
Ukraine Conflict Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"A simple port visit has value. Right now, we have Harry S. Truman has been in the Med, in the central Med, for months just there and sending a signal as the war in Ukraine rages."
"Indeed, the war in Ukraine seems like it has cast everything into the proper perspective."
"My thoughts as always go to the people who are currently engaged in the conflict in Ukraine and my great thanks go to those people who are currently, for example, sheltering refugees in Europe and doing their best to alleviate the human side of this particular tragedy."
"The conflict in Ukraine continues to be the main focus of global attention, much to the frustration of countries around the world that are not directly involved in the conflict but which nonetheless continue to be affected by it."
"Germany is represented with a choice: You can remain industrialized but be neutral on Ukraine, or we can cut off the energy."
"The military support provided to Ukraine by the United States and Western countries later in the war enabled Ukraine to equalize the situation."
"Ukraine at the moment has not been given the supplies from the West that it should have received, and so it's having to think outside the box, as it were, and taking the war to Russia."
"The consensus is cracking and the British political elite might want to consider whether...engaging in reckless activities in Ukraine is in fact finally going to have domestic consequences."
"Things are looking grim for old Vladimir Putin as the Ukraine war spirals out of control."
"Russia might be losing on the ground in Ukraine but Russia is not losing in the information space."
"Putin's imperial bloodlust won't stop at Ukraine."
"Yes, the war in Ukraine is relatively static and attritional. No, drones haven't won the war by themselves."
"Trump emerges as a lone voice questioning the rational behind supporting an enduring conflict in Ukraine."
"Russian military vehicles and hardware found their way to several destinations throughout eastern Ukraine."
"Why didn't we just give that concession that Ukraine would never be a NATO in order to avert this horrific war?"
"The Ukraine supplemental is a desperate need. If we don't provide it... you'll see many more people who die in Ukraine."
"The nations that have from February 24th kept up a constant supply of financial assistance and weapons that have allowed the Ukrainians to continue fighting."
"Time favors Ukraine as allies rally and Russia's isolation grows."
"The war in Ukraine: its effect on not only the adults but especially the children."
"You've been a presence, episodic presence on the channel since the start of the war in Ukraine."
"That's exactly the unintended consequence of Putin's actions in Ukraine."
"We could supply Ukraine with enough to win this war way more quickly and end the human suffering."
"Resuming peace talks: dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukraine crisis."
"Satellites are giving us eyes and ears on parts of Ukraine beyond the reach of TV cameras and civilians with mobile phones."
"The UK to provide 1.3 billion pounds of further military support to Ukraine."
"The fate of Ukraine will be decided on the battlefield."
"Europe should cease support for Ukraine, or they'll run seven days to the Rhine like it's 1985."
"At the end of the day, if we were able to ensure some sort of prosperous and neutral Ukraine that's not gonna get invaded by Russia, but that you know is also isn't going to join NATO and is gonna have some economic rescue plan funded by Europe."
"European governments need to finally do what I think they should have been doing all along: seek peace in Ukraine."
"Ukraine has won the Battle of Kiev, has won the Battle of Kharkiv. Ukraine has defied Russia's expectations at every single turn."
"But invading Ukraine because they are not siding with you, I think is... it puts you in the wrong, absolutely."
"So here She is again so she's really emphatic how much she loves Ukraine and how Germany will stand with adding more money and more weapons to Ukraine."
"Vladimir Putin could have chosen not to invade Ukraine, but he did."
"Japan has consistently shown unwavering support for Ukraine."
"After a month of steady retreat, Putin was forced to accept the reality of a prolonged and challenging conflict in Ukraine."
"Russia has launched a new campaign with a narrower goal focused primarily on capturing Ukraine's east and it promises to be much more methodical." - New York Times
"I don't care. We need to help Ukraine to win."
"Tonight, we stand with Ukraine and we are doing so unwavering and determined." - Representative of Germany
"China is watching the conflict in Ukraine, and if America does not stand up for democratic nations, China will view that as weakness."
"Russian air defenses in Ukraine were not toothless."
"For many people in Ukraine, seeing their troops walk back into Kherson, seeing Zelenskyy give his speech there, seeing the people welcoming the army, that matters a lot."
"The dramatic rescue of two premature babies born in Ukraine just two days after the Russian invasion."
"The Russians can absorb these losses, the Ukrainians can't."
"Ukraine Defenders continue to contradict the Russian Invaders not only from the front but also from the deep rear."
"Their command structure has improved over the course of the war."
"There is far more at stake than Ukraine, and NATO has been criminally irresponsible in the last two years."
"You would think that after the second counteroffensive that where we poured as much money as we could find into it and many weapons as we could find into it the Ukrainians threw thousands of men in to it and it and it failed." - Commentator
"We are sending weapons to Ukraine far faster than we can make them."
"The tide has completely turned in favor of Ukraine."
"If the air defense system does finally crash and collapse in that kind of way, then the Russian Air Force is more free to operate over even larger greater areas of Ukraine than it has been operating over up to now."
"Germany has agreed to send advanced battle tanks to Ukraine."
"The primary warship in the Black Sea sank yesterday after Ukraine claims it hit the ship with a missile strike."
"We have to invest everything that we have to support the Ukrainian people and to support President Zelensky."
"The successful counteroffensive will also show that Ukraine can estimate the resources."
"The collapse of Russians is fast, and Ukraine is able to enter that initial point of entry, just get past it while the Russians are running."
"Russia needs to get out of Ukraine. Let's be clear with that."
"Poland has sent over 1.7 billion dollars worth of weapons and aid to Ukraine since Russia invaded."
"Poland’s economy and military strength have made the nation one of the most influential in Europe, and without them, Ukraine would likely not be able to win the war against Russia."
"The entire world is attempting to oppose Russia's occupation of Ukraine to the greatest extent feasible."
"The emphasis must be on the destruction and the atrocities committed in Ukraine."
"The war in Ukraine has shown the world just how poorly prepared countries are for the return of industrial warfare."
"A quiet day overall in the fighting in Ukraine but we see more evidence of growing Russian confidence."
"They are planning to escalate the situation in Ukraine to war which will spill into massive conflict that will change the world forever."
"The Ukrainian army has defied the odds by standing tall and more recently prevailing in the Battle of Kyiv and reclaiming some of the lost territories in other regions."
"The fight for Ukraine is the fight for democracy itself."
"Portugal joins initiative to provide Ukraine with artillery shells."
"Russian soldiers are being killed in Ukraine at the fastest pace since World War II."
"Ukraine can liberate all its territories militarily but it will be a long hard war with heavy casualties." - Mark Milly
"We stand with Ukraine in standing for the rule of law."
"A recent intelligence report from the UK found that Russia sent another elite unit, the 155th Naval Infantry Brigade, into the fighting around Vuhledar."
"We should absolutely without a doubt remove all sanctions on Vladimir Putin and commend him on securing the Ukraine from Nazis."
"Military aid from the United States and other allies has been essential in Ukraine's defense and counter-attack against Russia."
"The United States joining Germany in supplying vehicles to bolster the fight against the Russian invasion will send 31 strong main battle tanks to Ukraine."
"Children are bearing the heaviest burden of the economic crisis caused by the war in Ukraine."
"Putin's on the back foot on the battlefields of Ukraine, under a lot of pressure to change the momentum."
"The Ukraine situation is weighing heavy on the stock market."
"Africans have taken a position that they do not have any dog in this fight. They want peace in Ukraine."
"Are we trying to have Ukraine win or are we trying to get political brownie points?"
"The Ukrainian move to draw Russian forces into Herzon is clearly one of the greatest strategic moves of the war so far."
"Surprise, we've got amazing pictures and videos coming out of the counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region."
"We need to contribute arms, funding, ammunition, and economic support to make their courage and sacrifice have purpose so they can continue this fight and do what they're doing."
"Geopolitical catastrophe looming in Ukraine as well no wonder according to the axio article that I discussed yesterday US officials are now worried."
"If they will do this to Ukraine... then they are definitely going to do this to nations say here in ASEAN in Southeast Asia where I'm based."
"As the war in Ukraine has shown, tanks are not as important as they once were. They have largely become long-range infantry support vehicles that allow ground troops to move forward under the cover of their fire."
"A major battlefield defeat for Ukraine could signal to them a fundamental weakness, when in reality, this is simply the nature of a conventional war when waged by powers who closely match each other."
"What the US is now doing: ammunition supplies to Ukraine."
"Ukraine has maintained its superiority in the fight for some time now."
"For a lot of people this Ukraine war is becoming a wake-up call... it matters... we're part of a bigger planet species..."
"We can't allow Kremlin to bite off chunks of an independent country and inflict immense human suffering."
"Why would you pour more weapons? Why would you tempt one Ukrainian now the leadership of Ukraine has changed but why would you attempt one or another Ukrainian leadership to broaden the war where you want above all to bring peace, correct?"
"High Mars Rockets have been a game changer in Ukraine."
"The Ukraine conflict has put an exclamation mark on the hypocrisy and inconsistencies of the rules-based order."
"Two-thirds of the world's population either live in countries that are neutral to or supportive of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine."
"The establishment of the icpa is broadly seen as an interim step before the creation of a special tribunal that could bring Moscow officials to justice for starting the Ukraine war."
"We are worried about our families and also we are very proud of our military and soldiers who are defending Ukraine."
"We are not Russians, we are Ukrainians and human life is the highest value for us."
"Stranded planes, bombed-out buildings and
unrecoverable debts - all brought about by
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could end up costing
investors billions of dollars."
"Ukraine is winning, Ukraine is doing a really [ __ ] good job defending itself."
"Ukraine did gain some advantage, so that's the story on the battlefronts."
"We cannot cut and run from Ukraine they are in the midst of a counter-offensive they can win if they are given the support and the material that they need."
"By Spring, Ukraine faces a potentially catastrophic shortage of ammunition and air defenses that could effectively turn the tide of the war."
"France and Poland telling Ukraine, 'we'll protect your borders while you send the guys you previously had there to go fight Russia.'"
"The consequences of flooding Ukraine with a billion dollars in American weapons are unpredictable and likely disastrous."
"Ukraine used every weakness or fault in the Russian Force to its advantage."
"Why are these infantry fighting Vehicles so vital to the plan to push Russia out of Ukraine?"
"These systems could prove highly effective in helping Ukraine during a time that is a pivotal moment in the fight."
"There can be no doubt now that Ukraine has... significant territorial loss."
"Ukraine is the battlefield upon which this gigantic clash of titanic proportions is going to be settled."
"Wars of attrition are won by the rear, and the only rear left in Ukraine is the international coalition."
"Ukraine can prevail militarily, capable of pushing the Russians back."
"Pro-Ukrainian militants have just blown up a railway shipping route utilized by the Russian army, preventing the Russian army from making supplies to Ukraine."
"Ukraine is not a NATO treaty member and US or NATO is not going to send military troops into Ukraine or Donbass." - Mark Sloboda
"Putin is completely unfazed by these Ukrainian counter-offensives."
"The Belarusians have not invaded because their military is pretty much muting and refusing to invade Ukraine."
"The overall objectives of NATO and the US with regard to Ukraine are not going away."
"Look at what they've done to Ukraine, dangerously close to direct conflict with Russia."
"Ultimately what we want is for the people of Ukraine to be left in peace, for the Russian troops to withdraw, and for this threat, for this aggression from the Kremlin to be removed and removed permanently from Ukraine."
"It's about these casualties, and although I've been able to travel around and chat to people and get some sense of what I think are losses on the Ukrainian side, I've got no idea what the Russian side is."
"Russia could escalate more in Ukraine, kill many more civilians, and this war can expand."
"If Ukraine had been part of NATO before the war, there would have been no war."
"We must be relentless in our support for Ukraine, not just today, not just tomorrow, but until the war is won."
"What Russian forces are doing now in Ukraine is mirroring fascism."
"General Christopher Cavely, the U.S European commander, on April 26th, told U.S lawmakers that 98% of NATO allies' combat vehicles for Ukraine had arrived."
"I actually think the military support for Ukraine is by far the most important thing we're doing."
"Every piece of territory that the Ukrainians give up to Russians is terrorized."
"It's not just a map of Ukraine... it is an actual battle map."
"The Russians are getting a persistent fear of Ukrainian drones destroying a tank with a javelin missile may look epic but it cost at least $80,000, an FPV drone costs around $500."
"Ukrainians have good air reconnaissance and monitor everything that happens. As a result of accurate hits, the Russians are losing more and more armored vehicles and tanks."
"Ukraine has sacrificed an entire generation of young men."
"Sending NATO tanks to Ukraine solves a lot of logistical problems."
"And I think the other thing she makes clear from her testimony today, at least the part we've been able to read, is you have to understand what's happening in Ukraine."
"Together Ukraine and its allies are likely to continue to defy adversity and Forge ahead on the path to Victory."
"Putin began exploiting minorities within his own country to fight in Ukraine."
"Tonight the U.S takes an extraordinary step to change the course of the war in Ukraine."
"We will not leave Ukraine defenseless at any point in this conflict, period."
"It's not the oldest in our puddings, you know. I think traditional Christmas pudding, plum pudding, it was another. George the First, his first Christmas as King of England in 1714, he ordered up plum pudding."
"Any sensible War planner in Kiev will say, 'Look, get the F-16s as fast as possible.'"
"My family in east Ukraine, they were extremely upset with the Putin administration for not doing anything in 2014, 2015, to help them when their government was overthrown by an openly foreign-backed coup."
"Putin would be making a massive strategic mistake... because the Ukrainians would fight."
"Every single day that goes by, Ukraine has less ammunition, less weapons to fire that ammunition with, unless trained manpower to operate those weapons."
"Despite the extreme difficult testing times caused by the full-scale armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine, the country is determined to further strengthen cooperation with Nigeria at the bilateral level." - President Zelensky
"The Ukrainian Army ensured that the Russian forces were repulsed."
"I told you guys from the very beginning, I was definitely in favor of the first few packages of weapons to Ukraine."
"Ukraine is essentially holding off the second largest military on earth."
"Putin is winning. Russia hits Levê and prepares for an assault in eastern Ukraine."
"China has been stepping away from its policy of helping Russia in Ukraine."
"The war in Ukraine needs to end sooner rather than later."
"Strikers are already moving through Ukraine, combatting Putin's invasion."
"All these poor Ukrainian kids have gone out and been slaughtered massively."
"The failure of Ukraine's offensive has reduced the prospect of peace talks."
"Ukraine continues to receive new reinforcements... things were a little bit more stationary up north."
"To continue to provide Ukraine with heavy weaponry... would trigger a broader conflagration."
"Ukraine's best chance of anything going their way is to go to the negotiation table."
"Throwing lives away continuing to throw lives away in the face of Ukraine's spiraling demographic crisis is not only misguided it is heartless."
"The EU is still steadfast in supporting Ukraine."
"The United States has committed to provide over two billion dollars in military equipment to Ukraine since I became president."
"A more significant conflict in Ukraine will have a dramatic impact on you no matter how far away from the country you may be."
"Ukraine armed and ready for its long-touted spring counter-offensive."
"Ukraine's crucial measures began to draw attention during the recent Russian Ukrainian War."
"President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke for nearly two hours Friday, with much of the discussion focused on Russia's invasion of Ukraine."
"I believe this year will be decisive for us, for Europe, for Ukraine, decisive for victory."
"A lot of lessons learned with the Ukraine war."
"The only way that we are going to be able to engage with Russia down the line is if there's a reckoning for what has happened in Ukraine."