if you have to punish people for failing to recognize it, if you have to excise and kill people who disagree, doesn't exactly sound like the natural emergent morality you claim it is."
"We don’t lack regulation, we lack enforcement."
"The rules don't count unless they're enforceable, and if they're not enforceable, then what the [__] are we doing this for?"
"If the problem really is disproportionate speeding inside the black community..."
"China's courts take copyright infringement seriously when they themselves are involved."
"It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday Sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced."
"The job of enforcing that should be on the platforms that host it, not on the payment processors."
"People are getting sent to the Big Chill for cheating at PUBG."
"The FBI basically broke the law in order to preserve it."
"For those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it, do it right, be in order, make them pay."
"The laws are just in the books, they are not executed... If they don't enforce these laws, they will destroy the environment, and the environment will destroy the country."
"Cultural enforcement is more important than anything."
"The rules only apply when the powerful want them to apply."
"If anyone else tried to do this in your business, it would be obviously illegal."
"The state of Texas sued... most of Biden's orders don't have to be enforced."
"Flight attendants have become hectoring, browbeating authority figures primarily focused on mask enforcement."
"How in the heck could they ever enforce this thing? It's a stupid law to begin with."
"That's a blatant red. You've got to send him off for that."
"There's never been a red line that any American president has enforced against Israel."
"DMCA on YouTube is literally not even the nuclear option but pulling up with the Death Star and Blasting it and its moons."
"Hand over your driver's license and your car, yeah, please."
"President Trump supposedly said 'John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.'"
"If you gather in numbers more than six, we might come to your house and arrest you."
"You're not going to stop giving people traffic tickets for fear that they might have unlawful firearms in the car."
"Anyone in the world that doesn't accept the will of the world government, in goes the world army to sort them out."
"You're an admin, this is what you're supposed to do: ban them."
"How in God's name are they going to stop them? You need some younger, vibrant, strong, healthy individuals... who can put you on your ass if they have to."
"We have ended the horrible practice of catch and release."
"Should ratings be guiding only and not enforced?"
"You can't have rights without the force to guarantee them."
"Governments will enforce rules in a way that they simply cannot do with cash."
"It seems to me that either there are laws on the books that could have applied or there have to be we've got to enact some."
"The message has to be sent loudly, clearly, that you cannot do this."
"Repeat offenders of the mask policy will be asked to leave the premises. America uncanceled?"
"There have been plenty of instances where real legal action was taken... Zack Sweers of Anxiety War."
"Now when we actually apprehend some cheater Peters for illegally spawning in red matter explosives and the like, we could take them there."
"I expect now the DOJ is going to go full-court press on Epstein and whoever else they can get involved in this."
"The IRS doesn't play, and ICE, oh [__] yeah."
"These guys need to be held accountable in the strongest possible way."
"Let's focus on penalizing that behavior when we know that is statistically far more likely to happen and continues to happen."
"My job is not to enforce morality, my job is to enforce the law." - Amy Coney Barrett
"Twitch's lack of fair enforcement is going to lead to a situation where it could have potential implications down the line."
"The issue of limited government or the issue of private weapon ownership is tied so intrinsically to limited jurisdictions of government and whose job it is to enforce those limited jurisdictions and how governments should actually be set up."
"America is being weakened to make it easier to enforce something."
"Filming's not allowed in here without prior consent... freaking Todd, turn it off please."
"There is no demarcation line, and you know that because you guys are trying to create one impromptu."
"I'm here to point out what's not correct. You are trying to enforce a boundary that's invisible, that doesn't exist."
"Not the a-hole you asked him to leave and gave him a time frame he didn't respect that and instead laughed about the situation as if it were a joke."
"Sometimes for it to get through thick heads to not trespass you have to go there it took calling the police several times and eventually a firearm to make these random strangers understand that my yard and property and not their personal roadways."
"Why should social media platforms enforce allegations? It's such a horrible precedent."
"Realistically, if YouTube decides to enforce this rule... they open themselves up to a lawsuit in other regards."
"The ones that we're catching, the ones that we catch compared to the ones that make it through is a very, very small fraction."
"Financial fair play was last seen hanging around a lake about five years ago."
"It's going to be a very tricky thing to enforce, no matter how it's written."
"Contracts are just words on a page. If you're not willing to enforce it, it doesn't mean anything."
"Jorgen Von Strangle: from antagonist to defender, a complex fairy enforcer."
"The enforcement mechanism for progressivism is political correctness."
"No, you're not going to... dox people on our platform. Get the [ __ ] out of here."
"Are you not arresting that guy for attempting to... for terrorism?"
"Can I message Fall Guys and get them banned? Is that possible?"
"Had NATO absolutely enforced the red lines that It produced since the end of the Cold War, particularly the chemical Red Line Obama's Red Line in Syria in 2012, 2013, we would not be in this place."
"Blatant criminal - if this isn't enough for Gensler to see, I don't really know what else he needs to see."
"You can never have a secure border unless people who cross illegally are promptly removed."
"The law is the reason we exist. We do not exist to pass ideas or to pass suggestions. We make law with the corresponding expectation that that law will be enforced, respected, and executed."
"46 constabularies have been served today. They'll be served several times until they respond and then if there is no response we will come then with the affidavit and that is the most powerful document in a court and they have to respond to that."
"This is hard and fast real live you can cite the criminal statute sort of investigation."
"Boundaries are only as powerful as you're willing to enforce them."
"Boundaries are only as effective as you're willing to make them effective."
"Having more people dealing with the tickets will mean more constant bans."
"After I reported a bunch of names to Jagex, they told me that they banned 72 accounts and the total wealth across those accounts was 1.35 billion gp."
"If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store."
"It's not just a term of the contract, you have a right to uphold those terms of the contract."
"Just think about the insanity: they're actually going to break your window, unlock your door, open it, rip you out of there just because you didn't have a tail light."
"At some point we have to take a strong stance as a country, as a law enforcement agency, so we can be respected."
"The gun show loophole and straw purchases need to be cracked down on significantly."
"Sad schemes threaten to replace most current and future IP enforcement tactics."
"Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated." - Liberty Prime
"You aren't allowed to police a YouTube video."
"How many police officers are out there to enforce this law?"
"Some people need to get the message. Send a photo and we will make sure that enforcement comes right away."
"Did you try to murder a law enforcement officer? That's against the law, ma'am."
"You must have an economic base to enforce a code of conduct."
"Catch the big fish first in fighting corruption. Then the message will go that if they can be caught, so can I."
"When you're faced with a life-or-death situation, you probably want the bad guys to know that you are in fact law enforcement." - Mike McGowan
"If you report someone and they end up getting banned, they'll tell you."
"It is the selective enforcement of the laws where the law abiding become the enemy and the law breakers are put in charge."
"How do you enforce that? Do you have a space police? Not yet."
"Give us enough power to enforce the divine justice in your country."
"It's still a felony, they'll never prosecute it, but gotta crack down."
"Law is a set of rules laid down rights and obligations which the state enforces."
"I've become an absolute beast when it comes to enforcing our mask policy."
"London didn’t even attempt to enforce he mercantilist Navigation Acts. This period, known as salutary neglect, lasted 70 years."
"The race director will start to get on top of these track limits pretty soon as well."
"It's very good advertising when you make something illegal that you can't actually enforce."
"The people that are enacting that martial law, they're enforcing it, are not necessarily bad people."
"Azure Policy is all about tracking compliance, potentially enforcement, and even remediation."
"The simple solution is make an easier legal pathway, but enforce it."
"...if these gun laws were enforced you think there'd be less gun violence..."
"We need to make a sensible set of rules that do work to stop people going mental and then just stick to it."
"I want enforcement of the rules, but I want honest and fair judgment or execution."
"Okay, don't move. Stop right there. You're gonna get tased. Taser, Taser, Taser! Hands on your face! Hands on your face!"
"This wasn't a spur-of-the-moment bust or a stroke of good luck for the Coast Guard."
"They seized more than 177,000 lbs of cocaine."
"I appreciate his method of law enforcement."
"and you know i was always a good speaker i can get into a room and talk to everybody and you know i was always very um um diplomatic with everybody i can laugh and joke and then when the rules came up i could you know yeah you know enforce them and stuff like that"
"You know, like it does exist, but I just, you know, fully like law enforcement do a great job with those like severe things like they, they do a great job at that."
"This time there would be no arrests, no fines, and no imprisonments. The only action was to padlock the saloons for one year."
"This silence was enforced by prison guards, who for years faced allegations of abusing the prisoners, despite the system being created for the prisoners and the guards to rarely interact."
"These restraining orders don't have teeth unless somebody gets really serious and violent."
"I bet one day tickets speeding tickets will be given via radar in the sense of like when you drive across a thing it will like detect your car and be like 'oh you're going over the speed limit oh we're gonna have like a ticket to your account.'"
"Regulators should not do regulation by enforcement to come up with the rule."
"There's no credibility for the whole system. We've got to restore that credibility and that enforcement in place."
"There have been 340,000 apprehensions in just the past year alone."
"I love it when power tripping control freaks end up enforcing stupid stuff like this."
"Words don't matter unless there's some sort of power of enforcement."
"We are going to pull the country together, we're going to have trade agreements that we enforce."
"The Spanish FA need to take the video of this and dish out red cards galore after the game."
"The Agents of the Inquisition and the Ordo hereticus exist and they will scour an entire city to excise the threat of one tainted corrupted individual."
"The rules aren't really enforced unless two conflicting values are used."
"A boundary without a consequence is just a mere suggestion."
"You ain't getting on here with that Cadillac, two spaces, I'll be charging you."
"With no Nation able to exert control over the walled City you might be wondering how it didn't just transform into a permanent Hunger Games. The answer is that there were people enforcing order amidst chaos."
"You've gone against Community guidelines."
"When it comes to enforcement, professional associations, state licensing boards, private certification boards, graduate programs, and employers can all play a role."
"We want to mandate that the key must be used."
"C-11 was created to address these entrenched criminal conspiracy groups."
"Yes, we will have deadly force authorized to be able to stop that."
"The bill also established the Land Conservation & Development Commission, or LCDC, to strictly enforce these new policies."
"Privacy laws enforce data protection."
"We'll say, 'E.R., pick her down to the station,' and when we're done, we'll hand her over to immigration, alright?"
"Hell no, if I don't put someone behind bars tonight, the next time they come down here, they'll have an army."
"Boundaries cannot be somewhat enforced and then not enforced."
"I'm in forcing mode, yes, which in my perspective is never good when you're in enforcing mode."
"A government campaign to crack down on these companies."
"There's no way to enforce it, there's no adapter police out there checking."
"What good is it to have standards if you don't know how to enforce them?"
"We don't get to pick and choose among our rights; we're supposed to enforce them all equally."
"If you can cuff somebody, detain somebody, whatever, do it."
"She gave no leniency to those who broke the law or got in the way of The Emperor's will."
"I'm gonna rough them up and probably cuff them."
"Generally, there's no reason for us to enforce them because the United States is generally concerned with whether or not its laws have been violated here."
"An Inquisitor's word is law, their authority extending to commandeering military forces, deploying private armies, and even enacting the dreaded Exterminatus upon worlds deemed irredeemable."
"The court's ability to get its judgments enforced depends on its credibility and on America's culture of respecting the rule of law."
"A government dies when its image dies, when people believe that it no longer is able to enforce its laws."
"Laws don't work" is a hell of a thing to hear from somebody whose job description is to make or enforce laws.
"You don't leave that man alone. We come off lockdown, we're gonna pull you out, we're gonna bust you with the candy bar. We ain't with none of that."
"The city is saying we're not like giving this guy a jaywalking ticket, we're saying the violations are literally things that could put these people in danger if there's an emergency."
"Unfortunately, we can't do anything. He has been erased for breaking the angel rule."
"Murder Incorporated: otherwise known as the enforcement arm of the syndicate."
"We must demonstrate that international law is not an empty promise."
"Soon and very soon, one day you're going to wake up, and it's going to be plastered all over the news that there's laws that are being put in place to enforce worship and to violate the religious conscience of the people of this nation."
"But from now on, no other kids are getting out of this hotel without paying their bill."
"That's what guidelines and policies are for. Start enforcing them."
"Maybe the law enforcement should have been more aggressive and assertive."
"Enforcing boundaries and setting boundaries, you have to have both."
"Territories were enforced with intimidation of murder."
"We're facing an ATF that is targeting FFL holders and gun owners. The ATF is going in, looking for any mistake they have as an excuse to take away their FFL."
"How are they ever going to enforce it? That was my thing, like, that's so silly, you guys. Like, how would you just get back to the negotiating table and like figure out getting people back to work instead of telling them what they can wear for Halloween?"
"If you have a verdict that is not enforced, it is useless. It means your condition will be a condition of depravity because you have not paid attention to enforcement."
"Ontario cracks down on phone use and vaping in schools."
"Art played an important role as a means of enforcing religious and political ideologies."
"...I do not accept that you can smash drug gangs terrorist gangs people smuggling gangs but somehow everybody does not think you can smash the gangs that are running this file trade in the first place."
"Laws exist only for law breakers."
"For this to continue to be a sport or a game that's played competitively, they need to crack down on this big time."
"Azure Policy is sitting right here, enforcing no matter where the request is coming from."
"I think we need to concentrate on peace and enforce peace."
"The enforcement of the weager force labor prevention Act is a top priority, correct?"