
Career Dedication Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Seeing what our ancestors were up to, way deep in history, it's just fascinating. Obviously, I love it. I've dedicated my education and my career to it."
"I'm wed to Lucid. This is the culmination of everything I've worked for."
"You have to have the passion. You've got to love ballet, live and die for your career because it's so hard."
"I've dedicated the remainder of my career to trying to correct that mistake and trying to give the best nutrition advice I can because I find when I give good nutrition advice, very often they don't really need any other medical advice."
"Will we ever find it you have to accept the evidence and if it turns out that I wasted my life working on the wrong hypothesis is so be it what I really want to know is what is the universe made of."
"If I had 1 billion in the bank, I would still be doing what we do."
"Nothing felt more important to him than making games."
"Remind yourself that this is the job that we've signed up to do."
"Always trying to do the best work of our careers, the best work of our lives each and every time."
"I don't have post-Forgotten Weapons plans because I have no plans to stop doing what I'm doing now."
"We're very focused on safety...I've had the privilege of working for the Boeing Company for 34 years."
"He's professional and meticulous about his career."
"When this career becomes the thing that you live and breathe, the thing you think about before bed and the thing that wakes you up in the morning, there's no question of will you be successful but when."
"No one cares if you quit without making a name for yourself. If you grind through it and become a player, a figure in the community, whether it's a content creator, a player, a streamer, then people start caring about you."
"most people are very successful it's a result of usually 10 20 30 40 years of building or working crazy schedules or sacrificing time and Recreation to build something big you know I mean that's that's kind the direction I went"
"After knowing you for twenty years, I do know this is your life's work and you have been just an inspiration to so many people."
"It was the most positive reaffirmation that this is what I have to do."
"That is a staggering quote by a guy who has devoted his life, his career towards the promotion of safe and effective vaccines."
"I sacrificed everything to get to where I wanted to."
"It's inconceivable that a game company could possibly be this stupid and out of touch."
"If I love this game more than this game loved me, I don't deserve to be here."
"My first three months, I'm gonna grind my hours to pay for my next album and mortgage."
"Eventually, we're going to take both of those sketches and put them together. And then, remove them and the killer will be behind them."
"I'm horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career to exposing child abusers."
"When you become an animator, you don't get to pick and choose when you can and can't draw."
"Williams is Formula One. I would not have taken any other job in Formula One anymore."
"I love what I do and don't plan on stopping at any time."
"Being the fighter that she is, she pushed through, became a hospice nurse, and provided comfort to the terminally ill for several years."
"If nothing else, if my job will never make a difference, I cannot live with not trying."
"No backup careers. You put all your passion into your dream and making that come true."
"They're buzzing. They'll be absolutely buzzing."
"I want to help them... dedicate the rest of the career to it. It's such a good thing to do."
"I was so busy with like just trying to grind and make a living. That wasn't your end-all be-all."
"There's no retirement in hip-hop, it's all about passion."
"All of the yesterdays got me to today. When it's your life's work, you don't leave it to chance."
"It was the only thing I knew because as my brothers had been pros and there was nothing else at all." - Bill Shankly
"He just cared about 'I'm gonna I love doing this, I'm just going to slowly get better and when the timing is right boom he made a push and got a belt.'"
"I've worked 60-70 hours a week for decades until I made it in my 40s—no freebies, just hard work."
"My career isn't really my career because it's my whole life... it's my everything." - Tinashe
"If you could do anything else, go and do it, but if this is all you can live and breathe then okay."
"But if this is all you want to do and you really, really need it in your life then you'll find a way."
"This is more than a job, this is my way of making a difference in the world."
"I have worked in my legal career for almost 15 years now."
"Never ever ever look back and can't consider doing anything else."
"It's just the most important thing in my life, this job. It just is."
"Every day is a new reason... because I love it." - Anthony Ramos
"I've never done anything else other than sing."
"You don't need to live with everyone around you. Everyone has their own life and deals with their own stuff, and that's how I go about it as well. I just focus on my job and I love racing and I love winning."
"What hurts the most is the time we put into our jobs the sacrifices we make to do what we do and for him to have to now not be able to play basketball that's the pain."
"I've been doing it for about two years full time and I really can't thank you guys enough."
"It's strictly business I haven't been sidetracked by all the cameras and all the big personalities I'm here to do me."
"I've worked my whole entire life for this. 17 years straight. I buried my daughter in the process of trying to get this belt."
"I've never had a vacation my entire career, never taken a flight to somewhere I love and not had it work related."
"But I'm still showing up every day and now that I have all this to deal with that I know I cannot fail, I'm hungrier than ever, I'm working harder than ever, you know, and consistent and there's a thing, I've never even looked at retirement."
"My mother was a teacher for nearly 30 years. She spent the last 10 years at a middle school that was pretty hard up in the Tulsa Public School System."
"I definitely don't see myself away from the wrestling business anytime soon."
"I have been completely above board my entire life and career."
"You hate your life but you love your work, so you make your work your life and then you make it work and you love everything."
"Tattooing is everything to me. I know it's what I'm born to do, I know that's my purpose." - Chris Trevino
"I've been doing this for like eight years straight, never stopped."
"Dick Butkus once said some people were made to be doctors, others to be lawyers, I was made to play football."
"This is a 24/7 game. There's no 'we leave here at five and come back to work at nine.'"
"YouTube is something that I could literally see myself doing for the rest of my life."
"I'm not a fraud, I'm not a fake, I didn't materialize from thin air. I worked damn hard to get where I got my entire life."
"My real love and passion was in the Air Force for 27 years."
"I look forward to continuing to write my little story inside the book of football."
"It's time to fully commit myself to making dope videos for a living."
"It's once every four years and you're also a professional... That's what separates professional from amateurs."
"Progressives have an army of people with nothing better to do than to spend their entire life making 40K a year and moving the progressive cause one centimeter further."
"Princess Carolyn brings unbridled drive, passion and creative problem solving to what she does."
"People are fighting back like Babita Diocaren, over the course of 30 years she has built a career as a public servant fighting South Africa's corruption."
"There is nothing wrong with finding what you love and hustling and working your ass off for it."
"I've been doing music for 11 years and to not accomplish what I want to accomplish in life, that scares me."
"I ain't in this thing for my health, nor the money, this ain't recreational for me."
"Talent may not be rare, but the work ethic required to hone it and then sell it as a career is."
"This moment really means a lot because I took several years perfecting my craft."
"For Omega, this is more than his job, it is his livelihood."
"If my dream is truly to live off my content, the best chance I have of doing so is by investing all of my efforts into it."
"I've been a solar physicist for 30 years. I've never seen anything quite like this."
"This is my destiny, this is what I was raised to do."
"It's a game honestly that I've been waiting to make my whole career. I really love this game and I love the subject matter that we're dealing with and the setting and the characters. I'm in love."
"Understand it's not easy and it's a difficult road and it is worth it if you can do it."
"I do not know who or what this thing is, but I've dedicated my entire career to finding out what this creature is."
"I dedicated my entire life to this level of success."
"I'm Egyptologist Dr. Joanne Fletcher, and I've spent over 40 years obsessed with this lost world."
"Little Marlo finally started to take his craft in his career as a rapper seriously."
"I've been doing it a long time my most of my life and uh I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon."
"Even if I get bigger, I'm still gonna do real legal work."
"I just wanted to make something really cool happen, and just... I'm a content creator, you know? It's like YouTube is my career."
"It's in the air conditioning, you're good at it, you can grind it out like you said for four years and then your daughter can ride off into the sunset."
"John Cena worked extremely hard during his career."
"I officially went full time with the channel. I don't do anything else. I don't make video content on the side. Nothing else. This is my full-time job which is amazing."
"I can't live without drums, oh I know. No, I'm so used to it, you know. I'm fortunate to have that in our career."
"I'm at the stage in my life where I'm looking to dedicate my career to one organization."
"This is my thing. Like, this is what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life."
"You've got to make sacrifices because there's a load of other people waiting in line to get that same opportunity."
"From hobbyist to someone who was ready to dedicate his life to racing."
"I worked all my life to get to the WWF and I'm proud to be here every Monday night."
"There was a specific moment in my life that I remember when I had the switch from being lazy and just kind of taking things nonchalantly to actually all right I'm going hard at this, this is my career."
"Putting my fascination and interest to good use to do the best I can at being a pathologist to help sick patients is the most important thing I can do."
"I want to keep pursuing my career as an illustrator, but above all, I want to work even harder for my precious David."
"It's hard work but it's a high payoff."
"I love our industry and what I do just so much in many different ways, that this is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life."
"I plan to continue working for as long as I can."
"It's never just a job. This is a huge part of my life."
"I want to dedicate myself entirely to the work I love."
"If you really care about your craft, your first two, three years, stay put, work with them coaches, work with them plays."
"He had loved his job so much, he continued working right up until he died."
"She's been working with her company for 30 years as a sales manager."
"Got a career and I'm very invested, some people call it a scary obsession."
"I do this full-time now; this is now my living, and I want to keep that going and growing."
"I threw myself into my business because I wanted to make sure I could start earning enough so I didn't have to go and get a nine to five."
"You're ready to eat, sleep, breathe your business, your career, and your vision."
"I'm doing YouTube full time, I'm doing voice acting full-time."