
Radical Change Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Incremental reform can only take us so far, and at some point, we need to have the political will to make another radical change."
"The end of aging is possibly the most radical change that human civilization has undergone for millennia."
"This is the big thing about radical life extension. It is not necessarily an incremental approach... It can, and indeed probably will be, something where almost overnight the human lifespan suddenly leaps to be 3 or 400 years."
"The ability to improve someone's livelihood... and make that significantly better, not just change the materials, but radically rethink it, was an amazing experience."
"In order for love to be free, we must develop an economic basis for this freedom by destroying capitalism and exploitation."
"If you make me president of the University... I will bulldoze that building to the ground and then we will restore power to the people who should have it at universities."
"Are we taking this too far? You know what, I don't think we're taking this far enough."
"What we need, I think, is radical transformation."
"I'd probably write an executive order that repealed every executive order ever written."
"I feel like I won the lottery. Sylvia initially struggled with Abby's radical vision for her new interior."
"The only possible ultimate solution to the things that are happening right now is radical widespread decentralization."
"Maybe what we should do is just eradicate the bottom half and just have everyone finish in the top half because they do all deserve to be there."
"How do we deal with that peacefully? Serious, radical shifts in education and curriculum."
"We need to take democracy and radicalize it, because democracy is the single best thing liberalism stands for and fails to adhere to."
"Now is the time to do it. You don't see moments of crisis and say, 'Oh, we couldn't possibly make radical change now.'"
"Iran going back to its cultural heritage of thousands of years is, in fact, a radical departure from those towards a much more authoritarian ultra-conservative Islam."
"A new economic model must include a radical change in our approach to the climate."
"The most radical thing in the world is the new birth."
"We need radical change, reform will not be enough."
"We need more radical solutions, not just incremental change."
"There's no peace, no future for Israel without this transformative deradicalization taking place."
"He wants to rip the whole thing up and redo it."
"Disrupting means radically restructuring our way of thinking, a door to solutions previously unthinkable."
"Abolish the monarchy, cut off their heads immediately, viva la republique!"
"We must also realize that the problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power."
"The current situation we have right now is radical."
"He knew that milk toast reforms and compromise would never be sufficient to save the country and that radical change was needed."
"Smash global capitalism and create something."
"Let's just sack the Supreme Court, let's burn the whole system down."
"The younger generation is likely to be more radical in its demands."
"The sooner the house burns down the sooner can be rebuilt."
"Let's really shake it up let's really help some folks let's do something radical for the Lord Let's do let's do a grand gesture let's do a great and so that was really attractive."
"Even if these seasteads are very hard to build, it was obvious that, if we could redesign our society, if we could somehow start over, we would do it so differently."
"Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be born again. Don't be shocked that such a radical change is required."
"For me, when you begin to destroy, you should destroy completely."
"Watching 'Dororo' has left me wishing that more adaptations would reinterpret their source material quite so radically."
"This is about a radical hijacking of the Democratic Party."
"The only way to change it is to burn everything down."
"The great reset: we're going to reset the world."
"An opportunity for a radical transformation."
"It truly is stunning. And quite frankly, the radical departure from the norm really seems to have been pulled off brilliantly."
"The only way to escape the matrix is to unlearn everything and rebuild your belief system."
"Bold reimagination is so important. DHS shouldn't exist, agencies should be reorganized, ICE gotta go, ban for-profit detention, create climate refugee status and more."
"The awakening is so radical, you're not going to miss it."
"Turning basic institutions upside down and inside out is what the adoption of a convivial mode of production would require."
"Crypto is the only chance we have to destroy this financial cartel."
"This is gonna Help Me Burn It To The Ground."
"The idea here would be that the only way to save America is to literally take Donald Trump off the ballot in 2024."
"Your life will radically transform if you earnestly get into a gratitude practice."
"Let the system burn to the ground, light the fire, bring the gasoline."
"These are they that have turned the world upside down."
"Having a communist be the vice president would actually be part of this history of expanding democracy."
"You do not make large social changes with moderation. Jesus was not a moderate, he was flipping over tables."
"I think the government needs to [ __ ] take over more industries."
"You need a radical socialism basically that's going to disrupt capitalism and that's going to redistribute these things and disrupt the capitalist power structure."
"Jesus came not to embrace the status quo but to challenge theology, exposing religiosity."
"There's only one simple solution: we must get rid of the adults."
"I think it's great that you're seeing the franchise clearly recognize the importance of Quicksilver."
"Do something radical for yourself... Doing something drastic and getting something accomplished that's always been nagging at you, what a fantastic thing to do with your time."
"We have to dismantle and remove from the political landscape the Democrat Party as it is currently constituted."
"Resident Evil 4 took everything from the past games and burned it to the ground and dropped kicked it straight into hell."
"Democrats are moving in an increasingly radical direction when it comes to abortion."
"The system is broken and in order to fix it, it's going to take radical restructuring."
"They're using words like apocalypse... justification for radical change."
"Intellectuals fuse with the oppressed in order to make and remake the conditions necessary for a radical social project."
"That means he has to intervene so we don't fall for it, you know what that tells me? That tells me of a social shift so radical that we're not going to know which way is up, which way is down."
"If you can afford to, if it's something you're capable of doing, absolutely yeah, leave far-right areas to go as far left as possible because these people are [__] unsustainable on their own."
"I think a sane person could say the current situation we have right now is radical, but what we're doing is literally making the world more like hell. That's a warning sign."
"We need a revolution, not just reform, to revive the ideals of 1776."
"We need wholesale changes complete and utter ripping apart it's like major heart surgery."
"His catchphrase embodied the 3 key tenets of his revolutionary vision . . . Distrust the bourgeoisie, control our own leaders and have confidence in our own revolutionary forces."
"Welcome to the reality... we return revolution now."
"Support secession and radical decentralization."
"Tonight, we're gonna smash idols, shatter idols."
"He's gonna like top to bottom just gut this company."
"Extreme is the status quo... what's not extreme is having a government that actually represents the will of its people."
"It's not radical to rein in this irresponsibility. It's radical to let it continue."
"Throw out the entire existing class of politicians and do something crazy."
"Revolution isn't adrenaline; it's relaxation, accomplishing radical change with a little bit of fun."
"I think my policies are pretty radical or much more radical than they were five years ago."
"Struggle is about how we contend with and for each other against oppression, in favor of bringing about the end of the world and the beginning of the new one."
"I believe AI is closer to revolutionary change than incremental change."
"The shift was so radical and so dramatic that it was extremely exciting."
"So let’s throw it all out the window and build it back up from nothing."
"Maybe you gotta burn something down in order to build a new reality first."
"There's going to be radical change that sets your world on fire."
"Paul's message required a radical transformation, something that shook him out of his previous view of Jesus."
"Ending the cultural state, ending policing, ending capitalism, and through that operating in such a way that we can end white supremacy and racial injustice."
"Incremental vs. exponential: aim for 10x, not just 10%."
"Our priority has to build radical alternative movements."
"There is a desire to change and shift the shape of their world, and even though that's a very extreme way of doing it, again, it's about changing something dramatically, isn't it?"
"I want to talk to you about changes. Don't become a politician, become a terrorist."
"All men who call themselves reformers are perforce radicals."
"It's time for radical change. How can you show up for yourself in ways that you never have before?"
"Could you just imagine if everybody in the United States right now who was, let's say, 20 pounds overweight just stopped fucking eating? The whole fucking system would go broke."
"Blow up the structure and start it anew in a New Direction."
"I've been very happy with where I've been able to go as a driver... really proud of the fact... being the fastest qualifier."
"We need to tear the whole system down and reconstruct it."
"Nothing less than Revolution will provide a solution."
"Everyone will become equal! Everyone… will become gods!"
"Last chance to evacuate planet Earth, leave it literally, become connected with the mind that can connect with this information."
"Maybe we could defund the police, my lord. Maybe we could have a radical reimagining of the police."
"Passing a Medicare for all single-payer system, a radical idea."
"What the economy needs is a radical transformation... That's what I think is needed, a transformation of the economy." - Richard Wolff
"It's time for the giant reset button, the nuclear option."
"What's so radical about moving forward and progressing as a society?"
"The debt jubilee is kind of like a singularity. The laws of physics break down."
"The idea that the heir to one of the world's richest families gave it all up to live out his days among a primitive tribe in a distant land is a tantalising possibility."
"Blowing up the system may be necessary for transformation."
"The revolution resets and reprograms the system completely."
"You guys gotta start a new party or burn this one down because you're not getting it back."
"Best case scenario, NFL shuts down just completely, totally."
"Sometimes you do have to burn it all down so you can come back even more powerful and even more Victorious without the excess."
"This is about learning to not be this crazy radical kind of rebellious spirit."
"Inverting the world's values to resist radical evil saves us... hope comes by way of defeat."
"For black Americans to be able to succeed in this country, for black Americans to be able to actually build up our communities, to determine our own futures, it is going to take some level of radicalism."
"Blow it up, blow it all up! Let's blow it up!"
"It was essential for the Continental Congress to make a radical statement."
"We need to make a move, we need to make something radical, we need to make that change."
"There is an item in this bag that will help her quite radically."
"Ended up radically transforming my entire life."
"But I presents a radical political theory of revolutionary change."
"There are no non-radical futures."
"We need systemic and radical change in all facets of human society."
"Ultimately it is time to quit putting Band-Aids on gaping wounds and it's time to perform some surgery."
"This is the biggest, craziest, most radical departure of them all."
"She was also a labor activist and a radical social reformer."
"A radical sacrifice for a radical Savior."
"God is calling us to be radically."
"Jesus is not a therapist, he is a revolutionary."
"The authentic awakening is radical and it is 24 hours, 365 days. It's like the perspective changes."
"The next 3 years we will suspend the Constitution and we will make the magpies number one again both on and off the field."
"Actually listening has been the most radical thing that I can do."
"You have to be extreme, you have to go over the top, and you have to change things a little by being radical in a certain way."
"We need radical reform of the education system."
"We live in dangerous times," Mara shot back, "it is time for radical thinking."
"They shared one simple but entirely radical idea: that it was time to discard the rules of the past and paint what they saw through their own eyes."
"There needs to be a radical rethink in terms of what we're doing in terms of Education."
"I've become more radical in old age than I've ever been."
"Our world is in crisis and in need of radical designers."
"...we need to build a radical ecological awareness into the very foundations of science."
"A radical relief from the bondage of self."
"What does a radicalized Catholic do? They become St. Padre Pio or Saint Mother Teresa."
"If a man is concerned with a very radical change, where is he to begin?"
"If you live in a culture where people's deeper psychological needs are not met, that will manifest in some people saying just burn the whole house down."
"Compulsory education should be radically reformed."
"There are two radical solutions when life become untenable: the physical radical solution and the spiritual radical solution."
"It needs to be not tweaked; it needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt."
"Give us faith, O God, for a radical transformation."
"We needed a radical change, a change in which our economy is not determined by the dominated or polity is not dominated by external forces."
"We gotta be more radical with it and get to the core truth."