
Sufism Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Sufism is the path of love and opening your heart."
"Sufi missionaries successfully spread Islam throughout the Indian Ocean basin."
"Sufism has a potential that kind of breaks through this institutionalized understanding."
"Sufism is a mystical tradition within Islam that emphasizes the personal experience of the Divine and the attainment of inner Purity and enlightenment."
"I deeply appreciate what Dr. Naser said at the very beginning that it's a danger to separate Sufism from Islam. It can't be separated from Islam."
"Sufism is a kaleidoscope of perspectives, like the fragmented mirrors of reality."
"One version of Islam, the very mystical Sufi-inspired gentle version of Islam that existed in the Kashmir Valley, is now being itself oppressed by Islamic radicalism."
"The Naqshbandiyya is distinguished in a few ways - firstly, whereas most other Sufis will do the dhikr vocally, in other words chant the names of God or other phrases loudly with their voice, the Naqshbandiyya is known for their 'silent dhikr'."
"The big problem was that Sufism was unknown."
"We are love living in love, and the Sufi is just somebody who wants to discover that."
"They're wandering around, discussing Sufism late into the night."
"The Sufis say, 'None knows God but God.'"
"Sufi means to seek to know, to love, to desire to be loved by, to forsake all others for, to obey, to do the work of, to ask help only from, to please, and to be pleased with, to be in presence of, to lose yourself in the one who is known by the most beautiful names."
"Conversations about Sufism are not always joyful. You should be ready for some uncomfortable things too. Discomfort is not bad, discomfort can make you grow."
"I wanted to talk about four classical definitions of Sufism. Since our topic is Sufism and by the way if you have any questions, don't feel shy."
"We are going to talk about Sufism and then you may say, then what is this kasawuf? Obviously the word Sufism is in English and kasawuf is the Arabic version of it."
"We want to set the record straight about sufism and dispel misunderstandings."
"The Nakshibandi is a particular tariqat Sufi tarikat that came from India, the Asia subcontinent, and then they got prominence in the Caucasus in Russia."
"They had a strong anti-colonial component to them and they were very political."
"The heart is as the Sufi say, the organ of soul."
"Most of what's true in philosophy is what the philosophers themselves have taken from their sufis."
"He guaranteed Sufism an official place in orthodox Islam alongside law and theology."
"Sufism is about surrender, and you surrender the mind into the heart."
"What is most essential to Sufism cannot be learned but can only be reached by personal experience and inward transformation."
"The essence of Sufism is the flavour; the highest form of understanding is by taste."
"Ayeda Hussein is a writer, spiritual guide, and teacher of Sufi meditation, poetry, and philosophy."
"Lahore is known as the city of gardens and city of Sufi saints."
"Sufism... is a way to be with God, it is a way to love God and to be loved by God."
"Sufism... is the heritage we have been given."
"Sufism is the esoteric branch of Islam."
"The first transmission of Sufism was between the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr in the cave."
"Sufism is the ancient ancient mystery of love."
"Through the teachings of Islam, it became alive in a particular way that we now call Sufism."
"Fanaa is a process of annihilation of getting rid of the ego."
"As a Sufi, he went through classic dervish training, which involved an intense daily practice of meditation and prayers under the direct guidance of his master."
"The real self in Sufism is the no-self, it's a zero point."
"You're in this world but not from this world, you know, that's what we say in Sufism."
"For the Sufis, the symbol of the self is the house."
"There may be something higher than Islam, like Sufism, for example, is a much more mystical arm of Islam."
"Love poetry, as with everything else to the Sufi, is capable of reflecting a complete and coherent experience of divinity."
"Every Sufi experience is an experience in depth and in qualitative infinity."
"The book of the Sufis is not the darkness of letters; it is the whiteness of a pure heart."
"The Sufi truth could not be encompassed in rules and regulations, in formulas and in rituals, but yet it is partially present in all these things."
"Before you can even start on Sufi study, you must first try to learn how to learn."
"This way of learning, a time of crammed thoughtful living, is perhaps nearer to the learning of the Sufi way than any other."
"Sufi teachers do their best to discourage disciples and accept none that come empty-handed."
"I am interested in making available in the West those aspects of Sufism which shall be of use to the West at this time."
"Sufism is not a mystical system, not a religion, but a body of knowledge."
"That which is recognizably Sufi belongs to the sufis and is connected with their life and teaching."
"We sufis who are alive and well today believe that we belong to our time."
"Mankind, according to the Sufis, is infinitely perfect."
"Sufism was based upon love, operated through a dynamic of love, had its manifestation through ordinary human life, poetry, and work."
"Every Sufi had to go through a period of training, long or short according to his capacity, before he could be considered sufficiently balanced to be in the world but yet not of it."
"The Sufi is drunk without wine, sated without food, distraught, foodless, and sleepless; a king beneath a humble cloak, a treasure within a ruin."
"Sufism is itself a far more advanced psychological system than any which has yet developed in the West."
"Sufism is therefore the transcending of ordinary limitations."
"The sufis claim that a certain kind of mental and other activity can produce, under special conditions and with particular efforts, what is termed a higher working of the mind."
"Sufi literature contains material which is ahead of its time."
"It is what is taught, not the teacher, which is the point of Sufism."
"Sufi wisdom is about surrendering with joy and trusting that you will land safely where you are focusing."