
Global Security Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"The value of the Navy is to keep the global commons, sea lanes open, and that's not nothing."
"The gravity of the issue cannot be overemphasized, as the repercussions of a nuclear explosion or the purposeful deployment of nuclear weapons are unfathomable."
"We have no choice -- we will protect civilization."
"I think the number one interest has always been how do we avoid a nuclear war."
"The US and UK protecting civilians from terror attacks is crucial for global stability."
"Freedom From Fear... means a worldwide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no Nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor anywhere in the world."
"NATO identifies space-based assets as critical to the alliance's security, vital in areas from weather monitoring, environment, agriculture, transport, science, communication, banking, and of course allowing alliance militaries to respond to crises with speed, efficiency and precision."
"This is beyond embarrassing, this is danger to the Safety and Security of the entire world."
"But building reliable and accurate intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of hitting targets on the other side of the world, that's another undertaking entirely."
"If it represents an alien presence in our atmosphere with us, then we have a very serious global security problem."
"Nuclear war is an existential issue. It can destroy us."
"The risk of nuclear war has never been higher."
"Nuclear weapons are the greatest threat to our security."
"The threat shifted post-1991, emphasizing the risk of nuclear terrorism over all-out nuclear war."
"In a post-9/11 world, things aren't always what they appear to be."
"NATO as an organization does more good than harm."
"The world is less safe with nuclear weapons."
"This panel recognizes the IMF's contribution to Global Security because they've saved the world the last four movies."
"China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target."
"The most serious thing facing mankind is nuclear proliferation."
"The world becomes more dangerous for the United States, not less."
"I worry that we are not spending as much time as we need to be focusing on what is the most lethal threat to our nation and also to the world."
"Containing the spread of dictatorship and advancing freedom is key to global security."
"Submarines exist capable of destroying not cruisers but continents."
"Globalization makes it impossible for you to have security when others are insecure."
"It is extremely alarming that the Russian president has resorted today to open nuclear blackmail. The world must take this threat very seriously."
"If Ukraine's sovereignty and territory are not respected, then no country is truly secure."
"The nuclear threats have to stop, like that's the ultimate bad, right?"
"The world must take this threat very seriously."
"Soldiers needed more weapons including planes and the U.S spending on Ukraine was not charity but investment in Global Security and democracy."
"This may be the closest the world ever came to nuclear war occurred not at the height of the Cold War but in 1995."
"If we don't stop Russia now, other aggressors in the world will start other wars."
"We're going to pay far more not just in terms of dollars but in terms of opportunity in terms of lives lost in terms of you know lack of security for our country and for the world if we do not take on climate change in reality now."
"I think the submarines are some of the most destabilizing weapons out there."
"We are definitely at a higher risk of nuclear war than we were yesterday."
"If we want to keep the world safe we have to be active, we have to be proactive with our friends and allies."
"Things could actually become more dangerous in terms of the global geopolitical situation."
"If Putin wins in Ukraine, the message to him and other authoritarian leaders will be that they can use force to get what they want. This will make the world more dangerous and make us more vulnerable."
"This is serious business...probably not since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis have we been under this kind of a threat."
"We're on the cusp of an extraordinary nuclear arms race... the weaponization of space... the world I grew up in... it's all coming apart."
"Climate change is a security issue and among the most complex security issues we've ever faced."
"Failure to retake the peninsula would mean an ongoing threat to Ukrainian State identity and Global Security."
"If you look at just the numbers, it's very difficult right now to find a place on earth that is statistically a more dangerous place to live than the United States."
"The world is starting to realize that they got to come up with a way to prevent Armageddon from happening."
"Humanity must get rid of all nuclear bombs and the militaries that create war on the planet."
"Since the ability to inflict harm is now so widely spread around the world, it makes very little sense to make enemies."
"We're at the highest risk of nuclear war ever."
"All it takes is one nutcase getting a hold of one."
"Sashka has shown the world his willingness to use nuclear weapons." - Unknown Speaker
"The concept of MAD held off total global thermonuclear war."
"The actions of China, Russia, and Iran are making the world less safe. Now is not the moment to tear up international law."
"When the best and the brightest from armies around the world are now working for PMC's you have to wonder if the next minute she's superpower won't be a country but a corporation."
"The world right now has nuclear weapons on hair trigger alerts without a proper arms control regime." - Vijay Prashad
"We will all be less secure if Putin gets his way. Ukraine is one of the great causes of our time."
"Hypersonics... hold at risk an adversary on the other side of the world."
"I mean, seriously, the nuclear issue is the most worrying issue."
"The USS Gerald R Ford stands as a testament to human Innovation and the unwavering commitment to safeguarding our world in the pursuit of global Naval Supremacy."
"Proud people in Europe and far beyond have stood up for the rules-based international order that keeps us all secure."
"China is increasing its intercontinental ballistic missile silos by a factor of 10."
"It's not just a threat to your security; it's a threat to world security."
"If we allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon, every other country is going to demand these things."
"Respect for the inherent dignity of every person is the foundation of lasting peace and security."
"This is not just about Ukraine... it's a much much bigger threat to International Global Security."
"We refuse to consign ourselves to a future where more and more regimes possess the world's most deadly weapons."
"Folks, we are so close to a nuclear war, it is ridiculous."
"Global arms sales rose for the seventh straight year in a row."
"Nuclear weapons are not the solutions to world security issues."
"The security of all countries is inseparable."
"The only solution, however utopian it may sound on first mention, is elimination: getting rid of all nuclear weapons."
"There are far too many nuclear weapons in the world."
"NATO is the only organization 24/7 every day working where you get a lot of smart Europeans and North Americans around the table to grapple with the global security challenges of the day."
"So that's it then, the world is safe for now."
"The universe grows smaller every day, and the threat of aggression by any group anywhere can no longer be tolerated."
"Vetoing initiatives aimed at enforcing Global Security and tackling major Global challenges impedes progress towards International Peace and security."
"Our world is becoming less secure through recurring conflict, increasing international terrorism, and the destructive impact of climate change."
"Supporting Ukraine is necessary to protect a global future."
"To make a better, healthier, safer world for youth, we need to substantially and permanently improve global health security."
"Protecting our prosperity and security in this globalized world is going to be a long, difficult struggle demanding patience and persistence over many years."
"We can -- and we will -- defeat those who threaten the safety and security of people all around the world."
"This mission is a matter of Global Security and the preservation of mankind."
"ISIL being degraded and destroyed and ultimately defeated is in not just this country's interest but in the interest of civilization more broadly."
"The world's security may be at stake, we would be a force that could truly work for the ideals of peace and justice."
"I'm confident that the great alliance between our nations is going to remain an indispensable pillar of a world that's more secure and more prosperous and more just."
"For generations, the United States of America has played a unique role as an anchor of global security and as an advocate for human freedom."