
Nations Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"There's nothing our nations can't achieve if we do it together."
"There's a healing for the nation, and the healing for the Nations and the clear word of the Lord."
"If Russia and America were businesses and you were trying to decide which of them to invest your money into as it sits right now the USA looks a much better bet."
"The magnificent nation is bordered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the south and east, Iraq to the Northeast, and Syria to the north."
"The sun symbolically was shining brightly on them, but now darkness is beginning to cover these nations."
"God intervenes in Nations when their iniquity gets to a certain point."
"The time is coming to gather all nations and tongues, and they shall come and see my glory."
"We're a Sovereign Nation; every single Sovereign Nation on the planet has borders."
"God will continue His restoration of the Jewish people, establishing them in the land He promised them, in spite of the consternation of the nations."
"May God bless the eternal friendship between our two great nations."
"All nations will come and worship before you."
"Every single new nation-state created after WWI ceased to exist within two decades."
"God is able to bring nations into a place where that which is ruling those nations is directing those nations."
"Nations are not in charge; God is in charge."
"The economic fate of nations is determined by their institutions."
"The Lord has bared his holy arm in the sight of all the nations."
"The desire of all nations shall come."
"God loves the nations. He just loves them."
"May the nations be used by God to reward you."
"The nations are not peripheral to God's plan, the nations are God's plan."
"He makes nations great and destroys them, he enlarges nations and guides them."
"We must embrace a sense of belonging to every nation in which God has called us."
"You can't disciple Nations if you don't love them."
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations."
"God made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the face of the earth"
"Warfare... has done more to shape the destiny of Nations and of people's than anything else."
"Matthew is telling the amazing story of God's faithfulness to bless all the nations on the earth."
"God blessed Abraham so that he may be a blessing to All Nations."
"This life's manual is for the world. This is your wisdom in the sight of the nations."
"This will be a house of the prophets for the nations."
"The period where certain Nations were really starting to forge their colonies."
"Lord, we pray that you would send the gospel to the nations."
"We want to be able to have friendly relationships, cordial relationships with every nation."
"The Bible has immense power immense power to change entire nations."
"I think when nations start talking about honor, we should all watch out."
"And all the children of men shall become righteous, And all nations shall offer adoration and shall praise Me,"
"I really do have a sincere appreciation, with no stipulations, for each and every single bass from every nation."
"The Uzumaki Clan, they were a strong nation equal to that of the five Great countries."
"History is to nations or states what character is to people, to individuals. If you don't know the history, you will not really understand your counterparty."
"America and Israel are two nations that cherish the value of all human life."
"What are nations but men? What are whole people but combinations of different units?"
"Globalization might be encouraging the decline of nations."
"I'm very focused on that line because that's the line where they want to put up the wall that will separate the 2 nations."
"And the nations are tuning in tonight, and you've come in from all over America, and the same Jesus is in the room, the same Jesus."
"Through Israel, the light is coming into the world so that light can spread to all the nations."
"The gates of the New Jerusalem are opened for the healing of the nations after Christ comes."
"The most action being taken against slavery today is the Netherlands and the United States of America."
"The Nations will come every year on Sukkot to celebrate with the Jews."
"I shall praise you my god it I shall raise up your holy name the nations will look and see the people will hear of your goodness and your mercy to your loved ones."
"Ten human nations emerging in the Westlands from the ashes of their former civilization."
"There is a new strategy for reaching the nations. It's already predicted in prophecy. We don't need to invent any new thing. We need to find what was written concerning us and plunge into it."
"We thank you, Lord, that you will bring total restoration and in actual facts, you'll bring humiliation to the nations that are against you."
"For hundreds of years, the two kingdoms of Scotland and England were at best uneasy neighbors and all too often enemies."
"God said, 'I will shake all the nations, and they shall come to the Desire of Nations.'"
"The Torah will be the light for the nations."
"God wants to bless all the nations through Abraham's family."
"What God wants to do is take one family, call them out from among the nations that have failed, and he's going to do something with them and make them the vehicle of his blessing for all the nations of the earth."
"God is in charge of the nations; history is His story."
"this is like having to do with the War of 1812 which was a conflict that America was involved in and Canada and possibly Britain as well"
"God established the boundaries of the Nations."
"The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory."
"Now the word flow here conveys just the idea; the Nations shall flow unto it. All Nations shall flow unto it, what an idea it is!"
"Independence was declared one by one by Cameroon Togo Mali Federation Madagascar Dahomey Niger Upper Volta Ivory Coast Chad Central African Republic Congo Gabon and Mauritania."
"It's just fun to see how different nations interpret it."
"There's coming a time when I will break the nations, I will break the systems."
"God gathers all nations against Jerusalem to battle."
"Nations must care for the poor and sick."
"If the church of Jesus Christ in this nation will not repent, it won't be long until we're on the trash heap with every great nation that came before us."
"Nations like individuals make mistakes and that mistakes must be corrected if proper and straight growth is ever to be resumed."
"All nations within you are now calling god blessed."
"Each nation or state has its own currency."
"Whenever great nations in boxing such as the Philippines and Mexico collide, there are always fireworks."
"There's a place where Nations are born. Nations are not born in Parliament, nations are born in the heavens."
"There were times when Canada and the United States were mortal enemies."
"We still have the mission to be a light to the nations."
"There are eight major nations on the surface of Thedas, all of them majority human with minorities of elves and dwarfs living in each of them."
"Go ye out and make disciples of all nations."
"You give the example of prosperity. I think you can have prosperous and Pious Nations."
"Hopeful that both nations can collaborate and establish their credibility in the face of apprehension and aversion from the human-dominated nations."
"What marvels must lie ahead when nations the world over are Christians."
"Nations are like people; they tend to behave rationally after they've exhausted all other options."
"The resolution of this issue is for India and Pakistan themselves to come together and resolve."
"A great night for soccer between these two nations."
"May God bless you, may God bless the people of the United States, and the future of both our nations."
"Any student of History knows there is the rise and the fall of Nations."
"We've had more than a hundred brand-new countries appear in the last hundred years."
"I'm a firm believer in the fact that the UK and America will push through any problem that faces them."
"The nations will be blessed through you."
"People of India and Pakistan have mutual love, respect, quality of education in both countries."
"The desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again."
"God is really after the nations and it's not only saving the just individuals but the whole nations all together."
"It's kind of beautiful in a way, a little warm hug or handshake that America and Canada is permanently embraced in."
"All Nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they shall glorify your name."
"That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations."
"Ultimately it does end with the healing of the Nations."
"When Israel changes and repents and turns to God, it is going to bring about transformation of the nations as well."
"Show us the glory in the Nations, show us the glory in the Nations."
"The Nations have a very important place in this process of understanding that we're in Redemption."
"The nations will be shut, stunned, they'll be confounded, this is like nothing they'd ever imagined."
"Kingship belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations."
"Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and your understanding to the nations."
"May God bless the Chinese people, and may God bless the people of the United States of America."
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples."
"This place has been dedicated as the center of prayer for the nations of the earth."
"Nations do not exactly exist for themselves alone, but to promote the welfare and happiness of mankind."
"For the kingdom is the Lord's: and He is the governor among the nations."
"Through your offspring, all the nations of the earth be blessed."
"...the nations are Christ's inheritance does not make sense unless they have been disinherited..."
"Nations that have interests are going to pursue those interests."
"As they sail across oceans, they carry with them the dreams and aspirations of nations."
"Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples."
"For you are the ones who are called to uplift the cause of unity among the nations of the earth."
"In you shall be blessed all the nations of the earth."
"It's gonna be great to see some new nations."
"I've always wondered how the nations would speak to each other given the fact that they speak different languages."
"The way I see it personally, and a lot of Canadians think the same way, is that the US and Canada are like brothers."
"True alliances are rare; they are relationships between nations that entail broad mutual obligations of assistance for as long as the alliance endures."
"There is a clear difference between the Indian perception of Russia and the Indian perception of China."
"It seems like these days every nation on the planet has intelligence agencies going out there trying to learn stuff about what's going on in the world secretly."
"It was a pursuit worthy of great nations and great dreamers."
"We can build bridges between nations."
"Inequality between nations... is maybe in some sense to me the most terrifying inequality that we face in the world."
"God bless America, God bless Brazil."
"He could use these nations to execute judgment on his people, and he did this in an act of faithfulness ultimately."
"Despite more than fifty nations being involved in World War II, 80% of the casualties can be credited to four countries - Russia, China, Germany, and Poland."
"Nations are shifting... there is hope for all the shaking that the nations are going through right now."
"There are no perfect nations, there are no perfect civilizations, there are no perfect families."
"When the Most High divided up the nations, he did so according to the number of the sons of God."
"Never before in history have we witnessed such levels of interconnectedness and interdependence among nations."
"The things that are really theologically important are the ones that include all peoples, all the nations, not just Israel."
"Scotland is a country within a country or a nation within a family of nations."
"The committee proposed the establishment of two separate nations, one Arab and one Jewish."
"This is what you love about these two nations, they battle it out."
"I will set my glory among the nations; all the nations shall see my judgment which I have executed, and my hand which I've laid on them."
"By faith, God would justify the nations."
"All the nations shall be blessed in you."
"You made a covenant with Israel and through your servants Abraham and Sarah gave the promise of a blessing to all nations."
"Great changes are at our doors; the next 20 years will see mighty changes among the nations of the earth."
"Jesus, receive the reward of your suffering, make your name great in us, in Turkey, in Syria, exalt your name in the nations."
"We're not called to change the world, the Great Commission is to make disciples of all Nations."
"Praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people."
"Through you shall the nations of the world be blessed."
"By your descendants shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves."
"Australia shall be saved, China shall be saved, Indonesia shall be saved... India shall be saved."
"The Messiah became a servant to Israel in order that the nations might glorify God for his mercy."
"Big history between these two countries."
"In these stories, the fate of nations rests on affairs of the heart."
"We believe that every single nation received a messenger."
"Let the nations be glad and sing for joy."
"The conflict between Monstadt and Snezhnaya stems from the conflict between the Seven Nations and their respective gods."
"All of the nations of the earth will be blessed because of you."
"All nations that come through a period of strife go through a 25-year hiatus where they pretend their problems don't exist."
"Present-day Europe is made up of nations whose histories can be traced back to various bands of these various groups of people."
"You touched so many nations... pure inspiration."
"Long ago, these nations lived in harmony until Frederick came into the picture."
"One day we going rise up; these nations they don't want no problem."
"For the sake of the nations, we pray."
"In your seed, all the nations of the earth can be blessed."
"The nations of the world will walk in the light of the Lamb."
"God made the love of men and women, then men and women created their countries."
"The Gospel is the hope of the Nations."
"A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will be among your descendants."
"All the nations of the earth will be blessed through him."
"I will set you on high above all the nations of the world."
"I'm going to bless every nation that will bless you."
"The nations will rush like the rushing of many waters."
"Your descendants will possess the nations and inhabit the desolated cities."
"In thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed."
"The greatest challenge of all nations is lawlessness."
"The world is living beneath the intention of God waiting for us Jews to fulfill our destiny through the nations."
"Speed, speed, and more speed: Australia versus US versus America."
"Nations were imagined communities."
"For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he ruleth among the Nations."
"Increase and multiply, for nations and gatherings of nations shall be of thee."
"I've been called for the Nations, to transact for the nations in the spiritual and in the physical."
"I'm going to give you uncommon favor in the nations."
"I pray for all the nations that Your love, that Your light will shine, even in the depths of the darkness, God."
"There will be peace among the nations."
"All the nations of the world will be blessed by your seed, Abraham."
"Many nations will be joined with the Lord on that day and will become my people."
"I will make you fruitful and I will multiply your descendants; I will make you a multitude of nations."
"The kingdom is the Lord's and He rules over the nations."
"It's going to be Germans against Americans."
"Thank you for the grace to bless the nations."
"We welcome the next 100 years of friendship between our two nations."
"This is Britain versus the USA... who is the best at professional wrestling."
"History records the actions of countries, not the actions of defined governments."
"There must be solidarity among nations which are already politically interdependent."
"Righteous and true are your ways, King of the nations."
"All the nations will come and worship before you."
"You will enjoy the wealth of the nations and be proud that it is yours."
"The same with government, the same with countries."
"The UK, the British and American rivalry, you don't get bigger or better than that."
"I will display my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the sight of many nations."
"The Cold War has been extremely debilitating for nations around the world."
"Other nations have been through worse circumstances than this and they've pulled through."
"The ultimate future of the American and British peoples is astounding, with their greatest period of prosperity and world influence yet ahead."
"What if the future of great nations—indeed the greatest in all history—could be known?"
"God signified to him that he should live to be very old and should be the father of great nations."