
Social Media Strategy Quotes

There are 810 quotes

"If PewDiePie mobilised like half of his audience... you could like get everybody to one country and then you like take it over, like some small country, but a peaceful takeover."
"Thank you for all of the love. When I do this on Instagram, I'm gonna have to take like a week to do it and be super low-key about it."
"I would much rather you do one social media platform really well and create depth there."
"She created fake fangirls to promote her work, she created fake trolls and haters to attract sympathy and attention."
"So when people ask me how do you grow and they love to mention Instagram, I say, 'Make a TikTok.'"
"The advertisers will come when he creates when he turns it back into a platform that people want to be on."
"Any new social media company should really take heed that your institution of content moderation strategies that allows you to be more inclusive, much more discerning, are going to make you a star in this next round of the internet."
"Achieving a sweet spot, where you give viewers just enough of you so that they crave more but not so much that they're either sick of you or constantly violate your privacy, can capture people's imagination in a very specific way."
"Because for once I wasn't shifting the conversation to be all about me, but instead, I was having a much more value-based approach."
"If you want to get more views on your motivational videos, then you have to learn how to trigger people's emotions using the title and thumbnail."
"This is a very good strategy to gain momentum and engagement for your page."
"Have fun with it. Don't get caught up in the numbers."
"Many people pointed out that I should have made it safe for losing one million subscribers as opposed to for passing one million unsubscribers."
"Always use Instagram's newest features... social media platforms are always going to place an importance on their newest features."
"I think it was really a game changer for me to just say, 'You know what? I have no expectations. I'm just gonna post stuff that I'm proud of and really try to connect in an authentic way and just see what happens.'"
"You should be reposting your old content on TikTok. This is the most underrated thing that you could do."
"So hopefully this helps guys if you liked this don't forget to subscribe and hit on the notification because I love you so you got to show me that you love me too."
"If we get 15,000 likes on this video within the first day then I upload again tomorrow and then from there we just keep going up and up and up until I feel like y'all f*ck with me basically."
"But what if I told you that if you want to grow to 10,000 subscribers, if you want 10,000 subscribers on YouTube and to build your community, that there are five specific things that you really need to be doing right now."
"Choose one platform to go all in on and give it your full attention for quicker results."
"Daily posting on Instagram will put you in a good position when it comes to your ability to grow."
"If there was an actual catfish behind my account or accounts then they wouldn't have made it successful and high-profile smart enough to that no catfish would have made it this far under constant speculation."
"This is what Moe and I think at this complaint yes at this point we do not think that like Robert actually has an Instagram account anymore and we think it is this person Gerald running this Instagram account like catfishing boys."
"Y'all best click when that thumbnail pops up."
"Steal followers from your competitors by interacting with their followers; follow, like, or comment on their photos to gain engagement."
"Making videos on Instagram and TikTok and YouTube and tweeting and all that stuff is a marketing strategy, you know I'm saying, like it's a very powerful marketing strategy when you do it right."
"The key to success, at least today, right now, on Instagram, is by doubling down and leveraging Instagram Reels."
"Create a social media marketing strategy that works across multiple different platforms."
"It's further confirmation that if you are differentiated already in the core and the nature of who you are as a business that play it makes social media so much easier to execute."
"What you want is a loyal following. When you dip your toes into every possible social media network out there, your attention gets divided and the results get diluted."
"You'll have no other choice other than to smash that like button if you haven't already because it helps out the almighty YouTube algorithm."
"Have a plan for your social media feed to remain consistent."
"Social media is the most important thing that you can do as a brand."
"It was like right time right place and I just kept making content like every day responding to every single comment."
"If I upload consistently and I keep making content people enjoy watching, the YouTube algorithm will work in my favor and I can grow the channel."
"People generally just won't even care for your work if your individual posts themselves are not engaging."
"The secret to going viral is don't be afraid of embarrassing yourself."
"If you enjoy our videos and you like what we do, please feel free to like, comment, share, subscribe, all that stuff helps our channels out tremendously."
"I'm not necessarily doing things just for the views but at some point you do need to get some views in order to support."
"Everywhere things get posted, they have to feel like a genuine Mr. Ballin post."
"Smash the like button guys, it helps out this video with the YouTube algorithm."
"Depending on how awesome your videos are and how committed, how dedicated, how active you are on TikTok, you will be able to skip certain levels of content distribution."
"Set your goals. How can you inspire functional, emotional, and meaningful reactions and relationships with your followers and your users?"
"If you enjoyed this stream, make sure to give it a whole bunch of likes because it helps us out in the algorithms every single day."
"Own your audience and not rent it from a social media platform."
"YouTube is like a video game... there's a way to win."
"The dislikes help too. It counts as an interaction, so you gotta thank the haters."
"Comment for the YouTube algorithm and like for the YouTube algorithm."
"Hit the like button, smash that like button because it actually helps our show grow."
"Community is the key to building lasting success on YouTube."
"I have no reason to flex, trust me. It's just for pure SEO." - Faze Rain
"Remember, drop a like on the video for all of this free value and subscribe with notifications on to not miss out on another video."
"I hope this video has been really helpful today if so please mash it on that like button if it hasn't helped you DoubleTap the dislike button always a bonus there and drop a comment let me know if you have any questions."
"Every single like and comment supports this channel by telling YouTube to promote that video to more people."
"If you love career mode like me, make sure you leave a like on this video."
"Don't forget to hit subscribe and the bell for this channel and our other channel, Transport Evolved Take Two."
"Remember all the people when I put one dollar in the thumbnail. Remember all the people said 'clickbait, clickbait, Matt.'"
"Not only that, but I was advised by everyone to lay low, to livestream less, to make less YouTube videos, to say less things that could be taken out of context and used against me before we had a result."
"Bungie should have just went right to Twitter with a Twit Longer or some [ __ ]."
"Sharing is caring. Like, comment, subscribe, and share. Push this video out, let it fly. That's a simple, easy, free way to help our channel."
"Do subscribe like And subscribe mhm please 50,000 likes please and get 50,000 mics and I will I will be the camera guy for five minutes and get you on Mike 50,000 you said you would do it"
"LinkedIn is rewarding me and giving me higher visibility."
"The good news is the game is very well laid out. It is a Twitter and Discord game. Dominate Twitter and Discord for six months and then launch your project. That gives you an incredible chance of success."
"Now if you guys enjoyed this video and found it informative please remember to help me out by simply rating and especially sharing this video."
"Building your own audience is key... if you're only trusting the algorithm, you're at the mercy of those platforms."
"Now is the time. But it was really off Little Jay saying what he said. I'm like, should I put it on my Instagram? No, I'm gonna upload this on YouTube."
"Make sure you subscribe to everybody here and also make sure to check out our channel."
"Folks, if you like content like this consider clicking the like button share subscribe."
"Taking every single comment that you take, getting YouTube extremely positive."
"Some of the things that Tristan gives for advice on like building an Instagram account how to message women like all this [ __ ] it is probably the best advice I've ever heard in my entire life."
"If you guys are new to the channel and enjoy the content at all today definitely feel free to hit that subscribe button."
"These abilities and it actually won't be that insane. You can legitimately do it. It's not that insane at all to fix a lot of these abilities and get a lot more compelling options out of this system."
"Don't feed the trolls. Because the best thing you can do is respond, even if it's like a really good slam dunk, there's still gonna be some people that look to that and go, 'Oh, there's movement here.' Oh, I can get a rise out of this person."
"Subscribing is a good idea if you want to see the videos when they come out."
"If you enjoy these videos, like, share, comment, subscribe - all that stuff gets our videos out to more and more people."
"Share the video all of that good stuff do not forget fam."
"Your page is now all ready to go, it's now time to start making the most of it and publish a few posts."
"If you've liked this video guys, don't forget to like, share and subscribe."
"Smash the like button when you get an opportunity. Really big for the algorithm and the channel in general."
"It's moving much faster than they thought, teaching itself and learning quicker than anybody thought possible."
"If you're trying to grow your company's Instagram account because you think that's going to change the world and clean up the seas, maybe that's a good way to do it."
"I think it's important for me to try to find a way to connect again with YouTube and with myself and what I wanna do creatively, and also with my audience."
"Small tweaks lead to giant peaks on YouTube."
"Maybe we'll get some new AI hints, maybe should upload a video, how it's gonna work, that's what you should do, I feel like that's a good idea, I feel like that's a good idea."
"I feel like it pisses people off more when you just don't post anything."
"The options really are endless when it comes to Facebook detailed targeting."
"Now from here we can adding in some things to actually fill out our Facebook page and make it look legitimate make sure all of the information is included before we actually start running ads."
"You will go and build up some posts on your page that make it look more trustworthy."
"Leverage special offers and promotions to boost your followers and give back to your established audience."
"It's totally the sort of game that I can play for hours."
"If Donald Trump's good for Facebook, have a Donald Trump. Donald Trump not good for Facebook, don't have a Donald Trump."
"Take a picture bam right now and you post it Saturday morning boom that's gonna be it."
"Followers don't matter, but engagement does."
"What should a band, what piece of advice would you give? Be good on TikTok and YouTube, yeah."
"Make sure you're really strategic about your pictures, about how you promote yourself, the way you write the caption out, the way you speak back to your clients."
"I never say that in my videos. I know a lot of people that just 'hey, make sure you like this video, hit the subscribe button, smash that subscribe button, blah blah blah.'"
"Do us a favor, make sure to smash the like button."
"That's rough, raw, and real. Rough, raw, and real always wins on social media."
"Everything about that story was carefully engineered, planned out to cause a viral moment, and it worked beautifully."
"Too many people want social content to do everything instead of being the moose boosh to the thing you want them to do."
"I just let my social do the appetizer part and then with the hopes that people will go down the path."
"You just need to make content that's trending and engaging."
"If you're serious about TikTok, you could benefit from looking into it."
"Let's aim for at least one like on a day's video."
"Super controversial things makes you go viral super fast."
"What TikTok is doing is brilliant because they are giving the everyday Joe a real shot at their dream."
"Hold the sketch, think about what's the next post and the third post that's gonna come after it."
"Thanks for watching guys, if you liked our discussion make sure to like and follow us."
"I think it's smarter for me to maintain that symbiotic relationship of me providing the bare minimum 90% of the time and then the 10% giving underwear pics or something."
"Always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video, consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it, well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon."
"Trump utilized social more effectively than any human being in history in 2016."
"Promoting your store with Instagram influencers is recommended."
"Have an attractive page that is completely filled out... fans should take pride following your page and know exactly what it's about."
"Our call to action now is to really try to get to 250,000 subscribers in two weeks from yesterday."
"Let's smash the like button for the YouTube algorithm for good luck. If this video gets 69,000 likes, it's gonna be good luck, so let's just see if we could do that."
"What if i told you you didn't need to be an influencer or even reveal your face to the general public."
"In a world where people tend to overlook symbolism as reading too much into things if you point pointed out Zuckerberg or someone working with him really wanted to make sure people understood that symbolism was being purposefully employed here."
"If you like our content go ahead and hit the like button because apparently there's this thing called the YouTube algorithm that definitely helps us."
"Hit the Subscribe button hit the like button hit the Bell icon to get all the new notifications"
"I believe this organization should be putting out somewhere in the ballpark of two to 5,000 pieces of content across seven to 10 channels on the internet a day."
"Drop a like on the video and subscribe to my channel next eight seconds all that's gonna be reversed and you're gonna get good luck for 30 years."
"Hopefully you did enjoy this video if you did then do make sure to leave a like and also subscribe if you love the channel."
"Unfollowing your ex after a breakup makes it easier to get over them."
"Instagram is now your business card. So, who are you? Can you be trusted?"
"Follow the least amount of people possible, only people that are going to add to your life."
"Guys, make sure to hit that bell for notifications. YouTube is, uh, really putting us down in the algorithm. Really helps out."
"Smash Up the like button, click the Subscribe button."
"Jake Paul knew it was a stunt, he just did it for views."
"Please be sure to like and subscribe and share this channel if anything wondering about the stimulus or the next one."
"Social media is the art of adaptation, using technology to be social."
"Mute, don't block people. Saves you a lot of effort and it's far more sneaky and fun."
"If I'm in a trade, I'm laser-focused on just the Twitter feed in my platform."
"We gotta let people know, guys. Like spike it up. This is one of the biggest updates we've ever seen."
"The way you get to a million followers is you really, truly deeply care about the 10 followers you currently have."
"The right answer here is to create evergreen content on social platforms like Instagram, on YouTube."
"The more people that press that like button, the more people this video will reach, and that's what it's all about: reaching people for the honor and the glory of Jesus Christ."
"Create profiles on other social media accounts to help promote your art."
"As soon as you get a handle on the algorithm and you're able to manipulate has a negative connotation but you're able to make it work for you rather than against you I found that it's actually really really easy to grow on Instagram."
"It really helps out this channel as well as it tells YouTube to share this video with others."
"If your videos can get in front of more eyeballs, you're going to get more views."
"If you're feeling a little bit stuck and not sure what a social media growth plan might look like for you, this is a really great place to start."
"Let's do what he said, punch that like button if you're enjoying our content."
"Folks, that caps off today's video. I appreciate the viewership, make sure to hit that ravishing like button and subscribe."
"I'm just gonna start posting every single day muck bunks muck lungs every day I'm just gonna find something to eat we're gonna eat every single day don't know we're just gonna I'm just gonna start him up on John and that's exactly what I did"
"Block, delete, move on. Keep doing what you're doing."
"Leverage TikTok to maximize your online influence."
"Companies are using YouTube to very effectively and cheaply spin a narrative."
"Like, comment, and share this video to hack the algorithm and have a great rest of your day."
"We even created farms for the content we consume on social media like big corporations with thousands of employees that spam a bunch of algorithm-friendly videos."
"If you have a video that kind of takes off, do more of those videos."
"It might seem hella obvious, but you've got to make the most of social media."
"Consistency definitely helps me as well as listening to my audience, responding to what's working, and being more intentional about the videos I'm filming."
"One of the best ways to be growing your influence on YouTube is riding trends."
"80% of the time you're posting value, you're not asking for anything in return."
"Creating simple YouTube videos and just posting them online, but leveraging YouTube as a search engine."
"Let's get up to 700 likes, folks. I should do one of those games where you guess the beam means."
"It's about making sure people that win on TikTok realize... the things we can control."
"Keep subscribing, click the like button, make sure y'all comment on the video."
"Use some of the most popular hashtags like #love, #instagood, and #TBT to get more views and followers."
"The more frequently you post, the higher the chance you're going to have of one of those posts performing really well."
"I don't judge people if they want to game the Instagram algorithm."
"The best way to grow on Twitch is to create a following on a discoverable platform like YouTube or Twitter and then transition that audience back over to Twitch."
"This isn't science fiction. We're not talking about some BS here. We're talking about things that they're already preparing for. This is what Facebook is going to do."
"If we manage to break 500 likes by midnight ET today, I'll be giving away a copy tomorrow."
"Be sure to do that again, 1000 like goal, 500 like goal to do the actual giveaway by tomorrow."
"I'm only gonna be making Tuesday newsdays or Wednesday or Thursday or Saturday whatever if there's actually things to talk about"
"Make sure you subscribe to our channel to keep up to date."
"The next phase in their whole social media game."
"Store up a bunch of drafts so that all you have to do is open the app each day and post a draft."
"It's more important to have a thousand dedicated fans than a hundred thousand subscribers who don't even know why they hit the subscribe button."
"Make sure you turn on notifications too. Turn on your notifications so thanks everybody, you're awesome dude, you're not awesome man have an awesome day dude thanks for hanging out today buddy."
"Everything to do with TikTok projects... using the platform itself is a speed hack to an audience."
"I'm giving it away right now, just make sure you guys hit that like button and subscribe!"
"All you need to do is subscribe and turn on notifications, that's the main thing."
"Guys, we're so close, smash like button so we'll do any challenges, as long as it's not like a scary bad challenge."
"Of course, we will have big updates daily, guys. So don't forget to subscribe for daily updates."
"Everybody right now, hit that sub button, comment subscribe, and share the stream, let's do this."
"Use video content to get a big boost in the algorithm."
"Hard work pays off. Stop talking about how you want to grow but you're posting once every three weeks. It's not gonna work, you're not gonna grow."
"Uploading Monday Tuesday or Wednesday I think is really good."
"If you guys want to see a part two, make sure to smash like."
"Quality images can be repurposed for social media content."
"Reuse the content from the influencers that promote your products so you can use it in your stories post and also in your highlights as testimonials."
"Click the like button 'cause it does help us."
"Consistency gets your audience behind you, gets used to seeing your videos every week."
"Crying on TikTok is a meta move; it is in fact something very powerful."
"The only time you should post is when you pay to promote it to eventually sell to those people that you paid to promote it to. Everything changes when you do that."
"Every Creator is going to have one or two platforms at the most... it's just impossible to be everywhere all at once."
"Blow those likes up, and I'll wear a hot dog on stream! Let's see those like spikes, guys!"
"Your profiles have to stand out... a cohesive feed that looks pretty to them and provides value to your potential customers will do a lot more for you than a collection of your best work."
"Engage with your viewers by replying to every comment."
"Be consistent with uploading, at least twice a week."
"Tickle that like button because it really does help us out a lot."
"Stop blaming the algorithm for your lack of engagement or growth."
"If you appreciate them or find them even remotely helpful just do me a huge favor and destroy the like button for the YouTube algorithm."
"You want somebody who's attracted to you because of your character."
"The best way to turn your new followers into fans... Start showing up [on stories]."
"Be aware of what is working in your specific niche... Do what you see is already working well because that is how you will see the quickest result."
"Posting frequency is like the most important thing."
"You have to be very, very particular about what you post, how you post it, when you post it, etc, etc."