
Patient Safety Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Medical error is one of the leading causes of death in the United States."
"Patient health and safety is always, always, always going to be the overriding factor."
"The last thing we want your patient to be doing is sitting back, choking on a pill."
"They want to know if they can get back to helping patients without the risk of infecting them."
"When in doubt, hold the med. Patient safety is non-negotiable."
"Administer anti-platelets and anti-clotting carefully, with repeated tests to avoid bleeding."
"If you are a medical professional, please realize that you are the one to keep your patients safe."
"Remote monitoring can keep patients out of hospitals, but safety validation is crucial."
"As a pharmacy technician, you will have a hand in the prevention. In essence, you act as the eyes and ears of the pharmacy."
"Your first obligation is to the safety of the patients."
"By carefully monitoring a patient's drug therapy, adverse effects, toxicities, and drug interactions can be avoided or minimized."
"Be with them and keep them clean and keep them safe and keep them comfortable."
"Patients can die if treatment fails or if they wait too long and their health deteriorates. Hospital reputation will suffer as a result."
"21 critical care patients have been evacuated, not a single patient died."
"It's important to advocate for patient safety in hospitals, especially children, especially when they're not even six months old."
"Our job as a pharmacist is to make sure the safety of the patient is first as well as therapy to be optimal and make sure that you guys get healthy."
"The first priority which the nurse must observe in caring for a patient with a seizure is safety."
"They strongly believe that he had been taking this medicine to kill patients."
"I'd rather have someone be offended that I explain something basic than to have something awful happen because I assume the patient knew something."
"This many will hope is a watershed moment in challenging that culture of whistleblowers not being dealt with promptly and efficiently for patient safety."
"The most important concept is PA oversight and patient safety."
"Gloves and a gown are mandatory for contact precautions. Hand hygiene should always be performed before and after patient care."
"We don't want to give oral glucose to patients who are unconscious or patients who do not have an intact gag reflex."
"You don't want to feed a patient that's not supposed to be fed or they only need to drink liquids, and you don't want to make sure that you are carrying the patient in the best way because that could potentially lead to choking for patients."
"The hard science and art of emergency medicine is protecting patient safety."
"This approach to shift handover improves patient outcomes through enhancing patient safety, improving the delivery of care, reducing adverse incidents, and reducing the time spent in handover."
"Learning is important and teaching is important but when the patient's safety comes at risk, patient safety comes first above all else."
"Patient safety is the true north metric for health systems and organizations."
"Patient safety is always number one."
"If any patient ever says that they are thinking of hurting themselves or their infant, you need to be thinking safety, right?"
"Our priority is always going to fall under physiologic status. Glucose, vital signs, ABC, hemodynamic status, nutrition, rest, anything that will physically kill or keep your patient alive, that's always going to be your priority."
"Making sure your patients are safe and that continuity of care is... patient safety is number one."
"It's patient safety and that's what we're trying to advocate."
"That's the most important thing because it could cause harm if they don't know this."
"Anything that has an impact on patient health or safety is always going to be very important."
"Please, I beg, if you do not give IV medications to these patients, you will lower the blood pressure too quickly and risk causing harm."
"It gives you a more realistic approach to nursing which is what we need so that people don't die because you're guessing your way through an exam."
"I'd rather someone be offended that I explained something basic than have something awful happen because I assume the patient knew something."
"Burn patients are particularly at risk for hypothermia, so it's often important to keep the room quite warm."
"Go take those vitals yourself. At the end of the day, patient safety is priority."
"Nurses are trying to go, they're getting laid off like suspended from their jobs because they went to work and they were supposed to have four patients and they had 13, and that's not safe, and people are dying."
"Best practice recommends assessing every patient’s risk for falling frequently throughout the hospitalization."
"And primarily, did it help in providing a safe and effective client care? That is the bottom line."
"A Drug Utilization Review works by improving quality health care and patient safety."
"The most essential element of nursing care is client safety."
"Fluid and electrolytes will kill a patient much quicker than being malnourished, much quicker than worrying about your body image, much quicker than self-care deficit."
"Any patient that has surgery, we are concerned about bleeding, infection, DVT/PE."
"It's interesting to see something outside of the normal sort of consumer electronics market and see what happens in industry, especially when patient safety and protecting vulnerable people is a top priority in electronics."
"Our priority always is on the safety of patients."
"If you missed the diagnosis of melanoma, it could potentially harm a patient."
"I don't want to walk out the hospital when I was trying to tell y'all something's wrong."
"Using all this information, we then tailor our anesthetic plan to ensure a safe and effective surgery for the patient."
"We really have to look at the combined surgical risk of the procedure at hand and also the clinical risk of the patient."
"We want to use at least two patient identifiers."
"Our priority at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital is always the safety and privacy of our patients and their families."
"The main emphasis anytime you're talking about dysphasia or swallowing issues is to prevent aspiration from occurring and making sure that the patient is getting adequate nutrition."
"So we have to be careful. As we go on to combine, we need to pay attention to make sure we are not causing too much side effects in our patients."
"It will give enough time for the regulatory authorities to act and it will help in decision making of the clinician and the patients."
"We should not be harming our patients and for this reason, we need to know about the potential adverse effects of our treatments."
"Safety is your number one priority for these types of patients."
"Protecting innocent patients from a medical technology that is not ready for the public."
"My recommendation would be that everyone in a hospital has an assessment."
"Non-maleficence means doing no harm."
"There is a lot of valuable information you will learn while completing the NIH Stroke Scale that will enable you to better care for your stroke patients and keep them safe from future injury."
"The balance that we play as radiologists is that we obviously don't want to miss a malignancy, but we don't want to unnecessarily expose patients to radiation."
"Recognize the possible consequences of the error and the importance of patient safety."
"If it is not, immediately call somebody, report the quality assurance issue, and then take that product out of service so you don't use it and jeopardize a patient's safety."
"Patient safety is what do we do to avoid safety issues and improve on levels of safety performance."
"We're looking for patient safety, safety of the provider, and preparation of the hospital for starting surgery again."
"That is the mechanisms of action of hyperbaric and we can now utilize those to be more efficient and make sure that we're keeping patients safe and ultimately being very effective with the therapy that we're using."
"There are safe working conditions for pharmacists that allow them to fill prescriptions safely for patients."
"Had that medical facility had barcode verification... I believe Emily would still be with us today."